Index A Peck, Gregory, 68 Aberdeen, Richard, 2 Willis, Bruce, 68 Acting out, 46, 48, 52 Wood, Natalie, 68 Actors and stars, 85–86 Woodward, Joanne, 53 Actors, appeared as therapists Actors, frequently appearing as therapist, Adams, Joe, 65 69- 71 Berry, Halle, 66 Dreyfus, Richard, 69, 70 Cheadle, Don, 66 Peck, Gregory, 70–71 Fonda, Jane, 65 Rogers, Ginger, 69, 70 Gooding, Cuba Jr., 66 Streep, Meryl, 69 Grant, Cary, 65 Streisand, Barbra, 69 Hall, Angela, 66 Wood, Natalie, 69 Hopkins, Anthony, 66 The Adventures of Robin Hood, 83 Lang, Fritz, 65 The African Queen, 87 Merkerson, S. Epatha, 65 Agency, 19 Poitier, Sidney, 65 Aggressiveness, 83, 88, 93, 132 Rashad, Phylicia, 66 Al Capone (1959), 121 Stewart, James, 65 “Alien Nation” (1988), 37, 41 Walker, Robert, 65 Aliens, 5, 31–32, 42 Washington, Denzel, 66 1982 “ET” film, 32 Actors, appeared twice as therapists alien series, 32 Arkin, Alan, 66 for ancient Egyptians and Chinese, 33 Bacall, Lauren, 66 and perennials, 38 Boyer, Charles, 66 All About Eve, 86 Clift, Montgomery, 66 All Quiet on the Western Front, 100 Leigh, Janet, 67 American Dream, 97, 155 Mowbray, Alan, 67 collapse of, 118 Sobel, Dr. Ben, 66 The Godfather, 131 Williams, Robin, 67 and inventor, 165 Actors, appeared as therapist and patient, American Gangster (2007), 117, 145, 158 67–68 American Me (1992), 162 Caine, Michael, 67 “Anatomy Of A Murder” (1959), 47 Coburn, James, 67 Angels With Dirty Faces (1938), 119, 152 Dreyfuss, Richard, 67–68 Anger management, 59–60 Fonda, Jane, 68 Anti-Saloon League, 120 Gere, Richard, 68 “Antwone Fisher” (2002), 53, 66 R. W. Rieber and R. J. Kelly, Film, Television and the Psychology 173 of the Social Dream, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7175-2, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014 174 Index Apocalyptic fear, 87, 88 Cagney, James, 117, 118, 119, 121, 128, Archie Bunker, 132 132, 133, 151, 152, 154 Arkin, Alan, 46, 66 Caine, Michael, 27, 61, 67 Austin Powers, 91 The Caine Mutiny, 81 Autobiographical intelligentsia, 157 Camera obscura, 2 Automatism, 3 Captain Blood (1939), 87 Avatar (2009), 40 The Captive Mind, 105 Career ladder concept, 49 Carlito’s Way, 152–153, 154 B Carmen, 10 Avatar 2, 42 Carrie (1976), 22 “Baby Face Nelson,”, 120, 148 Casablanca, 86, 87 Bacall, Lauren, 66 Casino (1995), 124, 156 Ballet, 17 Casino Royale, 89, 92, 93 “The Bank Dick” (1940), 47 Celebrities and glamour, degraded underside Batman, 79, 87, 93 of, 108–109 Batman, 83, 99 The Jerry Springer Show, 108 “Batman Forever,”, 75 The Ship of Fools, 108 “Battle Los Angeles,”, 42 Celebrity as commodity entrepreneurs, Battleship, 42 109–111 Beat the Devil, 87 Celebrity culture, 103, 104, 108, 109, 110, Bellamy, Ralph, 58, 73 112 “Benny and Joon” (1993), 65 Celebrity types, 107–108 The Bifurcation of the Self, 21n2 Celebrity Wife Swap, 110 Big city, crime fighting, 153–154 Celebrity worship, 105–106 Carlito’s Way (1993), 152, 154 Amateur Hour, 106 The Big Sleep (1946), 170 American Idol, 106 The Blue Angel (1930), 27 Graham, Billy, 106 “Bob and Carole and Ted and Alice” (1969), Wayne, John, 105 68, 69 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 79 Bogart, Humphrey, 23, 86, 87, 118, 121, “Charley’s Aunt” (1941), 47 132, 151, 154 