«or-toner Pc vlt-v IPPC Mulllan e A.l NON -TECHNICAL SU M MARY The a pplic ation tor an IPPC licence is being put torward by NRGE (Nutrient Recovery to Generate Electricity) Ltd, whose registered office is at Mooresfort. Lattin, Co. Tipperary. Thisapplication has been prepared and submitted by NRGE on behalf of Mary Mullane Killeedy Ballag h, Co, Limerick, The farm operates as a c ontract growers for the Kantoher Poultry Producers Co­ operative Society. All stock, feed, finished poultry and waste arrangementsare managed and c ontrolled centrally by fhe co-op. The farm operates under standard methodology approved by An Bord Bia. The farm comprises 2 poultry houses of modern design wh ich are operated to the highest standard. All clean storm w ater from the site is collected via the sformwater c ollec tion system, before discharge. Monitoring points are visually inspected weekly. All soiled water is diverted into the adjac ent sforage tan ks. The estimated annua l production of poultry lifter from fhe farm is 240 tonnes The farm employs one farmer. The farm also gives rise indirecfly to another 5 jobsin the meat processing , milling and service sectors. The application of animal manure to farmland isregulated under 5.1. No. 378 of 2006 and distribu tion of manure from thissite will comply with fhose regulations. This farm is For inspection purposes only. entitled to supply manure to Consentany lofocal copyrightfarme ownerr required w ho forwants any otherit. use.and isobliged to record all dispatches from the holding and the farmers acq uiring manure are obliged to rec ord all consignments acquired and to use it in compliance with the regulations. Manure will not be supplied to cu stomer farms between 15'h October and 31 s January in any year except with the c onsent of the local authority, or any ot her relevant a uthority. Outside that period, ma nure will be supplied from the site to a customer farmer, only in response to an order. Managed and used in thisway, manure produced at this facility will not have any adverse impact on environmental parameters either inside or outside the site. In rec ent years the poultry manure from this farm was supplied to tillage farms, in accordance with an NMP produced for "Kantoher Poultry Producers Co-Operative Society Ltd" Steps were taken in the selec tion of the customer farms whereupon the manure was used, a nd in desig ning the management of its use to ensure that no contamina tion of surface a nd groundwater takes place. More recently the poultry litter has been supplied to Walsh Mushrooms, for composting, and use in the mushroom industry. All relevant rec ordsare maintained on site. The applicant may also assess the option of a heat recovery system that crea tes heat energy from poultry litter, whi c h reduc es farmer's costs and displac es C02 emissions and dependency on oil/gas, and also eliminating the need for the land-spreading of the litter. NRGElTO Poge 1 0135 xc etoner Poullry Mullane IPPC EPA Export 26-07-2013:16:34:32 Kc ntcn er Poultry IPPC Mulllane The application of animal manure is controlled via a Nutrient Management Plan prepared in accordance wit h S. 1. 378 of 2006. Proposals for monitoring surface and ground waterswhere a pplicable are set down in this licence application. A register of animal manure quantities. date of delivery and name and farm code of landowner will be maintained on each farm for inspection by Limerick County Council. fhe Department of Agricuiture and the EPA at all reasonable times. Effects of the farm on air are insignific a nt outside the buildings and adjoining yards. The ventilation system in will ensure that foul air is dispelled high into the atmosphere where it will mix with fresher air a nd thus minimise odour. Mitigation measures ta ken will minimise the effects of odour on the days of ma nure spreading . Noise levels from the farm are unlikely to be a nuisanc e. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. NRGELTD Page 20f 35 «coroner Poultry Mullane IPf>C EPA Export 26-07-2013:16:34:32 :jc:c:c::::r:::::c:c::::r:==:::::::rc:c:::::::r:c:c::::: c:c:c:::::r::c:::::c:r::::::::::::rc:c:c: 10' OS ' Co. LIM E RIC K CO. Luimnigh 21 27 28 29 30 H -+- --'1,. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. ~ 'Langtord No , ,, \ EPA Export 26-07-2013:16:34:32 .r- OSI Home ... • MOO " tlXlLS t# .'t • .-'..,.",,,.,, .. '"' " """''''.. .•",,"'" - • ...; . • . , ., .