THE MAKING OF 1a, Radio Sr. RADIO SHO Page 10 KENT BURK INTERVIE W, PART 2 Records Page 8 MUSEXPO '7 Page 8 _ THE INDUSTRY'S NEWSPAPER VOL. 3, NUMBER 32 FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1975 THE MAIN EVENT: KNAPP VS. BUSH The place, downtown Minneapolis, as KSTP's morning man Chuck Knapp takes on his colorful and sometimes sarcastic morning newsman Charlie Bush. in the third annual insult contest. The event has grown so popular that this year even a local television station covered the story along with about 2000 spectators. No winner was declared so most likely the morning team will provide a fourth annual Michael Murphey's fantastic success is documented by his gold single,"Wildfire." So it's no surprise that immediately after its release, "Carolina in the Pines" 50131 is receiving heavy telephones, across-the-board airplay, and a Gavin Personal Pick. "Carolina in the Pines" Michael Murphey's sizzling follow-up to "Wildfire :A .50084 And there are eight more just like them, on Michael's "Blue Sky- Night Thu,rnIACalbum. On Epic Records - e W ORCA RIG 01975 .0 rsonat Management byJerryWeintraub, Management Three, Ltd., 400 South Beverly Drive,Beverly Hills, Cal ifomia 90212(213) 277-9633 Also available on tape. Page 3 RADIO & RECORDS R&R/Friday. August 15, 1975 RADIO GIVES RADIO NEWS AWAY how long the station's jocks STAR TREK that August is the month of Philadelphia is hosting the tan. So, they're giving away a could ride the cycle on a certain amount of gas. -Star Trek" convention for tan, obtainable in Hawaii. this year for fans of the now Grand prize is an all expenses NAB/RAB CONFAB defunct TV show. WIBG gave paid trip for 2 to the Islands. The National Association of listeners a chance to show RIVERS RESIGNS FROM Broadcasters and the Radio 04 0 their expertise at Star Trek WDRQ Advertising Bureau have join- trivia, asking questions about Late word received at ed forces to present six the show, giving away prizes presstime was that Steve Regional Radio Conventions ALL WEEK of tickets to the convention Rivers resigned the program this fall. Separate seminars and dinners with the stars of director position at WDRQ/ for program directors will be LONG!! Detroit. Steve can be reached the show. included in the conventions. August 2nd marked the end of the Rolling Stones' American FREE TUSH at (313) 559-8326. Burns Nugent, NAB Executive tour, with WSGA/Savannah using this provocative Jagger visual HUMOR SERVICE The rage in radio promotion vice president for station rela- to build up their Stones ticket giveaway. last week seemed to be giving Bob Anthony and Tom tions, said the seminars, to be away "Tush." KCBQ/San Parker of KGW/Portland have conducted by Bob Henabery Diego held their "Win a Tush initiated a new humor service: Associates of New York. will Weekend," giving away ZZ "Tower Of Babble," with some deal with actual programming Top's "Fandango" LP. KAFY/ great bits designed for radio problems and solutions. The Bakersfield used such subtle only. Contact T.O.B. at (503) conventions commence Octo- phrasing as "Get Your Share 232-6053, 3135 SE 25th Ave, ber 13 in Atlanta at the Of The Tush," and "Had Portland, Ore. 97202. Fairmont Hotel with the theme yours lately?" giving away THE MINI DRAMA "The Creative Team," speak- copies of the hit single. Chuck Blore introduced his ers Warren Potash, manager FREE PUPPIES latest syndicated feature at WBAP/Ft. Worth; and Bob WDRQ/Detroit held the his Los Angeles studios last Harper, program director "Pick Of The Litter" weekend, week. The concept is called WKB W/Buffalo; moving to tying in with the Spinners' the "Mini Drama," short, Boston October 16 at the latest LP of the same title. dramatized introductions to Marriott, featuring "The News AKC registered puppies and current hit records. The pur- Team." Bill Scott, news direc- copies of the album were pose of the "Mini" is obvious tor WINS/New York, John given away to call in listeners. when heard along with a Hultman, news director COLORFUL record that has had countless WBBM/Chicago, and John KTKT/Tucson has been do- exposures, it simply gives its Webster. program director ing their research into what fresh life. A demo tape is WERE/Cleveland. In New Or- colors represent different available by calling Chuck or leans November 10 at the months of the year, finding Bob Hamilton at (213) 466-9221 Monteleone, "The Manage- PTTTSBURGH's WOODSTOCK? ment Team," Ed Newsome, 13Q/Pittsburgh is in the manager, and Scott Burton, Radio & process of organizing an open program director