III. E PHOTOGRAPHREPORTH N E O SCULPTURET TH F O S D STONES EARLIER THAN A.D. 1100 IN THE DISTRICT OF SCOTLAND NORTH E RIVETH F RO DEE; OBTAINED UNDE E JUBILETH B E GIFT OF His EXCELLENCY DB R. H. GUXNING, F.S.A. SCOT. BY J. ROMILLY ALLEN, F.S.A. SCOT. In accordance with instructions received from the Council of the Society, I have been engaged during the past year (1893) in getting together a fairly representative series of photographs of the sculptured stones of Scotland with symbols and Celtic ornament, earlier than A.D. 1100. I confined my attention last year exclusively to the monuments in the northern half of Scotland, and I hope to complete the series for the southern half of Scotland before the end of the present year (1894). photographe Th beine ar s g procured chiefly -wit objece hth reproducf o t - theg illustrationin s ma forthcomine th r fo s g e Earlyworth n ko Christian Monuments f Scotland,o e Societye issue b th r thi o y t Fo sd b .purpos e only the best examples were selected from a large number of monuments. I trust, however, that the work will not stop here, and that the Society will be impressed with the desirability of carrying out a systematic photographic survey, not only of the sculptured stones, but of the antiquities of Scotland generally. KEPOKT ON PHOTOGKAPHS OF SCULPTURED STONES. 151 Before ordering photograph e takeb o st n speciall monumenty an f yo , I have always endeavoure ascertaio t d n whethe alreadd ha t i ry been photographed either by an amateur or a professional. The result of inquiries e madlocalitieth n ei s 'wher monumente th e situatede ar s d an , t photographersa ' establishments throughout Scotland bees ha sho,o nt w that a very small percentage of the stones have been taken ; generally in cases where they were near a large town, or in some much-frequented tourist resort I hav. e often asked photographer they ywh s neglected antiquities, and the reply has always been that work of that kind was quite unremunerative o thas e ,onl th t y time they ever turned their attention to such things was when they had a spare plate or two left over after taking general view f somo s e great landowner's housd an e grounds. Even whe I nhav e been abl o obtaiet n photographf o s sculptured stones I ,hav e foun archaeologicar dt littlfo e thebu eus f mo l purposes, either because they were too small or not distinct enough to sho e detailwth s clearly r becauso , a perspective vies th e wwa e one, showing two faces, instead of showing every face in elevation, by placing camere th a righ fronn i t f eacho t . The following is a list of the monuments of which I have been able to purchase photographic prints whicf o r o ,h I hav e been given printy sb amateurs :— Sutherlandshire. *Farr, R. T. Gill. , Ross-shire. Ardross, .... D. Whyte. , Inverness. Rosskeen, Cadboll, .... W. Smith! , Tain!' Nigg, . Rosemarkie, D. Whyte. ' , Inverness, Shandwick, n Tarbet, .... Inverness. Drmnbuie, D. Whyte, . Inverness. Inverness, 1 . No , No. 2, . j> Nairn. Achareidh, W. C. Gordon, Nairn. 2 15 PROCEEDINGT F O S HE SOCIETY, FEBKUAEY 12, 1894. Elgin. Burghead , . No , T..Gilbertson, Edinburgh. , Nos. , . 9) . 'No , 7 . 11,. 'No . , JJ No. 12, . 99 , ' . Nno, n. James Lillie, Forres. Elgin, . ... *Forres, Sueno's Stone, . W.'VilsonG . ' ' . , Aberdeen. ValentineJ , Dundee. Aberdeenshire. Newton, ..... ValentineJ , Dundee. *Formaston, .... R. Milne, .... Aboyne. *Aboyne, ..... Kincardineshire. Fordoun, .... A, Diunie, .... Aberdeen. Forfarshire. Aberlemno, .... J. Milne, .... Arbroath. Glamis, ..... *Inehbrayock, .... T. Lyall, '.'.'.'. Mon ;rose. Farneil, ..... *St Vigean's, .... J, Milne, .... Arbroath. Perthshire. *Dunfallandy, .... Magnus Jackson, . Perth. *St Madoes, .... Fifeshire. Mugdrum, .... J. Valentine, ... Dundee. Argyllshire. lona,- G. W.. Wilson . , Aberdeen. ValentineJ , Dundee. Kilfinan, : E. C. Graham, Skipness, Kilneave, .... Bute. Eotliesay. .. , No, 2 . E. C. Graham, Skiphess. Dumbartonshire. *01d Kilpatrick, B. Balderston, Renfrewshire. Inchirman, .... >i ... Jordanhill. , : EBPOE PHOTOGKAPHN O T F SCULPTUEEO S D STONES. 