Chicano cinema, 161 Bond, James, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86, 87, 91, Children of Men (2006), 26 94, 96, 156, 167 Chimeras, 41, 166 Bond films, 79, 89, 90, 92, 98, 99, 100, 104 Cinema, 1 Bonding and bondage, captive audience and canny use of technique, 2 long distance spying, 92–93 and consciousness, 6 Bourne films, 79, 84, 89, 90, 92, 96, 98, dream language, 13–15 100, 104 early psychological views in, 3–4 The Bourne Identity (2002), 91 flashbacks and evoking memories, 9 Bourne Ultimatum, 94 hypnotizer, 11 Boyer, Charles, 57, 66 Munsterberg on, 4–5 “Brainstorm” (1983), 68, 69 psychological component, 8–13 Brave New World, 25, 110 techniques, 7, 8 Brave New World Reinvented, 110 Cinema, apocalyptic change and, 87–88 Breaking Dawn, 24 Cinema and surrealism, 16, 19, 24 The Brotherhood of Evil (1959), 122 Cinematography, 3, 92, 124, 155 Bullets or Ballots (1936), 151 Circus, 18, 90 Bunuel, Luis, 2 Citizen Kane (1941), 86, 165 “The Butcher’s Wife” (1991), 64 Civil War, 23, 119 Clift, Montgomery, 46, 66 C Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1976), 38 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919), 27, 49, The Clown and the Automaton, 35, 1987 60, 171 Cobb, Lee J., 51, 52, 66 Index 175 Coburn, James, 67 Depression, 20, 65, 127, 132, 135, 151 Cognition, 14, 19, 112, 167 Desire, 17, 18, 61, 67 Cold Lazarus (British TV movie), 36, 167 Detective, 169–170, 173 Cold War paranoia, 32, 40, 79, 80, 83, 87, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental 91, 93, 98, 167, 168 Health (1980), 21 Collective representations, 2 Diary of a Mad Housewife (1970), 28 Collective unconscious, 2, 2n1 Directors Comic therapists, 55–57 Allan, Woody, 71–72 “Analyze That” (2002), 56 Cronenberg, David, 71 “Analyze This” (1999), 56 De Palma, Brian, 71 “Bringing Up Baby” (1938), 55 Lynch, David, 71 “The Couch Trip” (1987), 56 Mazursky, Paul, 71–72 “The Front Page” (1931), 55 Polanski, Roman, 71 “High Anxiety” (1977), 56 Scorsese, Martin, 71 “Return of the Pink Panther” (1975), 55 Warhol, Andy, 71 “Straight Talk” (1992), 56 Woodlawn, Holly, 71 “Three On A Couch” (1966), 56 Dirty Old Men, 87 “West Side Story” (1961), 55 Discs, 17 “What A Way To Go!” (1964), 55–56 Discursive languages, 13, 14 Communism, 80, 105, 169 “District 9” (2009), 37 Computer applications, 75 DNA invention, 33, 79 Consciousness, 1, 33, 81, 113, 171 Dr. Dippy’s Sanitarium (1906), 27 and cinema, 6, 9, 14 Dr. Donovan’s Brain, 41–42 Consciousness Industry, 160 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931), 22 Corey, Wendell, 73 Dr. Mabuse (1922), 27, 60, 65 Cornwell, John, 80 “Dr. Strangelove” (1963), 47 Costello, Frank, 97, 144, 154 Donnie Brasco (1997), 124, 156 “Cowboys and Aliens,”, 42 Dracula, 32, 40, 41 Cowie, Elizabeth (film scholar), 2 Dream language, 13–14, 15 “Crazy People” (1990), 64 Dream research, 74 Crime and social mobility, 97 Dreaming Crime family, 94n1, 97, 122, 123, 126, 129, act of, 14 130, 134, 154 and films, 15 The Criminal Hypnotist (1908), 27 and money, 15–16 Criminal representations, 148 Dreams That Money Can Buy, 15–19, 171 crime films, 148 images from, 6f Hitler, Adolph, 148 wax mannequins from, 3f “Public enemy”, 149 The Dreams That Money Can Buy (1947), 