SAFETY INFORMATION .........3 OWNER’S MANUAL USING THE REFRIGERATOR AND INSTALLATION Features ..............................5 INSTRUCTIONS Operation .............................6 Compact Refrigerator CARE AND CLEANING ...........7 HME02GGM, HME03GGM INSTALLATION ...................8 TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS ...... 11 Normal Operating Characteristics ....... 11 ENGLISH/FRANÇAIS/ ESPAÑOL WARRANTY ......................13 CONSUMER SUPPORT ..........14 Write the model and serial numbers here: Model # _________________ Serial # _________________ Find these numbers on a label inside the refrigerator on the side wall. COMPACT REFRIGERATOR 49-60799-2 04-18 GEA IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCE WARNING To reduce the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, or injury when using your appliance, follow these basic safety precautions: Ŷ8VHWKLVDSSOLDQFHRQO\IRULWVLQWHQGHGSXUSRVHDV Ŷ'RQRWVWRUHH[SORVLYHVXEVWDQFHVVXFKDVDHURVRO described in this user manual. cans with a flammable propellant in this appliance. Ŷ7KLVDSSOLDQFHPXVWEHSURSHUO\LQVWDOOHGLQ Ŷ%HIRUHGLVFDUGLQJRUUHPRYLQJIURPVHUYLFHUHPRYH accordance with the installation instructions before it the door. This will reduce the possibility of danger to is used. See grounding instructions in the installation children. section. Ŷ7RDYRLGVHULRXVLQMXU\RUGHDWKFKLOGUHQVKRXOGQRW Ŷ3OXJLQWRDJURXQGHGSURQJRXWOHW stand on, or play in or with the appliance. Ŷ'RQRWUHPRYHJURXQGSURQJ Ŷ&KLOGUHQDQGSHUVRQVZLWKUHGXFHGSK\VLFDOVHQVRU\ or mental capabilities or lack of experience and Ŷ'RQRWXVHDQDGDSWHURUH[WHQVLRQFRUG knowledge can use this appliance only if they are SAFETY INFORMATION SAFETY Ŷ'RQRWUHSDLURUUHSODFHDQ\SDUWRIWKHDSSOLDQFH supervised or have been given instructions on safe unless specifically recommended in the manual. XVHDQGXQGHUVWDQGWKHKD]DUGVLQYROYHG All other servicing should be referred to a qualified technician. Ŷ7KLVDSSOLDQFHLVLQWHQGHGWREHXVHGLQKRXVHKROG and similar applications such as: staff kitchen areas Ŷ'LVFRQQHFWSRZHUEHIRUHVHUYLFLQJ LQVKRSVRIILFHVDQGRWKHUZRUNLQJHQYLURQPHQWV Ŷ5HSODFHDOOSDUWVDQGSDQHOVEHIRUHRSHUDWLQJ IDUPKRXVHVE\FOLHQWVLQKRWHOVPRWHOVEHG EUHDNIDVWDQGRWKHUUHVLGHQWLDOHQYLURQPHQWVFDWHULQJ Ŷ8VHQRQIODPPDEOHFOHDQHU and similar non-retail applications. Ŷ'RQRWVWRUHRUXVHJDVROLQHRURWKHUIODPPDEOH vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. CAUTION To reduce the risk of injury when using your appliance, follow these basic safety precautions. Ŷ 'RQRWFOHDQJODVVVKHOYHVRUFRYHUVZLWKZDUP Ŷ 'RQRWUHIUHH]HIUR]HQIRRGVZKLFKKDYHWKDZHG water when they are cold. Glass shelves and completely. covers may break if exposed to sudden temperature Ŷ 'RQRWWRXFKWKHFROGVXUIDFHVLQWKHIUHH]HU changes or impact, such as bumping or dropping. compartment when hands are damp or wet, skin Tempered glass is designed to shatter into many may stick to these extremely cold surfaces. small pieces if it breaks. Ŷ.HHSILQJHUVRXWRIWKH³SLQFKSRLQW´DUHDV clearances between the door and cabinet are necessarily small. Be careful closing door when children are in the area. STATE OF CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNINGS: WARNING This product contains one or more chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 2 49-60799-2 IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION INFORMATION SAFETY READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCE WARNING EXPLOSION HAZARD Flammable Refrigerant This appliance contains isobutane refrigerant, R600a, a natural gas with high environmental compatibility. However, it is also combustible. Adhere to the warnings below to reduce the risk of injury or property damage. 