Growth. Survival and Distribution ·of Gammarus /acustris · (Crustacea- Amphipoda) Stocked into Ponds <J: "'~ ~ N . · ~ o athias and M. Papst .!J ..-- ~=--~'(') ... > 0 • eJ 0 Ul 0 w 0 Lt.. 0 ~ N n Region ~ ~ nent of Fisheries and Oceans ~ ; ~g, Manitoba R3T 2N6 Ul=>_ August . 198~ · Canadian Technical Report of ·Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences No.989 ' ' Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences These reports contain scientific and technical information that represents an important contribution to existing knowledge but which for some reason may not be appropriate for primary scientific (i.e. Journa[) publication. Technical Reports are directed primarily towards a worldwide audience and have an international distribution. No restriction is placed on subject matter and the series reflects the broad interests and policies of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, namely, fisheries management, technology and development, ocean sciences, and aquatic environments relevant to Canada. Technical Reports may be cited as full publications. The correct citation appears above the abstract of each report. Each report will be abstracted in Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts and will be indexed annually in the Department's index to scientific and technical publications. Numbers 1-456 in this series were issued as Technical Reports of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Numbers 457-714 were issued as Department of the Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service, Research and Development Directorate Technical Reports. Numbers 715-924 were issued as Department of Fisheries and the Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service Technical Reports. The current series name was changed with report number 925. Details on the availability of Technical Reports in hard copy may be obtained from the issuing establishment indicated on the front cover. Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques Ces rapports eontiennent des renseignements scientifiques et techniques qui constituent une contribution importante aux connaissances actuelles mais qui, pour une raison ou pour une autre, ne semblent pas appro pries pour Ia publication dans un journal scientifique. II n 'y a aucune restriction quant au sujet, de fait, Ia serie reflete !a vaste gamme des interets et des politiques du Ministere des Peches et des Oceans, notamment gestion des peches, techniques et developpement, sciences oceaniques et environnements aquatiques, au Canada. Les Rapports techniques peuvent etre consideres comme des publications completes. Le titre exact paraitra au haut du resume de chaque rapport, qui sera pub lie dans Ia revue Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts et qui figurera dans !'index annuel des publications scientifiques et techniques du Ministere. Les numeros I-456 de cette serie ont ete publies a titre de Rapports techniques de !'Office des recherches sur les pecheries du Canada. Les numeros 457-714, a titre de Rapports techniques de Ia Direction generale de Ia recherche et du developpement, Service des peches et de Ia mer, ministere de l'Environnement. Les numeros 715-924 ont ete publies a titre de Rapports techniques du Service des peches et de Ia mer, Ministere des Peches et de l'Environnement. Le nom de Ia serie a ete modi fie a partir du numero 925. La page couverture porte le nom de l'etablissement auteur ou l'on peut se procurer les rapports sous couverture cartonnee. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 989 August 1981 GROWTH, SURVIVAL AND DISTRIBUTION OF Gammarus ~custris (CRUSTACEA - AMPHIPODA) STOCKED INTO PONDS J. A. Mathias and M. Papst Western Region Department of Fisheries and Oceans Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N6 This is the 132nd Technical Report from the Western Region, Winnipeg ERRATA SHEET Mathias, J.A., and M. Papst. 1981. Growth, survival and distribution of Gammarus Zacustris (Crustacea - Arnphipoda) stocked into~. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 989: iv + 11 p. iP~ 'i The correct figure captions should read: Figure 1. Fish pond designed for amphipod-trout food chain. Zone A is shallow, a refuge and production habitat for G. lacustris, Zone C is deeper, a cool-water habitat for Salmo gairdneri. Zones Band D are shallow pond margins. Figure 2. Frequency distribution of Gammarus lacustris brood size. Mean, standard error and sample size are indicated. A. Pond population, June 2 and June 18 combined; B. Lake 100 population, May 30 and June 4, 13 and 16 combined. Figure 3. Proportion of female Gammarus Zacustris with broods, as a percentage of adult population (solid circles) and as percentage of female population (open triangles). Numbers in brackets indicate the percentage of broods which have developed to the juvenile stage. Sample sizes are indicated at top of graphs. A. Pond population. B. Lake 100 population. Figure 4. Growth rate of adult and juvenile Gammarus lacustris in the pond (solid circles) and in Lake 100 (open triangles). Vertical lines indicate 95% confidence limits. Figure 5. Mortality of Gammarus Zacustris in the pond. A. Eggs plus juveniles. Open circle, estimated egg density, solid circle, observed egg density; solid squares, observed juvenile densities. 