16, Robin Hood”—type criminals, 149 17, 18, 19 Cult of the movie star, 108 Dressed to Kill (1980), 27, 61, 67 Cultural nostalgia of nationhood, 98 Dreyfuss, Richard, 67, 69, 70 Silent Fall” (1994), 68 What About Bob?” (1991), 67 D Whose Life Is It, Anyway?” (1987), 67 Dali, Salvador, 2, 24, 28 Drug Enforcement Agency, 159 “A Dangerous Method,”, 46 The Drummer Girl, 93 “The Darkest Hour,”, 42 Darkness at Noon, 105 David and Lisa, 28 E The Day of the Triffids (1963), 39 Early gangster films and their legacies, The Day the Earth Stood Still, 25, 32 150–151 “Dead Man Out” (1989), 54, 65 Little Caesar (1930), 151 Delaney, Robert, 122 The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1912), 150 The Departed (2006), 117 The Public Enemy (1931), 151 176 Index The Racket (1928), 150 “Don Juan De Marco”, 54 The Regeneration (1915), 150 “Don’t Say A Word”, 53 Scarface: The Shame of the Nation (1932), “The Exorcist”, 54 151 “Secrets of a Soul”, 53 Underworld (1927), 150 “The Sixth Sense”, 54 Eccentric therapists, 58–60 Extraterrestials in film, 25, 31, 32, 33, 38, “Anger Management” (2003), 59–60 39, 40, 42, 43, 115 “Carefree” (1938), 58 “Dead Again” (1991), 59 “End of the Road” (1970), 59 F “Lady in the Dark” (1944), 59 Fallen Skies, 42 “Penelope” (1966), 59 Farewell, My Lovely (1942, 1944 and 1975), “The Seven Year Itch” (1955), 59 170 Edison’s kinescope, 2 Fear Strikes Out (1957), 28 Eisenstein, Sergei (Russian director), 11, 12, Film 79 animosity and suspicion, 37 Emotional engineering, 144, 155–158 masterful hypnotizer, 35–36 Emotions, 2, 19, 20, 23, 132, 169, 171 Film and television, gangster genre in, 133 and Communism, 80 Film & the Dream Screen A Sleep and a emotion pictures, 6, 11, 12, 28 Forgetting (Eberwein), 15 emotional behavior, 167 Film archetypes/stereotypes, 165 emotional contagion, 28 detective, 169–170, 171 emotional control, 128 inventor, 165–167 emotional development, 161 warrior, 167–169 emotional education, 74 Film authenticity and censorship, 94–95 emotional learning, 72 Film censorship, 151–152 emotional well-being, 133 Film language, 15, 80–81 and minds, 14 Film stars as celebrities, fantasy building, 103 Munsterberg’s theory of film, 5, 12 Film techniques, 7–8 “End of the Road” (1970), 59, 65 close-up, 7, 8 Enemy composition, 7 defines hero, 89 cut-back, 8 definition, 89–90 depth, 7–8 and hero, 84–85 movement, 7 nature of, 84 Film versions of psychologists, 26–28 Entertainment, 1, 3, 72, 74, 83–84, 98, 99, Fireworks (1947), 15 103, 111 A Fistful of Dollars (1964), 23 in political theater, 113, 162 Fleming, Ian, 88, 94, 96, 167 Environmental Protection Agency, 159 Flesh of the Morning (1966), 16 Ethnic purity, 94n1 Folklore d l’Americaine, 17 Evil therapists, 60–61 Fonda, Jane, 65, 68 “The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse” (1938), 60 Foolish therapists, 61–62 “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” (1919), 60 “The Caine Mutiny” (1954), 62 “Dressed to Kill” (1980), 61 “A Couch in New York” (1995), 62 “House of Games” (1987), 61 “Dead of Night” (1946), 61 “Nightmare Alley” (1947), 60–61 “Desire” (1936), 61 “Silence of the Lambs” (1991), 61 “If Lucy Fell” (1995), 62 “The Testament of Dr.
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