Herbal medicinal teas from South Africa Tés de hierbas medicinales de Sudáfrica Bhat1 RB & G Moskovitz2 Abstract. An investigation of herbal medicinal teas from Western Resumen. Se condujo una investigación de té provisto a partir de Cape, South Africa was conducted to assess the varieties of herbal hierbas medicinales de Western Cape, Sudáfrica, para evaluar las va- teas used to treat various ailments. Each packet of medicinal tea is a riedades de té en hierbas utilizadas para tratar varias dolencias. Cada blend of carefully selected four or more herbs which are commonly paquete de té medicinal es una mezcla de cuatro o más hierbas cuida- grown in the organic garden in an ancient valley near the southern- dosamente seleccionadas que crecen comúnmente en el jardín orgáni- most tip of South Africa and some indigenous herbs picked up in the co de un valle antiguo cerca de la punta más austral de Sudáfrica, y de nearby mountains. The teas are specific for the diseased organ/s and algunas hierbas nativas recogidas en las montañas cercanas. Cada té es also include the herbs to support and strengthen the systems serving específico para el/los órgano/s enfermo/s y también incluye las hierbas the ailing organ/s. The study shows that there are about twenty-one para fortalecer al/los órgano/s enfermo/s. El estudio muestra que hay different types of herbal teas, and the packets of 50 g each are sold cerca de 21 tipos diferentes de té de hierbas, y los paquetes de 50 g cada in South African markets under the trade names of Arthritea, Asth- uno se venden en los mercados de Sudáfrica bajo los siguientes nombres mitea, Constipatea, Detoxtea, Diabetea, Dietea, Energetea, Flootea, comerciales: Arthritea, Asthmitea, Constipatea, Detoxtea, Diabetea, Hangovertea, Heartburntea, Hi Lo B P Tea, Indigestea, Kidneytea, Dietea, Energetea, Flootea, Hangovertea, Heartburntea, Hi Lo B P Tea, Liveritea, Relaxitea, Sleepitea, Slimtea, Tranquilitea, Tummytea, Ul- Indigestea, Kidneytea, Liveritea, Relaxitea, Sleepitea, Slimtea, Tranqui- certea, and Voomatea. They include 28 herbal species belonging to 12 litea, Tummytea, Ulcertea y Voomatea. Éstos incluyen 28 especies de families. The efficacy of herbal teas and use of traditional remedies hierbas pertenecientes a 12 familias. La eficacia de té de hierbas y el uso are held with high esteem in South Africa. de remedios tradicionales son muy valorados en Sudáfrica. Key words: Common ailments, traditional phytotherapy, South Africa. Palabras clave: dolencias comunes, fitoterapia tradicional, Sudáfrica. INTRODUCTION has seen a gradual loss in the value of plants in therapeutics and, as a consequence, of the interest in the use of plants with The use of plants with medical properties is especially mean- medical purposes (Bonet et al., 1992). It is an unfortunate in- ingful among the indigenous population groups of South Af- cident that this knowledge on phytomedicine is rapidly being rica. This is because of the great variety of vegetal species that lost with the modernisation of society, especially by the de- belong to their ecosystems, a fact that increases the number of velopment of road communication, migration of people from available resources. The second half of the twentieth century villages to cities, and the influx of modern medicine. 1 Department of Botany, University of Venda, Thohoyandou, Limpopo 0950, South Africa. 2 McGregor 6708, South Africa. Address Correspondence to: Prof. R.B. Bhat, Department of Botany, University of Venda, Private Bag X5050 Thohoyandou -0950, South Africa Tel. +27-15-962-8144, e-mail: [email protected] Recibido/Received 4.VIII.2009. Aceptado/Accepted 22.VIII.2009. FYTON ISSN 0031 9457, (2009) 78: 67-73 68 Bhat RB & G Moskovitz, FYTON 78 (2009) A few vigorous surveys on traditional medicine have Arthritea been conducted in South Africa. In previous studies, data (For Arthritis and related aliments) collected from different districts were presented merely Herb Common Name Actions and Uses as a list of plants and their uses (Lamla, 1981; Hutch- Achillea millefolium L. Yarrow Relaxes peripheral ings, 1989; Simon & Lamla, 1991; Bhat & Jacobs, 1995) (Asteraceae) blood vessels, puri- without any specific emphasis on what ailments they cure. fies blood Bolofo & Johnson (1988) took the first initiative when they Barosma betulina Bartl. Buchu Stimulates kidney, made an extensive study on ‘Isicakathi’, a medicinal plant & Weidl. blood cleanser administered as a purge to newly-born infants. In their (Rutaceae) study, they identified eleven plant species in six districts of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Rosemary Stimulates circula- Transkei (South Africa) which are known as `Isicakathi’. (Lamiaceae) tion Later, another document containing valuable information Taraxacum officinale Dandelion Diuretic, on children-oriented plant-derived remedies was recorded Weber blood cleanser, by Dlisani & Bhat (1999). Their work focused on 20 plant (Asteraceae) remineralizer, tonic species medicinally used for maternity and child health. