-'I I ; Bringing Africa South R1.00 (GST Inc.) Thursday June 18 1992 A day in Cops SWOOp on city the life alvis assault newspaper ofa TYAPPA NAMUTEWA THE Namibian Police · Katutura yesterday swooped on the offices of the acting editor accident of Die Republikein, Chris woman guilty Jacobie, and conrlScated JOSEF MOTlNGA confidential documents in his possession. PUBLIC confronta­ Confinning the incident tions at the scene of an to Tne Namibian, Jacobie accident have become after being assaulted by SA police said two senior police offi­ a daily occurance in cers, Deputy Commissioner Katutura because it is Jumbo Smit and Chief-In­ claimed thatthepolice TOMMINNEY spector Marius \risser, ar­ are slow to respond to A NAMmIAN woman attacked bfseven South rived at his office shortly calls for assistance. after lunch and asked him A typical htcident African guards at the "border" point with to .hand . over documents took place on Satur­ Walvis Bay has just been found guilty - of as­ related to the qualifications I, day, June 13, on lnde­ saulting the policemen. ·imd appointment of the head ·pendence Avenue, A South African court on ministration' of Walvis of the police's speCial aboUt 400 metres north June 12 sentenced Nepeti Bay". Branch, JackSon Kakwambi. of Soweto Service Sta­ Nicanor to six months in Nicanor said she was at­ Jaeobie said he had re­ 1 tion. A man, walking fused to hand over the docu - on the road, was ·re­ prison, suspended for three tacked as she arrived at ments or reveal the sources portedly hit by a taxi years. Walvis Bay just after New of the documents. The driver apparently Human rights worlcer Year with two teenage cous­ attempted to dr.Ye off Wilfred Emvula of the ins who were born, live and The police officers left and, according to con­ town's legal advice office attend school there. The and returned later with an Dieting reports, in the says the sentence fits in with teenageTS wer.! apparently official warrant. process hit the victim· local practice, where police refused entry because they They searched his office fo.rthe second time. have tended to file assault only had temporary iden­ apd confiscated two confi­ Another taxi, which charges after attacking in­ tity cards and several N a­ dential documents, one a had turned off on the dividuals. mibians in the port have document on Kakwambi's right side of the road Emvula adds that courts complained that delays in qualifications and the other to witness the accident, tend to side with the police. processing identity docu-. a document from the Prime was then hit by the first Nicanor lost teeth and re­ ments have caused them Minister's office on Kak­ taxi as it attempted to ceived stitches after the problems. wam bi 's appoinniler1i: drive away. January 3 assault and still Nicanor said she asked Jacobie told The Namib­ Heated arguments feels tender on her injuries. why the teenagers should ian that he had been warned erupted among groups The Namibia National not be admitted and about that a criminal charge, un­ of people at the scene. Teachers' Union has ur­ seven police pulled off her known to him, was being A lady claiming to be gently called for "immedi­ wrap, pulled her hair, beat investigated. the sister of the victim ate and unconditional re­ and kicked her. He added, however, that accused the 'culprit' of incotporation ofWalvis Bay She said some held her he believed that the opera­ driving with an illegal tion was more likely aimed licence, and threatened into Namibia, which is long arms while others punched at discovering his sources. to set the car alight. overdue". her and called her "bitch". Jacobie said he had no One person, appar­ It says that the assault and She lost two teeth, needed ently a friend of the sentence "make a mockery 'culprit', threatened to of the proposed 'joint ad- beat up the lady but was restrained by friends. The driver of the second 1axi got involved FAREWELL FOR NOW ••• Miss Universe, Michelle in an argument with a McLean, was last night due to jet out of Namibia after man claiming to be a a packed three-week stay at home. ~elle flies to Los policeman. The driver Angeles, USA, where she will be based duringher reign wanted the man to as Miss Universe. Michelle is pictured above with an Air produce his police au-d Namibia official. which the nUiD was unable to d.o. The driver then grabbed his KATE BURLING shirjand prepared to 'Illegal' Namibians sent home beat up the 'police­ SAN representatives from the Namibian delegation set man'. CAPE TOWN: About five of 29 illegal immi­ five years' imprisonment if the Department the tone for frank debate on the second' day of the grants from Namibia who have been detained at As both were intoxi­ decided to'press charges. southern African regional San conference in Windhoek Pollsmoor Prison here since last week were due Four of the Namibians had already flown cated there was very yesterday. to fly home yesterday, a spokesperson for South back, and the owners had footed