Washington State Legislature 65th Legislature ‐ 2017 Press CTRL+F to search for a name Updated 1/12/2017 Name Title Phone Location Org. + Aboen, Andy Sess Legislative Assistant, Legislative Assistant 7884 JLOB 4FL House Ackroyd, Bob VS Spec, Tech & A/v 7637 JAC B3B LSS Adamack, Joe Sr. Information Officer, Republican Caucus 7519 INB B7 SENATE Adams, Edie Senior Counsel, OPR 7180 JLOB 203 House Adams, Jasmin Committee Assistant, SCS 7716 JAC 340 SENATE + Adkins, Ian Security, Security 7771 JLOB 101 House Ague, Starcia Aide to Sen. Frockt 7690 JAC 227 SENATE + Ahrens, John Security, Security 7771 JLOB 101 House Alishahi, Michele Fiscal Analyst II, SCS 7433 JAC 327 SENATE Allen, Meagan Senior Legislative Assistant to Rep. Terry Nealey 7828 JLOB 404 House + Allison, Jeremiah Aide to Sen. Baumgartner 7610 LEG 404 SENATE Anderson, Chris Asst. Sergeant at Arms, Administration 5696 LEG 317A SENATE Anderson, Zachary Assoc. Staff Counsel, Republican Caucus 7943 INB B5 SENATE Angel, Jan Senator 7650 INB 203 SENATE Angelini, Vicki Sr. Legislative Asst. to Sen. Bailey 7618 LEG 407 SENATE Anglin, Laura Senate Counsel, Administration 7592 LEG 401 SENATE Annest, Demetra Intern to Sen. O'Ban 7374 INB 102 SENATE Apata, Joshua Legislative Assistant to Rep. Strom Peterson 7950 JLOB 324 House Appleton, Sherry Representative 7934 LEG 132F House + Arkfeld, Alex Legal Intern, OPR 7290 JLOB 250 House Armstrong, Tami RCW Editor, Statute Law 6641 JMP 101 SLC Arndt, Meagan Sr. Legislative Asst. to Sen. Hunt 7642 LEG 405 SENATE Arnold, Jennifer Assistant Code Reviser, Attorney 6777 JMP 101 SLC + Arquette-Rotman, Joshua Session Cmte Leg Assistant, OPR 7063 JLOB 219A House Arras, Mark Director of Security, Security 7776 JLOB 112B House + Arthur, Alrick Session Cmte Leg Assistant, OPR 7113 JLOB 231A House Asare-Konadu, Akua Assoc. Legislative Asst. to Sen. Saldaña 7688 JAC 230 SENATE Ashlie, Erik Sr. Legislative Asst. to Sen. Hobbs 7686 JAC 239 SENATE + Aslani, Kayla Committee Clerk, SCS 7484 JAC 432B SENATE Atwood, Roy Senior Legislative Assistant to Rep. Mark Hargrove 7918 JLOB 436 House Aulwurm, Jeremiah Video Srvcs Spec, Video Services 7724 JAC B16 LSS Austin, Debbie Sr. Legislative Asst. to Sen. Angel 7650 INB 203 SENATE Austreng, Dane Aide to Sen. Mullet 7608 LEG 415 SENATE Avery, Darhl GS Manager, Graphics 7998 WASH WA LSS Baer, Mary Elizabeth Intern to Sen. Chase 7394 JAC 224 SENATE Bailey, Barbara Senator 7618 LEG 407 SENATE Bailey, Cameron Sr. Legislative Asst. to Sen. Pearson 7676 INB 115C SENATE Bailey, Melinda Senior Legislative Assistant to Rep. Bruce Chandler 7960 LEG 427B House + Baker, Rich FS Specialist, Supply 7022 JAC B13 LSS + Balcom, William Session Security Lead, Security 7771 JLOB 101 House Baldwin, Blake Legislative Asst. to Sen. Hawkins 7622 INB 107 SENATE Ball, Alyssa Fiscal Analyst I, OPR 7140 JLOB 266 House + Bambara, Matthew Security/Parking Attendant, Administration 7572 JAC 107 SENATE + Bannister, Cameron IT Intern, CSG 7044 JMP LL-5 LEG‐TECH Bannister, Sarah Sr. Executive Assistant, Administration 7550 LEG 417 SENATE + indicates session or temporary employee Washington State Legislature 65th Legislature ‐ 2017 Press CTRL+F to search for a name Updated 1/12/2017 Name Title Phone Location Org. Baran, Rose Information Specialist, Information Center 7573 LEG 110 LSS Barkis, Andrew Representative 7824 LEG 122D House Barlin, Jean MgrConslt, Leap 6114 LEAP 