1) When handling, installing and operating the 4) .HHSYHQWLODWLRQRSHQLQJVLQWKHDSSOLDQFH appliance, care should be taken to avoid damage to enclosures or in the built-in structure clear of the refrigerant tubing. obstruction. 2) 6HUYLFHVKDOORQO\EHSHUIRUPHGE\DXWKRUL]HG 5) 'RQRWXVHPHFKDQLFDOGHYLFHVRURWKHUPHDQVWR VHUYLFHSHUVRQQHO8VHRQO\PDQXIDFWXUHUDXWKRUL]HG accelerate the defrosting process. service parts. 6) 'RQRWGDPDJHUHIULJHUDQWFLUFXLW 3 'LVSRVHRIUHIULJHUDWRULQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK)HGHUDO 7) 'RQRWXVHHOHFWULFDODSSOLDQFHVLQVLGHWKHIRRG DQG/RFDO5HJXODWLRQV)ODPPDEOHUHIULJHUDQWDQG storage compartment of the appliance. insulation material used require special disposal procedures. Contact your local authorities for the environmentally safe disposal of your refrigerator. CONNECTING ELECTRICITY WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD 3OXJLQWRDJURXQGHGSURQJRXWOHW 'RQRWUHPRYHWKHJURXQGSURQJ 'RQRWXVHDQDGDSWHU 'RQRWXVHDQH[WHQVLRQFRUG Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, fire, or electrical shock. Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For personal safety, this appliance must be properly grounded. The power cord of this appliance is equipped with a $9ROW$&+]RUDPSIXVHGJURXQGHG SURQJ JURXQGLQJ SOXJZKLFKPDWHVZLWKDVWDQGDUG electrical supply is required. This provides the best SURQJ JURXQGLQJ ZDOORXWOHWWRPLQLPL]HWKH performance and also prevents overloading house SRVVLELOLW\RIHOHFWULFVKRFNKD]DUGIURPWKLVDSSOLDQFH ZLULQJFLUFXLWVZKLFKFRXOGFDXVHDILUHKD]DUGIURP Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified overheated wires. electrician to make sure the outlet is properly Never unplug your appliance by pulling on the power grounded. cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull straight out from Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is encountered, it the outlet. is your personal responsibility and obligation to have it Immediately discontinue use of a damaged supply UHSODFHGZLWKDSURSHUO\JURXQGHGSURQJZDOORXWOHW cord. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be The appliance should always be plugged into its own replaced by a qualified service professional with an individual electrical outlet which has a voltage rating DXWKRUL]HGVHUYLFHSDUWIURPWKHPDQXIDFWXUHU that matches the rating plate. When moving the appliance away from the wall, be careful not to roll over or damage the power cord. READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 49-60799-2 IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCE PROPER DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD APPLIANCE WARNING SUFFOCATION AND ENTRAPMENT HAZARD Failure to follow these disposal instructions can result in death or serious injury IMPORTANT: Child entrapment and suffocation are not Before You Throw Away Your Old Appliance: problems of the