, - I'PRESS LIST OF OLD RECORDS - IN'THE PUNJAB CIVIL SECRETARIAT. VOLUME XXY~ Fro·m,·1849· to 1861. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, - - LaLore-~ 1'BlNTBD BY TmlI supEanfrENDENr. GOVERNMENr PB1NTlN~ PUN1A~ 1834.. • • R" A7 .. n ..O or '3£·ttls. Gd. , P,tlce.. ... ~ u ' Reviled List of Agen~1 for the Sale of Punjab Government PoblicatioDI. ' -'- ON !rBB COriiiiBii",;'AND UNI'IliD KINGDOM. "1 "':i;~blicati?ns obtainable either direct from the High Commissioner fot -JnCIJ.a. ~at India House, Aldwych, LondoB, W. C. 2, or through any book- ~er. ,>';..,:" • ' IN"""" INDu.' /" ,;, , .neMANAGBB," The Qaumi Daler" and the Union Pre~s. Amritsar. -The MANAGBB, The MOOd-i-' Am Press, Lahore. 'The ¥ANAGING PBoPBIBToB,'TheCommercial Book Company, Brandreth , , Road, Lahore. _ Mesara. RAMA KBIBlINA & BONS, Anarkali, Lahore. " -The HoNY. BBCBlIIuiy,P~jal\Reliiious Bppk Society, Lahore. L. RAM LAi BURl. Propnetor, '.. The BtudentiJ''{)wn Agenay," Anar· , tali, Lahore. _ :The, PBOPBIBTOB, Punjab Law Book Mart, Mohan Lal Road, Lahore. L .. DBwAN CSAND, Proprietor, 'The Mercantile Press, Nisbet Road, Lahore. ~. B. ,JAUBA, Esq., B.A., B.T., The Students' Popular "Dep6t, 'f .K~cheJi;.&ad",L~o:re.. ...•.( ' •• ' 't 'I"""' I~ ....t,::' -.I /'E\.,. ~" ' Masm:" Gop.u.lhNGB..Su:Bt:& '04.. La'\l.BookseUers and. Binders. Lahore. -The Mf-NAGBB, University Book Agency, Kacheri Road, Lahore. -rhe PBOPBIBTOB. City Book Co., Post Box No. 28S, Madras. -The PBOPBIBTOB, The Book Company, Ltd., College Square, Calcutta. ,The MANAGBB, Standard Book DepOt, The Mall. Lahore. -The PBOPBllIITOB. Aftab Punjab General Law Book Agency, near Old City Police Btation. Lahore. 'The MANAGING PABTNBB, The Bombay l300k DepOt, Girgoon, Bombay. - • •• , ,Mesara. -.cS,.UBRJI &. Co., Booksellers. S, Baobaram Chatterji Lane, , Post Office Hatkhola. Caloutta. • The MANAGBB, The Oxford Book and Stationery Co., The Mall, Lahore. Messrs., TSACKlIIB SPINK & Co.~·.;Ltd., P. O. Box No. 54, Caloutta. ' ~essrs. D. B. TA~~pPB~W4L..A~:~,~~Ns, & Co .... Kitab Mahal," 190. Homby Roa~ l!'ort"Bol!1baY~r '~,:' i Messrs • .w. NlIIWMA,N·&,CO:;'ttd •• S,' Old 'Cout House Street, Post Box " " ' 'No.7S, Calcutta.;· ,,",. -~, ~r .,',' ., '\.' Ji The MANAGBB, The''New'BookDep6~''0~'19, The Mall, Simla. ,The MANAGBB, ThQ Engijsb-J3ook J>f}P6t,1 :raj Road, Agra. Mesara. R. CAMBaAY '& ·Co~,·' ll-A~ Holdar Lane, Bowbazar, P.O., , Caloutta. T"~ ,:, .:., ,.-, ,~""; ""', • ,"" Jdesara. DAss BBOTSBl1S, Booksellers and Publishers. Anarkali. Lahore. ~. FRROI-UD-DIN & SONS, Government Printers and Booksellers, oppoWite Tonga Stand, Lohari Gate, Lahore. Messrs. B. PABIES & Co •• Booksellers and Publishers, Narsinbji Pole, , Baroda. ~B. H. D. LuI. BIB, B. Co.m., Kpsbn,a N8'pr, L~o~e. {For :JJIJW l'up},icatio,Ds ,o.~,)~ , , . PREFATORY NOTE. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. 1849-186L THIS volume contains. the selected papers of the Educati(i)n Depart. ment from its establishment down to 1861. The Department was first started in 1854 and was originally under the ordera of the Judicial Commissioner. In 1856 it was transferred to the Financial Commissioner. The first Director of Public Instruction was appointed in the person of Mr. W. D. ~inold-a son of D~. Arnold of Rughby-who had previously been first an officer in the Army and then an Assistant Commissioner. Ail the Department ~xpanded Inspectors were appointed-Messrs. Paske and Browne being the first two-.