Diseases Recorded on Native Plants, Weeds, Field and Fibre Crops in Western Australia

Diseases Recorded on Native Plants, Weeds, Field and Fibre Crops in Western Australia

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4 Volume 4 Number 6 June, 1963 Article 14 1-1-1963 Diseases recorded on native plants, weeds, field and fibre crops in Western Australia G C. MacNish Follow this and additional works at: https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/journal_agriculture4 Part of the Botany Commons, Plant Pathology Commons, and the Weed Science Commons Recommended Citation MacNish, G C. (1963) "Diseases recorded on native plants, weeds, field and fibre crops in Western Australia," Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4: Vol. 4 : No. 6 , Article 14. Available at: https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/journal_agriculture4/vol4/iss6/14 This article is brought to you for free and open access by Research Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4 by an authorized administrator of Research Library. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Diseases Recorded on Native Plants, Weeds, Field and Fibre Crops in Western Australia Compiled from Departmental Records by G. C. MACNISH, Plant Pathologist THIS list constitutes a revision of part of the census published by Came (1925) and supplemented by the same author in 1927. It also contains records of diseases identified in the period between these earlier publica­ tions and June 30, 1961. Parts of the disease record referring to vege­ tables, cereals, grasses and pasture legumes have already been published (Chambers, 1959, 1960, 1961). This list is divided into three sections, the first dealing with native plants, the second with weeds (except grasses) and third with field and fibre crops. The sections are arranged alphabetically according to the botanical names of the host plant. The viral, bacterial, fungal and nema- todal diseases and physiological disorders are listed in that order. The locality and date of the first recording in each instance is given where possible. A list of common names of host plants has been appended to facilitate reference. FIRST RECORD HOST CAUSE COMMON NAME PLACE MONTH YEAR NATIVE PLANTS Acacia acuminata Benth. Uromyrladium tcpperianum (Sacc.) Gall Rust Wongan Hills .... Sept. 1924 McAlp. Acacia bivcnoea DC. Uromvcladium trpperianum (Sacc.) Gall Bust .... 1 Mosman Bay June 1926 McAlp. Acacia cyanophylla I.hull. (Black Shizophyllum sp Metropolitan 1955 Wattle) Uromyrladium tcpperianum (Sacc.) Gall Rust Ginjrin 1924 McAlp. Acacia cyclopt A. Cunn. ex G. I»«• 11 Uromvcladium tcpperianum (Sacc.) Gall Rust ... ! Swan River 1924 McAlp. Acacia eriorlada Benth I'rmnvrladium tcpperianum (Sacc.) Gall Rust 1906 McAlp. Acacia cxtenm Lindl 'Uromvcladium tcpperianum (Sacc.) Gall Rust .... 1911 McAlp. Acacia glauroptera Benth. Uromyrladium tcpperianum (Sacc.) Gall Rust 1906 McAlp. Acacia liguctrina Meissn. Uromyrladium tcpperianum (Sacc.) Gall Rust ... Wongan Hills .... 1924 McAlp. Acacia mtrrallii Mnell. var., tam- Uromvcladium tcpperianum (Sacc.) Gall Rust .... ; Merredin Dec. 1927 minenns E. Pritzel McAlp. Acacia stowardii Maiden Uromyrladium tcpperianum (Saco.) Gall Rust .... ! Mandlga Sept. 1925 McAlp. * Species confirmed March, 1962. 