KSD/St. air festival concert featuring Louis; Chicago November 13, Records the group America. Scheduled at Pick Congress "The News for the end of August, the Team," Frank Barnako, news In the interest of protecting their listeners, Public Service station is currently negotiating director WRC/Washington minded WFIL/Philadelphia rushed this T-Shirt artwork Pubhatter: Bob Wilson for use of land which could D.C., Lou Adler, news director to R&R s offices, informing us of their new shark-repellent. Editor: Mark Shipper handle crowds up into the 10's WCBS/New York, and Ed Rip- of thousands. ley, program director WJW/ RADIO NEWS Editor: Chris Blase SUMMER IN NEW MEXICO Cleveland. Denver, November TRENDEX NEWSLETTER FCC Advisor: Jason Shrinsky KBIM/Roswell, New Mexico 17, at the Brown Palace, "The Trendex is now releasing a newsletter periodically. In the Radio Report reports an active summer Management Team," Marty latest edition the Trendex people highlight a recent survey they Coordinator: Jim Warren promotion schedule, with an Greenberg, manager WLS/ completed on where the tax rebate checks went. RECORD NEWS on-going "don't say hello" con- Chicago, and John Gehron, The second survey is from a few weeks back but shows a Editor: Candy Tusken test. They also held the first program director WLS. In San significant number of unlisted phone numbers in three major annual KUM Sunday in the Francisco November 20 at the markets. Since most major rating services use the phone ENTERTAINMENT Park, with free music, water- Fairinont, "The Creative directory to get their contacts, this survey emphasizes the Editor: Linda Goettsch melon for 10 cents, with pro- Team," Paul Drew, vice pres- percentage of people that most likely will not get contacted. In COUNTRY ceeds going to charity, then ident of programming, and Washington D.C. 55 0/0 of the 18-34 year old population is Editor: Jim Duncan giving away a $400 motorcycle Harvey Mednick, natio: t unlisted. These unlisted figures have been talked about for a Nashville: Biff Collie by asking listeners to guess promotion director RKO Radio. few years, we thought we'd print them for those of you who POP have never seen the survey. A few survey companies have tried Mike Kasabo random number dialing, a few using computer control systems. KE Y AR E AS OF USE FO R TAX REF U N D AOR Editor: Mike Harrison OR OTHE R UNE XPEC TE D INC O ME ADVERTISING TOT AL AD ULTS march April Dick Krizman 100.0 % 100.0 % DEPOSIT IT IN BA N K 35.2 35.0 24.0 SUBSCRIPTIONS PAY BILLS 24.1 6.2 Circulation Mgr: Andrea Shahian RE M O DEL/RE DEC O R ATE 6.7 BU Y APPLIA NCE 6.0 5.9 BU Y FU R NIT U R E 5.3 4.7 PRODUCTION BU Y CL OTHIN G 3.6 3.1 Art Director: Roger Zumwalt PRODUCTION MGR: Dave Hirsch UNLISTE D PH O NES KCBQ/San Diego's Shotgun Tom Kelly is the Muscular Graphics: R&R Production Dystrophy's Honorary "Do Your Own Thing" chairman this NE W YO R K LOS AN GELES W ASHIN G T O N RADIO & RECORDS is published every year, urging local youth to organize projects to raise funds for Listed Unlisted Listed Unlisted Listed Unlisted AGE OF RESPO N DE NT Friday by Radio & Records, Inc. 6430 the charity. Kelly is shown here with Jerry Lewis, planning the % % % % % % 18-34 30 39 35 46 34 55 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1221, Hollywood, charity's upcoming telethon. 35-49 30 33 23 31 33 28 CA 90028, [2131 466-9561 Subscriptions 50+ 38 27 42 23 33 16 Refused $130 per year or $40 per quarter. No 1 1 portion of this publication may he The Annual Lu Fields Football Contest begins in Radio And RACE OF RESPO N DEN T reprinted without the written perm- White 83 -71 84 74 77 58 Records in two weeks — more details in next week's issue! Black ission of the publisher. Copyright 1975 10 21 6 12 20 38 Other 3 4 6 12 1 RADIO & RECORDS, INC. No Answer 4 4 4 2 3 3 R8R/Friday, August 15, 1975 Page 4 R ADIO & RECORDS NOTICE: NEW CLASSIFIED IMPORTANT! DEADLI NE: WEDNESDAY Please let us know when FOR THE FOLLOWING your job opening is filled. FRIDAY 'S ISSUE. CLASSIFIED OPENINGS POSITIONS SOUGHT Y-115 seeks a professional heavy, for morning drive. Contact Howard DAVID ROCK N' ROLL LYONS looking for PD, MD, position. Call (502) Johnson (414) 739-1159 (8-7) 447-8681 (8-1) KNUS Dallas seeks air personality, 2-6am, Contact Bo Weaver (214) DICK SLOANE from WOKY Milwaukee for 2/12 years, now looking for 651-1010 EOE (8-7) Top 40 jock gig, preferably mid-days. Call (414) 464-0792 (8-7) WZOO Asheboro needs Top 40 mid-day man with strong production.
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