㼀㼔㼑㻌㼂㼑㼐㼍㼚㼠㼍㻌㻷㼑㼟㼍㼞㼕 102nd YEAR OF PUBLICATION VOL. 102, No. 12 ISSN 0042-2983 A CULTURAL AND SPIRITUAL MONTHLY OF THE RAMAKRISHNA ORDER Started at the instance of Swami Vivekananda in 1895 as Brahmavâdin, it assumed the name The Vedanta Kesari in 1914. For free edition on the Web, please visit: www.chennaimath.org CONTENTS DECEMBER 2015 SPOTLIGHT: BHAKTI—THE PATH OF DIVINE LOVE Glory of Bhakti 445 Editorial Bhakti—the Path and the Destination 446 Bhakti—The Way To Highest Spiritual Enlightenment 450 Swami Gautamananda t t t t t tSTUDIES ON THE PATH OF BHAKTI Bhakti or Devotion 456 Swami Vivekananda Sri Ramakrishna on Bhakti (A Brief Perspective Study) 461 Swami Budhananda Swami Vivekananda—The Bhakta 473 Swami Abhiramananda The Central Theme of Narada Bhakti Sutras: Frequently Asked Questions 481 Swami Harshananda Bhakti in Srimad Bhagavatam 485 Swami Siddhinathananda Insights of Sri Ramanujacharya in Bhakti 490 Prema Nandakumar Cover Story: Page 8 The V edanta K esari 4 DECEMBER 2015 Bhakti According to Madhusudana Sarasvati 495 Swami Brahmeshananda Nine Forms of Bhakti : Navadha Bhakti In Sri Ramacharita-manas 501 APN Pankaj Sri Ramakrishna and Bhakti in Adhyatma Ramayana 508 MC Ramanarayanan Bhakti According to Bhagavad Gita 513 Gokulmuthu N t t t t SPLENDOURS OF BHAKTI TRADITIONS Sri Chaitanya’s Path of Bhakti 519 Swami Ashokananda Bhakti Tradition of the Alwars 530 Pravrajika Shuddhatmaprana Bhakti in Tamil Saivism 535 Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami Bhakti in Vachanas of Shaiva Sharanas 540 K B Prabhuprasad Bhakti in Shakta Tradition 545 Swami Swahananda When Bhakti enters Life . (Poem) 550 Gems of Bhakti from The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (colour pages) 551 Bhakti in Varkari Tradition: The Path Royale for the Masses 567 Arpana Ghosh Bhakti in the Tradition of Purandaradasa 575 HN Muralidhara Spiritual Significance of Gopis of Brindavan 581 Prema Pandurang Bhakti Sangeet and Its Place in Bhakti Sadhana: A Historical and Applied Perspective 586 Swami Sarvasthananda The V edanta K esari 5 DECEMBER 2015 Bhakti in Sri Guru Granth Sahib 592 APN Pankaj Tradition of Bhakti: A Sufi Perspective 598 B. Sheik Ali Bhakti: A Christian Perspective 603 James Wesly S. t t t t t tPRACTICE OF BHAKTI Training of the Heart 609 Swami Bhaskarananda Sri Ramakrishna’s Five Commandments to Develop Bhakti 612 Swami Dayatmananda Distinguishing Characteristics of Bhakti 618 Swami Atmarupananda Embarking on the Path of Bhakti 624 Swami Baneshananda Self-surrender in Bhakti and Jnana Paths—Sri Ramakrishna’s Teachings 630 Swami Atmapriyananda Inculcating Devotion through Ritual Worship 636 Swami Shantatmananda Aratrika—An Act of Loving Honour 642 The Story of the Boy Gopala 645 Swami Vivekananda In Praise of Bhakti 650 William Page Instances of Bhakti from Srimad Bhagavatam 653 N Hariharan Cultivating Divine Love: A Youth Perspective (E-Symposium) 658 Various contributors Annual Index 668 The V edanta K esari 6 DECEMBER 2015 The Vedanta Kesari Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004 h (044) 2462 1110 (4 lines) Website : www.chennaimath.org For all authors and contributors : [email protected] For all subscription related inquiries: [email protected] TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS N You can subscribe to The Vedanta reaching us before this or after one Kesari from any month. month (for overseas subscriptions, N On your address slip, the number WZR PRQWKV RI SRVWLQJ RI WKH MRXU RQWKHOHIWRI WKHÀUVWOLQHRI DGG nal are not entertained. ress is your subscription number. 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This will go a long way in placing this 100 years old magazine on firm financial footing to continue its service to the cause of a holistic and meaning- ful life. Your contributions (minimum of Rs.1000/- or US$ 25) by Cheque/DD/ MO should be sent to Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Chennai, along with a covering note stating that it is meant for Vedanta Kesari Permanent Fund. Every contribution will be gratefully acknowledged and the donor’s name will be pub- lished in the Vedanta Kesari. All donations to Sri Ramakrishna Math are exempt from Income Tax under section 80G of the [Indian] I.T. Act, 1961. We accept online donations also. The V edanta K esari 7 DECEMBER 2015 Vedanta Kesari Library Fund Scheme Do you wish to join in spreading the message of Vedanta and of Ramakrishna- Vivekananda to larger number of people? Do