The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more Four Page Colored 12 Pages Today ' Comic Section CARTERET PRESS TmScdins VOL. X, No. 45 CARTKRET, N. J.. FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1932 PRICK THREE CEN'lt Scout matter Take* Troop Second Series Of Outboard Local G. O, P. T* Have Cemetery Permit .To Camp BuHon-At-AHaire Summer Bible School Races At Sewaren Sunday; TiResmne Auto Races Hoffman He** In September "WiM Mao" Scare Crack Pilots Are Entered Scoutmaster William Misdom, of The ttooamlt H«puklic»n Club At Woodbnd?e; Report met In Wrenous* No. 1 Friday nljrhtv ShU Withheld Lincoln avenue, head of Troop No. Has Closing Program The second of a series of outboard Has Odkl SideBght 82, Boy Scouts of America, left,Sun- and discussed thc coming campaign.' boat races to be sponsored by the It <u planned to hold • big meet- Mayor Regards Situation As Jay with a. large number of Scouts Pupils Exhibit Attanments In Outboard Clubs of Sewaren, will be New Concern Take* Over Man With Gun and Flashlight for Camp 'nurton-at-Allaire. They ing in September when Hirold fi. Study — School Maintained held Sunday afternoon on Ihe Kill Speedway — Will Replace It Hoffman will be among the speaker*. Meets With Reverses — One Warranting Extreme 1 apen two weeks at the camp. The Van Kull, off Sewaren, at 2 o'clock. camp is controlled by Monmouth By Four1 Churche*. Wth Half-Mile Dirt Track. After the business meeting a social Precaution —- Canda Says Spills and thrills galore arc guaran- wts held. Other Reports Of Prowler* Council and the two weeks beginning teed when the crack pilots of New In Boulevard Section. $50,000 Would Be Spent For Sunday last are open for troops of The Union Summer Bfble School Jersey gather to compete, for the Automobile mlng will be back Labor. Rartan Council which includes Car- maintained by the Presbyterian Epis- many prizes which have been offer- n Wnodbridge by the latter part of teret. copal, Lutheran and Methodist ed. If the success of the first aeries August, provided the well-laid plans Police Wednesday made public an churches, was brought to a close Fri- of races may be taken an n criterion, of the Mftropolitan Motor Speed- Lone Bandit Robs incident in connection with the hunt t Another Hpecial meeting of the day night in the Sunday school room ways, Inc.. of which Colonel N. E. I'ur the "wild m»n" in the woods Borough Council will be held noon --» —« — • • - . i Sunday's card will surpass by far any of the Presbyterian church where a events of the kind ever held at Se-Wood is construction engineer, *r« near the boulevard. Carmen Zullo, to consider the application of the executed without the interference (if Hudson Ktwt »nd Roosevelt sve- Blazing Star Cemetery Association, Big Card Party rogram was carried out and awards | waren, A list of entrants was not Leick Avenue Man •ere distributed to those who had ji bl at press time. of some unforseen difficulty or oc mif> (irovo to * lonely »pot in Blair it wan stated Wednesday night at the nva a e currence, ho told the Wondbridst*! Man With Gun Relieves John loud and parked hi* oar. He was regular meeting of the council. Abeel tained high marks in the course. The program was made np of ex- [ Rotanans at their weekly luncheon fitting on the right hund «>nd of th» Canda, head of the association was Plannedjy Club meeting in the Middlesex Hotel, Safchinsky Of $12 At Point driver's sent with thc door open when present at thc meeting last night and mples of ability by pupils in each ass. May O'Donnell recited the ten j yesterday noon. Of Gun. n flush light was thruxt into hi* face said that the men. who are financingWomen's Democratic Unit To Wesley CatriScores I1ans have been completed for and R gun w»s pointed nt htm by a the association are about ready to immandments and Harold Edwards roan who came noiselessly out of th« Sponsor Function At Fire nswered a series of questions on the the completp e rebuilding of the John Safchinsky, of 3H Leirk eve- drop the project. He said the devel d Cll W The bushes at the* side of the rend. opment of the cemetery would in- •ible. They are pupils of Mrs. Hilda speedway, said Colonel Wood. Alighted from th» l»»t hu« fn>m House No. 2 On July 27. Hit Over WABC present board track will he t<>cn Zullo, who is powerfully built, volve an expenditure of about $50, >oody. Kulalic Beech recited the first present poara irac* vnu ne iocn|,.prjh Amb«y .Saturday night at Le- d kicked the man in the cheM, knocking 000 which would be spent largely in salm and George Sirek listed the 8 1 1 1 1 a alf n 1( The Woman's Democratic Club has Carteret Boy Displays Marvel- l!?""