-~th ·the necessary assistant staff. From the records it appears that the Department... was very little affected by ,the Mutiny of -1857. Indeed, the actual number of students in the schools went up during the werst maD-the of the out-break, i.e.,'from May to JlJly.. Apart from this the Mutiny is hardly mentioned. There is a circular from the Director of PubJ.i!3 Jnstruc­ tion ordering schools to be kept open and salaries to be pa~dz:egUI~rly' and later a proposal to reduce establishment to save money. Beyond this an application for a Police Guar.d for the office is pra.ctically all there js in reference to the Mutiny. From the first the Punjab authorities showed great enthusiasm in. the cause of education, so great, indeed, as to cause misgivings on the part; of the Government of India who complained that, at the rate the Punjab Q-overnmenl; were going" they would kill private competition altogether and further, that they were spending more in proportion on educaiion than any other proVince. Mr. Arnold went on leave in 1859 and died at Algeciras on ,the way home. After various officiatings and the offer of the appointment to Mr. Maclagan-father of Sir Edward Maclagan-who declined it, Captain A. Fuller, Inspector of Schools at Meerut, was appointed Director of Public Instruction . on January 1860. LAHORE. H. L. O. GARRETT • . Julp 1933, Revised List of AgeD~s for the Sale of Punjab Governmel).t Publications., . ON IrSB Coriiiijili';'AND UNI~BD KINGDOM • .~...::;.: '~~blications obtainable either direct from the High Commissioner for ·1n!i... ~atIndia House, A1dwyoh, LondoR, W. C. 2, or through any book- .seller. ,/.. , ' '., ~ I /. ,.' . IN INDIA. ' .TbeMARAGBB, II The Qaumi Daler It and the Union Pre~s, Amritsar. -The'MANAGBB, The Mutid-i-'Am Press, Lahore. 'The ~ANAGING PBoPBlBToB;TheCommeroial Book Company, Brandreth , . Road, Lahore. , Messrs. RAMA KRISHNA & SONS, Anarkali, Lahore. -The HONY. SB0B.~~iY"'PF.jaKR8ligious ~ppk. ~ociety, Lahore. L. RAM LAL SUBI, 'Propnetor, II The Stud'ent&' Own Agency," Anar tali. Lahore. ' :The. PBOPBIBTOB, Punjab Law Book Mart, Mohan Lal Road, Lahore. L .. DBWAN CHAND, Proprietor. 'The Mercantile Press, Nisbet Road, Lahore. ;no S•. lAURA, Esq., B.A., B.T., The Students' Popular 'DepOt "f.::~ch~~,Rpaf1"Lahq~",~;t ' .. ~·t'I"t..·1 ,-It. .... 't7 -, /'~ :.. Messrs ... G.Op.u...BINGaStIBt.c\ O~.. La-w.Booksellers and. Broders, 'Lahore. ·The Mf-NAGEB, University Book Agency, Kaoheri Road, Lahore. 'The PBOPBlBTOB, City Book Co., Post Box No. 288, Madras. 'The PBOPBlBTOB, The Book Company, Ltd., College Square, Caloutta. ,The MANAGBB, Standard Book DepOt, The Mall, Lahore. The PBOPBlBTOB, Aftab Punjab General Law Book Agenoy, near Old City Police Station. Lahore. 'The MANAGINlJ PABTNBB, The Bombay nook DepOt, Girgaon. Bombay.' • - •• ~essrs. ~BATTEBJI & Co., Booksellers, 8, Bacharam Chatterji Lane, . Post Office HatkhoIa, Caloutta. ... The MANAGEB, 'l'he Oxford Book and Stationery Co., The MaIl, Lahore. Messrs.,THAOKEB SPINK & C~.~,Ltd., P. O.Box No. 54, Caloutta. • Messrs. D. B. TAI1APOR~W4L.A~:!.SONS. & Co., .. Kitab Mahal," 190, • Hornby Roa~'Fortf·Bo~bay:, " '" llessrs • .w. NBwMAN'& Co.;·Ltd~, S,' Old 'Court House Street, Post Box '.' No. 76, Calout~a.