is from Llanelli in west Wales. This exhibition is part of an extended series on aspects of everyday life in Japan. in life everyday of aspects on series extended an of part is exhibition This Wales. west in Llanelli from is ©Nick Danzigar / nbpictures.com / Danzigar ©Nick private outdoor space the gardens they produce are the antitheses to the formal creations of sakuteiki. Chris Wilson Wilson Chris sakuteiki. of creations formal the to antitheses the are produce they gardens the space outdoor private that have stood for two thousand years, the people have retained a deep affinity to gardening, yet with so little little so with yet gardening, to affinity deep a retained have people the years, thousand two for stood have that called it Sakuteiki or Records of Garden Making. In today’s Japan, where ultra-futuristic design sits next to buildings buildings to next sits design ultra-futuristic where Japan, today’s In Making. Garden of Records or Sakuteiki it called A thousand years ago a court noble wrote the first guide to the philosophy of creating a Japanese garden – he he – garden Japanese a creating of philosophy the to guide first the wrote noble court a ago years thousand A arddangosfa hon yn rhan o gyfres estynedig ar agweddau bywyd bob dydd yn Siapan. Siapan. yn dydd bob bywyd agweddau ar estynedig gyfres o rhan yn hon arddangosfa ffurfiol sakuteiki. Mae Chris Wilson yn hanu o Lanelli yng ngorllewin Cymru. Mae’r Mae’r Cymru. ngorllewin yng Lanelli o hanu yn Wilson Chris Mae sakuteiki. ffurfiol gael, mae’r gerddi a greuir ganddynt mewn gwrthgyferbyniad llwyr i greadigaethau greadigaethau i llwyr gwrthgyferbyniad mewn ganddynt greuir a gerddi mae’r gael, cadw cysylltiad dwfn â garddio, ond gan fod ‘na gyn lleied o le allanol preifat ar ar preifat allanol le o lleied gyn ‘na fod gan ond garddio, â dwfn cysylltiad cadw nesaf i adeiladau sydd wedi bodoli ers dwy fil o flynyddoedd, mae’r bobl wedi wedi bobl mae’r flynyddoedd, o fil dwy ers bodoli wedi sydd adeiladau i nesaf Creu Gardd. Yn y Siapan gyfoes, lle mae dyluniau tra modern wedi eu lleoli drws drws lleoli eu wedi modern tra dyluniau mae lle gyfoes, Siapan y Yn Gardd. Creu athroniaeth o greu gardd Siapaneaidd - yn dwyn y teitl Sakuteiki neu Gofnodion Gofnodion neu Sakuteiki teitl y dwyn yn - Siapaneaidd gardd greu o athroniaeth Mil o flynyddoedd yn ôl ysgrifennodd bonheddwr llys yr arweiniad cyntaf i’r i’r cyntaf arweiniad yr llys bonheddwr ysgrifennodd ôl yn flynyddoedd o Mil Chris Wilson: Sakuteiki Wilson: Chris A selection of work from emerging talent studying on BA photographic courses at the University of South Wales South of University the at courses photographic BA on studying talent emerging from work of selection A and his latest work explores his own identity. It was featured on CNN and exhibited extensively. exhibited and CNN on featured was It identity. own his explores work latest his and Ima Mfon is born and raised in Lagos NIgeria. Ima was the recipient of the 2015 Lensculture emerging talent award award talent emerging Lensculture 2015 the of recipient the was Ima NIgeria. Lagos in raised and born is Mfon Ima photographing the West of Rhyl in 2005 and has continued through the recession years and regeneration. and years recession the through continued has and 2005 in Rhyl of West the photographing This will include work from Geoff Wedge’s series of photographs under the title House in the Sun. Geoff started started Geoff Sun. the in House title the under photographs of series Wedge’s Geoff from work include will This A mini viewing room showing the work of emerging photographers. photographers. emerging of work the showing room viewing mini A Detholiad o waith gan fyfyrwyr talentog newydd yn astudio cyrsiau ffotograffig ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru. De Mhrifysgol ym ffotograffig cyrsiau astudio yn newydd talentog fyfyrwyr gan waith o Detholiad Fe’i nodweddwyd ar CNN ac fe’i arddangoswyd yn eang. eang. yn arddangoswyd fe’i ac CNN ar nodweddwyd Fe’i Lensculture yn 2015 ac mae ei waith diweddaraf yn ystyried ei hunaniaeth ei hun. hun. ei hunaniaeth ei ystyried yn diweddaraf waith ei mae ac 2015 yn Lensculture Ganwyd a magwyd Ima Mfon yn Lagos, Nigeria. Enillodd Ima wobr talent newydd newydd talent wobr Ima Enillodd Nigeria. Lagos, yn Mfon Ima magwyd a Ganwyd ac mae wedi parhau ymlaen trwy flwynydddoedd y dirwasgiad a’r adfywiad. adfywiad. a’r dirwasgiad y flwynydddoedd trwy ymlaen parhau wedi mae ac in the Sun’. Dechreuodd Geoff gymryd ffotograffau yng Ngorllewin Rhyl yn 2005 2005 yn Rhyl Ngorllewin yng ffotograffau gymryd Geoff Dechreuodd Sun’. the in Cynhwysir gwaith allan o gyfres ffotograffau Geoff Wedge yn dwyn y teitl ‘House ‘House teitl y dwyn yn Wedge Geoff ffotograffau gyfres o allan gwaith Cynhwysir Ystafell wylio fechan yn dangos gwaith ffotograffwyr sy’n dod i’r amlwg. amlwg. i’r dod sy’n ffotograffwyr gwaith dangos yn fechan wylio Ystafell the Box the and a collection of photos in the Gallery 2 exhibition Privilege in a time of global inequality. global of time a in Privilege exhibition 2 Gallery the in photos of