KILMAINHAM-INCHICORE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 4 2. THEMES 6 3. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 16 4. VISION 24 5. REGENERATION FRAMEWORK 28 6. URBAN REGENERATION & 40 DEVELOPMENT FUND 7. DELIVERY & PARTNERSHIPS 50 APPENDIX I - SPATIAL ANALYSIS APPENDIX II - MOVEMENT ANALYSIS APPENDIX III - LINKAGE ANALYSIS APPENDIX IV - NIAH SITES / PROTECTED STRUCTURES 1. INTRODUCTION KILMAINHAM-INCHICORE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Dublin City Council’s Kilmainham-Inchicore funding as Category “A” Projects under the Development Strategy is a non-statutory next round of the URDF later in 2021. high level study funded as a Category “B” This section sets out the basis for the Study under Call 1 of the (then) Department If Dublin City Council is successfully awarded of Housing, Planning and Local Government’s financing under the URDF it will be enabled Development Strategy, its purpose and (DHPLG) Urban Regeneration Development to undertake further detailed studies and Fund (URDF) to address opportunities for assessments of the projects before advancing what it attempts to achieve. urban regeneration and placemaking in to the planning consent process, detailed the Kilmainham-Inchicore area. The URDF design, and construction. application process is local authority led, prepared by the Executive. and determined The projects identified in the Development by the Minister for Housing and Local Strategy will be subject to a statutory Government (the Minister). The Development planning consent under the Planning and Strategy provides a framework for integrated, Development Act 2000 (as amended). All plan-led solutions, but does not authorise projects will be assessed concerning their specific projects. environmental impacts as part of a planning application. This includes compliance with The Development Strategy has been the Environmental Impact Assessment, Flood informed by the compilation of a Baseline Risk, and Habitats Directives. Report, which identified the key assets of the area, and subject to extensive targeted The impact of projects on the existing built stakeholder consultation. All comments/ heritage and archaeology will be assessed submissions received have been considered and mitigated so as to inform the preferred and have informed the Development design option which will be brought forward Strategy. At the February 2021 South Central for planning consent. Area Committee, the elected members noted the content of the Development Strategy. The projects will be subject to public consultation as part of the planning process. The Development Strategy identifies public realm and placemaking projects which Dublin City Council can submit to the Minister for 4 5 KILMAINHAM-INCHICORE Four key themes 2. THEMES PLANNING & REGENERATION MOVEMENT This Development Strategy has, at As a highly accessible inner urban area with Given its inner urban location, public transport available infill brownfield sites, Kilmainham- provision, natural assets and available its core, Four Key Themes informed Inchicore presents the opportunity to deliver brownfield/infill landbanks, Kilmainham- on national, regional and local policy aims in Inchicore has the potential to deliver a by technical analysis and targeted relation to sustainable planning. This can be shift towards more sustainable modes of achieved in the form of compact growth and transport, with a focus on active travel and stakeholder engagement. The projects urban regeneration through the delivery of act as an exemplar for the implementation housing, public amenities and community of the 15 Minute City concept in Dublin. This facilities thereby creating more liveable can be achieved through the delivery of have been selected based on their spaces and improving the quality of life of its planned improvements to public transport residents. provision and the walking and cycling compatibility with the Four Key network, including blue and green ways, in conjunction with the delivery of mixed-use Themes. developments on existing landbanks. PLACEMAKING ENVIRONMENT As an inner urban area with two village centres Kilmainham-Inchicore, like other urban and a wealth of historical and amenity assets areas, faces the challenges posed by climate Kilmainham-Inchicore presents the change and must consider the opportunities opportunity to deliver an identifiable place to address this in the context of Dublin City’s that is inclusive and adaptable and that has Climate Action Plan 2019-2024. This can be health and well-being at its core. This can be achieved in the form of climate adaptation achieved in the form of a strengthened and and mitigation measures which include defined character for the centres, a dialogue reducing pollution through promoting green between spaces within the public realm, and blue routes, encouraging walking and adaptability through urban design and the cycling for local trips, maximising public promotion of mixed-use areas. transport usage and facilitating opportunities to support biodiversity. 