·" ..•. '. -'.' .... ii' The MANAGBB, The'New'BoOk DepO~'~0~''19;, The MaIl, Simla. The MANAGEB, ThQ .P,lilgijsb Book J>~p6t,~ :raj Ro,d, Agra. Messrs. R. CAMBaAY "411 "CQ~," Il-a', Holdar Lane, Bowbazar, P.O., Caloutta. J'''~''''':':"".''!''; ",.'~, "':"d ;Messrs. DASS BBoTBBjls, Bookilellers and Publishers, AnarkaIi. Lahore. '}d. FEBOZ-UD·DIN & SONS, Government Printerl and Booksellers, opposlite Tonga Stand, Lohari Gate, Lahore. ~essrs. B. PARIEH & Co., Booksellers and Publishers, Narsinhji Pole, Baroda. ~B. H. ~. L~LL BIB, B. CO,m., KJ:is.hD,. Na,.r, L~oJ'e. (lror ;l.!9W l'up},lcatJo,D8 .o~,)~ . ' IND~X .. TO. '/15I . Volume XXV OJ' . Preas Li~t" of O~d: Records in the ·Punjab Secretarlatt from 1849 to~ 1861. EDUCATIO~ DijPAR'XMEN~. • .', ~ " f .. - -- ... ,! Pa,e of Subjec~ Serial No. Vol. XXV. L' • .M"De •• - .. To officers ·of the Educa.tion Department 139 41 Ambal.-.; . , Estr&blishmenf of four tahsil schools iD.- district '" • • 81 24 E'stablishment' 01 a Christian school at - for EuropealJ. and Anglo-Indian children G!. fO, fa 1e. '20,21 Levy of certain fees in the Zillah schools of - circle' 728 198 Amrie.r- • Closure of the Ta.hsilllchool'.tJ ~aro"al iD.'- ' district ' _ 502~' li08;' 628, 138;' 13t, U4, , 57~ , 157.. Don~ioJlof Mahara.jab Dalip Sin~~ for educatio~' of Sikh' boys at- ~8;' 50,' 6O~Vr8; 9, 18;',23, 39, ,. 133;,113,·158, I 42,· '15i' 52. 191, 212, 309~ 68,' 8'1; 102, 364, 380, 527, 106, 144,' US. 6'il :"23~ , 171. Esta.blishment of! a ·T'hsil school in - dis- rict •• ' 94 1 , 91 Grants to Banlirit IIchoel at- 8,225 ',263 Management of the Govern~ent, ~chool at- 50. 56, 1,03, 15, IT,, SOr3&" . : 116,118. Report. ete., OD. the school a.t-'- • • ~O, 3J, 9i, 1,' 10, 26, - . 379;' 642::, . 10~i 148: Site fora' IIchool jj.t1'- > 6,1 Support for. the Government High School at "'- '. • 437, 444 120,121 Transfer of the' Tahsil !8chool from 4jnala to Sourean in _.distrlcU .~ 154 U ADrIa-Vernacular Sehool- , 'Opening of.,"'; .at Lahore '812 I 1'0 Army S~hool.- ' Teachers and Masters for - 3'16 117 AraoJd. Mr. W; D.- . , '. Appointment of - as Direotor of Publio In- strnction, ~njab' . i 86 21 10$\ Deatb. of ~ ,3'16 AJtendance- ' I , .• St.tem.ep.ts of;;';" at certain 'schools _ 202. 211, 239, 56; lS9~ 65, 18, 242. 257. 70, 82, 101'''~ ·299,.;' 359,' ~ 101,: 107, 370, 388, 113... , 1~3~ 1 '09,'~ 483; i 138;1' 148, 605, 625, 165f' 684. , Price-.--------------~--------~~~------------ : R~-1·0""--' u Page Of Subjeot. Serial No. Vol. XXV. B. BarkaDda:re,- Appointment and" instruotion of - in Cis­ Sutlej States 146. 160, 2M, 43, 46, 56, 6T,' 208, 291, 79, 118. 433. irms for­ 294 80 Patala- .'. .. Government sohool at­ 45 t3 Tahl1il pchool established at- •• 164 47 Bengal Military Normal School, Kaaauli­ Managemel!-t, etc., etc., of the - 519, 532, 563, 142, 145,'165, 694, 608, 16,2; 167,. , " 612, 624, 168, 171, 630, 639-40, 17S. 175, 649, 66~ 178, 181, 663, 67~' 182, 185, 699, 70~, 191 - 93, 200. 208, 709, 733, \ 765, 773, 210. 218, ' 800-02, 808, 220. 889. ' Removal of the Mal Department of the- from Kasauli, to ~anawar 632 173 Rep.ort on the workitlg of the - 749 204 Bible- L .
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