HELMS ATh^ETIC FOUNDATION - ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOARD OF FOOTBALL MAKES ELEVENTH ANNUAL AWARDS IN 1947 Helms Athletic Foundation’s All Southern California Board of Football will honor the Southland’s foremost prep school gridiron stars, for the eleventh year, in 1947» Helms awards will be pre­ sented to players in Seuthern-California junior collegej Southern California C.I.F, high school, and Los Angeles City high school divisions, as usual. In addition, the three players, in junior college, Seuthern California C.I.F* high school, and Los Angeles City high school ranks, chosen for Player of the Year honors, will be presented with Helms Athletic Foundation medallions, • As usual, the All-Southern California First and Second Team,in the junior college division, will be chosen; the All-Southern Cali­ fornia- C.I.F. High School First, Second and Third Teams will be se­ lected, and the All-Los Angeles City High School First, Second and Third Teams will be named, Also, All-League teams in the Los An­ geles City High School circuit will be chosen. Presentation of the All-Southern California Junior College awards will be made prior to the Junior Rose Bowl Football Game at Pasadena on December 13, Presentation of the All-Southern California awards will be made at a program to be announced later. Presentation of the Helms awards to the players chosen for the First All-Los Angeles City High School Football Team will be made at the Los Angeles National College Invitational Basketball Cham­ pionships to be held at Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, on Friday evening, December 26» Members•of All-Southern California Board of Football for the 1947 season, are: Ralph Alexander, Los Angeles Examiner . Hugh Pinney, Los Angeles Herald-Express Mory Kapp, Los Angeles Daily News John de Ia Vega, Los Angeles Times Bob Panella,•Hollywood Cftizen-News Manny Pineda; Pasadena Star-News • Bill Whitney, Breitbard Athletic Foundation,San Diego W.R. Bill Schroeder, Chairman Helms Athletic Foundation, The All-Southern California Football Board will meet at «ffices of Helms Athletic Feundation on Tuesday, December 9, to make selec­ tion of the various all-star prop school teams. At that time,- the Players of the Year,, in junior college, C.I.F, high school, and Los Angeies City High School divisions, will be chosen for the Helms awards. Players who have been chosen for Helms Player of the Year awards in the past, are: YEAR JUNIOR COLLEGE______ C.I.F. HIGH SCHOOL LOS ANDELES CITY 1937 ERNIE POORE, Citrus FRaNK aLBERT,Glendale DON WILLER,M.Arts 193S Ja CK ROBINSON;Pasa. HARRY KARNS,Pomona Ra Y WOODS,S.Fern. 1939 HAROLD FINNEY,Chaffey JOHN PETROVICH,Alh. Wa LTER BRO’./N,C.Park 1940 BOB SCHILDMEYER,S.Ana PETER ZUCCO,S.-Barb, JOHN ROSIER,Venice 1941, JACK FELLOWS,Los Ang. NEWELL OESTRICH,Ing, MARTIN GRBOVa Z,Bq ¡>¿, 1942 Pa UL CLEARY, S.Ana GLEN DAVIS,-Bonita VICTOR MA5TRO,Marsh.* 1*943 (No Selection) NORMAN VEEH; Tustin BERT SCHNEIDER,L.a . 19Á4 Ca RL' FEÍWEMa ,Compton BILL MARTIN,M.Keppel JOE SOLER,€,Fs£rft ' 1945 JOE PERRY, Compton a L POLLa RD,Loyola TOM TOLMAN,Venice 1946 JOHN FINNEY, Compton a L POLLARD.Loyola JOHN ALBINI,Fremont © LA84 Foundation. All Rights Reserved. ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOa RD OF FOOTBALL ♦ALL-SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA C.I.F. TEAM 19 47 Jordan’s Bud Woodward Chosen 1947 Player of Year, for Helms Award FOR RELEASE: TUESDAY, December 16, 1947 By decision of members of All Southern California Board of Football — Ralph Alexander, Los Angeles Examiner; Hugh Pinney, Herald-Express; Mory Kapp, Daily Mews; John de Ia Vega, Times; Bob Panella, Hollywood Citizen-News; Manny Pineda, Pasadena Star- News; Jack Tobin. Long Beach Press “Telegram; Bill Whitney, Breit- bard Athletic Foundation, San Diego; and W. R f Bill Schroeder, Helms Athletic Foundation; -- BUD WOODWARD, scintillating back- field ace of the Jordan (Long Beach) High School football squad, has been chosen C.I.F. Player of the Year for 1947» Woodward, a six-foot, 210-pound husky, w h o ■chalked up 94 points under his own power, with 14 touchdowns, and 10 running conversions, and passed to 6 touchdowns, and passed for 3 addition­ al conversions, adding another 39 points to his scoring register, for 133 points, in all, will receive the Helms Athletic Foundation medal award in recognition of Southern California C.I.F, Player of the Year honors* The Jordan fullback will also have his name en­ graved upon thr Paul H 0 Helms trophy. To prove that Bud Woodward was the key man, and then some, ih the Jordan offensive attack, it