Table of Contents BERMUDA .................. 1 CANADA ..................... 1 EL SALVADOR ........... 1 MEXICO………..……..1 UNITED STATES ........ 1 ALABAMA ................... 1 ALASKA ...................... 1 ARIZONA .................... 1 ARKANSAS ................ 2 CALIFORNIA .............. 2 COLORADO ............... 4 CONNECTICUT .......... 4 DELAWARE ................ 4 D.C. ............................ 4 North American Reciprocal FLORIDA .................... 5 GEORGIA ................... 6 Museum (NARM) Association® HAWAII ....................... 6 IDAHO ........................ 6 ILLINOIS ..................... 6 INDIANA ..................... 6 IOWA .......................... 6 Spring 2018 KANSAS ..................... 7 KENTUCKY ................ 7 LOUISIANA ................. 7 MAINE ........................ 7 MARYLAND ................ 7 MASSACHUSETTS .... 8 MICHIGAN .................. 8 MINNESOTA............... 9 MISSISSIPPI............... 9 MISSOURI .................. 9 MONTANA .................. 9 NEBRASKA ................ 9 NEVADA ..................... 9 NEW HAMPSHIRE ..... 9 NEW JERSEY ........... 10 NEW MEXICO .......... 10 NEW YORK .............. 10 NORTH CAROLINA .. 11 NORTH DAKOTA ..... 12 OHIO ........................ 12 OKLAHOMA ............. 12 OREGON .................. 12 PENNSYLVANIA ...... 13 RHODE ISLAND ....... 13 SOUTH CAROLINA .. 13 SOUTH DAKOTA ...... 14 TENNESSEE ............ 14 TEXAS ...................... 14 UTAH ........................ 15 VERMONT ................ 15 VIRGINIA .................. 15 WASHINGTON ......... 15 WEST VIRGINIA ....... 16 WISCONSIN ............. 16 WYOMING ................ 16 END NOTES ............. 16 Spring 2018 North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association® Members BERMUDA MB, Brandon ON, Mississauga SK, Regina Mobile Museum of Art Art Gallery of Southwestern Art Gallery of Mississauga MacKenzie Art Gallery 251-208-5200 Manitoba 905-896-5088 306-584-4250 www.mobilemuseumofart. Hamilton 204-727-1036 www.artgalleryof www.mackenzieartgallery.ca com Bermuda National Gallery Agsm.ca mississauga.com 441-295-9428 SK, Saskatoon Montgomery www.bng.bm MB, Winkler ON, Owen Sound Remai Modern Montgomery Museum of Winkler Arts & Culture Tom Thomson Art Gallery 306-975-7610 Fine Arts Paget 204-312-7991 519-376-1932 www.remaimodern.org 334-240-4333 The Masterworks Museum www.winklerarts.com www.tomthomson.org www.mmfa.org of Bermuda Art 441-299-4000 MB, Winnipeg ON, Sarnia Northport EL SALVADOR www.bermudamasterworks. Plug In Institute of Judith & Norman Alix Art Kentuck Museum com Contemporary Art Gallery 205-758-1257 204-942-1043 519-336-8127 San Salvador www.kentuck.org CANADA www.plugin.org Jnaag.ca Museo de Arte de El Salvador Talladega Winnipeg Art Gallery ON, Sudbury +(503) 2243-6099 Jemison Carnegie Heritage AB, Calgary 204-786-6641 Art Gallery of www.marte.org.sv Hall Museum and Arts Esker Foundation www.wag.ca Sudbury/Galerie d’art de Center 403-930-2490 Sudbury 256-761-1364 www.eskerfoundation.com MEXICO NS, Shelburne 705-675-4871 www.heritagehallmuseum.org Shelburne's Historic www.artsudbury.org Glenbow Museum Waterfront – Museums by Nuevo León, Monterrey 403-268-4100 ALASKA the Sea ON, Toronto Museo de Arte www.glenbow.org 902-875-4445 The Bata Shoe Museum Contemporáneo (MARCO) www.shelburnemuseums. 416-979-7799 +52 (81) 8262-4500 Haines The Hangar Flight Museum com www.batashoemuseum.ca www.marco.org.mx Sheldon Museum and 403-250-3752 Cultural Center www.thehangarmuseum.ca NS, Halifax Craft Ontario 907-766-2366 UNITED STATES Art Gallery of Nova Scotia 416-925-4222 www.sheldonmuseum.org AB, Edmonton 902-424-5280 www.craftontario.com Art Gallery of Alberta ALABAMA www.artgalleryofnova Palmer 780-422-6223 scotia.ca Mercer Union, A Centre for Palmer Museum of History www.youraga.ca Auburn Contemporary Art and Art Jule Collins Smith Museum ON, Almonte 416-536-1519 907-746-7668 BC, Courtenay at Auburn University Mississippi Valley Textile www.mercerunion.org www.palmermuseum.org Comox Valley Art Gallery 334-844-1484 Museum 250-338-6211 jcsm.auburn.edu 613-256-3754 Museum of Contemporary Valdez www.comoxvalleyartgallery. www.mvtm.ca Art_Toronto_Canada Valdez Museum & com Birmingham 416-395-0067 Historical Archive Abroms-Engel Institute for ON, Aurora www.mocca.ca 907-835-2764 BC, Kamloops Visual Arts Aurora Cultural Centre www.valdezmuseum.org Kamloops Art Gallery 205-975-6436 905-713-1818 The Power Plant 250-377-2400 www.uab.edu/cas/aeiva www.auroraculturalcentre.ca Contemporary Art Gallery, Kag.bc.ca ARIZONA at Harbourfront Centre Birmingham Civil Rights ON, Grimsby 416-973-4949 BC, Kelowna Institute Grimsby Public Art Gallery www.thepowerplant.org Camp Verde Kelowna Art Gallery 205-328-9696 905-945-3246 Verde Valley Archaeology 250-762-2226 www.bcri.org www.grimsby.ca ON, Waterloo Center www.kelownaartgallery.com