103 LEAP Barna, Aaron Photo Sup, Photo Services 7171 JMP LL 1 LSS Barnett, Kathryn MgrConslt, Leap 6113 LEAP 102 LEAP Barnfather, Linda Sr. Legislative Asst. to Sen. Van De Wege 7646 JAC 212 SENATE Barrett, Cassandra Intern to Sen. Billig 7604 LEG 412 SENATE Bauer, Shani Sr. Staff Counsel, Law and Justice 7468 JAC 413 SENATE Baugh, Marcel Assoc. Legislative Asst. to Sen. Hasegawa 7616 JAC 223 SENATE Baumgartner, Michael Senator 7610 LEG 404 SENATE Baxter, Erika RCW operator, Statute Law 6777 JMP 101 SLC + Baye, Ryan Aide to Sen. Hawkins 7622 INB 107 SENATE Beck, Kate Comp. App. Dev., ASG 7009 CC 153 LEG‐TECH Becker, Randi Senator 7602 LEG 305 SENATE Bell, Laura Sr. Legislative Asst. to Sen. Rossi 7672 LEG 403 SENATE Bembridge, Nicole Intern to Sen. Hunt 7073 JAC B22 SENATE Benge, James Assistant Code Reviser 6370 JMP 204 SLC Benson, Victoria 'Tori' Legislative Assistant to Rep. Michelle Caldier 7802 JLOB 409 House + Berg, Robert Security, Security 7771 JLOB 101 House Bergh, Jovan Cus. Sup. Cons., CSG 7939 JMP LL-5 LEG‐TECH Bergquist, Steve Representative 7862 JLOB 322 House Bergstrom, Guy Senior Information Officer, Democratic Caucus 7811 JLOB 360 House Bernier, Michael Security, Security 7754 JLOB 112A House Beverlin, Matthew RA, Aud 5183 JLARC 223 JLARC Bezanson, Michael Fiscal Coordinator, SCS 7449 JAC 334 SENATE + Bierer, William Security/Parking Attendant, Administration 7572 JAC 107 SENATE Billig, Andy Senator 7604 LEG 412 SENATE Black, Crystalyn Intern to Sen. Miloscia 7658 INB 105 SENATE Black, Kevin Sr. Staff Counsel, SCS 7747 JAC 446 SENATE + Blacketer, Gussy Assistant Page Supervisor, Page Office 7758 LEG PAGE House Blake, Brian Representative 7870 LEG 437A House Blake, Christopher 'Chris' Senior Counsel, OPR 7392 JLOB 246 House + Blake, Kristina Security, Security 7771 JLOB 101 House Boad, Kenneth Asst. Sergeant at Arms, Administration 7576 JAC 107 SENATE Bodine, Tina Asst. Page Supervisor, Administration 7516 JAC 105 SENATE + Boede, Christina Security/Parking Attendant, Administration 7572 JAC 107 SENATE Bohler, Alexander Legislative Asst. to Sen. Fortunato 7660 INB 201 SENATE + Boisture, Jason Session Communications Aide, Republican Caucus 7789 JLOB 459 House + Boland, Kayla Assist Photographer, Photo Services 7171 JMP LL 1 LSS Booth, Matthew Intern, OPR 1688 JLOB B03 House Boughton, Rose Intern, OPR 1794 JLOB B03 House Bowden, John RA, Aud 5298 JLARC 231 JLARC + Bowen, Theodore 'Ted' Security Supervisor, Security 7771 JLOB 101 House Bowerman, Pam Cus. Sup. Cons., CSG 7925 JMP LL-5 LEG‐TECH Boyce, Amanda Proof Reader/RCW, Statute Law 7529 JMP 101 SLC + indicates session or temporary employee Washington State Legislature 65th Legislature ‐ 2017 Press CTRL+F to search for a name Updated 1/12/2017 Name Title Phone Location Org. Boyd, Scott Comp. Info. Conslt, TSG 7055 CC 117 LEG‐TECH Boyer, Patrice FS Specialist, Administration 7012 LEG 102 LSS Boze, David Information Officer, Republican Caucus 7066 INB B11 SENATE Braatz, Jessica Proof Reader/RCW 6777 JMP 115 SLC + Bradford, Delano Security/Parking Attendant, Administration 7572 JAC 107 SENATE Bramlet, Erica Fiscal Analyst I, Transportation 7321 JAC 314 SENATE Braun, John Senator 7638 JAC 303 SENATE Breshears, Jeffery CSF, CSG 7249 JMP LL-5 LEG‐TECH Brickey, Christina Legislative Asst., Administration 7189 JAC 107 SENATE + Brickey, Matthew Security, Security 7771 JLOB 101 House Bridges, Matt