401 Journal of Agriculture Vol 4 No 6, 1963 FIRST RECORD HOST CAUSE COMMON SAME PLACE MONTH YEAR NATIVE PLANTS—continued Acacia sp Armillaria mellea (Fr.) Quel Root Rot Collie Aug. 1924 Alyogyne hakeaefolia (Giord.) Alef. iMeloidogyne sp 1 Root Knot Eel- : Perth April 1929 (Red-centred Hibiscus) worm Anigosanthos manglesii D. Don i Mystrosporium adust um Mass. i Ink Disease .... | Forrestfield Oct. m (Mangles' Kangaroo Paw) Puccinia sp. i Rust j South Perth June Arundo sp .... .... .... ! Coniosporturn inquinans Dur. et Mont .... j .... 1895 Boronia juncea Bartl Sphaeropsis boroniae P. Henn j .... j Perth 1959 Boronia megastigma Nees XMeloidgyne javanica (Treub.) Chit- Root Know Eel- Metropolitan 1928 wood worm Boronia spinescens Benth. Puccinia boroniae P. Henn. .... j Rust .... .... Avon Oct. 1903 Bossiaea linophylla R. Br. Aeddium eburnium McAIp. .... Rust • King George's July 1901 Sound Burchardia umbellata R. Br. (Milk- Puccinia burchardiae Sacc. Rust .... j Perth 1915 maids) Clematis pubescens Hueg. Oidium sp Powdery Mildew , Perth 1943 Conostylis aurea Lindl. (Golden Puccinia haemodori P. Henn Rust | Perth 1909 Cottonhead) Dampiera alata Lindl Puccinia dampierae Syd Rust Perth 1906 Dampiera leptoclada Benth. Puccinia dampierae Syd Rust Albany 1909 Dampiera spicigera Benth. Puccinia dampierae Syd Rust j Murchison River 1909 Dioscorea hastifolia Endl. (Spear Pathogen Unidentified Rust (Aecidial Bickley Valley .... June 1956 Leaved Dioscorea) Stage) Eucalyptus calophylla R. Br. (Marri) Armillaria mellea (Fr.) Quel Root Rot Bibra Lake 1923 Sporotrichum destructor Pitt. Stem Canker .... Pickering Brook 1939-40 Xylostroma gigantea Tode.... Wood Rot Manjimup May 1926 Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell. Xylostroma gigantea Tode Wood Rot Big Brook 1919-20 (Karri) Eucalyptus ficifolia F. Muell. (Red- Oidium sp Powdery Mildew Forrest Clifford April 1925 flowered Gum) iSporotrichum destructor n. sp. Pitt- Stem Canker .... Perth Oct. 1927 man Eucalyptus gomphoccphala DC. .„. Xylostroma gigantea Tode Wood Rot Subiaco Aug. 1925 Eucalyptus marginata Sm. (Jarrah) Xylostroma gigantea Tode Wood Rot | Babakin March 1925 Eucalyptus redunca Schau. var. Xylostroma gigantea Tode Wood Rot Wagin Nov. 1924 data (Wandoo) 1 Eucalyptus sp. Poljrporus sp. 1 SchizophyUum commune Fr. Ridge Hill Aug. Gastrolobium spinosum Benth. Lizonia ozylobii P. Henn. Perth June 1901 (Prickly Poison) Greciltea sp. Phyllachora grevilleae Sacc. 1895 Haemodorum simulant F. Muell. ^Puccinia haemodori P. Henn Rust Eradu Sept. 1959 (Red Ink Plant) Hakea eUiptica (Sm.) R. Br. ? Asterina baileyi B. et Br. Leaf Spot Albany Nov. 1927 Hakea glabella R. Br %Uredo angiosperma Thuem. Rost 1919-20 Hakea oleifolia (Sm.) R. Br ? Asterina baileyi B. et Br. Leaf Spot Mt. Barker Eelichrysum cordatum DC. (Tangle Puccinia kalchbrenneri De Toni Rust City Beach 1940-41 Daisy) Hovea trisperma Benth. | Cercospora sp. Leaf Spot Applecross June 1928 Jackson ia macrocalyx Meissn | Pestalozzia jacksoniae P. Henn Perth 1901 Jacksonia sternbergiana Hueg Cronartium jacksoniae P. Henn Rust Perth 1910 t Recorded as Heterodera radirola (Greef.) Mull. { Identified 1959, previously recorded as Heterodera radicicola (Greef.) Mull. § Pathogen named 1936. II Recorded on Haemodorum sp. inI1901. f Recorded on Hakea sp. in October, 1877. 