7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER HI COW VOLUME LXXIH. NO. 51. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1951 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. EMrrtain* Cnmmillre Hire Architects Of Reermitimg A«*Vs Community Daily Vacation Bible it • Home RrraU'aftt Hoffman Gets Suspended Term Council Opposes Tfe* eaaaatr Araty ana) Asr Fates Miss Martha C. Han^on, director To Map Plan for WfHtMtog arnica has a—a—red School Opening Monday Morning of Public Health nur.^inu, recently For Possession of Narcotics Curtailment of entertained tho advisory commit- that ate* who hat* HwMvaa thsSr The Community Daily Vacation under leadership of Vrjs. A. Johnson tee of the Red Bank Public Health FREEHOLD — Morris Hoffman, i lo J p , Or,;ge r\ Clay- Bible school to be conducted June and Mrs. Warren Karrington is 19. of :13 Washington st , Red Bank. I ton B'ink police dfi- School Addition •rssa«awHaaiasatslrsjle Nursing association fit a bmk- Rail Service 25 to July 5 at the Red Bank Meth- prepared to receive children be- faFt meeting at her home un Hill- w a :• £ivcn a <=uspended ."entenrp to part lo fnc roundup. •r ash* Bate •ronaHy taken akfc- odist church by the Minitterium of tween 4 and S. Annandale reforrmtory Kriil.iv a-! Umutmn Mm O.K. top terrace. Thi? was the Hnal •fudge Seen linporiaiirr Decision on Drummemt la««ralna pfcyefcait saey Red Bank and vicinity will be part Rev. Frederick Pyki? who recent- meeting boforr the summer it- Jilfl^e J. KduTlrr! Knight scntrncd ; — I —1- a* * of the 50th anniversary of the Daily ly retired as missionary to China cess. Meeting* which ;tve hpld reg- thtee orlirix charL'ed v.ifh na i - ' A<'Unfr.ii»'d:::n? *!i" tfr.vi'y of 'hf Vacation Bible school movement t:otirs offence?. ] pp ii T, p.i r! i "u !-i r"ly ;i nionjj tf .TI- PI. Prnmi***! by JV1V3MIMMC Pllcfl toe* for taat tl and is now residing in Little Silver, ularly each month will he resumed which was started in 1901. will be in charge of the primary in September. In adrlilinn tn thr suspended <•!•«. .J'l'J;:" Kni^h'. in >rntfnrmsj July M 17«fl. In that year in aiew Vork city. department, which comprises chil- pentenrp, the yn'.lih ivas plared .m H-'ki-w. ,;.,,! h" :;- fh- lirsl to U e4 eeaiatr Rev. Dr. Hobert Boville saw 'idle dren between the ages of 6 through uniip the business mcetinfr, probation for three years and fined ' nt ciiffd in t:if county ^nd \m n- Tfcat Red Baak board ef tdute- f. He will relate stories of his woik Miss Hanson and Miss Florence tha* ipvrn: pnrnl'y m;iy net. us The F.e'l Bank council Monday tioa, at an emecutive seatioa l»»t M la the akMa children and idle churches" and did R. Kridel reported nn the meeting night, went on record aa being op* daily to the children of his depart- to < onif into Thursday nijht, decided to eater a*) red—err to tafec adwtagg *4 something about it. By 1109 thu held in the Rumson high school The most serious penalty war. * deterrent ti po-ed to any discontinuance of movement was organized as an in- ment, speaking in Chinese and sing- handed'to Robert Hawkins,'36, or ; Mor.mnuth •• ,-ind fnrni.-h into a formal contract to have tkaHMMge. H» MH U» paaalM. ing songs taught to the Chinese on "Thp Report on the White service on the Ce/stral railroad be- plans and blueprint! prepared for terdenominational enterprise, and House Conference on Children." Duck st.. Matawan. who was ."en- | nianjiu n i. 11 t'.vnfn Red Bank and Lakehurst. We* af tt MiJMliit a*ata sirs two years later a national commit- children. Assisting will be Mrs ,7. lencrd, to '.(1 to 11 years :n ?i-<n> have. ;,e,-n a. the proposed tMOMO addition t» Mrs. Mart hi M. Brower of «4 Tfee toe*! rernjM- tee was formed and the movement Medinger, Mrs. Leon Earle, Mrs. prison. Jiid^c KniRht ordered live- J "I will d<> i the hlfh ichool. began to spread to other cities. Dur- Lynn Whitig and William W. Pratt. to-seven-year terms, to run con- i in the form <> Monmouth st. attended the meat- k ta MM It also decided to mak* altera- ing thi last 80 years unnumbered The junior department for chil- secutively, fur sale and pus^esMon ! t hi\s? people ins, and asked what decision if tions at Mechanic atreet achool to millions of children have been dren t through 11 will be in charge of marijuana. His wife. Ruth, W.IK ' ruiinty. " .lud any had been made on extending provide two temporary elasaroons reached with the Gospel story and of Mrs. Charles Moote, with hand- given a suspftidfd sctilonec toC'lin-j In annth"r Drumrnond pi. through to West and to build a KMO ft. storage Held led towards understanding and ton reformatory, placed un pinha- marijuana r, Kron'. st. A similar query was made work assistance from Mrs. Milton .