DOCUMENT RESUME ED 456 844 IR 058 192 TITLE Sources of Custom-Produced Books: Braille, Audio Recordings, and Large Print. INSTITUTION Library of Congress, Washington, DC. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. REPORT NO DI015 ISSN ISSN-1535-1505 PUB DATE 2001-00-00 NOTE 107p. AVAILABLE FROM Reference Section, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20542. Web site: http://www.loc.gov/nls/reference/directories.html. PUB TYPE Reference Materials Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Audiotape Recordings; *Books; Braille; Individual Needs; *Information Sources; Large Type Materials; Reading Materials; Talking Books; Visual Impairments; Volunteers IDENTIFIERS National Library Service for the Blind; *Transcription ABSTRACT This directory lists the names of volunteer groups, individual transcribers, and nonprofit and commercial organizations that transcribe and record books and other reading materials for persons who are blind and physically handicapped. It was compiled from information supplied by organizations and groups who perform these services. The listing is alphabetical by state. Each entry is assigned an index number and specifies such services as Braille transcription, computer-assisted transcription, print enlargements, tape recording, duplication, and binding. Entries also give such Braille code specialties as music, mathematics, and specific languages. The directory contains information in separate sections on state special education contacts and proofreaders certified by the Library of Congress. Wherever Braille groups are listed, it is understood that there is at least one transcriber or proofreader certified by the Library of Congress working with the group/organization. The introduction includes a list of other related documents on the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) Web site or available upon request, as well as additional resources for materials available in different formats. Examples of how to use the directory are given for several types of individuals.(AEF) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. DOM-flag cm=off UNCD I 1 2C)Dll 9)EC LECC CO rainT9 kUnd.1©Mecor anta gTPrixa NationalLibrarygggwYg, g376%gBlindEarl PhysicallyHandicapped Library Congress wwollcm. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. e Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. BIESTCOPYAVAIABLE Sources of Custom- 2001 Produced Books Braille, Audio Recordings, and Large Print National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped The Library of Congmss Contents Introduction 1 other reading materials for persons who are blind and physically handicapped. It Using This Directory 3 was compiled from information supplied by organizations and groups who perform Sources of Custom-Produced Books 5 these services. The listing is alphabetical by state. Each Certified Proofreaders 71 entry is assigned an index number and specifies such services as braille transcrip- Special Education Resources 88 tion, computer-assisted transcription, print enlargements, tape recording, duplication, Index 99 and binding. Entries also give such braille code specialties as music, mathematics, and specific languages. The directory contains Introduction information in separate sections on state Through the Library of Congress free read- special education contacts and proofreaders ing program, individuals who are blind certified by the Library of Congress. Wher- and physically handicapped across the ever braille groups are listed it is our nation and Americans living abroad borrow understanding that there is at least one recorded and braille books and magazines. transcriber or proofreader certified by the Eligible borrowers may also get special Library of Congress working with the playback machines and accessories. This group/organization. reading service is administered by the Sources of Custom-Produced Books: National Library Service for the Blind and Braille, Audio Recordings, and Large Print Physically Handicapped (NLS) through a is available in large-print and braille for- nationwide network of cooperating libraries. mats and can be provided on computer Volunteer groups, individual transcribers, diskette upon direct request from the Ref- and nonprofit and commercial organiza- erence Section. It is also available on tions produce a wide variety of additional the NLS web site at <www.loc.gov/n1s/ braille, recorded, and large-print material reference/directories.html>. for readers who are visually and physically handicapped. They may transcribe such Other related documents on the NLS web varied items as a textbook for a college stu- site or available upon request include the dent, a series of Supreme Court decisions following: for a lawyer, or a best-selling novel for Braille Literacy: Resources for Instruc- a general reader. Such contributions help tion, Writing Equipment, and Supplies, make print-handicapped readers' access to Reference Circular 95-1, <www.loc.gov/ reading material comparable to that of the nls/reference/literacy.html>. This circular print-reading public. lists sources of braille writing equipment This directory lists the names .of vol- and supplies. unteer groups, individual transcribers, and Braille Music Transcribers, Music nonprofit and commercial organizations Circular No. 4, <www.loc.gov/n1s/music/ who transcribe and record books and circular4.html>. This circular lists addi- 1 4 Introduction tional braille music transcribers. It is also [email protected] available upon request from the Music Sec- www.aph.org- tion, National Library Service for the Blind www.aph.org/louis.htm and Physically Handicapped, Library of APH will also enlarge materials if they are Congress, Washington, DC 20542. not already available. There is a single fee Guidelines for Accessing Alternative for items under 100 pages and a per print Format Educational Materials, page cost for items over 100 pages. To esti- <www.loc.gov/n1s/guidelines.htm>. These mate your cost, count all pages, including guidelines discuss numerous factors title pages, glossaries, indices, etc., because involved with access to alternative format APH will enlarge the entire work. The turn- educational materials for eligible students, around time is 8-12 weeks. their parents, or educators. They cover fed- The thermoform machine is used to eral, state, and local laws that address produce multiple copies from handcopied disability services. braille masters, on brailon, and on brailla- Library Resources for the Blind and bels. For information, including prices and Physically Handicapped, annual, descriptive literature on this equipment and <www.loc.gov/n1s/reference/ about brailon or braillabels, contact: directories.html>. This directory gives a American Thermoform Corporation profile of each cooperating library in the 1758 Brackett Street NLS network. It lists book formats, special La Verne, CA 91750 collections, and the various services avail- (909) 593-6711 able from each. It also describes other 1-800-331-3676 library resources at the national level. [email protected] Www.atcbrleqp.com/ Following are additional resources for materials available in alternative formats: Groups, individuals, and organizations who The American Printing House for the produce reading materials for blind and Blind (APH) currently houses a database physically handicapped persons and are not called Louis: Database of Accessible Mate- listed in this directory are invited to submit rials for People Who are Blind or Visually information for future editions. Organiza- Impaired. Louis contains information about tions and individuals included should report braille, large print, sound recordings, and changes or corrections of contact persons, computer files from over 200 agencies addresses, and services performed. Sugges- throughout the United States. Contact: tions for improving the directory are also American Printing House for the Blind welcome. Send all communications to the (APH) Volunteer Specialist at the NLS Reference Resource Services Section. 1839 Frankfort Avenue Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 895-2405 1-800-223-1839 502-899-2363 fax 2 Using This Directory Volunteer groups, individual transcribers, 3. As chairperson of an organization and nonprofit and commercial organiza- working chiefly with braille transcribing, tions produce almost any kind of reading you want quicker proofreading. material one might need. If you want Check the section "Certified Proofreaders." to obtain reading material not available It is arranged by state. This part of the through the Library of Congress program directory will help you locate proofreaders or other programs described in the intro- in your area so you can make assignments duction to this directory, contact the efficiently and avoid unnecessary shipping chairperson of one of these groups and delays. organizations listed. You may request that print material be transcribed, recorded, 4. You are elected president of your dis- or prepared in large print. Fee structures trict's Rotary Club and you need a will vary widely depending on the format large-print copy of
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