Alternative Voices in Muslim Southeast Asia

Alternative Voices in Muslim Southeast Asia

Index Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to endnotes A Ahmad, Mahmud, 70 AAII. See Ahmadiyah Anjuman Ahmad, Mirza Mubarak, 215 Isha’at Islam Ahmad, Muhammad Ariff, 70, 74, 75 Abbas Taha, Haji, 25 Ahmad, Shahnon, 76 Abduh, Muhammad, 25, 206, 209 Ahmad, Zainal Abidin Bin, 73 Abdulgani, Roeslan, 211 ajaran sesat (deviant teachings), 41 Abdullah Badawi, 5, 6, 119 Akyol, Mustafa, 127 Abou El Fadl, Khaled, 95 al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din, 25, 98 Aceh Freedom Movement. See Alatas, Syed Farid, 127 Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) Alatas, Syed Hussein, 26, 77, 90, 102, Administration of Islamic Law, 168 121 Administration of Muslim Law Act Al-Attas, Syed Muhammad Naquib, 5 (AMLA), 41, 56 Al-Azmeh, Aziz, 89 Ahmad Abdullah, Syeikh, 25 al-Banjari, Muhammad Arsyad, 161 Ahmad, Dzulfefly, 132 Albar, Syed Hamid, 165 Ahmadiyah, 190, 191 alcohol consumption, by Muslim Arab-educated vs. Dutch-educated youth, 24 scholars, 203–7 al-Hadi, Syed Sheikh, 70, 71, 72 influences in Indonesia, 199–200, Ali, Abdul Mukti, 199 207–13 Aliran Kebatinan, 184 Islamic revivalism, 199, 215 Aliran Kepercayaan, 184 Lahore branch, 200 Alisjahbana, Sutan Takdir, 73 receptive attitude towards in al-Kalali, Sheikh Muhammad Salim, Indonesia, 200–203 25 Ahmadiyah Anjuman Isha’at Islam al-Minangkabawi Khatib, Sheikh (AAII), 200 Ahmad, 24–25 Ahmad, Kassim, 76 Al-Qaradawi, Yusof, 129 221 13 AlternativeVoices_IndexIT-1P.indd 221 13/11/19 6:52 pm 222 Index American Muslim communities, 96 Buang, Saedah, 80 Aminurashid, Harun, 70 Buehler, Michael, 143 AMLA. See Administration of Muslim Bush, George W., 6 Law Act (AMLA) Ampera, Kapitra, 145, 146 C Amrullah, Sheikh Abdul Karim, 25 CASIS. See Centre for Advanced Anak Panglima Awang (1961), 73 Studies on Islam, Science, and An’Naim, Abdullahi, 29, 95 Civilisation (CASIS) Anwar, Chairil, 73 ‘Catholic’ Islam, 111 Anwar, Zainah, 29, 126, 127 Centre for Advanced Studies on Arab-educated vs. Dutch-educated Islam, Science, and Civilisation scholars, 203–7 (CASIS), 5 Arabism, in Singapore, 59 CEP. See Council of Eminent Persons arabization, 6, 118 (CEP) Asha’arism, 156–57 Chopp, Rebecca S., 95 Asnawi, Ahmadi, 160 Christianity, 209, 210–11 Association of Women Lawyers civilizational Islam, 120 (AWL), 125 civil law, 56, 57 atheism, 39, 148, 210, 215 civil society organizations (CSOs), Awang, Usman, 72, 76 12, 147 AWL. See Association of Women IKRAM Foundation, 12–13 Lawyers (AWL) Kairos Dialogue Network, 13–15 Ayub, Nisha, 132 Projek Dialog, 11–12 Committee for Islamic Institutional B Reforms, 159 Babu Sahid, Moulavi M.H., 26 Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), Badawi, Abdullah Ahmad, 131, 191 179n46 conservatism, 11, 15, 40, 118, 142–46, Bakor Pakem, 191, 197n37 149–51 Bangsa Melayu Singapura Dalam Constitutional Court, 184, 186, 187, Transformasi Budayanya 191, 192 (Suratman Markasan), 26 Council of Eminent Persons (CEP), Barisan Nasional government, 12, 119 159 Barton, Greg, 13 Crescent Star Party, 146 Berger, Peter L., 17 customary law, 186, 189 bineka (diversity) citizenship, 187, 194 D Birth of Jesus in the Light of the Qur’an Dahlan, Kyai Hj Ahmad, 25 (Basharat Ahmad), 210 Bisri, Mustofa, 141 DDII. See Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Boff, Leonardo, 95 Indonesia (DDII) 13 