J*- '^^^ JHE CATHOLIC W" ' y» LAST WEEK'S 'Rock-N-Roll Church's Future PAID CIRCULATION Not To Blame' Seen Dependent 54,497 tsOi4fcte%/mlAniSinar/\*~*S OFFICIAL 1 See Fr. Sheerin p. 4 NEWSPAPER OF W^THE ROCHESTER DIOCESE C/ 67th Year ROCHESTER, N. Y., FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1956 10 Gents On Religious Notre Dame, Ind. —(ENS)—The future of the Catholic Former Area Church in America is dependent upon the healthy spiritual life of the religrious throughout the country, Monsignor Fran- els J. Lally, editor of the Pilot, official organ oi the Boston arch­ Priest Named diocese, declared here. 4 He spoke to more that 800 Sis­ 'Ko Such Thing ters Superior and Novice Mis­ tresses during the closing service As Sad Saints' Bishop In of the fourth annual Institute of Notre Dame, Ind, — (NO— Spirituality at-tJie University at There is "no such thing as a Notre Dame. The Sisters, renre- sad saint." because "our holi­ jsenting 155 women's religious ness determines our happiness Byzantine Rite feoEHsunities. took part In a can- here and hereafter," Bishop Washington — (NO Pope 'dlellght service in the grotto of' Bernard J. Topel of Spokane, I Pius XII has created new Our Lady of Lourdes on the' declared here. campus. ^Byzantine Rite Exarchate (Dio­ The prelate addressed the In­ cese) of Stamford. Connecticut REFERRING TO the duties of stitute of Spirituality in Sacred The new exarchate comprises the superior In directing the splr-, Heart Church on the University , those parishes In New York State itual lives of tfaeir charges who, of Notre Dame campus. More and all of New England which ', in turn, instruct young people In than 800 Sisters superior and heretofore have been under the mistresses of novices attended jurisdiction of the Byzantine Rite the faith. Monsignor Lally told the sessions. Apostolic Exarchy of Philadel­ tthem that "what is asked of you phia. Is . the revitalizing of the "The happiest person in tfee | total spiritual life of one or per- world is a saint," Bishop Topel asserted. "The worldling Is as­ BISHOP AMBROSE Senyshyn. , haps two generations." OSBM. Auxiliary to the Apostolic tonished at such a statement, Exarch of Philadelphia since Stressing that the most endur-, log spiritual habits are those ac­ but a saint knows it is true. 1942, has been named Exarch of; The worldling reads of the the Stamford exarchate. quired In early years, he said that "as the twig of their spirit­ saints' sufferings with unhap- JESUIT MOmraiENT—Father BsJph Stayer, pa* tor of the St Patrick'* Church, Aaroia* and §L plness." MONSIGNOR JOSEPH | Michael's Church, Union Springs, shows Sister Mary Consolxta and Sister Mary Xavler, visitors ual Hie is bent, BO the tree of a, SC1I.MONDIUK, pastor of Im­ from the Albany diocese, the monument dedicated to early Jesuit missionaries on the Union generation or more of souls Is Attachments to worldly maculate Conception Church. Springs-Aurora Road. Inscription on the plaque reads: "This Valley was the site of the Principal bound to Incline." things, rather than sufferings, lHamtramck, Mich., has been Cayuga Indian Village, To?1 the Brave French Missionaries whose heroism was almost without The healthy spiritual life at are most likely to bring unhap- j named Titular Bishop of Zeug-; parallel, Joseph Chsumonot and Rene Menard w ho as guests of Chief Saoachtowaga, built here In the religious of our country is.. plness, he emphasized. ma in Syria and Auxiliary to 1658 the First Rouse of Christian Worship In Western N. Y.. and to Stephen tie Carhell who tor 9- then." Monsignor Lally declared, j "But for the detached per­ Archbishop Constantlne Bohach- years ministered here and his co-labourer Peter Raffolx, this Monument is respectfully erected." "not Just the concern of the su- > son, for the saint, they are not. evsky. Apostolic Exarch of PhD- J perlea-s and directors of the vari- { In fact, they csn all be a Joy." adelphia. j ous communities, Whnt Is at j he declared. "The difference between the Bishop - designate Schmon- stake Is nothing less than the j future of the Church In Amerl- • joy In heaven of a St Theresa dluk. has held pastoral assign- I Tax Ruling Auburn Minister Called and a soul that barely escapes ments at SH. Peter and Paul : ca." The Monsignor told the Sisters hell la almost more than we Church, AUqulppa, Pa.; ST. that while It Is important to can Imagine." Bishop Topel JOSAPHAT CHURCH, Roches­ Historian Of Jesuit know the principles that guide said. Strangely, he said, "the ter. N. Y„ and St Nicholas j Appealed To and rule the spiritual life. It la very reason one neglects to at­ Church. Passaic, N. J. • vastly more sijjniflcant to know tain this eternally greater hap­ FATHER STEPHEN KOC1SKO • A stolat£ To /r0 how to apply them. piness ta the pursuit of false chanceDor of the Apostolic Exar-1 Supreme Court P° <^ THE" IPIRniJAL tragedies happlnetar" in thia world. chate of Pittsburgh, is also WM This Is the third of a aeriaa of article* recalling the early that have been known to us." h* Cort For Rej r ^•••^ ^*r*-»« JesuiThit missionaries U UM» thirs dwh ofo a 30 aerte0 yeara osf agartteJo preacheM reealond thre t Fait h to named Titular Bishop of Tevcste i San Francisco — (RNS) — The said, -have not come from any ^^ .