you feel that India’s timeless heritage You are welcome to of spirituality, values and culture need to join us in these efforts reach a wider section of youth? by contributing to our Library Fund Scheme. Your initiative in promoting this scheme will help a noble cause. And the cause awaits your involvement. I The Vedanta Kesari Library Fund Scheme aims at a wider reach among the youth, especially in high schools, colleges / universities and other institutions of learning in India. I Sponsorship for one library is Rs.1000/-. Under this scheme, donors can sponsor libraries, including public libraries, which would receive The Vedanta Kesari for ten years. I The sponsors can mention the libraries which they wish to enroll, or The Vedanta Kesari would select the libraries on their behalf. The name of the sponsors, along with the libraries enrolled, will be published in The Vedanta Kesari. This scheme is valid for libraries in India. I We invite you to join hands with us in this valuable scheme. You can send your sponsorship by cash or through a DD drawn in favour of ‘Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai’ and send it with a covering note to The Manager, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004 Email : [email protected] Website : www.chennaimath.org ‘Doing is very good, but that comes from thinking. Fill the brain, therefore, with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work.’ —Swami Vivekananda The V edanta K esari 8 DECEMBER 2015 N Cover Story N Bhakti—The Path of Divine Love ‘Whoever with devotion offers Me leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water, that I accept—the devout gift of the pure-minded,’ says the Lord in the Bhagavad Gita (9.26). God needs nothing from devotees. Yet when a devotee approaches God with his simple offerings, expressing his genuine and loving devotion, the Lord is pleased. Flowers, lamp and food offerings are often taken to be befitting means of expressing one’s devotion to God, though devotion is not restricted to these; one can offer anything to God (see Gita 9.27). Depicting through various articles the rich and varied tradition of Bhakti in Sanatana Dharma, including some thoughts on Bhakti in other traditions, this issue of The Vedanta Kesari is devoted to emphasise the importance of divine love in attaining inner peace and joy. In today’s world of rank materialism, violence and ever-growing spread of a listless culture that promote selfish love, it is important to focus on living a life based on divine love and spirituality. No wonder Sri Ramakrishna emphasised on Bhakti so much! Like flowers offered at the feet of the Lord, may our hearts be devoted to higher life and divine love always! THE VEDANTA KESARI PATRONS’ SCHEME We invite our readers to join as patrons of the magazine. They can do so by sending Rs.2000/- or more. Names of the patrons will be announced in the journal under the Patrons' Scheme and they will receive the magazine for 20 years. Please send your contribution to The Manager, The Vedanta Kesari by DD/MO drawn in favour of Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai with a note that the enclosed amount is for the Patrons' Scheme. (This scheme is valid in India only). PATRON 718. Mr. Vasudevan S, Chennai The Vedanta Kesari Library Scheme SL.NO. NAMES OF SPONSORS AWARDEE INSTITUTIONS 5893. Prof. Gopal Chandra Bhar, W.B. Govt. Degree College, Gorakhpur, U.P. - 273 001 5894. -do- Govt. Degree College, Kaptanganj, U.P. - 272 001 5895. -do- Govt. Degree College, Indupur, U.P. - 274 001 5896. -do- Govt. Degree College, Bisalpur, U.P. - 262 201 5897. -do- Govt. Degree College, Pachwas, U.P. - 272 001 5898. -do- Government Degree College, Varanasi, U.P. - 232 104 5899. -do- Govt. Degree College, Sonebhadra, U.P. - 247 554 5900. -do- Govt. College, Faridpur, U.P. - 243 503 5901. -do- Govt. Degree College, Hardoi, U.P. - 241 001 To be continued . 㼀㼔㼑㻌㼂㼑㼐㼍㼚㼠㼍㻌㻷㼑㼟㼍㼞㼕 VOL. 102, No.12, DECEMBER 2015 ISSN 0042-2983 EACH SOUL IS POTENTIALLY DIVINE. T HE GOAL IS TO MANIFEST THE DIVINITY WITHIN. 9 Glory of Bhakti B The important thing is somehow to cultivate devotion to God and love for Him. What is the use of knowing many things? It is enough to cultivate love of God by following any of the paths. When you have this love, you are sure to attain God. Afterwards, if it is necessary, God will explain everything to you and tell you about the other paths as well.
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