past. Junked or abandoned appliances Ŷ Take off the door. DUHVWLOOGDQJHURXVHYHQLIWKH\ZLOOVLWIRU³MXVWDIHZ Ŷ Leave the shelves in place so that children may not GD\V´,I\RXDUHJHWWLQJULGRI\RXUROGDSSOLDQFH easily climb inside. please follow the instructions below to help prevent accidents. Refrigerant and Foam Disposal: SAFETY INFORMATION SAFETY 'LVSRVHRIDSSOLDQFHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK)HGHUDODQG/RFDO5HJXODWLRQV)ODPPDEOHUHIULJHUDQWDQGLQVXODWLRQ material used requires special disposal procedures. Contact your local authorities for the environmentally safe disposal of your appliance. READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 4 49-60799-2 Features USING THE REFRIGERATOR: HME02GGM A B Tem p er at u r e 2 3 1 4 1 2ႇ 5 6 2 Coldest C 6 4 5 ' A. Top Hinge %5HFHVVHG+DQGOH 7KHUPRVWDW&RQWURO.QRE &5HIULJHUDWRU'RRU )UHH]HU&RPSDUWPHQW Features '/HYHOLQJ/HJV *ODVV6KHOI 'ULS7UD\ 'RRU*DVNHW 6. 2 Liter Bottle Storage HME03GGM 7(03&21752/ A B C 1 2 8 4 7 6 5 ' A. Top Hinge %5HFHVVHG+DQGOH &5HIULJHUDWRU'RRU )UHH]HU&RPSDUWPHQW 'RRU*DVNHW '/HYHOLQJ/HJV 'ULS7UD\ 6. 2 Liter Bottle Storage 7KHUPRVWDW&RQWURO.QRE &DQ'LVSHQVHU 4.Glass Shelf )XOOZLGWK'RRU6KHOI 49-60799-2 5 Operation NOTE: ,IWKHUHIULJHUDWRUKDVEHHQSODFHGLQDKRUL]RQWDORUWLOWHGSRVLWLRQIRUDQ\SHULRGRIWLPHZDLW minutes before plugging the unit in. FREEZER COMPARTMENT / USING THE THERMOSTAT 2SHUDWLRQ ICE CUBE TRAYS The thermostat control knob for the refrigerator and This compartment is designed for making ice cubes and IUHH]HULVORFDWHGEHVLGHWKHIUHH]HUFRPSDUWPHQW IRUVKRUWWHUPIRRGVWRUDJH DIHZGD\VDWPRVW 7KH¿UVWWLPH\RXWXUQWKHXQLWRQDGMXVWWKHWKHUPRVWDW ,ILFHFXEHWUD\IUHH]HVWRWKHERWWRPRIWKHFRPSDUWPHQW control knob to “3” for HME02GGM or “4” for HME03GGM SRXUDOLWWOHZDUPZDWHUDURXQGLWWRORRVHQLW'RQRW and give your refrigerator time to cool down completely use boiling water, which can damage plastic parts, or EHIRUHDGGLQJIRRGDIXOOKRXUVLVUHFRPPHQGHG sharp metal objects such as a knife or screwdriver, which $IWHULWLVIXOO\FRROHGWHVWLWDQGDGMXVWWRZDUGV³´WR can damage the cooling system tubing. Wash the ice make less cool or towards “6” for QHE02GGM or “7” FXEHWUD\LQOXNHZDUPZDWHURQO\'RQRWZDVKLQWKH for QHE03GGM to cool more to best suit your needs. dishwasher. However, the setting of “3” for QHE02GGM or “4” for QHE03GGMVKRXOGEHDSSURSULDWHIRUKRPHRURႈFH REFRIGERATOR INTERIOR SHELVES refrigerator use. To remove or replace a full-width slide-out shelf: NOTE: 7XUQLQJWKHWKHUPRVWDWFRQWURONQREWRWKH³2ႇ´ 1. Gently tilt the shelf up SRVLWLRQZLOOVWRSWKHFRROLQJF\FOHEXWGRHVQRWVKXWRႇ and slide forward until the power to the unit. the shelf has been 2 3 completely removed. 1 2. To replace the shelf, 4 gently slide the shelf 2ႇ back. 5 6 FOOD STORAGE INFORMATION Coldest HEM02GGM HEM03GGM Fresh Food USING THE REFRIGERATOR: USING THE REFRIGERATOR: • When storing fresh food that is not prepackaged, be DEFROSTING sure to wrap or store food in airtight and moisture proof material unless otherwise noted. This will ensure proper The defrosting process is manual. shelf life and prevent the transfer of odors and tastes. 7XUQWKHWKHUPRVWDWNQREWRWKH³2II´SRVLWLRQDQG • Wipe containers before storing to avoid needless spills. leave the refrigerator
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