FinalCover2-new.qxd 08/07/2003 3:24 PM Page 1 Children the journal of the Association for Library Service to Children Libraries & Volume 1 Number 2 Summer/Fall 2003 ISSN 1542-9806 THE AWARDS ISSUE • Lois Ehlert • Remembering Mr. Rogers • Maurice Sendak NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ALSC BIRMINGHAM, AL PERMIT NO. 3020 Table Contents● ofVolume 1, Number 2 Summer/Fall 2003 Notes and Letters 32 A Rose for Fred Remembering Mr. Rogers 2 Editor’s Note Margaret Mary Kimmel Sharon Korbeck 36 Just What Do They Want? 2 Executive Director’s Note What Do They Need? Malore I. Brown A Study of the Informational Needs of Children 3 Letters to the Editor Andrew Kenneth Shenton and Pat Dixon 4 Outgoing ALSC President’s 43 Building a Future Message KSU Inaugurates Children’s Library Center, Looks Forward to More Barbara Genco Innovative Projects Megan Lynn Isaac 6 Incoming ALSC President’s Message 45 Weaving Stories Cynthia K. Richey Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Américas Award for Children’s and Features Young Adult Literature Julie Kline 7 Award Acceptance Speeches Departments Newbery Medal Avi 49 Urban vs. Rural Caldecott Medal Eric Rohmann Chicago School Librarian Must Meet Demands of Challenged Students Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal Toby Rajput Eric Carle Keeping Kids Interested Is Challenge of Sibert Medal Small-town Jack-of-all-Trades James Cross Giblin Nicole Medley 17 2003 May Hill Arbuthnot 52 ALSC News Lecture 55 Call for Referees Maurice Sendak 56 Officers and Board of Directors 24 58 Index to Advertisers My Own Spot 59 Lois Ehlert Shares How Inspiration Author Guidelines Colors Her World 60 The Last Word Sharon Korbeck 27 A+ Partners in Education Positioning Libraries as a Cornerstone in the Education Process Valerie J. Gross Editor’s Note The Joy of Meeting an Icon Sharon Korbeck How does one feel when meeting an icon? I got the opportunity to find out recently when I attended a speech by Maurice Sendak at the Art Institute of Chicago. I could not travel to the East Coast to hear his Arbuthnot Editor and Chair of Editorial Advisory Committee lecture earlier this year (the speech is included in this issue). So Sharon Korbeck, Waupaca, WI when I learned he’d be speaking a mere five hours from my home, I Editorial Advisory Committee knew I couldn’t miss it. Jeri S. Kladder, Columbus, OH Susan G. Link, Sugar Land, TX At the event, Sendak spoke proudly of his impossible fervor and Junko Yokota, Evanston, IL Barbara Genco, ALSC President, Ex Officio, Brooklyn, NY admiration for William Blake. That’s exactly how I feel about Sendak. I used Outside over There as the basis of a high school Executive Director speech. I wrote my college senior thesis on the impact and influ- Malore I. Brown ence of his illustrations (I got an A!). I have a growing collection of Division Coordinator his works. And I used all my professional contacts to get him to Laura Schulte-Cooper autograph one of his Wild Things action figures for me a few years Web Site ago. www.ala.org/alsc While I still haven’t gotten the chance to meet Sendak face-to-face Circulation and voice my admiration, I feel especially honored that my position Children and Libraries (ISSN 1542-9806) is published three times per year by the American at Children and Libraries has opened up a new field of opportuni- Library Association (ALA), 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. It is the official publication of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of ALA. Subscription price: mem- ties to meet the icons of children’s literature that I revere. bers of ALSC, $20 per year, included in membership dues; nonmembers, $40 per year in the U.S.; $50 in Canada, Mexico, and other countries. Back issues within one year of current issue, $12 each. Periodical postage paid at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices. POST- MASTER: Send address changes to Children and Libraries, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. In this issue, you’ll also read about a truly charming author I had Members send mailing labels or facsimilie to Member Services, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL the chance to interview, Lois Ehlert, who lives in my hometown, 60611. Nonmember subscribers: Subscriptions, orders, changes of address, and inquiries should be sent to Children and Libraries, Customer Service—Subscriptions, 50 E. Huron St., Milwaukee. What a great job I have! & Chicago, IL 60611; 1-800-545-2433, press 5; fax: (312) 944-2641; e-mail: [email protected]. Statement of Purpose Children and Libraries is the official journal of ALSC, a division of the American Library Association. The journal primarily serves as a vehicle for continuing education of librarians working with children, which showcases current scholarly research and