Sr. Fiscal Analyst, Democratic Caucus 7367 JAC 362 SENATE Bridgewater, Jack Intern to Sen. Baumgartner 7245 LEG 404 SENATE Briscoe, Keith Comp. Info. Conslt, TSG 7062 CC 105 LEG‐TECH Britt, Janice Hotline Operator, Hotline 7528 WASH WA LSS Bronkema, Tucker Intern, OPR 1591 JLOB B03 House Brooks, Sue Indexer, Statute Law 6775 JMP 203 SLC Brosey, Wanda Executive Leg Assistant to Rep. Mike Steele 7976 JLOB 403 House Broussard, David Intern, OPR 1806 JLOB B03 House Brower, Eliot CSF, CSG 7053 JLOB 333 LEG‐TECH Brown, Dylan Information Officer, Republican Caucus 7395 INB 105 SENATE Brown, Samuel Staff Coord/Counsel, SCS 7470 JAC 437 SENATE Brown, Sharon Senator 7614 INB 202 SENATE + Bryant, El Wanda Page Supervisor, Administration 7559 INB B14 SENATE + Bryant, Katie Sess Legislative Assistant, Legislative Assistant 7946 JLOB 315 House Buchholz, Keith Legal Counsel, Legislative Ethics Board 7343 JAC 451 House Buchli, Kathleen Sr. Staff Coordinator, SCS 7488 JAC 431 SENATE + Buda, Dietmar Driver, Security 7771 JLOB 101 House + Bulak, Arda Aide to Sen. Darneille 7652 JAC 227 SENATE Burgher, Noah Assoc. Legislative Asst. to Sen. Wellman 7641 JAC 218 SENATE Burke, Kate Assoc. Legislative Asst. to Sen. Billig 7604 LEG 412 SENATE Burke-Cain, Melissa Sr. Staff Counsel, SCS 7755 JAC 458 SENATE Burkhart, Kelly Admin Services Manager, ADM 6142 OSA STE 150 OSA Burnett, Leslie Intern, OPR 1747 JLOB B03 House + Burnley, Beverly Aide to Sen. Sheldon 7668 LEG 312 SENATE Burt, Michael Deputy Security Director, Administration 7505 JAC 105 SENATE Butler, Michelle Senior Legislative Assistant to Rep. Noel Frame 7814 JLOB 319 House Buys, Vincent Representative 7854 JLOB 465 House + Byrne, Michelle Security, Security 7771 JLOB 101 House Caldier, Michelle Representative 7802 JLOB 409 House Cameron, Craig Printer, Statute Law 6777 JMP LM3 SLC Campbell, Barbara OTS Comp. Operator I, Statute Law 6777 JMP 119 SLC Campbell, Eric Sr. Information Officer, Republican Caucus 7503 INB 208 SENATE Campos, Jennifer Proof Reader/WSR, Statute Law 6664 JMP 101 SLC Campos, Paul Deputy Secretary of the Senate, Administration 7501 LEG 417 SENATE Cano, Orlando Chief of Staff, Democratic Caucus 7757 LEG 339B House + indicates session or temporary employee Washington State Legislature 65th Legislature ‐ 2017 Press CTRL+F to search for a name Updated 1/12/2017 Name Title Phone Location Org. Cappell, Brandt Senior Legislative Assistant to Rep. Cary Condotta 7954 LEG 425B House Cardamenis, Stephen Legislative Assistant to Rep. Derek Stanford 7928 JLOB 327 House Carlile, Tina Proof Reader/WAC/OTS, Statute Law 6663 JMP 101 SLC Carlson, Dean Fiscal Coordinator, Ways & Means 7305 JAC 337 SENATE Carlyle, Reuven Senator 7670 JAC 213 SENATE + Carr, Lynnette Session Committee Clerk, OPR 7067 JLOB B01 House Carter, Tanya Research Analyst II, OPR 7619 JLOB 227 House Caruso, Julie Counsel I, Republican Caucus 7718 JLOB 445 House Castro, Hannah Legislative Asst. to Sen. Warnick 7624 INB 103 SENATE Cavazos, Madeline Legislative Assistant to Rep. Joan McBride 7848 JLOB 335 House + Caywood, Melissa Security, Security 7771 JLOB 101 House Cecil, Amanda Sr. Fiscal Analyst, SCS 7460 JAC 324 SENATE Champagne, Zoë LGC Coordinator, Gift Center 1889 LEG 106 LSS Chandler, Bruce Representative 7960 LEG 427B House Chapman, Mike Representative 7916 LEG 132B House Chapman-See, K.D.
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