your Wimbotsham Welcome to the Wimbotsham News! May 2018 Produced by Wimbotsham Parish Council Keeping you informed of village life Deadline for next issue: 22nd July 2018 This newsletter is produced by Wimbotsham Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure that information is accurate at the time of going to print, but no liability will be accepted for losses caused by inaccurate information. your Wimbotsham May 2018 THE CHEQUERS PUB, WIMBOTSHAM Come and enjoy a Lunch in a friendly cosy welcoming Nor- folk village pub. Give yourself the chance to socialise and enjoy a freshly cooked meal in a relaxed atmosphere. Lunchtime Monday to Saturday £6.95 2 Course Specials Food served Monday and Tuesday evening 5.30-7.30 Steak Night Wednesday £8.95 8oz Rump/Gammon Friday Night — Fish & Chip take away Thursday— Quiz night Sunday Roast The Chequers, 7 Church Road, Wimbotsham, PE34 3QG 01366 386768 [email protected] www.thechequerswimbotsham.co.uk 2 your Wimbotsham May 2018 Parish Council Contacting the Parish Council The best way to contact the council is via the Parish Clerk. Please remember to provide your name, address and telephone number. Cle , to Wimbotsham 1a ish Council6 1ippa Winson 37 7lls8ate Avenue, South Woo9on, :ing ’s Lynn,1E30 3N. [email protected] 01553 674382 Parish Council Meetings Meetings are held in the Village Hall Bar Room Starting at 7pm Everyone is welcome to attend If you would like to address the council there is an opportunity to speak Agendas & Minutes are published on the village notice boards & on the website: Wimbotsham.com Parish Council Meeting Dates 2018: 29th May (Annual Parish mee2ng) 17th .uly 11th Septembe 30th Octobe 11th Decembe Your councillors are: Bates, Simon The Beeches, 2 West Way 01366 386607 Cable, Ian (Vice -Chair) 37 Church Road 01366 386704 Chilvers, Dean 45 West Way 01366 386211 Fendley, David 12 Millers Lane 01366 383436 Frost, Dana 21 Tinkers Lane 01366 387211 Squires, Jackie (Chair) 88 West Way 01366 386370 Smith, Anne 30 Church Road 01366 389729 3 your Wimbotsham May 2018 Parish Council Welcome to the second 1lease send a 2cles, cont ibu2ons, newsleer of 2018. A li9le later this p aise, moans, g oans, ideas fo the next month as its been a hec2c sp ing, as you newsleer (photos too). 8ill see fo m all the happenings. Ian CableG1a ish Council Vice Chai man Hopefully you may have made and ,ept a Wimbotsham’s New Trod new yea s esolu2on to ta,e pa t in one The ecently opened t od at the bo9om of the village events o get involved 8ith of West8ay is being very 8ell used. one of the g oups. If not there is s2ll Wal,ers can no8 8al, safely a ound the 2me! 00 deg ee co ner 8ithout having to And, if you have a li9le ext a energy and ventu e onto the oad. Than,s to 50I enthusiasm, there is a vacancy fo a funding f om No fol, County Council 1a ish Councillo . See 8ebsite o no2ce High8ays Depa tment and 50I coming boa ds fo full details. Befo e puCng f om the 1a ish Council budget, the path you self fo 8a d it’s a good idea to Dnd is serving its pu pose. out about the 1a ish Council, by a9ending a few meengs to get a feel fo the business and personali2es of the council, so 8hy Manynot come hands along to makea light work! meeng as a member of public and observe. Mee2ngs sta t at 7pm, so Eust a a ive a few minutes befo e and g ab a seat Eust inside the doo . We 8ill be pleased to see you, no fo mali2es equi edA And if you thin, it might be something you can cont ibute to please chat to one of the councillo s aFer8a ds. To Dnd out mo e about becoming a pa ish councillo you can telephone the cler, o any councillo fo a chatGno obliga2on. Than, you to everyone 8ho has cont ibuted this 2me, and to those 8ho meant to but didnHt get ound to it, put the next deadline of 22nd .uly in you dia y. And you don’t have to 8ait un2l then, you can send in a 2cles any2me. 4 your Wimbotsham May 2018 The idea of safe 8al,ing and cycling outes to neighbou ing villages 8as Wimbotsham ini2ally p oposed in the 1a ish 1lan 8 i9en in 2010. We no8 have t8o t ods New