practice in library Executive Director’s Note service to children and spotlights significant activities and programs of the Association. (From Speeches Highlight This Issue the journal’s draft “Policies and Procedures” document to be adopted by the ALSC board.) Production Malore I. Brown ALA Production Services—Troy D. Linker, Kevin Heubusch; Ellie Barta-Moran, Angela Hanshaw, Kristen McKulski, and Karen Sheets, Production Editors. Our second issue of Children and Libraries fea- Advertising tures the acceptance speeches delivered by this Benson, Coffee and Associates,1411 Peterson Avenue, Park Ridge, IL 60068; (847) 692-4695; fax: (847) 692-3877; e-mail: [email protected]. The journal accepts advertising for goods or services year’s ALSC Award winners, including the Newbery, Caldecott, of interest to the library profession and librarians in service to youth in particular. It encour- Wilder, and Sibert medalists as well as the Arbuthnot speech by ages advertising that informs readers and provides clear communication between vendor and buyer. The journal adheres to ethical and commonly accepted advertising practices and Maurice Sendak. We’ve also included an up-close-and-personal reserves the right to reject any advertisement not suited to the above purposes or not consis- tent with the aims and policies of ALA. Acceptance of advertising in the journal does not imply interview with children’s author and illustrator Lois Ehlert, and a official endorsement by ALA of the products or services advertised. tribute to longtime friend of children and libraries, Mr. Rogers. An article on the informational needs of children will keep readers up- Manuscripts Manuscripts and letters pertaining to editorial content should be sent to Sharon Korbeck, to-date on the latest scholarly research in children’s librarianship. editor, E1569 Murray Lane, Waupaca, WI 54981; (715) 258-0369; e-mail: [email protected]. Manuscripts will be sent out for review according to the journal’s established referee procedures. See the author guidelines in each issue for further information. In this issue, you’ll also learn about the A+ Partners in Education program, Kent State University’s new Children’s Library Center, and Indexing, Abstracting, and Microfilm Children and Libraries is indexed in Library and Information Science Abstracts. the tenth anniversary of the Américas Award. Microfilm copies of Journal of Youth Services in Libraries and its predecessor, Top of the News, both formerly published by ALSC and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), are available from ProQuest, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103. The ALSC staff continues to work hard to create a better association The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National for our members and we need your help! How can we serve your Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. needs better? What do you think of our new publications, Copyright ©2003 American Library Association ALSConnect and Children and Libraries? What features would you All materials in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Association may be like to see in print? Please contact us with your questions and com- photocopied for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. For other photocopying, reprint- ments. We are always glad to hear from you! & ing, or translating, address requests to the ALA Office of Rights and Permissions. 2 Letters to the Editor Letters Guidelines Children and Libraries welcomes readers to submit letters to the editor on topics of general interest to the profession or as comments on topics covered in our pages. Letters should be no longer than 350 words and must be signed. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and space. Send letters to Editor Sharon Korbeck at [email protected] or via mail to E1569 Murray Lane, Waupaca, WI 54981. John Stewig’s article “Get the Picture?” love Lemony Snicket action figures or a (vol. 1, no. 1) is a useful, if somewhat sim- Lemony Snicket game. Those books draw plistic, introduction to some of the com- a crowd of readers that I don’t see reading Call for Manuscripts plexities inherent in picture-book very often, and that’s great. As a librarian creation. I hope that his words encourage I would love to have characters for the Got a story to share? readers to look more profoundly into this book Mouse Count by Ellen Stoll Walsh. ALSC’s new refereed journal, multicharactered genre. Children and Libraries, is soliciting I think kids would love a plush Olivia (Ian manuscripts for its 2004 issues. We’d However, when he writes, “An artist can Falconer) doll or Henry and Mudge char- love to feature practical advice, research theories, scholarly reviews, work several ways to relate visuals to acters.
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