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to collect reli- Urtica urens L. Stinging nettle Circulatory stimu- able information about the remaining plant species which (Urticaceae) lant tonic, diuretic, can be used in traditional medicine in this region of South remineralizer Africa, before they are completely lost. Much emphasis in this study has been placed on those plant-derived remedies Asthmitea that are used as herbal medicinal teas for the treatment of (For Asthma) various ailments. Herb Common Name Actions and Uses Lavandula spp. Lavender Relaxant and anti- MATERIALS AND METHODS (Lamiaceae) spasmodic Marrubium vulgare L. Horehound Expectorant and Botanical fieldwork was focused on the Western Cape, (Lamiaceae) chest infections South Africa. The samples of herbal teas were collected from Mentha spp. Mints Anti spasmodic and the farm in the Western Cape where the herbs are cultivated. (Lamiaceae) relaxes peripheral Exhaustive field notes were recorded with regard to the blood vessels usefulness of the herbs following some of the methods of Plantago dregeana L. Plantain Tonifies mucous Croom (1983), and Bhat et al. (1990). Approximately two (Plantaginaceae) membrane, anti ca- hundred people were interviewed from different parts tarrh, anti spasmodic of the Western Cape. Each group consisted of twenty to Symphytum officinale L. Comfrey Demulcent, expec- thirty literate adults of various age groups. Both males (Boraginaceae) torant and females took part in the interview. The random in- terview was focused equally in urban and suburban areas. Urtica urens L. Stinging nettle Circulatory stimu- Commercial names of the packets of herbal teas are pro- (Urticaceae) lant, tonic vided, which can be easily purchased in the Western Cape markets. Constipatea RESULTS (For Constipation) Herb Common Name Actions and Uses Twenty eight plant species had been reported to date Cassia spp. Senna Laxative, cathartic which are used for the preparation of herbal medicinal (Fabaceae) teas. In our enumeration, medicinal teas are alphabetically Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Fannel Relieves colic, arranged and data are presented in the following sequence: (Apiaceae) stomach ache botanical name, common names, and information on uses. Each herbal tea packet is produced with a combination of Mentha spp. Mints Digestive, tonic, (Lamiaceae) carminative many herbs. As such, many of the herbs are repeated in the different formulae having different concentrations in Sambucus nigra L. Elder Laxative, alliterative the mixtures. (Caprifoliaceae) Taraxacum officinale (L.) Dandelion Mild laxative Weber (Asteraceae) FYTON ISSN 0031 9457, (2009) 78: 67-73 Medicinal teas from South Africa 69 Detoxtea Dietea (For General Detoxification and Purification) (For Supplement in Dieting) Herb Common Name Actions and Uses Herb Common Name Actions and Uses Achillea millefolium L. Yarrow Tonic, purifies Barosma betulina Bartl. Buchu Blood cleanser, (Asteraceae) blood & Weidl. antiseptic, tonic, Barosma betulina Bartl. Buchu Blood cleanser, (Rutaceae) promotes sweating, & Weidl. tonic, diuretic diuretic (Rutaceae) Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Fennel Carminative, anti Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Fannel Carminative, (Apiaceae) inflammatory, cir- (Apiaceae) antiinflamma- culatory stimulant tory, circulatory Medicago sativa L. Alfalfa Blood cleanser, stimulant (Fabaceae) decreases cholesterol, Rosmarinus officinalis L. Rosemary Stimulates circula- strengthens digestion, (Lamiaceae) tion nutritive, relieves fluid retention, tonic, Ruta graveolens L. Rue Circulatory balances body pH (Rutaceae) stimulant, promotes kidney activity to Taraxacum officinale (L.) Dandelion Acts on liver, eliminate toxins Weber tonic, blood purifier, (Asteraceae) remineralizer gentle Taraxacum officinale (L.) Dandelion Mild laxative, acts laxative Weber on liver, tonic, (Asteraceae) Blood purifier, Trigonella foenum-graecum Fenugreek Strong general remineralizer L. cleanser (Fabaceae) Urtica urens L. Stinging nettle Circulatory Urtica urens L. Stinging Nettle Circulatory stimu- (Urticaceae) stimulant, tonic, (Urticaceae) lant, tonic, diuretic, general cleanser, remineralizer, vita- alliterative mins and minerals Diabetea Energetea (For Diabetes) (For Energy and Pep) Herb Common Name Actions and Uses Herb Common Name Actions and Uses Achillea millefolium L. Yarrow Tonic, purifies Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Wild als Hepatic, stimulant (Asteraceae) blood Willd. Barosma betulina Bartl. Buchu Blood cleanser, (Asteraceae) & Weidl. tonic, diuretic Coriandrum sativum L.
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