-2- Sale of lot by Joseph Carri~re to Councillor Brus~e 4-20 Sauvage Succession ,/-:t 1 IJ:.- -25/165, 25/176A, 25/281 Contract of Service and Mutual Profit Guillaume Allain and Jean Baptiste Lefebvre 4-29 Summons for testimony to Duchesne, Prevost~ and Bourgeois ~"""- 4-29 Petition by Dupont against Raguet Civil Suits against Durivage by various 5-3; 5-6; persons 5-8; 5-11 Succession of Dame Marie Magdelaine Merienne De La Soulaye and her 5-3; 5-4; husband Jean F_ure 5-28 Petition of Joseph Aubuchon to the Commissioners of Excise 5-5 Petition of Jean de Vilmas to the Superior Council to marry Marie Eled 5-5 Petition of Sr. St. Amand against Sr. Dargaret 5-5 Differences of Sr. Lavigne and Sr. Sabannie concerning road through fields 5-5 Petition of Antoine Durand against 5-7 Raguet (See 5-11, 25/192) Civil Suit - Bouche vs. Levesque 5-7; 5-11 (See 5-11, 25/192 Civil Suit - Jean Coupart vs. Pierre Manade 5-8; 5-13 -3- Petition of Cezille to collect from Marin 5-9 See 5-11,25/192 Civil Suit Dupuy Planchard vs. Jean Baptiste Meynard 5-9; 5-11 See 5-11,25/192 Petition of Jean Baptiste Lefebvre against Desfontaines 5-12 Decisions 5-12 Civil Suit - Terrisse de .rernan vs. Jacques Charpentier, alias Le Roy 5-18 A Civil Suit - De la Gaxue (de Chaumont Concession) vs. Dreux Brothers 5-19;5-23; 6-9 Petition of Pierre Carnet against M. de la Garde 5-23 (Dir. de Chaumont Concession) Civil Suit - de la Bouillonnerie vs. 5-23 Faussier 5-24 Petition of La France against Blanchard 5-23 Petition of Binard, alias de la Forge to sell his house 5-24 Petition of Louis Viger against Sr. Beaucourt 5-24 Succession of Francoise Romain, widow of Pierre Millon 5-24 Civil Suit - Company of the Indies and Gilbert Dumas vs. Jean Caron 6-6; 5-25 -4- Petition of Capt. de Chepare against Sr. St. Julien 5-25 Civil suit Thierry vs. Larchevesque 5-25; 5-26 Petition of Sr. Bourcelier against Jean Coupart 5-29 Decision in favor of Sr. Dubuisson, employee of Duvernay Concession 5-29 Promissory Note from Lassus to Berard 5-30 See 2-5, 1726 Application to Council by Hebert, Canadian to sell his house 5-30 Petition of Munerollier to collect from Durivage 6-2 Petition of Jacques Coquillard again Cariton 6-5 Petition of Jean Grenier against Pigeon 6-6; 6-11 Petition of Jean Coupart against Sr. Manade 6-8 6-11 Petition of Magdelaine Harteau against 6-8 Dauphine and wife 6-11 Petition of Yves Poulliquain against Jean Coupart 6-8 Petition of Denis Ferandow against Vidrequin {alias Covillardl 6-9; 6-11 Succession of Sr. Jacque~Pailhoux De Barbezart~Power of Attorney 6-11;12-11 Testimony in defamation suit Louis Rousseau's wife vs. Nicholas de la Court 6-13 -5- Gentilly Road Suit 3-28; 6-14; 6-15; 6-18; 6-21 Request for Payment to Joly's account by Dumont 6-15 Acknowledgment of debt by Merique to Dufresne 6-15 Inventory of effects of deceased Adrien Dumont 6-18 Succession of Adrien Dumont 6-18; 6-26 Petition of Sr. Trouquidy against Dreux Brothers 6-19 Civil Suit - Freney de la Boulonnerie vs. Jean Baptiste Faucon Dumanoir 6-21; 6-27 10-15 Civil Suit - Francois Gegot alias Durocher vs. Dumanoir 6-25; 7-14 Court Order on Gambled Cattle (Sainton­ Company of Indie.s) 6-25 Civil Suit Pierre Ricard vs. Dumanoir 6-28; 7-26 25/170 ...'~, YEAR 1725 MAY 2 This instrument will be round in File 24/54 May 20, 1724 Civil Suit Creditors vs. Baron de Hombourg and Thomas Desersy 25/170 .: 1725 MAY 2 CIVIL SUIT Creditors vs Baron de Hanbourg and Thomas Desersy. PR'lTl'ION Peti1;ion" of de Hanbourg in which he el- leges he sold"Va house and three lotsr for 1575 livres, and received 150 livres,cash, Councillor Brusle was ordered by Court to deposit cash proceeds in full with refer­ ence to satisfying some seizures against the Baron; but the latter shows that he v sold his house ~d lots on terms of wirie, • brarldy and merchandise, less item of 150 livres. ' He therefore prays that Brusle be ordered to make said payment of 1425 livres, part .' \( in wilie, part in brandy and 3rd part in merchandise and that th?se be deposited with whomsoever the Court may choose, and then soid, proceeds of which are to be paid the creditors in order to liquidate de Hombourg's debt. Also that Rossard and Raguet and Lagarde be assigned in order that they may give testimony. (Signed) La Baron de Hombourg Listed in Louisiana Historical ~uarterly, Vol. 2, April 1919, page 203. ~uarterly shows that Baron as the auc­ tioneer, whereas it is part of signature of petitioner. 