FAMILY Tetraodontidae Bonaparte, 1832 – pufferfishes GENUS Amblyrhynchotes Troschel, 1856 [=Amblyrhynchotes Troschel [F. H.] (ex Bibron) 1856:88] Notes: [Archiv für Naturgeschichte v. 22 (pt 2); ref. 12559] Fem. Tetrodon honckenii Bloch 1785. Appeared as "Amblyrhynchote" Bibron in Duméril 1855:279 [ref. 297]; latinized by Troschel (also Hollard 1857:319 [ref. 2186] as Amblyrhynchotus). Addition of species and type designation not researched; type from Fraser-Brunner 1943:11 [ref. 1495]. Kottelat 2001:613 [ref. 25859] regards Amblyrhynchote as Latinized and available. •Valid as Amblyrhynchotes [varied author/spelling] -- (Tyler 1980:341 [ref. 4477], Arai 1983:207 [ref. 14249], Hardy 1984:33 [ref. 5182], Matsuura in Masuda et al. 1984:364 [ref. 6441], Smith & Heemstra 1986:895 [ref. 5714], Matsuura 2001:3955 [ref. 26317]). Current status: Valid as Amblyrhynchotes Troschel 1856. Tetraodontidae. Species Amblyrhynchotes hypselogeneion (Bleeker, 1852) [=Tetraodon hypselogeneion Bleeker [P.] 1852:24, Dilobomycterus rueppelii Bibron [G.] in Duméril 1855:279-280, Amblyrhynchotes hypselogenion rufopunctatus Li 1962:1086, Fig. 832, Notes: [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 24 (art. 10); ref. 16874] Ambon Island, Molucca Islands, Indonesia; Wahai, Ceram, Indonesia. Current status: Valid as Torquigener hypselogeneion (Bleeker 1852). Tetraodontidae. Distribution: South and East Africa and Madagascar east to Philippines and Solomon Islands, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia. Habitat: brackish, marine. (rueppelii) [Revue et Magasin de Zoologie (Sér. 2) v. 7; ref. 297] Current status: Synonym of Amblyrhynchotes hypselogeneion (Bleeker 1852). Tetraodontidae. Habitat: marine. (rufopunctatus) South China Sea. Current status: Synonym of Torquigener hypselogeneion (Bleeker 1852). Tetraodontidae. GENUS Arothron Muller, 1841 [=Arothron (subgenus of Tetrodon) Müller [J.] 1841:252, Boesemanichthys Abe [T.] 1952:40, Catophorhynchus Troschel [F. H.] (ex Bibron) 1856:88, Crayracion Klein [J. T.] 1777:788 [v. 4; ref. 4920], Crayracion Walbaum [J. J.] (ex Klein) 1792:580, Crayracion Bleeker [P.] (ex Klein) 1865:Pls. 205-214, Cyprichthys Whitley [G. P.] 1936:51, Dilobomycterus Troschel [F. H.] (ex Bibron) 1856:88, Kanduka Hora [S. L.] 1925:579] Notes: [Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1839; ref. 3061] Masc. Tetrodon testudinarius Müller 1841. Type by monotypy. Possibly appeared in Müller 1839 (Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, p. 196) (see Leis & Bauchot 1984:85 [ref. 12539]). Gender uncertain, treated by current authors as masculine. If Tetrodon testudinarius is regarded as an emendation of testudinius Linnaeus, then the genus is based on a misidentified type species and should be submitted to the International Commission. •Apparently valid -- (see Matsuura & Toda 1981 [ref. 5537]). •Valid as Arothron Müller 1841 -- (Tyler 1980:341 [ref. 4477], Arai 1983:207 [ref. 14249], Matsuura in Masuda et al. 1984:364 [ref. 6441], Randall 1985 [ref. 6719], Smith & Heemstra 1986:896 [ref. 5714], Su & Tyler 1986:14 [ref. 11531], Matsuura & Okuno 1991 [ref. 19923], Gomon et al. 1994:903 [ref. 22532], Matsuura 1994 [ref. 21445], Matsuura & Tyler 1997:199 [ref. 23219], Lindberg et al. 1997:164 [ref. 23547], Matsuura 2001:3956 [ref. 26317], Hoese et al. 2006:1913 [ref. 29099], Matsuura 2008:850 [ref. 30661], Verruraj et al. 2011:3 [ref. 31496], Randall et al. 2012:41 [ref. 31764], Kottelat 2013:471 [ref. 32989], Matsuura 2014:20 [ref. 33576], Stewart & Roberts 2015:1732 [ref. 34322], Matsuura 2016:[2] [ref. 34340], Motomura et al. 2017:236 [ref. 35490], Fricke et al. 2018:384 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Arothron Müller 1841. Tetraodontidae. (Boesemanichthys) [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 2 (no. 1); ref. 4] Masc. Tetraodon firmamentum Temminck & Schlegel 1850. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Arothron Müller 1841 -- (Masuda et al. 1984:364 [ref. 6441], Ebert 2001:91 [ref. 25494], Kottelat 2013:471 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arothron Müller 1841. Tetraodontidae. (Catophorhynchus) [Archiv für Naturgeschichte v. 22 (pt 2); ref. 12559] Masc. Appeared first as "Catophorhynque" Bibron in Duméril 1855:280 [ref. 297]. Latinized by Troschel 1856 as above, and by Hollard 1857:319 [ref. 2186]. First technical addition of species not researched. Kottelat 2001:614 [ref. 25859] treats Catophorhynque as Latinized and available, with the type species as Tetraodon scaber Eydoux & Souleyet 1850. •Treated with question in the synonymy of Lagocephalus Swainson 1839 by Fraser-Brunner 1943:9 [ref. 1495]. •Junior objective synonym of Arothron Müller 1841 -- (Kottelat 2001:614 [ref. 25859] based on placement of Catophorhynque). Current status: Synonym of Arothron Müller 1841. Tetraodontidae. (Crayracion K) Not available, published in a work that does not conform to the principle