Knowl. Org. 30(2003)No.3/No.4 KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION KO Official Quarterly Journal of the International Society for Knowledge Organization ISSN 0943 – 7444 International Journal devoted to Concept Theory, Classification, Indexing and Knowledge Representation Contents Introduction Tennis, Joseph T. Two Axes of Domains for Hjørland, Birger, and Jenna Hartel. Introduction Domain Analysis..............................................................191 to a Special Issue on Domain Analysis........................... 125 Zins, Chaim, and David Guttman. Domain Analysis of Social Work: An Example of an Integrated Methodological Approach.............................196 Articles Albrechtsen, Hanne, and Annelise Mark Pejtersen. Cognitive Work Analysis and Work Centered Design Ørom, Anders. Knowledge Organization in the of Classification Schemes ................................................213 Domain of Art Studies – History, Transition and Hartel, Jenna. The Serious Leisure Frontier in Library Conceptual Changes....................................................... 128 and Information Science: Hobby Domains....................228 Abrahamsen, Knut Tore. Indexing of Musical Genres: An Epistemological Perspective ....................... 144 Sundin, Olof. Towards an Understanding of Afterword Symbolic Aspects of Professional Information: An Analysis of the Nursing Knowledge Domain.......... 170 Hjørland, Birger, and Jenna Hartel. Ontological, Gazan, Rich. Metadata as a Realm of Translation: Epistemological and Sociological Dimensions of Merging Knowledge Domains in the Design of an Domains ...........................................................................239 Environmental Information System .............................. 182 Knowl. Org. 30(2003) No.3/No.4 KO KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION Official Quarterly Journal of the International Society for Knowledge Organization ISSN 0943 – 7444 International Journal devoted to Concept Theory, Classification, Indexing and Knowledge Representation Contents page Ørom, Anders. (2003). Knowledge Organization in the courses. The classical music subdomain and the popular Domain of Art Studies – History, Transition and Con- music subdomain are introduced and related to libraries. ceptual Changes. Knowledge Organization, 30(3/4). 128- The article further investigates the concept of “paradigm” 143. 38 refs. in relation to musicology. It demonstrates how two differ- ent paradigms influence the way music is defined, de- ABSTRACT: The article is an analysis of some aspects of scribed, classified and indexed and how they are part of a knowledge organization in the domain of the arts, espe- historical context. The fourth part of the article focuses on cially visual art. The analysis indicates that different so- the concept of genre and the analysis of music and the rela- cially and historically embedded discourses on art, includ- tion between analytical methods and values/paradigms. In ing pre-paradigmatic studies and scholarly paradigms, per- addition, this part focuses on the actors that are responsi- vade knowledge organization in the art institution at three ble for the verbalization of genres in music. The fifth part levels, respectively: 1. Art exhibitions, 2. Primary and terti- examines indexing of musical genres with a view to their ary document types (printed, audio-visual, and multimedia function as subject access points in databases. The unsatis- documents), and 3. Classification systems, bibliographies, factory state of today’s practice as well as the need of a and thesauri. The article presents three paradigms in art better theoretical foundation of the concept of genre is scholarship (iconographic, stylistic and materialistic) and documented. The unsatisfactory differentiation in the or- analyzes in which way, and to what extent, these paradigms ganising of popular music is exemplified by Danish and are integrated in the taxonomies of the LCC, DDC, UDC, Norwegian libraries, including the DK5 system and the and Soviet BBK classification systems. The paper also ad- Indeksering af musik guidelines. Finally, arguments are put dresses the relationship among paradigms, principles for forward for developing an anthropological paradigm in re- exhibiting works of art, ways of conceptualising and orga- lation to organizing music in libraries. nizing the content in documents on art history, and LIS knowledge organization systems. It is concluded that the UDC, in particular, is well suited for representation of knowledge produced in the contexts of pre-paradigmatic, Sundin, Olof. (2003). Towards an Understanding of Sym- iconological, and stylistic studies. But documents by the bolic Aspects of Professional Information: An Analysis so-called “New” art scholars drawing on interdisciplinary of the Nursing Knowledge Domain. Knowledge Organi- studies and representing “new” approaches and paradigms zation, 30(3/4). 