r . -, Æg: . ß ‘ « / * r * * . "'•• -’•- •.^v^gwrjit-r^u,. ap«grrr^v^í3»»¿^.Bí^n^c4«irtiy^.aC^;c^gS^j¡ ^ ' * i A K D ...C U R O NICLE f it- XXVIII. No. 31. CRANFORD. N. J„ THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 192$ F IV E CEN TS ^SCHOOL BOAID «EEB muxrono nAtottoxnmr LEXXXOTON B E IO Im TBNHia The playground tournament came ASSESSHQTT HEARIR6 In dlgglac Uro tnoeti tur thv BEESWM. 4 TO 1 to an end rrtday, and tteraby end­ •tunasewornowbeiastaidiaNenh TW0T1TLKDECIDED ing th e playground aeamn. Tire clon­ Club Blaglu aad.Deubl#» Champlsa. l*h»^ Scholarship BaqvtM- Eraparty Q ram Ermsat ta (Un sottro«; ero*» th è ’Itero- «* Ktetm sn «hip n.x.h F|aa| Rsuad___ ^ , I» Rals#4—Ms f m T r u i( « ' ing day «aw a record attemlaa<ve k»T t s |W »fceevtiro U rta te ti Xi X__it E«I*aU Orowood Male than » 0 boy# and girl# attehd- Yisws or I* Osi bustiSABaa «B «n «U « t S « M t e Csaer Club Obampioasatp Toura»y ' tMioa for PupiU—Kaw School Dii- A. Q. te Oamo Flayod al B. A 0 Hie Third Aiuiual Championship Eads—Mathsy Bawl Flay Start* ed the aetlvltlea In the arternoon. Erapasad Ina» A»#umaat. « IW Ii o t tbm Ftald. Ilimuaiiu-ni of th# Irozlnglon «MOSA. ■ - After the children were all seated The liearlng advertlmd hy thè street opooid t» . Till# W##k—Womaa’# Mataba* Uta oTfhe Botnl ut Education met Tue#. on the gruaa, Mr. A. A. Holme«, the Newer' Aasemment (Ttnuntsslonera estate--------------- «oc«-- TWTt ^Uwteovll tate gJ^?e.Fot ‘Ih» "r.V (bini tinto lhl> « 'M i, ilio Heights Tumi# club started Katur- dar Way. T «venin». lYesldent Samuel it. playground supervisor. Introduced se»1eroi I*leral jextinstetMt up wilhlà SebigoM stoa*“«"o- «aro ziro,««— «,,tt«,.k U fua Onnfonl(Tmnliml" H’It. U,Il C. ItadIt#,| Iliotho Itigli elgti !'»r_SJ«l>.anJ-«t.ry„H«t.ut «lit.-t-n Mro,--Mafy--H«pWn«:-■wtHTte'-a Tnern-’ tua«0'"wi]iimt-u------------ c r "r’S «ro tti«* 1 terno.ut .x. c;giiìT.''fitilwinr - «atontar anitKnnrtar sawTíro cbh-" Hnoranawi;---- ---- --■ In Cenletmlar aveous. tllgta Street, Tho lour sciHlml players, Foust, rinding luatrlies played In the (Van- A elianti' la tito scholarship re- ber of the Recreation Oommbmion. liarden Biave, and In Union avenu«, Jeep wlth*lth aox«ni f««t «4 rS«wr *»«■* litui ilio box Ura Hopkins complimented the «atro atSt ttho boi tote, lite w«41_____ Iute Mun' »l«1»# Ih*' (ioni ilio llor- liticki-r, lloadle and Durllng, came foul UWnoe (lull singles mid double# ilrtmem* for the Junior (Tu# In James Street and Itillerest svenne, limitigli to the »umi limi« as exirort- tennis tournament. Th School was determined upon boy* and girls for their #nlendld beli) last night at TMwiuhlp Ilooms, bocr» vappmt »1*1» tdswroaa» dar»Aie# *h»lk'M up ime mori- hit. spirit of good sportsmanship and uà# attended by tlfteen Intereated and ■ pipo loti off io «ro» «ig»-■> ww- Un- locai Isti« olii smini tip- vf-lt cd. I Wo ti|»H*ts troeurrml In the lini The championship round