I WEDNESDAY PM 2:OO-5:OO Art Libraries Versailles Terrace Chairman: Elizabeth R. Usher / Metropolitan Museum of Art Bibliographical Reports: ART bibliographies / Roger Bilboul 1European Bibliographical Center Planning for the Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts I.I. M. Edelstein 1 National Gallery of Art Centro di Documentation / Alessandra Marchi / Centro di Documentation, Florence RiLA / Michael Rinehart / Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute / Judy Ann Goldman and AntoinettePeterson Panel Discussion: The Art Library-Today and in the Future Moderator: Gerd Muehsarn / Queens College Panel: The Viewpoint of the Professor / Scholar User / Hanna Deinhard / Queens College The Viewpoint of the University Art Librarian / Jean L. Finch 1 Stanford University Libraries The Viewpoint of the Small Art Museum Librarian / Barbara Lipton I The Viewpoint of the Artist/Scholar User / Alvin Smith / Queens College The Viewpoint of the Large Art Museum Librarian 1 Frank Sommer I Winterthur Museum The Viewpoint of the Curator/Specialist/Scholar User I Louise A. Svendsen / Guggenheim Museum The Viewooint of the Curator/Scholar User / Georoe Szabo /The Lehman Open house at studios and galleries Information available at Social Events Desk 3:OO-6:00 Reception The Century Association Limited to300 persons 1 Invitations available at Social Events Desk 7 West 43rd Street An opportunity to view the Century Club's collection of New York, New York 19th century American painting WEDNESDAY PM 6:OO-9:OO Convocation The Metropolitan Grace Rainev, Rooers- Auditorium Museum of Art Ceremonies begin at 6:00 p.m. / Seating limited to 750 Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street New York, New York Welcome / Anne Coffin Hanson I President, College Art Association of America Theodore Rousseau / Vice-Director and Curator-in-Chief, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guest Speaker / Lawrence Alloway Presentation of Awards Reception Cocktails may be purchased The restaurant will be open for dinner THURSDAY AM 9:30-12:OO Great Lakes Colleges Association Arts Program in New York Malmaison Suite (A Progress Report on Off-Campus Arts Education) Moderator: Dick Wangenroth / GLCA Panelist: Justin Kronewetter / Ohio Wesleyan University 9:30-12:OO Puerto Rican Studies Departments and Ethnic Art Chambord Suite Moderator: Ralph Ortiz / Livingston College, Rutgers University Panel: Puerto Rican Studies Faculty 9:30-12:OO Direction and Diversity: A Discussion of the Teaching of Hans Hofmann Royal Ballroom Panel: Wolf Kahn / Cooper Union School of Art and Architecture Richard Stankiewicz / State University of New York at Buffalo Alan Kaprow 1 California Institute of the Arts Mercedes Matter INew York Studio School of Draw~ngPainting and Sculpture THURSDAY AM 9:30-12:OO Art in Latin America Victorian Room Chairman: Stanton L. Catlin / Hunter College Abbey Victoria Hotel The St. Jerome Master from Cuzco / John F. Scott I Corneli University Seventh Avenue at 51sl Street The Orozco Heritage in Mexico I Jacqueline Barnitz / State University of New York, New York, New York Stony Brook lconography of the Polyforum Cultural Siqueiros / Joyce W. Bailey / Mount Holyoke College Andean Cultural Unity in the Early Intermediate Period, as Revealed at Pashash I Terence Grieder / University of Texas, Austin On the Meaning of Retablo i A Guilded and Polychromed Footnote 1 Margaret Collier / University of Connecticut Diego Rivera's Italian Notebook 1921 /Jean Charlot I University of Hawaii 9:30-12:OO General Session I: Late Antique and Medieval Art Imperial Ballroom B Chairman: William C. Loerke / Center for Byzant~neStudies, Dumbarton Oaks The Date of the Tempietto del Clrtunno / Judson J. Emerick / University of Pennsylvania Carolyn M. Malone / University of California, Berkeley The Facade of Saint Gilles do Gard: /is Antique Sources / Carra Ferguson / University of Pittsburgh Truth and Convention in Byzantine Descriptions of Works of Art I Henry Maguire / University of Massachusetts, Amherst The Stained Glass of the Sainte-Chapelle in Bourges / Stephen K. Scher I Brown University 9:30-12:OO The lconography of Modern Art Imperial Ballroom A Chairman: Robert Goldwater / Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Use and Meaning of Aviation Imagery in the Cubist School, 1908-15 1 Donald B. Kuspit / University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Beckmann's "Four Men Around a Table": A Study In Philosophical Content I Margot Clark IIndiana University The lconography of Franz Marc's "Fate of the Animals" I Frederick S. Levine I Washington University Klee's "Death andFireV / Maurice L. Shapiro / Tulane Unversity Picasso's "Guernica": Sources in War, Love and the Bullfight. I Herschel B. Chipp / University of California, Berkeley American Social Realism and the lconograpy. .