22426 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 11, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS BIG BROTHER OF THE YEAR ated. The results showed that the child was Our Nation's taxpayers will have to indeed deaf, and not retarded at all. bear the burden of the increased Federal This was not the end of Herbert's battle. It was more truly only the first skirmish. spending needed to create and operate HON. MARJORIE S. HOLT The school still failed to respond with a this agency, and as consumers they will OF MARYLAND proper placement for Ricky even after the be saddled with any additional costs to re-evaluation. Therefore, Herbert had to businesses that will be passed on to them IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES begin expending a great deal of time and in the form of higher prices. This is Friday, July 11, 1975 energy on getting Ricky placed in a school especially important when considering Mrs. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, it is with for the deaf. He involved a state senator that it is in the excessive Federal spend­ and a school board member into his fight. ing that is causing the inflation/reces­ great pleasure that I inform my col­ Through Herbert's efforts, Ricky was per­ leagues that my constituent, Mr. Her­ mitted to bypass the waiting list and was sion-a nationally known magazine re­ bert Buchanan of Suitland, Md., has placed, despite the objections of some school cently estimated that unnecessary and been named Big Brother of the Year at officials, in the Maryland School for the Deaf. wasteful Government regulation is al­ the recent Big Brother convention in Anyone who has observed Ricky's progress ready costing American consumers $130 Denver, Colo. since being matched with Herbert cannot billion a year. I am indeed proud of Mr. Buchanan's help but notice the significant change in his In my opinion, it is inconceivable that accomplishments which have resulted in personality. He is now a happy, well-func­ any responsible Member of Congress tioning child who is a sports enthusiast and would support the creation of yet an­ his being selected for this honor by the is always ready for athletic endeavors. over 80,000 Big Brothers throughout the Incredibly, this is not the full scope of other bureaucratic regulatory body when United States. Herbert Buchanan's involvement with his in fact, we should be considering legisla­ At this point I insert into the RECORD Little Brother. He utilized his local civic tion to repeal and abolish costly regula­ the nominating speech which outlines association in helping the boy's family to tory agencies which are harassing Amer­ Herb Buchanan's many civic efforts find adequate housing when they were ican taxpayerI consumers. which qualified him for this award: threatened with eviction from their home, Claims have been made that there is six days before Christmas. He learned sign wide public support for the consumer NOMINATION FOR BIG BROTHER OF THE YEAR language which enabled him to communi­ advocacy concept; however, a recent na­ Big Brother of the National Capital Area. cate effectively with Ricky. Herbert and Ricky maintain weekly contact despite the tional survey by the Opinion Research wishes to place in nomination for the 1975 Corp. of Princeton, N.J., points out that National Big Brother of the Year Award the fact that Ricky is a five-day boarder at school. This Big Brother views his Little on the question of setting up a Federal name of Herbert Buchanan. Brother as no different from any other boy consumer protection agency "* • • 75 Herbert Buchanan has been a.n active Big and involves him in many varied activities. percent of the public voted against doing Brother since May 1967 and is currently Ricky's mother commented that "no finer matched with his second little brother. He this * * *". I believe it is the role of the Big Brother could have been selected for elected representatives of the people to has demonstrated consistently an unusual her son and through Mr. Buchanan's under­ commitment to the program throughout standing, patience and guidance, there is an act to protect and further the best in­ these past eight years. In addition to work­ assurance of a bright future for Ricky." terests of the consumers. I urge my col­ ing with Little Brothers directly, he has Herbert Buchanan, himself, comes from a leagues to read the following remarks of been an active member of his local Big fatherless background. His family was Illainly Mr. Anthony Harrigan, executive vice Brothers Council for seven yea.rs. BBNCA supported by the mother during his child­ president, of the U.S. Industrial Council. councils are designed to relate the program hood years. Herbert served three years in Mr. Harrigan presents the arguments to the unique needs of each locality. In this the U.S. Coast Guard, then attended Howard context