of the i the necessary monthly »rade (air play, and promised that >lu «umahly io tiro ahtewoBk te r . w w# ( t. TTio gante, a- I# rrncraJlr rotmd- huuoxor, when NcUlulilp »lugli-« was pls/o.l off mi Saturday,-, Jiro mot Ion to the Senior Chut# iirniK-rty owners. Tliero was but one tlto r#-o wheu iliiM- tuo ivano • ofralud Aiory. Jr,-snU a. ¡Cingale« when Oscar Is*wl« and tVe»h‘V ,v,w iitsibr. tWs wlth,roganl to. ifftwl. fmritxhoit’ ph-nt)-- of rg.*fli(; .te-teata-d fV ' ' N>ttte*hfp s i w m d 'M fin«ri»r*: i,<*«t« wák fty-ilre, a# heretofore. « ,'W iS!AifiSXS<u'ffl a short pieve of t-ewer In IVntennlal avx'.uuu, hi:t.w eoa Lincoln, Avoiuui.and. vlraai ba-vbnll fitmi t-tart lo llnl-lt pis)od hosutllul tenuis and came vietililehs in , iV2, and (or tlio llr»t rTftB- ryBMtUsa- o r TlmiTsTrthg Tree film Street. Mr. Bay questlonlng thè — Nxdtttrr *Mo vrnrc.f 1tr ttli-'IINr i'fdsntgl« wittea'f-b.-W't-victory; white tlio#- -hi» -diano*- « HI ■ npt»«*sr • on t he —an# port at ion to pupils residing in w-ero applauded heartily tiy all the m-cesklty of bulldhig thls. Knglneer at ibi# polnt. 4 U» J li. mhotv (tic thtev tmilnga. In .t"ln- ilsltoi#' hall ..higsle# dl«i#Js(>d ot l»o tluiinan 64), tall stlrer. lining cup which 1« the W ing part# of the township was children . Then followed the climax CcIIIiik stateli thè new se-wer re- »eli top Thv ««il « m taram i m ol ilio fi ivi Mh. Konii.t-nu, ilio (*ar trophy roiiipvlod (or lit this tourna (cussed. The inhJecT- woco from a of the. season. After a few remarks ulared au oldcr private sewer whlch Ine «ld Joslah - Oarro profirotr, «ro«»d flr»i I n-i iutni, rapisul mit g ’Hie lustrile« hetnoon iHnhet and tin-ill. Manger's pain» will also lie ijue#t made by ritliena living In by tho supervisor, the following un­ liad heciime ut un use tliroiigh fanlty Union um w , whlrh wtth limxdn vlnglo vhfi-li loft bini «nli-iy pvirliv-l Vxei) hr , and narke and Berry engraved i.u the trophy a» runner- rfjhw oli. Farm section Uiat.tuc.lr defeated, winners la the. tournament •miMructliut- .Mr. Bay stated thè} avenue w#t* In Ite«» *tef* the tw «n lll«t. Ilei indite ilio nc.U man »on- hull) carried to three «01«, the UP ..................................■ . - ........... hlldreii be provided with some were awarded prise# by Jlr#. Hop­ '1*1 sewer sorvoli liltji all tight tiut prlm-lpol >tro«t* of G inltH . ibm Up. failcit lo hit Imi Konip-nn -coivil Hi st iianied « liming In both cases. Tlie send tinnì in the douhtc« wa» of conveyance to and from kins r Mr. (Ailllns salii Ilio i»eo|de furlher Cram-vlll». Juitg» n . \V Sloidrll »boti Baiti- -ihk-Iii.I mit ti tlnci- In Ilio semi linai round Foust and completel on the «atoe day. Fur |nooL The Board was not favor Volley ball. Clam A -I. Albert, down tIle Street could not use tt, and' l Unir Irli Krri» oro- Ut» «wily tautgi-r, ttn- onl> hit noilltod lo the Ihtckor came through without dim- mat» and l.owl« had m> dilth-utly in •RVIC E ly Inclined toward #uch a propo- Wul Grlmtli. F. Plelliau. M. Okln: lience thè new cimstrucllon. Owner» Clan foni rostdrnt# w» bai# Urrà «¡•illiig «hort »top unti Ih.v' uni* «lilty. The mills. In which til«)*«» lllspeslng ot their opiHinonl«. Han­ on mnl uent on record u being prise, a football each. • >.