153 Wigtownshire. *St Ninian's Cave, R. Balderston, I/irilithgowshire. Abercorn, Ko. 2, Haddington. *Aberlady, Roxburghshire. *Jedburgh, C. 0. Hodges, Hexham. Kuthwell, j, Thornhill, . ValentineJ , Dundee. G. W. Wilson, Aberdeen. A small proportion of these are quite suitable for reproduction as illustrations of the proposed work on the Early Christian Monuments, an dI woul d suggest that permission shoul e obtaine b de thos us eo t d marked with an asterisk. As so few photographs were already available, it was obviously necessary to have the greater part of the stones, more particularly those in remote districts, taken specially. In order to do this two courses were open—(1 securo t ) e serviceeth competena f o s t photographed an r get him to take the whole of the stones, in which case it would be necessary to pay his travelling and hotel expenses in addition to the cost of procurin negativee gemploth o t ) bese (2 ysth r t; o loca l photographer in each district. Whichever alternative was adopted, the photographer would require to have a knowledge of the stones before-hand, or to receive directions from someone who was thoroughly acquainted with the positions, surroundings, sized conditio an ,e monuments th f o n s toa o s , b whetheey ablsa o et r preparations would made havb o et e previously by cleaning the surfaces of the monuments, by removing the earth ac- cumulate y dothe an roun ry basee b precautiod th r o , securo nt esatisa - factory result. If it had been possible to find someone who combined a knowledge of archeology with the skill of an accomplished photographer, f resourco n ma n devisini e a alss d an owa g special expedient meeo st t each difficulty mighe h , t have been entruste e whol carrth o t dt f eo y ou worke th . Unfortunately, however, suc t forthcoming persoha no s nwa , t wouli an s da d have double e travellinth d g expense seno t s profesda - sional photographer round to all the stones under the personal supervision 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 12, 1894.. archaeologistn oa f decides wa t emploi o ,dt ylocaa l photographe eacn i r h e necessarth districgivo m t ehi d y an t instruction lettery sb I accord. - ingly ascertained the names of the best-known local photographers, and got them to give estimates for taking negatives of certain stones in theiimmediatn ow r e neighbourhoods. The photographs of the stones in the counties of Caithness and Sutherland, in the Northern Section, were taken by Mr Dixon, the Post- master at <Grolspie, under the superintendence of the Kev. J. M. Joass, LL.D. havd ,an e been generously presente Societe th o dhimt y yb . They follows:s a e ar — Caithness. Class . Thurse II Skinnetth n i o w Museumno , . (Fron back.d an t ) Ulbster, now at Thurso Castle. (Front and back.) Sutherland. Class II. Golspie, now in the Dunrobin Museum. (Front and back.) Class III. Dunrobie th n Clynei w n no , Museum. Collieburn, now in the Dunrobin Museum. (Front and back.) Fair. (Front only.) Lothbeg, now in the Dunrobin Museum. (Front and back.) The photographs of the stones in the counties of Eoss and Inverness, Northere th n i n Section, and n thi . e count f Nairo ye Elgid th an nn ni North-Eastern Section, were taken by Mr David Whyte, of 67 Church Street, Inverness. follows Thea e yar s :— Eoss. Class II. Hilton of Cadboll, now at Invergordon Castle. (Front only.) Rosemarkie. (Front, back, and two sides.) Shandwick. (Front and back.) t Invergordoa w no Tarbet , 1 . n No ,Castle . sides.o (Frontw d ) an t Class III. t InvergordoTarbeta w no , Nosn . Castle negative..e on (Al n o l ) Inverness. Class . I Knocknagael. (Two negative front.f so ) Nairn. Class II. Glenferness. (Front and back.) Elgin. Brodie. (Two negative back.f o e on ) f fron so d an t EEPOE PHOTOGRAPHN O T F SCULPTUREO S D STONES. 155 The photographs of the stones in Aberdeenshire, in the North-Eastern Section, were taken by Mr Robert Brown, of 16 Station Koad, Inverurie; wit exceptioe hth f twono , namely thos t Migviet a Tyriea d ean , which were done by Mr T. Trail, of Mid Street, Fraserburgh, and by Mr Robert Milne, of Aboyne. The stones photographed are as follows:— Aberdeen, Class I. CricHe. (Near and distant view.) Dyce. (Front only views.o tw , ) Insch, Myreton Farm. (Front only.) Keith Hall. (Front only.) Kintore. (Fron back.d tan ) Logie Elphinstone. (Front only.) Newton in the Garioeh. (Front only.) Rhynie, No. 1. (Front only.) . 5 (Front . negatives.o No tw , , , ) Tyrie. (Front only.) Class II. Dyce. (Front only.) Maiden Stone. (Front, back, and two sides.) Migvie. (Front and back.) SUMMARY SHOWING NUMBER OF NEGATIVES TAKEN. County. Class I. Clas. sII Class III. Totals. Caithness, . 4 4 Sutherland, 2 6 8 Ross, . 10 1 11 Inverness, . 2 2 Nairn, 3 3 Elgin, 3 3 Aberdeen, . 14 7 21 Totals, . 16 29 7 Grand Total, . 52 All the negatives are whole plates, 8| x 6|, with the exception of the. back and front of the Kintore Stone, which are half plates, 6| x 4%. The scale is in most cases about -JL. real size. experience Th e gaine havinn di g these photographs taken shows that entirely satisfactory result n onl e ca obtained—(1syb ) whe e lighth n t 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 12, 1894.
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