AlternativeVoices_IndexIT-1P.indd 222 13/11/19 6:52 pm Index 223 Decline of Liberalism as an Ideology, The Gerakan Ahmadiyah Indonesia (Hallowell), 93 (GAI), 200 Defending Islam Act, 139 Ghulam Ahmad, Mirza, 200, 205, 210, Department of Islamic Development 211 Malaysia (JAKIM), 118, 119, 122, Golkar Party, 21 126 Gospel of Action, The (Kamal-ud-Din), Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia 205, 211 (DDII), 213 Gul, Abdullah, 127 Dingemans, L.F., 201 Gutiérrez, Gustavo, 95 divorce in Islam, 204 Djojosoegito, R. Ng., 202 H halal, 4–5, 19, 34, 57 E Halida, Rizka, 144 Eck, Diana L., 17 Halil, Rasiah, 70, 80 “Een Ereschuld” (debt of honour), Hallowell, John H., 93 201 Hamid, A. Ghani, 78 Embong, Ghazali, 163 Hamzah, Amir, 73 Engineer, Asghar Ali, 29 haram, 19, 160 Ethical Policy, 201, 202 Harmony Bill, 191 European Muslims, 18 Hashemi, Nader, 95 Hassan, Ibrahim Azmi, 162 F Hassan, Ustaz Ahmad, 26 Faisal Tehrani, 6 Het Licht (journal), 207 Faruqi, Ismail, 5 hibah ruqbah (rukbah-gift), 46 Faruqi, Shad Saleem, 121, 159 Himpunan Mahasiswa Indonesia Fealy, Greg, 140, 141 (HMI), 40 Federal Constitution, 160 HINDRAF. See Hindu Rights Action Federal Territories Religious Force (HINDRAF) Department (JAWI), 127 Hindu Rights Action Force Freedom Papua Organization. See (HINDRAF), 6 Organisasi Papua Merdeka Hisyam, Usama, 145 (OPM) Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), Fromm, Erich, 67 146–47 HMI. See Himpunan Mahasiswa G Indonesia (HMI) Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia Holy Qur’an, The (Muhammad Ali), (GBM), 13 210 GAI. See Gerakan Ahmadiyah humanism, 76–81 Indonesia (GAI) Human Rights Commission of Gandhi, Indira, 167, 171 Malaysia (SUHAKAM), 164 Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM), 193 human rights issues in Indonesia 13 AlternativeVoices_IndexIT-1P.indd 223 13/11/19 6:52 pm 224 Index hierarchy and discrimination, non-Muslims, 144 189–92 Nusantara Islam, 59 political identity and populism, Pancasila vs. Islamists, 146–49 184–87 Perppu Ormas, 147 Hussin, Zaleha, 163 pornography bill, 148 post-1998 democratization, 140 I presidential election of 2019, 140 Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad, religious education, 151 111 religious intolerance, 144 Ibn Khaldun’s socio-historical 212 movement, 145–47 method, 103 Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang, 143 ICCR. See International Covenant on Indonesian Democratic Party of Civil and Political Rights (ICCR) Struggle, 145 ICERD. See International Convention Indonesian Islamic Propagation on the Elimination of All Forms Council, 213 of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) Indonesian Muslim organizations, Idenburg, A.W.F., 201 142 IFSO. See International Federation of Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Students Organisations (IFSO) 139, 145 IIUM. See International Islamic Institute of the Malay World and University of Malaysia (IIUM) Civilization (ATMA), 124 ijtihad (reasoning), 26 Institutional Reforms Committee IKRAM (IKRAM Foundation (IRC), 159 Malaysia), 12–13 Intellectuals in Developing Societies, Indonesia 92 Ahmadiyah Community, 200 International Convention on the changing religious-political Elimination of All Forms of landscape, 140–42 Racial Discrimination (ICERD), civil society organizations, 147 7, 12, 131 conservatism, 142, 150 International Covenant on Civil and democracy and conservatism, Political