of binominal nomenclature. •In the synonymy of Arothron Müller 1841 -- (Kottelat 2013:471 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arothron Müller 1841. Tetraodontidae. (Crayracion W) [Petri Artedi sueci genera piscium Part 3; ref. 4572] Not available, published in a part of a work rejected for nomenclaturaal purposes in Opinion 21 (1938); see also Shipp 1974:34 [ref. 7147]. Genus can date to Bleeker 1865 [ref. 416]. •In the synonymy of Arothron Müller 1841 -- (Ebert 2001:91 [ref. 25494]). Current status: Synonym of Arothron Müller 1841. Tetraodontidae. (Crayracion B) [Atlas ichthyologique des Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises; ref. 416] Masc. Tetrodon immaculatus Bloch & Schneider 1801 Can date to many species figured on Pls. 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212 and 214 published in part 18 (19 Apr. 1865); corresponding text (pp. 49, 65 et seq.) published in parts 19 and 20. Type as designated by Bleeker (p. 49) is Crayracion laevissimus Klein (unavailable). Type should be selected from among the figured specimens; type perhaps not yet validly designated. Also appeared in other Bleeker 1865 papers. Type designated by Kottelat (2013) as Tetrodon immaculatus. •In the synonymy of Arothron Müller 1841 -- (Kottelat 2013:471 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arothron Müller 1841. Tetraodontidae. (Cyprichthys) [Memoirs of the Queensland Museum v. 11 (pt 1); ref. 4687] Masc. Tetraodon mappa Lesson 1831. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Arothron Müller 1841 based on placement of types species -- (Smith & Heemstra 1986:897 [ref. 5714], Kottelat 2013:471 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arothron Müller 1841. Tetraodontidae. (Dilobomycterus) [Archiv für Naturgeschichte v. 22 (pt 2); ref. 12559] Masc. Tetrodon reticularis Bloch & Schneider 1801. Appeared first as "Dilobomyctère" Bibron in Duméril 1855:279 [ref. 297]; latinized by Troschel 1856, also by Hollard 1857:319 [ref. 2186]. First technical addition of species not researched (eleven species included by Bibron). Type above as given by Jordan 1919:263 [ref. 2410]. Kottelat 2001:613 [ref. 25859] treats Dilobomycterus as available. •In the synonymy of Arothron Müller 1841 -- (Ebert 2001:91 [ref. 25494], Kottelat 2013:471 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arothron Müller 1841. Tetraodontidae. (Kanduka) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 26 (pt 6); ref. 2206] Fem. Kanduka michiei Hora 1925. Type by monotypy. See Das 2003:385 [ref. 27706]. •Synonym of Arothron Müller 1841 -- (Fraser-Brunner 1943:15 [ref. 1495], Kottelat 2013:471 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arothron Müller 1841. Tetraodontidae. Species Arothron caeruleopunctatus Matsuura, 1994 [=Arothron caeruleopunctatus Matsuura [K.] 1994:29, Figs. 1 (top 2), 2] Notes: [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 41 (no. 1); ref. 21445] Lagoon side of Bikini Island, Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, western Pacific, depth 2 meters. Current status: Valid as Arothron caeruleopunctatus Matsuura 1994. Tetraodontidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Amirantes, western Mascarenes and Maldives east to Papua New Guinea, Australia north to southern Japan, south to Coral Sea. Habitat: marine. Species Arothron carduus (Cantor, 1849) [=Tetrodon carduus Cantor [T. E.] 1849:1357 [375]] Notes: [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal v. 18 (pt 2); ref. 715] Sea of Penang, Malaysia. Current status: Valid as Arothron carduus (Cantor 1849). Tetraodontidae. Distribution: Off Malaysia and Ryukyu Islands. Habitat: marine. Species Arothron diadematus (Ruppell, 1829) [=Tetraodon diadematus Rüppell [W. P. E. S.] 1829:65, Pl. 17 (fig. 3)] Notes: [Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Africa. Fische des Rothen Meeres; ref. 3843] Red Sea. Current status: Valid as Arothron diadematus (Rüppell 1829). Tetraodontidae. Distribution: Red Sea endemic. Habitat: marine. Species Arothron firmamentum (Temminck & Schlegel, 1850) [=Tetraodon firmamentum Temminck [C. J.] & Schlegel [H.] 1850:280, Pl. 126 (fig. 2)] Notes: [Fauna Japonica Last part (15); ref. 4375] Japan. Current status: Valid as Arothron firmamentum (Temminck & Schlegel 1850). Tetraodontidae. Distribution: Southwestern Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific; antitropical. Habitat: marine. Species Arothron hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) [=Tetraodon hispidus Linnaeus [C.] 1758:333, Tetrodon bondarus Cantor [T. E.] 1849:1359 [377], Tetrodon implutus Jenyns [L.] 1842:152, Tetrodon laterna Richardson [J.] 1845:124, Pl. 61 (fig. 2), Tetraodon perspicillaris Rüppell [W. P. E. S.] 1829:63, Orbis punctulatus Billberg [G. J.] 1833:53, Tetrodon pusillus Klunzinger [C. B.] 1871:645, Tetraodon semistriatus Rüppell [W. P. E. S.]
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