Herb has conducted orientation ses­ against a consumer agency in a convinc­ University. He is employed as a printing ing manner: sions for new, and prospective, Big Brothers. specialist with the U.S. Government Printing He has also chaired roundtable discussions Office. Age 41, he is married and has three ANOTHER FEDERAL AGENCY where Big Brothers who are having trouble children of his own (ages 16, 14 and 6). The proposed "Agency For Consumer Ad­ with their matches have the opportunity to He has a strong interest in HAM radio vocacy"--Senate Bill 200-is nothing of the discuss the problems facing them with Big operations. sort. It is another federal control bill. Brother peers and professional staffers. Final­ Herbert Buchanan is a tremendous ex­ It Le; incredible that such legislation ly, he has been very instrumental in publi­ ample of what one man can do as a volunteer should be foisted on the American people cizing the Big Brothers program throughout when he is sincerely committed and deeply When the country already is suffering from the Washington, D.C. Model Cities area. His motivated to a cause. We know of no man regulatory overkill. The Dally Oklahoma re­ selection for these key, and sensitive, roles more deserving of this great honor and we cently commented that "Federal regulatory demonstrates the esteem in which he is proudly urge your consideration of Herbert power is not only intrusive to a degree our held within the Agency, and community. Buchanan as National Big Brother of the parents would not have believed, but it is However, all of these are among his lesser Year for 1975. costly." achievements within the program-at lea.st The. initial cost ls of the gla.nt bureaucracy. in his eyes and those of his Little Brother, Today, there are more than 63,000 federal Ricky, Herbert was matched with Ricky be­ employes on the payroll of regulatory agen­ cause he had specifically asked to work with cies. This manpower costs the 1;axpayers more a. handicapped boy. At the time it was be­ PROLIFERATING FEDERAL REGU­ than $2 billion a year. lieved that Ricky was mentally retarded. He LATION: ANOTHER BUREAUCRACY But this ls only part of the cost. One steel was extremely withdrawn, hostile and de­ company estimates that its superintendents fiant. He would communicate only by physi­ spend 4,000 man hours a year guiding in­ cally striking out. He had been placed in a HON. JOHN H. ROUSSELOT spectors through its coal mines. There a.re special education class for retarded children OF CALIFORNIA more than 5,000 different types of federal by the public school system. Ricky's plight IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forms to be filled out by businesses which was an especially difficult one since he was reportedly require 130 million man hours per one of 11 children in his family and he could Friday, July 11, 1975 year to complete. not be given much individual attention. Mr. my Murray Weidenbaum, an economist at Soon after he began working with Ricky, Mr. ROUSSELOT. Speaker, as Washington University, estimates the cost of Herbert Buchanan began to suspect that the colleagues in the House are aware, the auto safety and emission standards at $3 bil· boy was exhibiting a hearing problem. Herb­ other body has passed legislation which lion a year. In a new book, he cites the end- ert's previous involvement with deaf co­ calls for the creation of an Agency for less harassment of companies by consumer workers had given him some familiarity with Consumer Advocacy, and our own Com­ protection agencies. this afftiction. He had also passed through mittee on Government Operations is cur­ For example, he notes that one company a training program at Galludet College (an rently considering similar legislation. I in St. Louis produced 1,494 containers of institution for the deaf) and this helped windshield washer solvent that didn't have him arrive at this evaluation. After this cru­ strongly oppose the establishment of childproof caps or a label stating that the cial observation, Herbert began his fight for still another Federal bureaucracy which liquid "cannot be made non-poisonous." The better services to meet Ricky's needs. will further intensify the upward pres­ company was not allowed to amx new caps Through direct, and persuasive, contacts sure on prices and put additional strains and labels. Instead, it was compelled to de­ with the school, Herbert had Ricky reevalu- on the already overburdened taxpayer. stroy all the containers. July 11, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22427 While Sen. Abraham Riblcoff (D-Conn.), migratory waterfowl. Not only do they has sent me copies of two of his recent with strong assistance from consumer sensa­ provide habitat and breeding grounds, columns which I will insert in the tionalist Ralph Nader, pushes S.
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