• • • • • For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 26-07-2013:16:34:32 Surve yed 2000 e Revised 2006 ~ Levelled Land . eglstry Compliant Map J I~ ... c ITM CENTRE PT caOAOS F 526895,625829 ~ ,o 0.73 4.0 1 e 2.45 DESCRIPTION ", 3.16 c- ~ 3.49 MAP5HEETS <:() ~ Digital Map o 5345 CF ...Authorised v mm Internet Map 0.42 I I 0.99 "rnall\lon1," lI9JSJn1 a~agS,,~dlC Or\BIilisae-. Pa<clrlFhic<n,;isce 1.06 B;llIeAt'lllCl.all1 a,8re. CoMptt<4 l1ndpb.rllld by DrorlaOO!l Suw.y - -- - --- -- Il~ m P!loe'rt" P;rt tM>It1 a '''''and For inspection purposes only. SMaiOMal3r,lea:l h nenid¥JMt~ I~ - - -- -- S/urtJhCircadlt~ ~t.:I ~""""'agu~ Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Rioltas N1~E.reoon. lk\a tlt!o1 >edreproo..dioo ~ l;Irtlna " "" S~lrcla r'(j..-..l Gcr""'!lTIIII'lci lmla r'(j 0.53 0.69 GlI::fl"""'"""iJd r CQSll ;ll'T' ~ tII ~lIC: n"""'dl .'d .....~seo adD pea. la~ oo 9.97 1I1l1a1'dlJf .. _ lll\Wm n:i ar aon tftoaladl gan 0.63 , reid , SQ"llnrln ""mh ri OurUi an d'.(JrrN\ Al I r>;lhts~NopartrJlt>1.p~may , , be ~_ repm;uredorttonsrrirted ,na,., 1oml orb)o ¥Jymo_"":tnJIlhaP!ox_ ,, pormlSSlOO citlo <:<'4lY"9"tUfo"," , If h"",a Ol1 t>:':l.Mr be~MmsAtI. bIIei''''", "" ,, ~~ l sooa(;",,5a.naIoo.r dlo.lo sli , , 0.53 Th!~ """"If\aO<:i.It>;lo(j . lia:> ctJoolll,1tll ,srxltiMl...-aodlM llXlSlanDlllll ,, in!Jt.d Wly. , ", " © SuirbhEHreacht orcanats Eireann, 2008 © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2008 0.47 ~63 625614 ,.: { I '" ( \ J1 62 56 1~ N 50 100 150 200 250 Metres ~ o Plot Re f. No. 19595339_ 1_ 1 ~ Scale> 1:2,500 1 11 "" 1 1 11 [ I I I Plot Date 26-NOV-200B sca ta .. 1:2,500 I I I I II i i ill I I I I , tf 100 200 300 400 500 Fee t ' A EPA Export 26-07-2013:16:34:32 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. L. .? c,­ -"i:~ ~ ~:-_ . <'0 " - ~ , ~ ,.. ' I . "-' 10--.::; "_ -....,'°'1 I I I EPA Export 26-07-2013:16:34:32 Surveyed 2000 ( - " Revised 2006 l evened 'If IrM CI'N JRf, P1 COORIJ '" .' 526895 ,625829 ' .• 0.73 '~1 ". 1>l;!loC HIP I IO N 3.11 3.01 1 MI\f' <" HH 1 'i ~ ~_ O c:.... Al i C . 0 co .- DllIlIet Map 5345 ••..• Authorised Internet Map 0.115 0.99 AII\lrb!llll""..... ..--...~ Ot-..~'".,~ 1.06 "AN.CNIIlu.. ~hl~t¥()nQ~ .....PrIWI.pn,lMMl....". _ ....-.-:.-:_- ..-...... ~~~~ ~Cl!'IlWlII"'''''' For inspection purposes only. "-Iu....hl_ Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. tN"laIMd~i'ItlIIOd~_ .......1M\'1fIIt(d ...~dhilrd M3 M' _pnff/l...... fIII ~_~ , ....1IPiMld'iM..,.lNIfpMI,......Nl , U7 .~ ._~"" . _ IN*''1M ~" , "I Glfftl~ " 6 \nil",trIIlip:twt. N~__ """fllM~r..w , ~0t9I1l,...-adL'IIIlIllI~.. .,fHlI ,, "1I\i'1t'J'_............._ , , pnoIKIII rJN~_ , , 1t ~ lI6O\11l1.tl*II.1Il , , 1WIdiII Ilct-... ,, 0.63 T'IlI_OIIhII.lII.lIlH,n:Ir. ,, .,1I....,.,,, ct..,.'IIl......d 'hl....d " CI S ulr~ I...chl:OtdaM" Elreann, 2(08 •• C Otdnancll Survey treland,2008 ~" N 100 150 200 250 Ma~e. __alo:· 1:2.500 Plot Ref. No. 19595339_1':1 I ! ! ! ! ,, ! I I I r I I \ Plot Data 26-NOV-200B Scala:· 1:2,500 I i II j i lt j I I I I , 11 100 200 300 400 SOO Faet • A EPA Export 26-07-2013:16:34:32 Kcntch er Poultry (ppe Mu ilione B.5 Schedule of Planning Permissions Descri tion Ref No. Construction of 2 no. poultry rearing houses Limerick Coun Council 1176/94 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. NRGE LT D Page 3 of 35 xcru oneePaultry M ullane lPPC EPA Export 26-07-2013:16:34:32 I ~ Local Government (Planning & Development) Acts, 1963 to 1993 NOTIFICATION OF A GRANT OF A PERMISSION COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF LIMERlCK ( ) Mr. Eddie Mullane, Killeedy, Ballagh, Co. Limerick. ( ) REFERENCE NUMBER IN PLANNING REGISTER 1176/94 Application by Mr. Eddie Mullane, Killeedy, Ballagh, Co. Limeri ck. on 14/9/94, 4/11/94 for a permission for development ofJand namely: Construction of 2 No. broiler houses and entrance at Killeedy South. A permission has been granted for the development described above subject to the conditions on the Schedule overleaf. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. flY: -. ,'.::. S· d b h If ftl id C'1; ./ .'" /1 _£.• "' 0 __ igne on e a 0 tc Sat ounl~~UNTy'SECRETARY: .~tI.. Date: !:~ January, 1995. Please note that the provisions ofthe Local Government (Planning & Development) Act, 1982 limits the duration ofthis planning permission to a period offive years from the date hereof.
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