170-181. 50 refs. break with the taxonomies on art in the “classical” hierar- chical, universal classification systems. A step towards a ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is to contribute to the solution of problems caused by this break is a polyhierar- development of the domain analytical approach by using chical thesaurus such as the Art & Architecture Thesaurus. tools from the theory of professions. This is accomplished by showing how the symbolic values of professional in- formation can create, sustain, and alter professional inter- ests, power relations, and occupational identities. By taking Abrahamsen, Knut Tore. (2003). Indexing of Musical this approach, the importance of considering the issues of Genres. An Epistemological Perspective. Knowledge Or- power and knowledge use as a social practice is highlighted ganization, 30(3/4). 144-169. 58 refs. – two themes that only to a certain extent have been at- tended to within domain analysis. The aim is accomplished ABSTRACT: This article sets out to investigate genre as a through a study of nursing literature that reveals how pro- basic criterion in subject indexing of music in libraries and fessional information is regarded within the Swedish nurs- bibliographical databases. The concept of genre is exam- ing profession. These are analyzed in relation to changes ined in relation to epistemology and to different values and and development within the profession’s applied knowl- views in both musicology and libraries. The point of depar- edge domain over time. It is argued that the knowledge ture is to regard music as a domain of actors, institutions domain of nursing has shifted from a primarily practical and processes. A comprehensive definition of this domain orientation towards an increasingly theoretical orientation. is suggested, which includes several subdomains and dis- Its previous subordination to medical expertise has been Knowl. Org. 30(2003)No.3/No.4 KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION KO Official Quarterly Journal of the International Society for Knowledge Organization ISSN 0943 – 7444 International Journal devoted to Concept Theory, Classification, Indexing and Knowledge Representation replaced by an aspiration towards professional autonomy. Zins, Chaim and David Guttman. (2003). Domain Analy- This shift is seen as a result of a professional strategy sis of Social Work: An Example of an Integrated Meth- where the specialist literature, libraries and databases of the odological Approach. Knowledge Organization, 30(3/4). occupational community play an important symbolic role. 196-212. 41 refs. ABSTRACT: This study exemplifies an integrated meth- odological approach to domain analysis. The study ana- Gazan, Rich. (2003). Metadata as a Realm of Translation: lyzes the field of social work. It is aimed at developing a Merging Knowledge Domains in the Design of an Envi- systematic, comprehensive, and scientifically valid knowl- ronmental Information System. Knowledge Organization, edge map, and its applicability as an efficient tool to ade- 30(3/4). 182-190. 26 refs. quately represent knowledge in the field. The map is com- posed of seven parts: foundation (meta-knowledge), social ABSTRACT: Bringing together document collections in worker, environment, organization, area of practice, merged information resources is becoming more common, method, and client. The study followed a qualitative four- but presents the problem of integrating content and meta- phase research methodology. The first phase was a phe- data that have been created in different knowledge do- nomenological analysis of the basic characteristics of social mains, using different classification schemes. This paper work as a social service. The analysis resulted in a seven- describes how a multidisciplinary team attempted to inte- facet subject classification. In the second phase the con- grate metadata structures from several different collections ceptual skeleton was elaborated, and adjusted to the field in the development of an environmental information sys- of social work by a grounded-theory methodology. The tem. The results of this qualitative study suggest that data used for grounding the model were 14 social work re- though designers and users from diverse backgrounds sources. The model was tested in the third phase by classi- could conceptualize and articulate the potential new fying 200 terms randomly selected from the Dictionary of knowledge the merged system might reveal, the perceived Social Work (Barker, 1999). Finally, in the fourth phase we informational value of different access points varied with classified 197 papers published in two leading journals, So- disciplinary
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