8. Adults. Open circles, estimated adult densities; solid squares, observed adult densities. Percentage values are calculated mortality rates in percent per day. Figure 6. Density of Gammarus Zacustris adults (shaded bars) and juveniles (open bars) found in the four sampling zones. Note different scale for juveniles and adults. The relative area of each zone is shown as a percentage. -~~ i i (£) Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1981 Cat. no. Fs 97-6/989 ISSN 070 6-6457 Correct citation for this publication: Mathias, J.A., and M. Papst. 1981. Growth, survival and distribution of Gammarus Zacustris (Crustacea - Amphipoda) stocked into ponds. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 989: iv + 11 p. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 METHODS 1 RESULTS 2 Reproduction 2 Growth . 2 Mortality 2 Distribution 2 Predators 3 DISCUSSION . 3 Reproduction 3 Growth .. 3 Mortality . 3 Distribution 3 REFERENCES 4 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Percentage of G. Zacustris by weight (by volume for N. Dakota lakes) in stomachs of rainbow trout, SaZmo gairdneri 5 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Fish pond designed for amphipod-trout food chain . 6 2 Frequency distribution of Gammarus Zacustris brood size 7 3 Proportion of female Gammarus Zacustris with broods 8 4 Growth rate of adult and juvenile Gammarus Zacustris g 5 Mortality of Gammarus Zacustris in the pond 10 6 Density of Gammarus Zacustris 11 iv ABSTRACT Mathias, J.A., and M. Papst. 1981. Growth, survival and distribution of Gammarus Zacustris (Crustacea - Amphipoda) stocked into~. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 989: iv + 11 p. pa (J Gammarus Zacustris was stocked at a density of 411 animals m- 2 into a 1.8 ha pond with no fish predators. A high mortality rate of 8% da- 1 was attributed to invertebrate predation. Growth rates and brood sizes of the stocked amphipods were similar to those of the parent population. Sex ratio, body size and reproductive stage of adult G. Zacustris were biased by the harvest method and therefore differed between the stocked and parent populations. Stocking of G. Zacustris into ponds as a food organism for fish is feasible if invertebrate predators can be controlled. Key words: invertebrates; amphipods; growth; survival; stocking; pond; Gammarus. RESUME Mathias, J.A., and M. Papst. 1981. Growth, survival and distribution of Gammarus Zacustris (Crustacea - Amphipoda) stocked into~. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 989: iv + 11 p. P J L'experience a consiste a peupler de Gammarus Zacustris un etang de 1.8 ha, a une densite de 411 gammares par m2 • L'etang ne contenait aucun poisson predateur. Le taux eleve de mortalite (B% par jour) a ete attribue a 1'action d'invertebres predateurs. La vitesse de croissance des gammares experimentaux et le nombre de petits de leurs femelles, ressemblent a ceux de la population cousine temoin. Les donnees sur la repartition sexuelle, la taille et le stade de reproduction chez le gammare adulte ont ete faussees par la methode de recolte et, en consequence, different de celles relatives a la population temoin. Peupler les etangs de Gamnarus Zacustris pour les faire servir d'aliment aux poissons est donc faisable, a condition que 1'Dn contr6le les invertebres predateurs. Mots-cles: invertebres; amphipodes; croissance; survie; peupler; etang; Gammarus. I NTRODUCTI ON extended only 2-2.5 111 into tile pond. Pota/IIC/tleton pectinatus and MyFiop71ylllan exalbescenfJ were the The arnphi pod Gcunll/CU"us laaustl~is lacuatl'is dominant species. The pond bottom (zone C) was Sars is commonly found in lakes and ponds bare, ~'Jith scattered patches of Ch,..ll''a sp. In the throughout the Hudson Bay drainage basin. It spring of 1979, a large number of sweep samples attains densities of up to 7000 per m2 in small taken with fine-mesh dip net in zones A, B, C, lakes on the Canadian prairies where there are and 0 of the pond produced only two G. lacustyifJ no fish predators (Mathias, unpublished data). adults and several HyalelZa a2teca. Johnson et al. (1970) sU9gested that G. Zacustris production in these prairie lakes could form An estimated 7.6 x 10 6 G. lacustris (mean the basis for the free-ran9in9 (extensive) density, 411 individuals m- Z). were stocked into culture of rainbow trout. Thousands of pothole the pond between May 16 and June 14, 1979. The lakes have since been used for trout culture. animals were harvested (see Mathias et a1. MS and several studies of trout food habits in these for methods) one to three days prior to stocking lakes have shown that G. lacustris makes up about from lake 100 near Erickson, Manitoba (see Sarica 30% of the diet of larger trout (over 50 9rams) 1975 and Sunde and 8arica (1975) for lake descrip­ in lakes where forage fish are not available as tion), held overnight in floating cages.
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