Rights (ICCR), 169, 149–52 188 elections and intolerance, 143–46 International Federation of Students Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, 146–47 Organisations (IFSO), 40 Indonesian Ulama Council, 139, 145 International Institute of Islamic Jakarta gubernatorial election Thought and Civilization (2017), 143 (ISTAC), 5 literary scene, 73 International Islamic University of Muhammadiyah, 141 Malaysia (IIUM), 126 Nahdlatul Ulama, 141 inter-religious marriage, 39, 142 National Awakening Party, 141 Iranian revolution of 1979, 4, 40, 161 13 AlternativeVoices_IndexIT-1P.indd 224 13/11/19 6:52 pm Index 225 IRC. See Institutional Reforms Fazlur Rahman’s categorization of, Committee (IRC) 214 IRF. See Islamic Renaissance Front in Indonesia, 200, 204–5, 215 (IRF) 1979 Islamic Revolution, 157, 158 ISIS. See Islamic State in Iraq and Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Syria (ISIS) 120 Islam Berkemajuan (Modern Islam), Islamism, 4, 111, 145 120 Islamization, 28, 42 Islam Hadhari (Civilizational Islam), “Islam on slavery”, 204 5, 120 Islams and Modernities (Al-Azmeh), Islam Nusantara (Archipelagic Islam), 89 120 Islam, Songkok dan Bahasa (Maarof Islam Wasatiyyah (Moderate Islam), Salleh), 26 120 Ismail, A. Samad, 72 Islamic Boarding School Foundation, Ismail, Hamed, 70 213 ISTAC. See Islamic Institute of Islamic discourse in Malaysia, Thought and Civilisation 119–27 (ISTAC) “arabization”, 118 foreign speakers, 127–29 J Islamic institutions, 122–23 Jaafariyyahs, 160, 163, 165 Islamic NGOs, 118 JAI. See Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia Pakatan Harapan government, (JAI) 119 Jakarta Charter, 35 reforms, 129–33 Jakarta gubernatorial election (2017), religious bureaucracy, 118, 133 universities, 133 143 Islamic education, 42 JAKIM (Department of Islamic Islamic Institute of Thought and Development Malaysia), 5, 7 Civilisation (ISTAC), 126 Jalaluddin, Sheikh Tahir, 25, 70–72 Islamic law, 49, 93, 98, 103 Jamaluddin al-Afghani, 25 Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS), 130 Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL), 128 “Islamic Protestantism”, 112 Jemaah Islamiah (JI), 120 Islamic reform, 24, 72 Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI), Islamic religious literature, 24 200 Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF), 11, JIB. See Jong Islamieten Bond (JIB) 119, 124 “Jihad in Islam”, 204 Islamic Resurgence in Malaysia JIL. See Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL) (Chandra Muzaffar), 3 Joko Widodo (Jokowi), 145, 146, 147, Islamic revivalism 150, 184, 193 early twentieth century, 199 Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, 159 13 AlternativeVoices_IndexIT-1P.indd 225 13/11/19 6:52 pm 226 Index Jong Islamieten Bond (JIB), 203, 206, civil society organizations, 12 207 halal certification, 5 IMAN, 10 K Islamic institutions, 4 Kairos Dialogue Network (KDN), Islamization of modern sciences, 5 13–15 non-Muslim groups, 7 Kamali, M. Hashim, 95, 121 politics of islamic discourse in, 3–8 Kamal-ud-Din, Khwaja, 209, 211 population, 9 Kamaluddin, Mohd Zuki, 164 post-Islamic revivalism, 4 Kamari, Isa, 70, 80 poverty in, 9 KDN. See Kairos Dialogue Network radicalization, 6 (KDN) religiosity in, 3, 11 Khan, Muqtader, 95 security threats, 6 Khomeini, Ayatollah, 130 state responses to Islamization, 5–8 Koening, Matthias,

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