1617-055 Wheaton Mag- Cover.indd FC2 V OLUME 20 // ISSUE 1 // 2017 CULTIVATING A DEEP LOVE FOR CHRIST AND HIS KINGDOM P. 6 and Center The Faith Neuroscience WHEATON NewArmerding theArts for The Music Hundred Holmes and 11/15/16 4:36 PM The best way to experience the invaluable education available at Wheaton is by being bold enough to ask hard questions and step beyond your comfort zone. Wheaton’s warm community and Christ-centered mission make it an excellent place to do just that.” —Peter D. ’16 As alumni and friends of Wheaton, you play a critical role in helping us identify the best and brightest students to refer to the College. We value your input and invite you to join us in the recruitment process once again. To refer a student who will take full advantage of the Wheaton Experience, please let us know at wheaton.edu/refer. To share stories from current Wheaton students and links to valuable content that will help guide prospective students as they navigate their college search journey, go to blog.wheaton.edu. 1617-055 Wheaton Mag - FOB.indd IFC1 11/22/16 9:06 AM featuresVOLUME 20 // ISSUE 1 WINTER 2017 WHEATON “All truth is God’s truth.” Facebook facebook.com/ FROM THE HEART, ART: wheatoncollege.il FOR THE KINGDOM ZACHARY ERWIN ’17 / 21 / 32 Twitter twitter.com/ wheatoncollege ➝ THE HOLMES NEUROSCIENCE HUNDRED / 30 AND FAITH / 34 Instagram courtesy of the Wheaton College Archives, Buswell Library of the Wheaton courtesy instagram.com/ Photo wheatoncollegeil WHEATON.EDU/MAGAZINE 1 1617-055 Wheaton Mag - FOB.indd 1 11/16/16 3:02 PM SECTION NAME HERE VOLUME 20 // ISSUE 1 WINTER 2017 WHEATON 2 Is Wheaton in your plans? Provide for Wheaton College’s ministry through your estate plans. You’ve given to Wheaton College during your life. Consider giving through your Will, revocable trust, or IRA. Leave the gift of a lifetime and provide for future generations of Wheaton College students. For information regarding our complimentary estate analysis and other services, contact Dave Teune or Ruth Langworthy at 630.752.5332, or email us at [email protected]. Visit our website at wheaton.edu/giftplan 1617-055 Wheaton Mag - FOB.indd 2 11/16/16 3:02 PM departmentsV OLUME 202 0 // ISSUE 1 WINTER 20120 7 7 WHEATONN 16 101 8 13 42 4 PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVEE NEWS PROFILES / 5 6 CAMPUS NEWS 8 CENTERS AND INSTITUTES 10 FACULTY NEWS 12 STUDENT NEWS 14 SPORTS 16 PROFILES ALUMNI NEWS / 39 44 52 40 A WORD WITH ALUMNI TYLER ’10 AND 41 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS “ALL I KNEW ABBY BERGLUND 42 HOMECOMING 2016 ANDERSON ’10 44 ALUMNI PROFILES IS THAT I WELCOMED 46 DSTAM: HAROLD “MAC” AIRHART ’61 CYRUS ANDREW 48 CLASS NEWS WANTED TO ON MAR. 9, 2016. 50 GRAD SCHOOL SERVE GOD 51 WEDDINGS 52 NEWCOMERS AND BE USEFUL 52 IN MEMORY 56 GENERATIONS FOR HIS KINGDOM.” CYNTHIA RAMIREZ-MARTINEZ ’08 BENEDICTION / 64 Volume 20, Issue 1, Winter 2017 Editor Allison Althoff Steinke ’11 Editorial Consultants Charles Audino M.A. ’16, Ashley Rydberg Bright ’10, Adrianna Wright ’01 Director of Marketing Communications Kimberly Medaglia Designers Katie Alford ’10, Stefanie Enger, Mary Leiser Class News Editor Donna Antoniuk COPY EDITOR Nancy Albright Nehmer ’82 EDITORIAL Adviser Cindra Stackhouse Taetzsch ’82 Editorial Intern Kelsey Plankeel ’18 Wheaton College President Dr. Philip G. Ryken ’88 Provost Dr. Margaret DuPlissis Diddams ’83 Vice President for Finance Dale A. Kemp Vice President for Student Development Dr. Paul O. Chelsen ’91 Vice President for Advancement, Vocation, and Alumni Engagement Dr. Kirk D. Farney M.A. ’98 Executive Assistant to the President Marilee A. Melvin ’72 CONTRIBUTING ILLUSTRATORS Stuart Holmes, Andrew Lyons, Bernd Schifferdecker, David Sparshott, Carl Wiens CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Carrie From Photography, Mike Hudson ’89, Tony Hughes, Zack Johnston ’17, Teddy Kelley ’15, Kevin Schmalandt, Greg Halvorsen tony hughes Schreck, Jim Whitmer ’69 by Wheaton Magazine is published autumn, winter, and spring by Wheaton College. Because Wheaton Magazine is an expression of the College’s commitment to what it holds to be biblical faith and practice, we do not communicate events or updates that, to our knowledge, fall outside of convictions photo expressed in our institution’s Statement of Faith and Community Covenant. Wheaton Magazine is printed on 30 percent postconsumer recycled fiber. © 2017 Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL wheaton.edu 501 College Ave., Wheaton, IL 60187-5593, 630.752.5779 cover WHEATON.EDU/MAGAZINE 3 1617-055 Wheaton Mag - FOB.indd 3 11/17/16 2:54 PM PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE VOLUME 20 // ISSUE 1 WINTER 2017 WHEATON 4 STEPPED OUT OF MY are now on our campus will join them offi ce, walked down one President’s as missionaries and evangelists, writ- of Blanchard’s hallowed ers and teachers, artists, scientists, halls, and slipped into a Perspective and entrepreneurs. I classroom. Professor Le- Our commitment is to give each land Ryken was teaching of these students the best Christ- his course on John Milton during fall centered liberal arts education that