Village Hall in the village helping to ,eep ou esidents and visito s safe. Working Group But there is a do8nside to these outes On Tuesday 20th Ma ch the Village Hall and that is the p oblem of dog fouling. I hosted the 2nd meeng of Wimbotsham daily 8al, along the new t od and since New Village Hall Wo ,ing L oup. its opening have seen the inc ease in the number of piles of poo le on the g assy The L oup a e ma,ing steady p og ess edge of the t od. So once again 8e as, and 8e a e 8o ,ing on const uc2ng a dog 8al,ers to please pic, up aFer thei su vey 8hich 8ill be sent out to all dog. Ensu e you can see 8he e you dog villagers over the next few fouls if it is oJ the lead. In 2me g assy months. Su veys a e ext emely edges to the t ods 8ill need to be impo tant to us as they give villagers a st immed and it is not acceptable that 8ay to ma,e thei 8ishes ,no8n and 8o ,men using st immers should be also ou L oup data to use in funding spla9ered 8ith dog poo, as this is 8hat applica2ons. happens. We 8ould 8elcome anyone 8ho 8ould .ac-ueline S-ui es li,e to come and Eoin us ou meeng is scheduled as follo8s all held in the Village Hall and sta t at 7pm. Footpaths Nicely cut but the footpaths officer 5th .une says: I don’t ,no8 8hat 8e have to do to 24th .uly get people to pic, up thei dogs pooK 28th August The paths a e ter ible at the moment and 18th September 8ith some accu acy, they seem to be 6th November geng it nea ly perfectly in the middle of 18th December the pathA 1lease come along, you can give as much Any suggesons? o as li9le 2me as you 8ish. We a e a f iendly L oup of people 8o ,ing fo the beerment of ou village. Contact: [email protected] 01553 674382 5 your Wimbotsham May 2018 6 your Wimbotsham May 2018 The 2017 Fenman Classic bike show was our biggest show ever and over its twenty nine years of taking place in the village of Wimbotsham it has raised a fantas2c M125,000 all fo local cha i2es. This yea 8e a e dona2ng a total of M10,000 to local cha i2es and 8e a e very pleased that 8e a e able donate M1000 to the East Anglia Ai Ambulance. The Fenman classic bi,e sho8 commi9ee 8o , ha d th oughout the yea to o ganiNe this one day event 8hich is held in Wimbotsham on the August ban, holiday Monday each yea . The con2nued suppo t and coopera2on f om the people f om the village has cont ibuted to this very successful annual event and the M125,000 aised fo the local cha i2es over the last t8enty nine yea s. This yea 2018 8ill be ou thi 2eth yea 8hich is -uite a milestone to each f om itHs humble beginnings. To us the Fenman commi9ee the local cha i2es and the EAAA a e all vital to the 8ellbeing of the community 8e all live in and 8e loo, fo 8a d to this yea being another successful sho8 and being able to con2nue ma,ing much needed dona2ons to the cha i2es 8e suppo t. In the pictu e standing on the ight is the chai man .onathan Soames Wa ing. Cent e is Ma y Dunn EAAA fund aiser and on the le is L ant Co9erell (Fenman commi9ee) . 7 your Wimbotsham May 2018 Droning On! One Thursday in January … EnEoying the a e moments of sunshine in the ga den 8ith the family at the 8eekend and 8e had an uninvited guest. A d one appea ed and hovered, Eust above ou ga den, maybe 40F o so. There it sat buNNing a8ay fo 20 minutesAA The machine had a camera on it and it made me 8onder a li9le. Instead of geng upset 8ith it and having my ant at a piece of plas2c posted on social media, 8ho 8as Oying thisK Was it a child’s new toy and Eust being noseyK Was it a nosey neighbou K A peeping tomK A paedophileK F om maybe an innocent Oy past, I sta ted thin,ing the 8o st and 8as -uite su e 8hat I 8ould do if I found them. 20 minutes is a long 2me to be in one placeP. Hovering. There a e la8s in place to deal 8ith people 8ho obviously have no social a8a eness o common cou tesy. Maybe 8e could as, fo people to have some considera2onK See opposite Wimbotsham Methodist Church 18 Chapel Lane PE34 3QH A Warm Welcome to all who wish to join us for Worship in Chapel Lane.
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