~ of Disaffection / Bradley Nickles I University of South Florida Discussant: Henry P. Raleigh / State University College of New York, New Paltz THURSDAY AM 9:30-12:OO Japonisme: The Japanese Influence on Western Art Georgian Ballroom B of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries Moderator: Gabriel P. Weisberg / University of Cincinnati Panel: Early Japonisme in France:Art Criticism and the Decorative Arts / Gabriel P. Weisberg / Unversity of Cincinnati Japonaiserie and Ja~onismein French Art of the 1'890's / Mark Roskill I University of Massachusetts, Amhersr Japon~smand Western Decorative Arts. 1854-1910 1 Martin Eideiberg / Rutgers university Japonisme: Possible Fields of Investigation I Henri Dorra / University of California, Santa Barbara 9:30-12:OO American Committee on South Asian Art and Archaeology Chelsea Suite A Business meeting 12:OO-2:OO Annual Meeting of the International Center of Medieval Art Georgian Ballroom B Speaker: Whitney Stoddard / Psalmodi, Third Summer 12:OO-2:OO Alumni Reunion Versailles Ballroom Columbia University, Department of Arl History and Archaeology 2:OO-4:OO Meeting of the CAA Committee on Film Buckingham Suite B 2:OO-4:30 Graduate Studio Programs In Art Malmaison Suite Moderator: Jerome Hausman / New York University, Division of Creative Arts Panel: David W. Ecker / New York University / Division of Creative Arts Edmund Feldman / University of Georgia Lucian Krukowski / Washington University 11 THURSDAY PM 2:OO-4:30 On Printmaking Brooklyn Museum Moderators: Allen Barber / Brooklyn Museum Eastern Parkway Jo Miller / Brooklyn Museum Brooklyn, New York Panel: May Stevens / Queens College Steven Cortright / University of California, Santa Barbara Fritz Scholder 2:OO-4:30 The Art School and University as New Patron of the Artist: Implications Regency Foyer Moderator: Christopher Horton / Hartford Art School Panel: Clinton Adams / University of New Mexico Edna Andrade / Temple University James Byars / Artist, New York City Arthur Hoener / Hampshire College Larry Rosing / School of the ~ayt6nArt Institute Miriam Shapiro / California lnsriture of the Arts Edward W~lsonI State Jniversity of New York, B~nghamton i..-~~~ ~~p 2:OO-4:SO What is Black Art? Biarritz Suite Moderator: Faith Ringgold / Wagner College and the Bank Street College of Education Panel: Nigei Jackson /Acts of Art Gallery Art Coppedge / ACA Gallery Kay Brown / Medger Evers College Valerie Maynard /Studio Museum 2:OO-4:30 The Interpretation of Symbolism in Primitive Art Versailles Terrace Chairman: Mino Badner / Rice University Body Arts of the Masai Tribe in Tanzania, East Africa / Ronald M. Bernier / University of Colorado Imagery in Psycho-Sensory Cults of Highland Southeast Asia / Monni Adams / Columbia University The Symbolic Content of Bakwele Masks / Leon Siroto / University of Delaware On the Persistence of Symbols in the Arts of West Africa / Arnold Rubin / University of California, Los Angeles Meaning and Symbolism in the Ethnography of Tribal Art / William Davenport I University of Pennsylvania Male and Female Svmbolism in Olokun Mud Art / Paula Ben-Amos I I Temple ~niversii~ THURSDAY PM 2:OO-4:30 Cross-Fertilization: Art, Technology and Economics in the Imperial Ballroom A Middle Ages and the Renaissance Chairman: H. W. Janson 1 New York University Raphael's Mechanized Seashell: Notes on a Myth, Technology and Iconographic Tradition IMillard Meiss I The institute~~ for~ Advanced~ ~ ~~~--~ Studv A Collaboration 01 Talents: The Construction of a European ~$tronomicalClock I Bruce Chand er I New York University I Clare Vincent I Metropol:tan Museum nf-. .Art ... Inflation, Price Freezes, and the Decline of Ottoman Court Art I Walter B. Denny 1 University of Massachusetts, Amherst Medieval Architecture in the Lowlands and Jan Van Eyck's "Architectural Portraiture" IThomas W. Lyman / Emory University Engraved Playing Cards and the Mid-Fifteenth Century Book Industry I Anne H. van Buren 1Princeton, New Jersey 2:OO-4:30 New York City Architecture and Design Between the World Wars Imperial Ballroom B Chairman: Richard Pommer IVassar College The Background of Rockefeller Center 1Carol Herselle Krinsky I New York University The Past Exhumed: The Real World of American lndustrlal Design of the Thirties I David Gebhard / University of Caifornia, Santa Barbara The Museum of Modern Art and Architecture in the 1930's IRussell Lynes Grand Central City: Beleaguered Futurist Masterpiece in City Beautiful Garb I Douglas Haskell Regional Planning Association of America and New Deal Housing: lntellectual Origins and Pragmatic Policies I Susan Cole INational Endowment for the Humanities 2:OO-4:30 General Session II: Renaissance and Baroque inthe North: Roval Ballroom Artistic Intention and the Patron's Demands Chairman: Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann IYale
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