-.dirt speedwa"'!,.. ;!!!y *-?:^*;carefull.'!y Lbanke.il .*d anl!. d; "k and Roosevelt avenues and start- him down, Zullo leaped upon him, the employment of Carteret labor. ooks of the New Testament. They ed to walk home' when he was held completed plans for a large public re pupils of Miss Astrid.Johnson. so constructed that the dust will be pinned him to tin- ground and grasp- The association applied some card party to be held on Wednesday out Skill As Tap Dancer reduced to a minimum. It. is pl»n-') a '<! both wrists. The man who proved Christine Rorsuk recited the* Thir- 1>n| bandit and robbed of $12. Sa months ago for a permit to establish evening, July 27, in Kirehouse No. y-fourth Psalm. Faith Wilgus re- Milton Brown Broadcasts ned, said the speaker, to construct tu IM' Charli'H Li'i», of Cook iivenue, and conduct a cemetery on property 2. There will be many awards, and a flat track similar to the one in Losf<hinsky told patrolman George called f'>r "Harris". Another man :ited the Thirty-secondy, , and Rose Piano Selections Over Sheridan that the bandit was ft feet owned by the Canda Realty Com refreshments will be served at the l Angeles. A six foot bank will be ramc "lit of I lie bushes at the call pany. A cemetery was started by an- conclusion of the ganves. Mrs. Morris answered correctly ten ques- WHOM. employed. After a combination of I inches in height and wore a dark hut instead of aiding Lee he helped other association that has dissolved, Goodman s chairman of the commit- 10ns on the life of Christ. They are clay and sand is graded and rolled, hlue suit. He ran down Leick ave- ifullo take the gun from Lee. Zullo iipils of Miss Helen Kostenbader. nue, turwd into Randolph street and leaving many debts. Mayor Hermann tee in charge of the arrangements. Wesky Catri, 8-year-old sort o it will be harrowc to a depth of six then raised I<ee bodily iihovr his head said that the former association left The other members are: Mrs, Dennis Miss Wilton Pruitt, one of the got into a car at Wheeler street. and hurled him to the ground with eachers wrote a Biblical play and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Catri of this inches and will be covered with an Sheridan and Sergeant John And- such a bad impression that he andO'Rorke, Mrs. Valentino CHeckner, vo of her pupils presented' it.' They place astounded thousands Sunday Bsphaltie oil surface. This "fcurface, swrh force that the breath was the council are being careful not toMrs. Mayme Little, Mrs. J. .1. Ruck- pp p d i Th res searched the borough but could knocked out of Lee. re: Edna Mantie"" , Marjorie Hous- when he broadcast a tap dance over i it was said, will be ideal for trac- not get any trace of th<> car. act in the present cane without the reigel, Mrs. Sophie Simons, Mrs. Wil- station WABC. Catri went, on durinijtion and will enable the drivers to Zullo turned both men over to Mo- most absolute guarantee of perform- liam Duff, "Mrs. William O'Brien, ft, Irene Ilemsel, Hilda Ambolt and ;the children's hour from 11 to 12 contTol shikklng cars more effective- tiircyrle Policeman Robert Shanley ance of several conditions. Mrs. F. X. KoepfU'r, Mrs. John Med- Florence Fenche. 1 nnd the three went to police head- James Reidell recited the Sixty a. m. The announcer introduced him ly. The caution of the council has vetz, Mrs. Charles Morris, Mrs. Eliz- quarters. abeth Rathe, Mrs. William .1. Ijawlor, oventh Psalm and Fred Johnson an- as the "Wizard of the Taps", and his Parking space at the speedway will been increased, the Mayor said, by . wered fourteen questions on Oldperformance justified the title. he increased and the grandstand will Cop s Memory Lee i.s a watchman at the cemetery the fact that some of the men who' Mrs. Fred Colton, Miss Margaret Testament history. They are pupils Wesley danced for several minutes be repaired. Wood plans to use; in Illair road but the spot where he were identified with the old aasocia-' Hermann, Mrs. Thomas Kinnelly -f Catherine Hemsel. Helen Sinowitz, at a furious rate and his rythm was the front stairs of the grandstand encountered Zullo, polce said, is half tion are guiding the destinies of the Mrs. William V. Coughlin, Mrs. An-a pupil of Violet Van Pelt, answered perfect throughout. He was former- for exit purposes only.
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