semester—maybe for the last time— we possibly can. and I wanted to hear some of his ex- DR. PHILIP G. RYKEN ’88 We believe that Wheaton’s new ceptional lectures again. PRESIDENT curriculum—Christ at the Core—does One of my father’s favorite Milton exactly that. By laying a solid founda- quotations has become one of my fa- tion in Bible and theology, exploring vorites, too. In a landmark essay enti- vocation in Christian perspective, tled Of Education, the epic poet and and studying ten themes across the Christian essayist defi ned “a complete arts, sciences, and humanities, our and generous education” as one that students will prepare for a lifetime of prepares a person “to perform justly, kingdom service. skillfully, and magnanimously all the Christ at the Core represents a major offices, both private and public, of new investment in Wheaton’s future. peace and war.” Over the last several years our facul- In other words, the liberal arts pre- ty members have poured their collec- pare people for anything. And every- tive energy into designing and teach- thing. ing the new curriculum. Our partners By “a complete and generous edu- and friends are making an investment, cation,” Milton really meant the liber- too: a financial investment. In order al arts. He was advocating for an ed- to offer smaller seminars and more ucation that would liberate a young interdisciplinary courses, we are us- Christian mind by providing broad ing campaign funds to construct new experience in math and science, lan- classrooms and add new faculty lines guage and the humanities. And when to six of our academic departments. he spoke about “all the offi ces” of life, This is what it takes to provide the he was referring to the multiple call- “generous education” that John Mil- ings of every Christian: son or daugh- ton desired. It takes a college com- ter, father or mother, husband or wife, munity that gives time, talent, and church member, citizen, soldier, work- treasure to liberal arts learning—all er, scholar. “ THE LIBERAL of which is only made possible by the Wheaton College alumni prove Mil- ARTS PREPARE gracious gifts of a generous God. ton’s philosophy of education every PEOPLE FOR day by putting their liberal arts de- ANYTHING. AND EMAIL [email protected] WITH FEEDBACK AND grees to use in all kinds of callings, all STORY IDEAS. TO ACCESS ADDITIONAL CONTENT, over the world. Soon the students who EVERYTHING.” VISIT WHEATON.EDU/MAGAZINE BERND SCHIFFERDECKER ILLUSTRATION BY 1617-055 Wheaton Mag - FOB.indd 4 11/16/16 3:03 PM NEWS WHEATON SPORTS TWO-SPORT ATHLETE SOLA OLATEJU ’18 ON MENTORSHIP, BROTHERHOOD, AND ATHLETIC AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH p.14 CAMPUS NEWS WHEATON COLLEGE GRADUATE SCHOOL CELEBRATES THREE PROGRAM ACCREDITATIONS p.7 Teddy Kelley ’15 Teddy BY photo background 1617-055 Wheaton MagPROFILES - FOB.indd 5 11/16/16 3:03 PM CAMPUS NEWS VOLUME 20 // ISSUE 1 WINTER 2017 WHEATON 6 Trustee Community Report Available In February 2016, President Ryken asked the Board of Trustees to initiate a Review Task Force (RTF) to review the events surrounding the separation of Dr. Larycia Hawkins and the College. THE TRUSTEE COMMUNITY REPORT SUMMARIZES THEIR FINDINGS AND IS AVAILABLE AT THIS LINK: WHEATON.EDU/TRUSTEECOMMUNITYREPORT INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARY BOOK MAILING This Christmas, 414 alumni missionary families serving in 82 countries will receive the following gifts, thanks to publishers who donate books and the College’s Board of Introducing a New Trustees which gives funds for shipping costs: Radical Prayer: The Power of Being Bold and Persistent by Rev. Manny Chapel Curriculum Mill ’90, M.A. ’91 (Moody Publishers, 2015) Chaplain Timothy Blackmon With Thanksgiving: Meditations on Prayers of Asking by Carol J. Kraft ’57 (Image Publications, 2015) desires students to be ‘fluent in the Hannah More: The Artist as Reformer by Mary Anne Phemister (Deep Scriptures’ River Books, 2014) When Trouble Comes by Phil Ryken ’88 (Crossway, 2016) Lily: The Girl Who Could See by Sally Phillips Oxley ’74 & Tim Ladwig (Oxvision Books, 2015) Conservatory of Music Showcase 2016 CD (Wheaton College) Wheaton magazine: Volume 19—Issues 1, 2, and 3 WHEATON IN THE NEWS SOUND BITES FROM WHEATON FACULTY QUOTED IN MAJOR MEDIA OUTLETS “In this moment, American churches face the challenge and opportunity of addressing what some consider America’s ‘original sin.’” DR. THEON HILL, assistant professor of communication, from TO LEARN MORE AND TO WATCH CHAPEL LIVE ONLINE, “The Church at Its Racial Turning Point,” Christianity Today, VISIT WHEATON.EDU/CHAPEL. TO VIEW PAST CHAPEL July 12, 2016 MESSAGES, VISIT YOUTUBE.COM/WHEATONCOLLEGE 1617-055 Wheaton Mag - FOB.indd 6 11/16/16 3:03 PM Graduate School Celebrates Program Accreditations THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA LAST JULY, Wheaton’s master’s de- AND JOFFREY ACADEMY gree in Clinical Mental Health Coun- AND CAMERATA seling (CMHC) became the third CHICAGO WILL PERFORM psychology department program IN EDMAN CHAPEL THIS to be accredited in three years.
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