( pruperty un lllllcrest avenue ole alile to timi »ho rvnevrabw ih» <4t} trillo of tho gaiuc. ■ ’ !»(| mid haliirdoy, will start at 2 sel and Warnork, tin, Ul. Manger furnishing any trail#nor .V ojey Ball. (Tam R -C McKusIck. «di. The Jlw«' fln.| cinint carni* In.tho 1* in , and a riuso match with plenty and rutin esine through to the itmn at the present thne. M. (»kill, C. Jlereer, It. ITelliau; a ii-cted to two nianholcs Jielng left test hall of tho tifili ami-canto hlg Id gissi tennis 1« anticipativi. ' linai», when they defeated If.ihln- baseball glove eaclL alxiye pra<le. Tilt# iva# aicoutited IMoic iHtltod imi a tiiohaso hit Ilio double« linai« will I hi played «mi and Hall In a loiigdrawnout |li» connection with the purvey (ur by erading dime after t’he sewer BOLT NAME SOCXETT Qbllslied for the Information of tax TVther Italk Clam A C. McKuslek. wa# laid and will be taken .cant, of Ntiaii»« fallod nini Uianomil, tho ut the same hour on holiday after­ throe «et match, it2. til, P7, "dfcr# recently, I’realdent Johe# tennis raninet. ..... : by liiuerlug tl»j manhole hcait«. Tln- FaH WTntrr n rro n «Ol l» hr Of-Xl loan tip, »lnglo*l: iMmln-i-ty, noon.,, 1 ho tenuis paired In the con- The. ilimlilos linai« -wore playe.l ated that the (mention of a now Tether Ball. Class R -C . MeKuslek Xo Iildectlon# were ftlud on Con- auguratoti with tiw mwtteg of »Ito IibiI tioon dutiig prolty wnrlt un t for tlio rhani|ihm«hlp ar«: t\ni«t Hunday afterniMin and cuire again bool was one which required at- toot ball ’ * «tnirUuu or a» to assessment other September Itti». *ßd all «anelwrw Um nionnit tur tho tTnntiml tonni, noil Beadle vs. Uurker and Gster- Furman and lewis •leinon»tratod ntkin, Additional educational fa- Tether -Hall, Glrls-CatlmHne than noted. Tlio Commissioner# of arc urged tu he. ptv»cBL tYroM««tt tw «trillisi JibLiOoc k-lUttv M tlotiltlo-Bini :* heir»■_*.»» snirotlorltyf»l|» « I'Utll HIa« fla M'BIII-team. «11At W»lail vr Shoes” lltlo# fftr Cranford formed a #ub- Klein, book. l i o» lev ami Uro other atterro have Houston folli moti Un- ovantplo sol I ff»! round results: Uluru thoy w«’riTTn fommnml of Assessment are Frederick K. Frank­ I Oils! 11) 0. »lluatlim and ran out three straight ct for discussion and It waa decld- Quoits, Glrls-Catliedne Klein, lin. Junie# a. .Strong and James K. mappcMl out an «lim ili« progratn him hy rotteli big Ilio p, il.Muimiii fey W ear . 1 to hold a special meeting on the book. it amcr. ’Hie i'otumlsslonrr# organ- to submit tor ronaidvzsttea «hd Ihr # imuuont lai or.
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