1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 873 Mr. McCORMACK. This has been or n~t free government is going to continue HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sent to the general to look over I would to ex1~t upon the earth safely, and with all of inform the gentleman. ' the rights and privileges that devolve upon FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1951 Mr. Speaker, I a.sk that this address the individual citizen under that protection. As I start this talk I think it would be well The House met at 12 o'clock noon. may be extended at this ppint, notwith­ to establish a platform of understanding. Re~. Norman Shands, pastor, First standing it may exceed the limit of an Let us make certain assumptions. Now, the Baptist Church, Spartanburg, S. C., of - ordinary extension. first, I have already made, that the Members f ered the following prayer: The SPEAKER. Without objection, it of congress here assembled and I have one is so ordered. obj~ct in common view, the good of the Let us pray. Almighty God, our There was .no objection. United States. Heavenly Father, in this quiet moment REPORT OF GENERAL OF THE ARM!ES DWIGHT D. The next assumption I would like to make we pause to recognize Thy presence in EISENHOWER TO AN INFORMAL MEETING OF is that we are concerned not only wit h the our midst and to seek the power cleans­ THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES HELD prote..;t~o~ of our territories of our rights, of our privileges, but we are also concerned ing, and guic;iance of Thy holy ~pirit in IN THE COOLIDGE AUDITORIUM, LIBRARY OF our minds and hearts. We thank Thee CONGRESS, VICE PRESIDENT . BARKLEY PRE• with the defense of a way of life. Our own SIDING way of life has certain factors that must per­ for the great causes to which Thou hast sist if that .-,.c:.y of life itself Js to persist for called these Thy servants to address Vice President BARKLEY. Ladies 'and gen­ exa~p l e, the freedom of t!::e individual, his themselves, and for the confidence that tlemen of the two Houses of Congress, I wish pollt1cal freedom, his freedom of worship must be in their hearts that their labors to congratulate the Members of the two and that he wm have an economy based are always in vain except they be estab­ Houses on their full attendance bere today upon free enterprise. In other words our to hear General Eisenhower report to us on system must remain solvent, as we att~mpt lished by Thee. one of the most important missions ever We pray that Thou wilt enable us, not a solution of this gre'.l.t problem of security. undertaken by any American. I regret that Else we have lost the battle from within that only here, but throughout our Nation as there will bfl no opportunity for questions to we are trying to win from without. people of Thine, to discipline ourselves be propounded to General Eisenhower in I do not believe, for example, that the that we may be useful to Thee in achiev­ view of the fact that his talk to us here will United States can pick up the world on its consume probably an hour or inore and we ing in the world the peace for which Thy economic, :Unancial, ~nd military shoulders Son lived and died, for we ask it in His have got to get back to our respective Houses and carry it. We must have coorer.ation if name. Amen. for the 12 o'clock session, and in view of the we are to work with other nations. (Ap­ further fact that he is to appear this after­ plause.] The results of the effort to be the The Journal of the proceedings of noon before a joint session of the Commit­ mutual, the common goc>d, the common Wednesday, January 31, 1951, was read tees on Foreign Relations and the Armed security of the free nations of the free world. Services of the Senate, and tomorrow before and approved. similar committees of the House, and is to Military defense is made up of m any MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE address the American people over the radio things. The th!ngs tpat defend the nation tomorrow night. It was felt that it would or that act for it on the field of bat tle are A message from the Senate, by Mr. be impossible and inadvisable under these many and varied, and as complex as the Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that circumstances for him· to be submitted to nation itself. The fighting forces are but the the Senate had adopted the following interrogation from the audience today. cutting edge of a very great m achine, the 'resolution <S. Res. 62) : With this preliminary statement I have inspiration and the power for wh ich are the great pleasure of presenting to you a · found in the b~ r. rts of the cit ~ zens. All of Resolved, That the Senate has heard with the various mechanisms that are necessary profound sorrow the announcement of the m an of distinction, who needs no deEcription, one who has just returned from this im­ are represented in our industrial capacity, death of Hon. JOHN B. SULLIVAN, late a Rep­ our economic processes, and so on, so that resentative from the State of Missouri. portant mission to the Atlantic Pact states of Europe· and is here to report to us as when we talk about defending the free world Resolved, That a committee of two Sen­ we are not merely talking about defense in ators be appointed by the Vice President to fully as he feels advisable to report to us here, and to report later to the committees the terms of divisions and battleships and join the committee appointed on the part of planes. We are talking about what is in our and to t~1e American people, General Eisen­ the House of Representatives to attend the hearts, what we understand with our heads • funeral of the deceased Representative. hower. (Applause, the Members rising.] General EISENHOWER. Mr. President, Mr. and what we are going to do as a body' Resolved, That the Secretary communicate And let me here say, gentlemen, that unle~ these resolutions to the House of Represent­ Speaker, ladies, and gentlemen, I am very deeply aware of the distinction implicit in this assumption is correct I am out of place. atives and transmit a copy thereof to the We are not attempting to build a force family of the deceased. the invitation to appear before the elected representatives of the people. I am also that has any aggressive, any belligerent in­ Resolved, That as a further mark of re­ tent; we are concerned only with one thing. spect to the memory of the deceased, the keenly aware of the responsibility that rests upon me in accepting such an invitation, a In a world in which the power of military Senate do now take a recess until 12 o'clock might is still too much respected, we are go­ noon on Monday next. responsibility that is not, of course, easy to discharge. ing to build for ourselves a secure wall of The message also announced that . The very great problems involved in the de­ peace, of security. (Applause.] fense of the free world are so vast and so This very moment I think is a good time pursuant to the above resolution, Sena­ to bring up this one thought: What we are tor KEM and Senator HENNINGS were ap­ complex that no man could hope in a lifetime of study and reflection to solve them all. He trying to do cannot honestly be considered pointed on the part of the Senate. can certainly not be sure of the accuracy of by any other nation as a threat to its exist­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT his conclusions. In my own case, to a life­ ence, as a threat to any peaceful purpose it time of professional study I have recently may have. If any such charge is made in Sundry messages in writing from the been able to add the observations of a very the propaganda of the world, it is for a President of the United States were com­ hurried trip to 13 capitals, but that is most nefarious purpose, and any kind of attempt municated to the House by Mr. Miller, obviously a meager foundation upon which or announcement to move against us be­ one of his secretaries. to base the conclusions that I have formed cause of the simple modest actions we are and am about to present to you. trying to take is merely an excuse. I must PROCEEDINGS AT AUDITORIDM OF THE So, aware as I am of this responsibility, I say to you that that purpose would have LIBRARY OF CONGRESS do assure you that I approach you in very been executed anyway if we did not do it if deep humility and ask from you only this that is the only reason they have for moving Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I against us. ask unanimous consent to insert in the much on faith, that you do believe in the sincerity of my convictions. I have no end The NATO organization foresees and plans RECORD at this point the proceedings that to serve, as I know you have no end to serve, for the common defense of the free world took place yesterday at the auditorium except the good of the United States; and with specific reference to those nations on of the Library of Congress, the introduc­ that is the reason I am talking here.
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