The UWM Post in Sampson Parsons Faculty applaud Milwaukee Idea ergy and her enthusiasm," added pated that I, as a social worker, By Robin Lickel Madeleine Velguth, Associate Pro­ would ever want to participate in fessor of French. dialogues about fresh water. But Several members of UWM's "She's an excellentspeaker and I found myself drawn into the dis­ Faculty Senate expressed enthusi­ must be a good listener too, be­ cussions and they made sense." asm after Chancellor Zimpher cause she has a very keen sense of Others were impressed by presentedaprogressreportonthe her audience. If anyone can get Zimpher'spresentationof the Mil­ Milwaukee Idea at Thursday's ple­ the citizens of Milwaukee and its waukee Idea and its progress. nary session. corporate and business commu­ "The Milwaukee idea is really Many Senate members were nity to realize that UWM is a hid­ coming together quickly now," also engaged as members of the den treasure, a very good univer­ said Robert Greenstreet, Dean of "Committee of 100," the group of sity thatcould with propersupport the School of Architecture and UWM constituents congregated to become a great university, it's Urban Planning. conceptualize and define the Mil­ Chancellor Zimpher." "The ideas represented in the waukee Idea. Several participants Marshall Goodman, Dean of Chancellor's presentation demon­ expressed excitement about their the School of Letters & Sciences, strate the extraordinary range of experiences in the process. has already seen the Milwaukee creative, energetic imput received "I have truly enjoyed the oppor­ Idea in action. from a multitude of campus and tunity to be a part ofthe Milwau­ "Recently, I was up in Madison, community individuals. This has kee Idea," saidjoanne Barndt, As­ and wasapproachedbyone ofthe Chancellor Zimpher addresses the faculty been a remarkable effort that is sociate Clinical Professor in the Vice-Presidents ofthe system. He The UWM community will have truly representative of our campus that translated into the type of School of Social Welfare. said that he had often heard from the opportunity to see the Milwau- community and friends, and I education we provide for students. " I feel that UWM is demonstrat­ individuals that while they under­ kee Idea presentation at the can'twaitto see the ideasputinto But through the Milwaukee Idea, ing a 'coming of age' and I am stood thatUW-Milwaukee was "an Chancellor's inagural ceremony action." he and others are now beginning excited by what might be our fu­ urban university" no one really on Friday, March 26 at 4 p.m. in "I like Chancellor Zimpher's to understand." ture. The process, in itself, has knew what that meant and how the Klotsche Center. openness, her accessibility, her en­ been energizing. I never antici- Will tuition rise out of control? Stephanie Thompson has come under fire rate the UW System from the state, schools such as Minnesota, Michi­ by critics because the majority of therefore making higher educa­ gan and Indiana, which are interviews a Student leaders Regents he has appointed has tion a business commodity. aligned with Wisconsin in the Big Baywatch been shown to be contributors to "Public higher education Ten athletic conference, and to concerned over his re-election campaign. should not be privatized, and this whom Wisconsin is most often star The proposed budgetstates the is essentially what happens when compared academically. Mosaic. Page 6. Board of Regents would be able die Regents are granted full tu­ "We 're the only state in the Big Governor's new to "expend all revenues received ition flexibility without account­ Ten that is still told how much of through tuition and fees to pro­ ability," Taylor said. the tuition we can spend," said tuition proposal vide the board with flexibility simi­ Thompson's assistants were Kevin Boatright, assistant vice Amanda 8c lar to other premier state univer­ quick to debate these claims. president of University Relations. BySteven Potter sity systems." Lisa talk "The Board of Regents isn' t go­ Boatright also believes the goal This flexibility has some UWM ing to be able to do anything ex­ of this mandate is to provide full with Rent Gov. Tommy Thompson pro­ Student Association members con­ treme,"said Executive Assistant to management capabilities to the Star posed removing the control of cerned. the Governor Kevin Keane. university. tuition increases from state legis­ "We think that tuition should Keane also thinks many people Arts. Page 9. During the last biennial budget, lators and placing it in the hands be in the hands of our elected of­ are missing the benefits of the the regents were granted limited ofthe UW Board of Regents, ac­ ficials. The Regents are an ap­ Governor's proposed budget. flexibility and tuition rose by 13 cording to the biennial state bud­ pointed body thatis only account­ "One thing the democratic percent, according to United get released Tuesday. able to themselves," saidjorna