402 Journal of Agriculture Vol 4 No 6, 1963 FIRST RECORD HOST CAtSE COMMON NAME PLACE MONTH YEAR NATIVE PLANTS—continued Juncus pall kirn R. Br. (Cultivation Tolysporium juncophylum'McAlp Smut Mt. Barker Oct. 1909 Rush) Juneus sp. Puceinia juncophila Cooke et Mass. Rust Boyup Brook .... 1942 Kennedya pro-rata R. Br. (Scarlet Cause Unknown Mosaic Gingin 1956 Runner) Lagenspora huegelii Benth. Oidium sp Powdery Mildew Nediands Julv 19.31 Unidentified Rust (Aecidial Nedlands July 1931 Stage) Lesclienaultia triloba Lindl. Puceinia gilgiana P. Henn. Rust Nediands 1942 Leschenaultia linarioides DC Puceinia gilgiana P. Henn. Rust Near Perth 1900 Leucopogon hispidus E. Pritzel .... Lizonia singularis P. Henn. Mingenew 1903 Linum marginale A. C'unn. (Wild Melampsora Uni (Ehrenb.) Lev Rust Wagin 1920 Flax) Miteklenbeckia adpressa (Labill.) Peronospora sp. Downy Mildew .... Clackline Aug. 1960 Meissn. (Native Sarsaparilla) Myoporum serratum R. Br Aecidium ? myoporri G. H. Cunn. Rust Waroona Nov. 1960 yicotiana ? ingulba J. M. Black .... Septoria sp Leaf Spot Northam 1942 Sicotiana suaceolens Lehm. (Native Peronospora sp Downy Mildew or Doodlakine 1931-32 Tobacco) Blue Mould Oxylobium capilatum Benth. (Bacon Pathogen Unidentified Rust (Aecidial Perth Nov. 1915 and Eggs) Stage) Oxylobium tintare Benth. Lizonia oeylobii P. Henn j Perth 1901 Patersonia occidentalis R. Br. Mystrosporium adustum Mass Ink Disease South Perth Oct. 1954 (Native Iris) Pelargonium australe Willd Puceinia morrisoni McAlp. Rust Cowcowing 1909 Persoonia eUiptica R. Br. Hendersonia persooniae P. Henn Perth 1901 Peperomia sph Eurotium laterUium Mont 1896 Scaevola paludosa R. Br. Puceinia dampierae Syd Rust Perth 1928 Scaevola sp. Uromyces ? puceinoidet Berk, et Rust Moora Oct. 1959 F.v.M. Schoenus cruentus (Nees) Benth. Sorosporium solidum (Berk.) McAlp. Smut Albany 1955 (Sedge) Scirpus littoralii Schrad. (Club Credo seirpi-nodosi McAlp. Rust Ellendale Jan. 1960 Rush) Synaphaea polymorpha R. Br. Dimerosporium synapheae P. Henn. Perth ... 1901 (Showy Synaphaea) Templetonia return (Vent.) R. Br. ? Vromyces sp. Rust Swan bourne 1926 (Cockles* Tongues) Cause Unknown Stem Fasciation Rottnest Island April 1926 Threlkeldia drupata Diels. Puceinia diclsaina P. Henn Rust Near Perth 1900 Tremandra sttlligera R. Br Puceinia pritzeliana P. Henn Rust Near Perth Oct. 1900 Trichinium alopecuroideum Limit. Cause Unknown Fasciation (Mulla mulia) Xt/tomtlum orridentale R. Br. Asterina sp. .... Leaf Spot Karridale 1940-41 (Native Pear) Physalospora xylomeli P. Henn Perth 1901 WEEDS Atter snbulatus Mlchx. (Bushy Star- Oidium sp Powdery Mildew Perth April 1958 wort) Brassica napus L. (Rape) Xanthomonas campestris (Pam.) Dow. Black Rot Yarloop July 1929 Brassica tournefortii Gouan (Wild Xanthomonas campestris (Pam.) Dow. Black Rot Moora Aug. 1953 Turnip) Macrosporium sp Leaf and Stem 1934-35 Blight Capxrlla bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. A Ibugo Candida (Pers. ex Cnev.) White Rust South Perth Sept. 1924 (Shepherd's Purse) Kuntze 403 Journal of Agriculture Vol 4 No 6, 1963 FIRST KECOSD

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