- perul House at the Red Bank athletic loyal membership in the church (Srossnicklaus. Teachers in this tion for two year* and fined llf.il). eoimty *• ,uri by Haul Heldin, who conducts a Held, bid* for which will be asked. Young Priest through their vacation church Thr fourth offender. Fred Wil- lh', Neptune, .\nv" jewelry «hop in the Morris Jacks' department are Mr;. Anna Smith, tmil'linsr. Monmouth st. A formal contract for the high school experience. Among these Mrs. Donald Smith and Mrf. Clif- li.'ims. ii*', of (Millwood, wiis sen- ' a. siipplu r •< 11, *• achool addition will be drawn with children have been many thousands ton Lewi*. tenied to Annandale. for an inde- j nirrl an Mrs. Bnwe, said. "The Register Says First Mass p|<]|< at ion fo f'.^'e of made a. food suggestion last week Coffin * Coffin. New York areki who, except for vacation church terminate term. ' venue h1 Mrs. Henry Morgan, wife of tlie venue I' / Silpri :r, that ,i pedestrian walk only be tects. represented locally by V. W. RUMSON — Rev. Gabriel Leo srhools, would have remained out- pastor of thr Pilgrim Baptist IMe.TldinK for leniency for thr Klalll, T l.lnv.l, , Ronfeldt of Wayside. The firm al Stapleton, S. D. 8., brother of Mrs. side the teach of the church. In cut. through from the new parking church, will direct the seniot-young Hoffman youth, Vincent J. Mi'l'ue. 111 tl'e lilte-l do ar:r-t, M. lot. to Monmouth st. This could be ready has prepared preliminary Patrick J. Karinjt, Jr., 3} Park 1950, approximately 70,000 vacation peoples' department and will be as- Red Rank attorney, toici the ruurt plan* which recently were given ave., and grandson of Mrs. James church schools were held in Amer- garel Inielii'tl. a liill.-e Mhu hail done at little or no extra, expense «Uted hy Mr*. J. Pappy and Mrs. thai the lad's father, Sam Hoff- si-rveil on the .•.!•!IT.- of Hnz'iirl anil t<» the taxpayers.'' initial approval by the atate De- Clossey, «S Lafayette St., celebrated ica, reaching over five million boya Frank W. Hewitt. This department man, was largely responsible for and girls. Monmnuth Memorial hospital.?, partment of education. However, hit first solemn mass Sunday, June is for children 12 years and up. breaking the marijuana ring which plearlnl guilty, waiving ^rarirl jury Councilman Thomas F. Oakley, the planning agreement had been, to, at St. Patrick's Catholic chuch, Children from all churches find the led to the arrest of the four per- council president, who presided in until now, unofficial. The theme of the Red Bank action, and will be .--enteneed June the absence of Mayor Katharine Jersey City. school, "The Cities Jesut Visited," entire community are invited to sons sentenced and six others 2fi for obtaining ilnix* thrmiHh this school. awaiting trial In an alleged lint; Klku* White, announced that there Other Mcaa Necessary will impart knowledge concerning fraud and |>i i'.-r Au'lnl he H definite decision by tha the various cities in ancient Pales- Thr program includes, in addition of narcotic... traflle bcHvifh Re.I tlonj. .^he w ru anr.^eit in 1 After the meeting Edmund 3. Bank and Matawan town.hip. fir.4 council meeting in July. Caniona, board vice president, dis tine in which Jesus lived and per- to Bible stories, handwork, pi HIM Mia n.rh n pa i!nn nt e-u ly la formed His ministry of love and of various lands as well as the Mr. McCuc told tlie. court that when 5ft hypodermic n"ed!< At the suggestion of Councilman cloaed that several steps will be '-r t In rr Kverrti C. Baynton a resolution taken before the board act* to ap- mercy. The effort of the school will showing of religious sound motion when Mr. Hoffman learned hi" son glass synnsi's and va nety of be to correlate this knowledge, to picture fllmF. "Tlie Cities of Pales- was using the dope he reported it ilrugs were lound. of sympathy wa* ordered drafted prove blueprints. our modern world to show How a tine" will be shown next Tuesday and sent to the family of Mrs. H. First there will be a conference difference can be made in towns, and "A Letter from China" will he Gertrude. Capen, Red Bank libra* between Or. M. Gregg Hibba, au- villages and cities where Jesus is thn attraction Friday of next week.
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