^^t ^f^ g^ ^^ Washington, D. C. — (NO — A ©aaa»^;*|f provide kennels Indiana In. Cayuga County. The author, Edwin ML. Nolaa U a and Auxiliary to Bishop Nicho- United States Supreme Court has member of the faculty of West High School In Auburn. A Field Ignorance of spiritual truth, but vice." aad exercise space for iocs rafter nfciafrnitt-ii at the George las T. Elko, Apostolic Exarch of been asked to rule on the legality, more of ten from •clumsy appll- j ^agOg^gg LaBy went on ta of property tax exemption of Mass, marking the 300th anniversary of Cayuga's First Mast, saws Medical Center baa twe* isaaobed ay WARDS, a national Pittsburgh. cation of this truth to th«( prac- ^^ t<mtast kWn, j,^., ^^ nonprofit private and parochial will be offered at 4 pJtn, Sunday. August 1» at the John Guns •rganlsattoa devote* to "Walftafa ef Aatmah used far R*- Farm, Mapletoa, 8 miles South of Auburn on Ro*|te SIB. tlcal order of Hvtng. The critical jy^ dun ^ IurtBr of ^ nun.„ schools in California. mmnk In Drags ond Surgery.* Mr*. Castle* A. Bufnagel and Pope's Health Good, task for all of us.is to find ta ^^ vvm of p^g^^ ^mty rather Thomas J. O'DottneB, »j\ Georgetowrv Medical School Henry A Clausen, attorney for By EDWIN M. NOLAN the routine of dally life the! ^^ obedience. the California Taxpayers Alli­ means by which we may taw. j HJ g^jro the vow of poverty Safest are shown with Buddy, OM of 10€ dogs used at the Says Physician ance, has filed an appeal from The late Rev. Charles Hawley, D.D., was a Protestant Center. the California Supreme Court, minister and pastor of Auburn's First Presbyterian Church welov e*"** an*d delateserve thd eourselves. God to Who" m ugtoubecomes ,"cradle roewiingtesjs hersel Iff thIne th re* 1 Rome — (NO — Professor ^i* • n „ i i i ,ii|wi| in . 1 decision which upheld a state law from 1857 until his death in 1885, yet, his contribution to Monsignor Lally amid that confidence that the future U a*- Antonio Gasbarrinl. who attended ... ., , slnce each soul within a religious cure." The vow of chasity, hat the coniultation held during the ;gr*n?n« to exemption tonon-1 Catholicism Is as unique as it Is profit private and paxochlal great His service to the Catholic community is -» world of Its,stated loses worth If the rtltt> serious illness of Hli Holiness own which strives to respond, iocs bardefa her heart taste** Pul^^t&^Official Pope Plus XTI in December, 1S54, schools. Church In America and to the was eminently qualified for the cTS> THE APPEAL contends that Society of Jesus is almost with­ literary and historical aspects of but in individual tones, to the 0f making It more pure. And the said that he found the Pope's calls *hat God makes upon it," vow of obedience, he added^mUns. physical condition "marvelous" the state statute, passed in 1951 out parallel among the Protes- his ministerial career. His many and approved, by votera tn a! tants and equally so among Cath- scholarly achievements and hon-tiie work of the superior Is basic-1M its purpose If the obedUrnes To Study For Priesthood >o n his latest visit to the Holy atty a work of prudence. Father. statewide referendum, violates ollr*. j°rs Included membership tn Phi becomes servile Instead of docile the Constitutional provision for The first person to call pub- Beta Kappa, In* seeking prudent action to During the waek of the Insti. Fltchbwrf, Mass. _(RNS)— Dr. Robert H. McCarn, 48, He added that, making allow­ direct spiritual life, he said, the tute the Sisters attended sis superintendent of public schools here, has submitted his ance for a / unforseen happen­ separation of Church and State He attention to the monumental In addition to marked patri- and Involves federal questions of work of the early Jesuits amonjj otic contributions and service to Sister Superior should take ad­ lectures a day on the theory and re»taati(te!$n order to study for the priesthood of the Rom­ ings apt to occur in a man of vantage of past experience, seek practice of guiding and directing advanced age. the Pontiff can be "discrimination and class legisla-: the Cayujfa Iroquois, he thereby his country.
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