the repatriation After the official speeches and three lukewarm pres­ little sober reasoning. Africa's Department of Home Affairs said this bills, he said. entations by San delegates from Botswana, the Namib­ The 'policeman' drove week. "We won't be prosecuting the Namibians for away and the onlook­ 1hirty-threeNamibianmen, all aged between failing to have passports or for being in the ian speakers livened up proceedings with confident per­ ers waited for more 20 and 40, were arrested on South African country illegally because it will cost the tax­ formances outlining their hopes and fears. then 2S minutes for the fishing vessels in Hout Bay on Tuesday last payer money,"-he said. The delegations of both Angola and· Zambia were police but if was not week, he said. However, he warned that the owners of the nominal, and neither had San representation at the clear whether they ever '!be spokesperson said most of the men had vessels could be takentocourt,ifthey didnotpay conference. arrived. been working withoutpennits·and the owners of transport costs for the men to be returned to their the vessels could face fines of up to R20000 or home country. - Sapa . CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 2 Thursday June 18 ,1992 THE NAMlelAN ~~~ , NAMIBIA ASSOCIATION OF NORWAY VACANCY..,. ~ r ". _ " • • .; I. ".it." , ,- " , . The NamibiaAssociation ofNonvay is sponsoring the IGCSE EnglishLanguage Textbook Project w.hich is adrhinlsterecl by' the Ministry oj Education- arid Culture and involves the design, development, trial/ing and production oj teciching maieria1sjo;':the tecic1iing'OJEAgl~h in'brqdes 1 i and 12. --".' 'it ' . -The ,ProJect Coordinator is required to take up his/her duties, in Windhoek on- 1 September 1992 and seroices wiU be terminated on 30 August 1993. Remuneration wiUbe paid according to expertence and qualifications. JOB PEScRIPTION ' ,', • THREE-WAY TRANSLATIONS ... John Arnold of Western Bushmanland (left), • J .: ,.. Nyae Nyae Farmers' Co-operative chairperson /ang!ao !un, and Nyae Nyae Develop­ 1. Orgclnising wor~shops; ment Foundation Director Megan Biesele got the San message across tcY conference 2. Collecting and edittng' materials; . delegates yesterday. ' , 3.Orgimizing ttte' trialUng ojthe materials; 4.Preparing materials jor production;, liminary meeting' at M~getti here as the head of a people' S Dune last month. organisation, W;ithout being able QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED The first speaker from 'the to read or write". 1. Teaching quc.uificattons in English as a second language. corridor', a Herero mandated He asked for direct clarifi- 2.Experience oJteaching. Experience ojteaching senior secondary classes by the San conununity to speak cation on land rights one year and IGCE English wiu be an advantage. Inputs by San speakers from on its behalf, stressed the need after the Land Conference, for land rights. It was difficult adding that lack of schooling 3.Experience in organising and conducting workshops. Botswana amounted to little to say much when he had "no meant his people were unable 4.Experience in producing teaching materials would be an advantage. more than a vote of thanks to their Government, despite place to stay", he said, listing to read up on developments for S.Ability to work in collaboration with other teachers. earlier Government admissions secondary problems of SCllfCe themselves. 6.Ability to use a word processor would be an advantage. that its Remote Area Develop­ transport, poor education, in- Having reclaimed their tra- 7:Must be in possession oj a driving Ucence., ment policy had, by and large, adequate health care, and un- ditional !nores (lands) with the paid pensions. blessing of the ,Government, ENQU1RlES TO: failed. The fiIDu San delegate from The pension problem was the San ofEastem Bushmanland R. 1rewby or D. Esslinger. taken up by the following were "serious about taking care fel. 061 - 221920 ' , Botswana, however, touched on some of the problems said speaker, who said confusion of them", and hoped to see APPUCATIONS TO: to be dividing the Basarwa from over identity documents and income benefits soon, said / poor communication had led un. Namibia Association oj Nonvay " '>' the Government. After thank­ PO Box 24140 ing the State for providing to glaring injustices with pen- Rounding off the San con- sionpaymeots. "Sometimes you tribution for Namibia, well- Windhoek schools for his people, he said ' he didn't know where his chil­ see someone who is so old,and known Farmers Co-operative CLOSING DAlE: dren were but he knew they'd blind that they clearly need President Tsamkxao #oma lOJuly 1992 been "taken f!)r education". help, yet their ID says they are called for universal protection "I hear they are doing well," 20-years-old," said John Ar- of the environment: "It's all , he said, ~'Qut."~ don't see them." DQld representing Sancommu- we haye~ " he said.
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