collection a and These photographs from 37 leading photographers document aspects of the privilege of global wealth. global of privilege the of aspects document photographers leading 37 from photographs These Exhibitions include Nick Danziger’s Revisited, Chris Wilson’s Sakuteiki, Sakuteiki, Wilson’s Chris Revisited, Danziger’s Nick include Exhibitions Sun the in House Weige’s Geoff happens in one of three ways: either through revolution, higher taxes, or wars.” wars.” or taxes, higher revolution, through either ways: three of one in happens “cannot and will not persist...it will get closed. History always does it. It typically typically It it. does always History closed. get will persist...it not will and “cannot Eamonn McCabe, Colin Jacobson. Colin McCabe, Eamonn In March 2015, billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones declared that the wealth gap gap wealth the that declared Jones Tudor Paul investor billionaire 2015, March In Rebecca Naden, Mark Cleghorn, Sophie Batterbury, Andy Pearsall, Maria Gruzdeva, Nick Danziger, Danziger, Nick Gruzdeva, Maria Pearsall, Andy Batterbury, Sophie Cleghorn, Mark Naden, Rebecca yn cofnodi gwahanol agweddau o freintiau cyfoeth byd-eang. byd-eang. cyfoeth freintiau o agweddau gwahanol cofnodi yn The line-up of leading UK and International photographers includes A Fine Beginning, Rhodri Jones, Jones, Rhodri Beginning, Fine A includes photographers International and UK leading of line-up The trethi uwch neu ryfeloedd.” Mae’r ffotograffau hyn gan 37 o ffotograffwyr blaenllaw blaenllaw ffotograffwyr o 37 gan hyn ffotograffau Mae’r ryfeloedd.” neu uwch trethi yn sicrhau hyn bob tro. Mae’n digwydd mewn un o dair ffordd: unai trwy chwyldro, chwyldro, trwy unai ffordd: dair o un mewn digwydd Mae’n tro. bob hyn sicrhau yn reviews and exhibitions for the third The Eye International Photography Festival. Photography International Eye The third the for exhibitions and reviews na fyddai’r bwlch cyfoeth “yn medru parhau ...bydd y bwlch yn cau. Mae hanes hanes Mae cau. yn bwlch y ...bydd parhau medru “yn cyfoeth bwlch fyddai’r na Aberystwyth Arts Centre presents a jam packed programme of talks, discussions, interviews, portfolio portfolio interviews, discussions, talks, of programme packed jam a presents Centre Arts Aberystwyth Ym mis Mawrth 2015, datganodd y buddsoddwr a’r biliwnydd Paul Tudor Jones Jones Tudor Paul biliwnydd a’r buddsoddwr y datganodd 2015, Mawrth mis Ym Privilege in a time of global inequality inequality global of time a in Privilege byd-eang. byd-eang. over the past ten years for those who have the least. least. the have who those for years ten past the over in the Sun’ gan Geoff Weige a chasgliad o ffotograffau yn Oriel 2, ‘Privilege’, ar thema anghydraddoldeb anghydraddoldeb thema ar ‘Privilege’, 2, Oriel yn ffotograffau o chasgliad a Weige Geoff gan Sun’ the in living in both rural and urban areas; hamlets, villages, border towns and city slums, reflecting what has changed changed has what reflecting slums, city and towns border villages, hamlets, areas; urban and rural both in living Bydd yr arddangosfeydd yn cynnwys ‘Revisited’ gan Nick Danziger, ‘Sakuteiki’ gan Chris Wilson, ‘House ‘House Wilson, Chris gan ‘Sakuteiki’ Danziger, Nick gan ‘Revisited’ cynnwys yn arddangosfeydd yr Bydd leaders? For ten years, across eight countries on four continents, Danziger worked among individuals and families families and individuals among worked Danziger continents, four on countries eight across years, ten For leaders? the UN’s stated intentions end up as nothing more than a feel-good exercise to ease the consciences of world world of consciences the ease to exercise feel-good a than more nothing as up end intentions stated UN’s the Danziger, Eamonn McCabe a Colin Jacobson. Colin a McCabe Eamonn Danziger, succeeded in giving families a better life – are the children still hungry? Are girls now able to go to school? Or did did Or school? to go to able now girls Are hungry? still children the are – life better a families giving in succeeded Nick Danziger documents life on the edge and explores whether the Millennium Development Goals have have Goals Development Millennium the whether explores and edge the on life documents Danziger Nick Jones, Rebecca Naden, Mark Cleghorn, Sophie Batterbury, Andy Pearsall, Maria Gruzdeva, Nick Nick Gruzdeva, Maria Pearsall, Andy Batterbury, Sophie Cleghorn, Mark Naden, Rebecca Jones, fwyaf difreintiedig. difreintiedig. fwyaf Mae’r ffotograffwyr rhyngwladol blaenllaw a fydd yn bresennol yn cynnwys ‘A Fine Beginning’, Rhodri Rhodri Beginning’, Fine ‘A cynnwys yn bresennol yn fydd a blaenllaw rhyngwladol ffotograffwyr Mae’r ©Nick Danziger nbpictures.com Danziger ©Nick ystyried beth sydd wedi digwydd dros y deng mlyned diwethaf o safbwynt y bobl bobl y safbwynt o diwethaf mlyned deng y dros digwydd wedi sydd beth ystyried gwledig a threfol; pentrefannau, pentrefi, trefi ar y cyrion a slymiau’r ddinas, yn yn ddinas, slymiau’r a cyrion y ar trefi pentrefi, pentrefannau, threfol; a gwledig ‘Y Llygad’.
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