A 3 ' r4N Iqnent : ''i V sy II ill < COLBY & RICH, 93,00 Per Annum, YOL. XXXVI. 1 Publishers and Proprietors. BOSTON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1£75. 1 In Advance, NO. 20. Banner Contents. the lecturer proceeded to make copious Quota­ stance ; it was re incarnated in every successive First page: “ Spirit and M atter,” a locturo by s. G. tions from tho views of various scientists, all individualized body as a distinct soul, by which Dodge; "The lilac and Progress of Spiritualism In Eng­ pointing to an endorsement of the statements of process tiie Infinite Intelligence in Infinite differ­ land, v by Rolioit Cooper; -Story—"T he Eights and Shad­ Prof. Faraday that “ we know nothing of mnt- entiation passed particle by particle through an ows of Ono Woman’s Life,” by Mrs. Ann E. Porter. ter but these forces," and of Herbert Spencer, infinite variety of individual experiences, the con­ Second: Samocontinued; Poem—“ Heaven;" “ Review who said, "Forces standing in certain correla­ sciousness of each one of which was never lost. ■of Foreign Spiritualistic Lltoraturo," by G. L. Dltson, tions form tho whole of what we know of mat­ Tiie speaker said, in closing, that ho was at a M. D.; liannor Correspondence; “ The Eight Shining In ter.” If matter was a mere concatenation of loss to adeQuately express his view of the great THE LIGHTS AND SHADOWS Darkness,” by Warren Chase. Third: "ThoPersonal force—if it were admitted that matter was con­ Infinite uhlon or matter and spirit, to which lie Experiences of William H. Mumler In Spirit-Photogra­ verted force—then it might he assumed that it OF ' ’ phy;” “ Ecco Itcsponsn,” by John Wotherbeo; "Dr. attached the name of the Divine—that subtle Henry Slade,” by D r. G. Bloedc. Fourth: Ecadlng Edi­ was convertible into force. Heretofore matter spiritual fact which Nature incessantly pro­ torials on “ Tho Ecclesiastical Amendment,” “ Indian was thought to be merely acted upon by spirit, claimed witli all her voices, to whom, though he Territory," etc. Fifth: Brief Paragraphs; “ Exposure of but Prof. Tyndall had said he perceived in mat­ could not ascribe name or location, liis worship o * t * - w n Bogus Medium and his T ricks," by Dr. IE B. Storer; ter “ the promise and potency of every form and was offered. Divine love was ever operant. Now Advertisements, etc. Sixth: SpIrltMessages; “ Con- Quality of life.” What more could be claimed Through the paths of parental, conjugal nnd ■ _ \ . vorsatlonB on Spiritualism, ’! etc. Seventh: Hook and othor for spirit-power? and if the examination were brotherly love he wns led to conceive of the high­ Written Expressly for tho Bannor of Light, , advertisements. Fighth: “ Pearls;" “ KatloKlng-Gen. carried forward, it,would bb found that the two er—a sphere of absolute love and wisdom nnd F. J. Elppltt’s Itoport.” drew closely near. perfectict union, ftfrom which tiie necessities of all B Y MRS. ANN E. PORTKR, In tiie procession and converting of forces be'beings were supplied. Antlior of “ Horn Moore;” “ Country Nelulibow; or, TlieTwoOrptmiiNi” “ Korky Nook—A Tale nothing was lost, and therefore what was inde- for tlio Tl»ne»;“ “ Itrrilm I,c©;“ “ My Huabiuur* Ncerct“ Jennie t lr n y j" “ Picture* o f structiblo was never created, or what could never Real Life In New York “Tlio Two CouhIiin; or, NiiiinIiIiio ami Tcmpent,” etc., etc, . | l 0 s t n t w . have an end never hnd a beginning ; and some “ The Rise and Progress of Spiritual­ of the scientists, Herbert Spencer among them, ism in I-higluml.” maintained that all forces were one. The scien­ CHAPTER N i l —C o n t in u e d . man nrouml us. You will live to find much com­ SPIRIT AMD MATTER, To tlio Editor of tho Banner of Eight: tists were wont to assume that matter of itself In my lecture on tiie above subject, reported How long Le Mark waited for Davie, deponent fort in your boy.” . • • evolved thought, affection, etc. Those prod gets “ Yes, yes,” said tiie mother, clasping-thechild Reported Tor tlio Banner of Eight by John W. Day. of force must be matter, but they were not allied in the. Banner of Jan. 30th; an omission wns sayetli not, but while lib waited Davie wns mak­ ing his way hy a rough road through strange in her arms. " I will live for him, if God permits; On the afternoon of Sunday, Feb. 7th, S. (I. to the forces with which the scientist was accus­ made which I should like to supply through tomed to deal; we had, therefore, either a new your columns. In my desire not to tax too villnges to his mountain home. There all was nnd Davie, too, needs me. -But’should lie will . Dodge, Esq., of Memphis, Tenn., addressed the creation, or the application of force to produce otherwise I have made provision for Davie’s ed­ “ Music Hall Society of Spiritualists”' at Beetho­ much tiie patience of my audience, I omitted peace, The busy world wns left far behind. Tiie something which was not matter as weighed by lady’s joy at seeing l)av,ie was almost ns great as ucation. You will speak to Mr. Morton nhoiit it, ven Ilall, Boston, his remarks having in view the the scientist. If forces concatenated to produce many things that I should like to have stated, Ills own. It proved a happy home, llcgnined and I am sure ho will carry out nil my wishes.