6 7 PLANNING AND REGENERATION URBAN REGENERATION INITIATIVES A UNIFIED URBAN QUARTER KNOWN FOR ITS INNOVATIVE HERITAGE COMPACT GROWTH APPROACH IN PLANNING POLICY, THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 1 Kilmainham-Inchicore has significant 4 Kilmainham-Inchicore is accessible via AND REGENERATION PROGRAMMES. heritage potential owing to the presence public transport, walking and cycling. EXISTING CONTEXT urban regeneration of the area. It recognises of a wealth of historical landmark sites Further investment in transport the potential of the existing, predominantly and buildings such as Kilmainham Gaol, infrastructure in the area (i.e., DART +, Irish National War Memorial Gardens Bus Connects, Luas, walking & cycling) The twin communities of Kilmainham- privatively owned or semi-state controlled, and Kilmainham Mill, as well as areas of together with the improved public Inchicore are located approximately 4km land banks within the study area. conservation such as the CIE Works Estate. realm has the potential to further due west of Dublin City Centre on one of the The public realm interventions identified unlock the potential of the brownfield/ main access routes into the City from the In May 2020, Dublin City Council appointed in the Development Strategy recognise infill landbanks. Development of these West and South of Ireland. The area has a Bucholz McEvoy to prepare a planning the richness of the area’s built heritage landbanks has the potential to deliver population of c. 17,406 residents and houses application for the Emmet Road regeneration (i.e., Protected Structures and NIAH sites) compact urban growth. industrial and light engineering activity project. This project will be submitted to An Bord Pleanála for consent under Part 10, and the potential to develop trails to including several medium sized industrial promote the cultural offer of this quarter estates and the landmark Inchicore Railway Section 175 of the Planning and Development PEOPLE Act 2000 (as amended). This c.4.9 hectares’ and connect it into Dublin’s wider heritage Works. Employment levels are largely in line network. with national trends but there are isolated site will provide c 400 residential (70% 5 Kilmainham-Inchicore has a strong pockets of social deprivation in the area. cost rental and 30% social housing units), and active community, albeit with community and retail facilities fronting onto LIVING pockets of social deprivation. There a new civic space addressing Emmet Road. is the opportunity to enhance and The area has an array of existing assets that Kilmainham-Inchicore can accommodate 2 strengthen community bonds by not only contribute to its unique character additional public and private residential Dublin City Council, through the delivery of promoting longterm occupancy and sense of place but many also act as an development. The area is currently public realm focused interventions in the that provides for housing needs attractor. These include the Grand Canal, characterised by a mix of suburban type urban fabric, will create the conditions to throughout life (i.e. children, young Camac River Valley, Irish National War housing, with some modern interventions support the regeneration of the above land adults, families, and older people). The Memorial Gardens, Goldenbridge Cemetery, that are of a denser nature. The availability banks. high-quality public realm and greening Richmond Barracks, Kilmainham Gaol, of substantial land banks within the project identified in this Development Kilmainham Courthouse, Kilmainham Mill, Kilmainham-Inchicore area, although WHAT CAN BE ACHIEVED? Strategy, will make the Kilmainham- Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Irish Museum mainly privately owned, offers the Inchicore area a more attractive place of Modern Art (IMMA) and the National opportunity for larger scale, sustainable, Children’s Hospital. The Development Strategy, in the context of to live. planning and regeneration, identifies a public urban living projects with an appropriate realm strategy to support the following: density, range of residential unit types SUPPORTING WHAT IS IN OUR DEVELOPMENT • A strong sense of community. and mix of uses. Dublin City Council’s AMENITIES STRATEGY? • Greater use of existing amenities and Emmet Road regeneration project will set 6 • assets. the benchmark in the area for high quality Kilmainham-Inchicore has a quantum The Development Strategy aims to build • A mix of residential tenures and residential development. and wealth of amenities and open upon the existing assets of Kilmainham- typologies. spaces
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