Canadian Clay & Glass 928-567-0066 Birmingham Museum of Art The Grimsby Museum Gallery www.VerdeValley BC, Vernon 205-254-2566 905-945-5292 519-746-1882 Archaeology.org Vernon Public Art Gallery www.artsbma.org www.grimsby.ca/Museum/ www.theclayandglass.ca 250-545-3173 Main/ Flagstaff www.vernonpublicartgallery. Vulcan Park and Museum PE, Charlottetown Museum of Northern com 205-203-4822 ON, Hamilton Confederation Centre of the Arizona www.visitvulcan.com Art Gallery of Hamilton Arts 928-774-5211 BC, Victoria 905-527-6610 902-628-1864 musnaz.org Art Gallery of Greater Decatur www.artgalleryofhamilton. www.confederationcentre. Victoria Carnegie Visual Arts Center com com Phoenix 250-384-4171 256-341-0562 Heard Museum* www.aggv.ca www.carnegiearts.org ON, Kleinburg QC, Montreal 602-252-8848 McMichael Canadian Art The Canadian Centre for www.heard.org Robert Bateman Centre Huntsville Collection^ Architecture 250-940-3630 The Huntsville Museum of 905-893-1121 514-939-7000 Phoenix Batemancentre.org Art www.mcmichael.com www.cca.qc.ca Phoenix Art Museum 256-535-4350 602-257-1880 Royal BC Museum* www.hsvmuseum.org The McCord Museum of www.phxart.org 250-356-7226 Canadian History royalbcmuseum.bc.ca 514-398-7100 www.mccord-museum.qc.ca Page 1 Members from one of the NARM institutions listed above, who present a membership card validated with accepted NARM identification, are entitled to the following privileges at participating museums: Free/member admission during regular museum hours, member discounts at museum shops, and discounts on concert/lecture tickets. Guests are not included unless they present a current membership card validated with accepted NARM identification. Please note: Some museums restrict benefits and 'Family' benefits are defined by each participating institution. Please see the end notes for more information and it is advisable to contact the institution prior to your visit to avoid any confusion. ©2018 North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association®, all rights reserved in all media. Spring 2018 North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association® Members Prescott Bakersfield Dana Point Hayward GRAMMY Museum Phippen Museum Bakersfield Museum of Art Ocean Institute Hayward Area Historical 213-765-6800 928-778-1385 661-323-7219 949-496-2274 Society grammymuseum.org phippenartmuseum.org www.bmoa.org www.ocean-institute.org 510-581-0223 www.haywardareahistory. org Japanese American Scottsdale Kern County Museum Danville National Museum* Scottsdale Museum of 661-852-5000 Blackhawk Museum Healdsburg 213-625-0414 Contemporary Art (SMoCA) www.kcmuseum.org 925-736-2280 Healdsburg Museum & www.janm.org 480-874-4666 Benicia blackhawkmuseum.org Historical Society www.smoca.org Arts Benicia 707-431-3325 LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes 707-747-0131 Museum of the San Ramon healdsburgmuseum.org 888-488-8083 Sedona www.artsbenicia.org Valley www.lapca.org Sedona Arts Center 925-837-3750 Indio 928-282-3809 Berkeley www.museumsrv.org Coachella Valley History Los Angeles Contemporary SedonaArtsCenter.org Berkeley Art Center Museum Exhibitions 510-644-6893 Davis 760-342-6651 323-957-1777 Sedona Heritage Museum www.berkeleyartcenter.org Davis Arts Center www.cvhm.org www.welcometolace.org 928 282-7038 530-756-4100 www.Sedonamuseum.org Doug Adams Gallery, www.davisartscenter.org Jamestown Museum of Contemporary Center for the Arts & Railtown 1897 State Art (MOCA), Los Tucson Religion, Graduate Pence Gallery Historic Park^ Angeles Kitt Peak National Theological Union 530-758-3370 209-984-3953 213-621-1794 Observatory 510-649-2470 www.pencegallery.org www.railtown1897.org www.moca.org 520-318-8736 care-gtu.org www.noao.edu/kpvc UC Davis Arboretum and La Jolla The Paley Center for Media Kala Art Institute Public Garden Museum of Contemporary 310-786-1000 Tucson Museum of Art 510-841-7000 530-752-4880 Art San Diego** media.paleycenter.org 520-624-2333 www.kala.org arboretum.ucdavis.edu 858-454-3541 www.TucsonMuseumofArt. www.mcasd.org Skirball Cultural Center* org UC Berkeley Art Museum## Durham 310-440-4500 510-642-0808 Patrick Ranch Museum Laguna Beach www.skirball.org ARKANSAS www.bampfa.berkeley.edu 530-342-4359 Laguna Art Museum www.farwestheritage.org 949-494-8971 Los Gatos UC Botanical Garden at www.lagunaartmuseum.org New Museum Los Gatos Bentonville Berkeley El Segundo (NUMU) – Los Gatos Crystal Bridges Museum of 510-643-2755 Automobile Driving Lancaster Museum Association American Art botanicalgarden.berkeley.edu Museum Lancaster Museum of Art 408-354-2646 479-418-5700 310-909-0950 and History (MOAH) www.numulosgatos.org crystalbridges.org Campbell www.theadm.org (661) 723-6000 Campbell Museums lancastermoah.org McClellan El Dorado 408-866-2119 Encinitas Aerospace
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