-1 elucidation of the above topic. As the lecture is something which was not force, there was then a some intentionally, others unintentionally. Un­ Health and strength in that mountain region. Wo who arc telling the story, nnd can now the product of much mental labor on the part of loss of force—a something was created wliicli was intentionally I omitted to make any allusion to a not force ; and we mustlook further for tho factor The color came to ids checks, vigor to his limbs, look hack ami compare the dates, will give the this gentleman, and as it is his hope to deliver it very excellent medium, Dr. Monck. This gen­ unknown to physical science which would make, and in three months the little pale Daviewas. rc.adqr a.little history of one day : Lady Isa­ before other societies of Spiritualists in the North the sum of the mentality equal to the products. tleman is not only a good physical and test me­ transformed to a robust country boy. Isabella bella, in her gray dress, has gone to'vlsit a dying , previous to his return to Memphis, only a brief Physical scientists were anxiously seeking for dium, but a very excellent lecturer. He was found an apt pupil. What she knew she taught woman—a poor'peasant woman, who waits-her' abstract will be here presented. In introducing the Gidipus who was to solve tho riddle of the brought up as a Baptist at Spurgeon’s College, spliynx of gravitation. And at this point Spirit­ and for somo time exercised tho ministerial func­ him, and was grateful now toiler father, who coming. , ■ his theme the speaker said lie hnd come from the ualism came in. Referring to the tremendous tions at Bristol. For the past three years lie has had formerly been so rigid in cxncting her own - “ For she will help me die," she said. “ If I lower valley of the Mississippi to deliver this lec­ advances which this new dispensation liad achiev­ devoted himself entirely to the work 8f Spirit­ lessons in childhood. Davlo never evaded tasks. etui hold her hand, and look in her dear face, I ture to a Boston audience, because the assemblies ed since its advent, a little over a Quarter of a ualism. Coming out from the Orthodox body, It was Ills pleasure to do faithfully whatever ho cun die easier." ■-'/,v here convened, having been accustomed to listen century ago, tho speaker referred the fact to the increased enlightenment of the world, which, in his lectures have an excellent effect on our reli­ did. The mountain seemed to_ inspire him in Dnvio walksky the Indy’s side carrying a bas­ to and mentally appropriate the richest truths darker periods, had held chemistry—as a perfect­ gious opponents, mid his ability to demonstrate his love of Nature ; he lilted to delineato foliage, ket of delicacies, for the afflicted family.. Isabel­ concerning the Spiritual Philosophy which could ed system—in abeyance for n thousand years, and la and Davlo take long walks in these days, bo expressed by tho best of its public advocates, had, in later days, shown its wider liberality in the fncts of which he speaks, through his own or­ to trace tho delicate fern and trailing vine. Ho were eminently fitted to receive and ponder upon accepting, in a greatly reduced space of time, tho ganism, naturally enhances . Ills influence for wrought with wondrous patience. sometimes to a .high poiht^to see the sun rise; or the peculiar views which he had to offer. In the claims of geological and other scientific demon­ good. "All, Davie,” said Isabella one day, “ you they wander In search of rare plants and flowers. '111 face of the varying theories at present urged, he strations and deductions. Spiritualism was a Among the facts that iSfcur through hlsmedl- will go hoyond your teacher. Nature has given These ramblcs'have dojio much toward healing could not hut feel that all who were seeking for fact, not a faith ; its phenomena, tested by some the sorrow of her heart, and have.been lessons to ■ truth were tending toward one and the same of tho most experienced scientists of Europe and umsliip is one of a most inexplicable character, me a love for art, but she has made you an artist.
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