spin-meisters aren' t talking about Council, the state studentassocia- Pete chats Gov. Thompson wants the non- Taylor, director of the SA's Shared is the 12 percent increase in Stu­ tion that represents all 140,000 with his elected Board of Regents to set Governance committee. dent Aid Governor Thompson is students in the UWsystem, includ­ tuition amounts and decide how Student Association President giving the students," Keane said. ing UW Extension students, and idols LTJ tuition money is spent. The Board Jeff Robb agreed with Taylor. The University Relations De­ students at some private colleges Arts. Page 14. of Regents is a 17-person commit­ 'You must have accountability partment for the UW System be­ in Wisconsin. tee that manages the entire UW over these people," said Robb. lieves this mandate would give System. Fifteen members are ap­ Robb and Taylor believe them the chance to catch up to SEE TUITION, PAGE 22 pointed by Thompson. Thompson's proposal could sepa­ • #•••• POST NEWS PAGE 2 THE UWM POST FEBRUARY 23, 1999 Latino logo contest tival. The playhouse is soliciting call 964-8505 or 332-0994 to regis­ • Literacy tutors needed tained assistance to Nicaragua in original scripts by Wisconsin play­ ter. the years ahead. For more infor­ The Roberto Hernandez Cen­ Literacy Services of Wisconsin wrights for its June festival. The mation contact [email protected]. ter of the College of Letters and (LSW) urgently needs evening contestdeadline is March 29. Pick Mail donations to Hurricane Re­ Sciences at UWM isholdingalogo tutorsand tutorsfor its Computer up applications at theUWM Post lief Fund, 1001E. KeefeAve., Mil­ design contest. The logo must re­ Learning Center during the day office in the Union, EG80. waukee, Wl 53212. flect the ideals and goals of the and evening. Contact the Laubach center and its mission statement: Center at 344-5878 for more info. to serve Latino students atUWM, So you want to be a teacher? Outward Bound: Earn college credits to strengthen the university's ties UWM students who are pre- BULLETIN Represent your university in Japan Voyageur Outward Bound with the Latino community, and education and education majors School is looking for interested The 51st annual Japan-Ameri­ to foster Latino studies and cul­ are encouraged to attend "So You students to participate in their can Student Conference (JASC) ture. The winner will receive a Want to Be a Teacher" Day at programs and earn college cred­ will convene July 18, in Kyoto, Ja­ $500 scholarship to UWM. De­ UWM on April 8. Admission is free its - all for about the same cost as pan. The conference theme will signs must be submitted by March but registration is limited. Call BOARD tuition. Course activities include be "Evaluating the Japan-U.S. Re­ 1. Subrriit entries to UWM, 229-4721 by April 2nd. desert and alpine backpacking, lationship to Shape Our Future." Roberto Hernandez Center, P.O. lake and river canoeing, sea JASC is looking for students to Box 413, Milwaukee, Wl 53201. kayaking, rock climbing, cross­ Multicultural Career Day at UWM Edited by representtheiruniversityinjapan. For more info call 229-6156. country skiing, and dogsledding. UWM will host a Multicultural For an application and further For more information call 1-800- Career Day Feb. 24, from 10 a.m. details visit their Web site at Amanda Myers 328-2943. Worldwide Judge Judy - 2p.m. in the StudentUnion. The www.jasc.org. Friends of Peace Studies is spon- event will give minority students SA internships soringa presentation on "Interna­ and alumni the opportunity to Scholarships for minority pre-med tional Criminaljustice: An End to meetwith representatives from 95 Great Decisions Lecture Series The UWM Student Association Impunity?" The presentation will business, industry, government, The Great Decisions lectures students offers students the opportunity to be held Feb.25 from 7-9 p.m. in and educational organizations. are held every Tuesday, through Kaplan Educational Centers will gain course credit through an in­ the Milwaukee room of the Stu­ March 23, in the Golda Meir Li­ provide more than $45,000 in ternship workingon such commit­ dent Union. Call 229-6549 for Tapped any sugar bushes lately? brary conference center from Medical College Admissions Test tees as Women's Issues, Academic more info. preparation scholarships to the Join Lake Park Friends and the 7:30-9 p.m. The lectures, which Affairs, and Legislative Affairs. Call StudentNational Medical Associa­ 229-4366. Riverside Urban Environmental can earn students one political tion (SNMA). SNMA will then Attention all aspiring playwrights Center on atrip to the Riveredge science credit, cost $25 for stu­ award the scholarships to minor­ The Village Playhouse of Nature Center to tap the sugar dents (forseries). The Feb. 23 lec­ Do you have any Pranchophile ture is "Weapons of Mass Destruc­ ity pre-med students.
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