55/19 25(171 YEAR 1725 This instrument will be :round in File 25(76 March 19, 1725 Civil SUit , - De Morand vs. Balcour (For annulment of Sale) 25/171 / MAY 2 CIVIL SUIT De Morand vs. Ba1cour (Annulment or Sale) Petition Mr. De Morand remonstrates that the other parties concerned, Messrs. Balcourtand Massey, are not re­ sponsive to the Council's decree which voided the !-",':,~" ;,~.: sale of land by Balcour to petitioner, and pre­ '",-.'.'.'.'.;.""' .... cluded obligation of payment. g\','- ~ At Balcour's I:equest, De Morand gave his note of 500 livres to Massy, who refuses to return it. Plaintiff therefore prays for the return of the note. (Signed) De Morand May 2, Order. (Signed) Delachaise May 12, Return on service of notice on Massy and Balcour. (Signed) La Korinniere Listed in Louisiana Historical QUarterly, Vol. 2, No.2, April 1919, Page 203 55/29 / Box No.1 25/172 YEAR 1725 J:",Y 3rd. Civil Suits vs. Durivage (Master Carpenter) lhay 3, 25/172 Pierre Levesque, alias La Pierre (150#) ljIay 6, 25/180 St. Hilaire (336 livrew 18 sols) May 8, 25/184 Perot (473 livres) lI:ay 11, 25/187 Brad (228 livres) Jiay 11, 25/188 Jean Joan (210 livres) May 23, 25/204 Jean Vice (43 livres & 4 days labor) lhay 23, 25/205 Promissory Note of Vice. ":;':~~55/17-.,"-"'.;tl\"'.. ' . ....... '1:',", I.'~I BOX NO. 1 25/172 YEAR 1725 MAY 3 Civil Suits vs. IMrivage (1!IIaster Garpenter} May :3 25/172 Pierre Levesque, alias La Pierre (150#} May 6 25/180 St. Hilaire (336 livres 18 sols) May 8 25/184 Perot (473 livres) May 11 --- 25/187 Brad (228 livres) May 11 25/188 "ean Joan (210 livres) May 23 25/204 Jean Vice (43 livres & 4 days' labor) May 23 25/205 Promissory Note of Vice. 55/17 25/172 1725 MAY 3rd. Civil Suit Pierre Levesque, alias La Pierre vs. Durivage ("~ster Carpenter) (150 livres) Petition Petition of Pierre Levesque, alias La Pierre in 1/Ihich he alleges ·that Durivage owes him 150 livres on a note, datel April 7, last, which plaintiff is now unable to collect. He therefore prays that Durivage be orde~d to fay the said 150 livres with interest and all costs. (Sgd.) Levesque. • MAY 3, Order. (Sgd.) Delachaise. MAY 7, Return on service of notice on Durivage. (Sgd.) Vincent. NOTE: Document shows 150 livre. & Quarterly gives 125. Listed in Louisiana Historical Q~arterly, .'•.. Vol.2, No.2, April 1919, page 203. ·NOTE 2: Judgment in favor ci' rlaintiff incor­ porated in Doc.25/192,No.141, Uay II, 1725. 55/17 25/173 ./ YEAR 1725 MAY 3 This document will be found in FILE #25/268 SUCCESSION OF DAME MARIE MAGDELAINE MERIENNE (DE LA SOULAYE). WIDOW BY FIRST MARRIAGE OF JEAN LE CAEN WIFE OF JEAN FAURE. OF MOBILE AND SUCCESSION OF SAID JEAN FAURE. July 17. 1725 25/173 YEAR 1726 MAY 3 SUCCESSIONS OF DAME MARIE MAGDELAINE MERIENNE (DE LA SOULAYE) WIDOW BY FIRST MARRIAGE OF JEAN LE CABN, WIFE OF JEAN FAURE, OF MOBILE AND OF THE SAID JEAN FAURE. Petition of Thomas de Sercy, acting for his wife. Duplicate Original Document, See Preceding Document No. 25/173. 25/173 II YEAR 1726 MAY 3 SUCCESSIONS OF DAME MARIE MAGDELAINE MERIENNE (DE LA SOULAYE) WIDOW BY FIRST MARRIAGE OF JEAN LE CAEN, WIFE OF JE.AN FAURE, OF MOBILE .AND OF THE SAID JEAN FAURE. Petition of Thomas de Sercy acting for Marie duVeaux de Chartrouville, his wife, nieoe and sole heir of Magdelaine Merienne Lasolaye, wife of Sr. Faure of Mobile "at the time of his death" (said Dame de Seroy absent, looking after business interests of herself and husband) Petitioner alleges that he has learned that Sr. Faure died in the month of April,. 1726; that he left a widow and ohildren and some property, and that,. as'a niece of said Dame La Solaye, widow of said Faure, petitioner's wife has an interest in said property under the provisions of the mutu­ al donation oontained in their marriage oontract passed before Raguet, Notary, on July 2nd, 1714. Wherefore petitioner prays that the portion of property which belonged to said Dame La Solaye, wife of Faure, at the time of his death, and which Page #2. 25/173 he enjoyed during his lifetime, pursuant to their marriage contract, be remitted to petitioner (in his aforesaid capacity) as it appears on the in­ ventory whioh should have been and doubtless was made at the tillle of the dissolution of' the oom­ Dlunity; that Dleanwhile a writ of' seiture issue on suoh property as is inoluded in petitioner's share, whether it be in the possession of' said widow or of the creditors of' said Suooession; and that said widow be enjoined froDl exchanging or diverting any portion of said property.
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