should be noted that Bud was re­ sponsible for 133 of the total 153 points collected by the Jordan team during the 1947» It is needless to say that Woodward was chosen for a backfield post on the All-Southern '-'alifornia C.I.F. High School Team. Others who gained backfield berths on the All-C.I.F. honor squad were Johnny Fouch of Santa Ana, who also gathered in the same laurels in 1946; Santa Monica’s ’passingest man’ Dick Horn, who has 24 touchdown passes to his credit; (prior to the Southern California championship tussle with San Diego) John Olszewski, St. Anthony of Long Beach’s 190-pound package of dynamite; and blocking back A1 Sanbrano of Pomona, Note: Dick Horn passed to a touchdown in the C.I.F. champion- ■ ship game with San Diego, on December 13th, which Santa Monica won, 13-12, increasing his touchdown-pass mark to 25. The 1947 All-Southern California team is blessed with twa of the finest offensive ends to ever gain all-star team ranking — Big Bill McColl-of Hoover, San Diego, and Isaac Jcnes of Santa Monica. McColl, who stands 6 feet, 3 inches in height, and who weighs 205, gathered-in 11 touchdown passes, and 10 paints after touchdown, this year, to give him a total of 76 points* Jones collected 92 points on 14 touchdown passes and B points after © LA84 Foundation. All Rights Reserved. ALL SOUTHERN CALx.^RNlA BOa RD OF FOOTBALL. 1947 ( 2 ) touchdown. Jones was the leading scorer of the championship Santa Monica - outfit. McColl, in addition to collecting touchdown passes, kicked-off for his Hoover squad, defended well, and even passed and punted on occasions. Two rugged tackles, who excelled throughout the season — Bob Van Doren, b foot, 2 inch, 197 pounder from San Diego, and Lloyd Stringer, 6 foot, 1 inch, 205 pounuer from Santa Paula -- were honored by the Board, Both received rrwny recommendations from coaches and officials throughout Southern California who saw them play. The guard posts on the All-Southern California team, unusual as it is. is well stocked with Powells. Tom Powell of Pomona, and Owen Powell of South Pasadena, earned the honors.. Both were 5 foot, 10 inch, 190-pound huskies, South Pasadenans Powell was cited for strength booh on offense as well as defense, for his blocking, and point-after-vcuchoowe kick Lng As he did in 1946. Tommy Garcia of Mark Keppel of Alhambra,• clamped his arms around the center berth» Garcia, a big 6 foot, 2 inch,- 190-pounder, kicked off for his squad, was a bulwark on defense, and backed the line superbly,, The All-Southern California C.I.F. Team (First Team) for 1947 follows: YEAR IN POS. PLAYER TEAM HP:IGHT WEIGHT SCHOOL E Bill McColl„ „ . -.Hoover ,S.D , 3 205 Sr. E Isaac Jones. s . oSanta Monica 5? 11 170 Sr. T Bob Van Doren» . .San Diego 6» 2 197 Sr. T Lloyd stringer . .Santa Paula 6 ? 1 205 Sr. G Tom Powell . o Pomona 5?10 185 Sr. G Owen Powello . o So Pasadena 5'10 190 Sr. C Tommy Garcia „ . »Mark Keppel 6 ’ 2 190 Sr. QB Richard Horn , . 0Santa Monica 6 ’ 0 170 Sr. B John Fouch , . „Santa Ana 6 ’ 0 182 Sr. B Bud Woodward , . .Jordan 6 ’ 0 210 Sr. B John Olszewski . 0St.Anthony(LB) 6 ’ 3 190 Jr. BB Albert Sanbrano. .Pomona 5’10 20 5 Sr. OND TEAM . - YEAR IN POS, PLa YER TEa M HEIGHT WEIGHT SCHOOL E Bud Chrisman . , Compton 6 f 2 175 Sr. E Ed Nearing „ . Cathedral 5’11 165 Sr. T Winston Goller , . Monrovia 6' 2 185 Sr. T Basil Cunningham . Redondo 6 » 0 198 Jr. G Jimmy Sundell, . , Wood Wilson 5’10 170 Sr. G Barton Bainbridge . Covina 5’10 180 Sr. C Alvin Baldock» . Santa Monica 6 ’ 2 185 Sr. 3 Roy Wiseman» . Santa Monica 5'10 159 Sr. B Howard Bugbee» . , Redondo 6» 1 170 Sr. B Bob Ashworth . alhambra 5» q 170 Sr. B Boyd Taylor. Laguna Beach 6 ’ Ó 195 Sr. BB Glen Crawford. * Fallbrook 5’ 8 178 Sr. © LA84 Foundation. All Rights Reserved. ALL SOUTHERN CALx.^ANlA BOARD OF FOOTBALL, . _ 1947 (3) ALL-SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA C.I.F. THIRD TEAM YEAR IN POS. PLAYER TEAM HEIGHT WEIGHT SCHOOL E William Smith. • Calexico 5*10 162 Sr. E Melvin Streeter, • Riverside 6» 4 175 Sr. T Robert Crosbie , • Glendale 6* 0 200 Sr. T Tony Valenzuela. • Puente 6» 2 135 Sr. G Cyrl Guthridge . • La Jolla 6 ’ 0 130 Sr. G Louis Mascóla . • St. Anthony 6» 1 195 Sr. C Bill Scott . Redlands 6» 0 130 Sr. B Bill Obenauer. ♦ Wood.Wilson 5* 9 150 Sr. B Ted Ritchey, . • San Diego 5* 9 152 Sr. B Warren Hart.. • Hoover,Glen. 5*10 165 Sr. B Harry Hugasian , • Pasadena 5*11 130 Sr. BB Gary Kerkorian , « Inglewood 6» 1 130 Sr. All-C.I.F. Second Team Scoring: Bud Chrisman, $4 points, Ed ^earing,-42 points, (Ends) Roy Wiseman, $5 points, Howard Bugbee, 90 points.
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