.o . ,~° D J D 0 o • • • ° °/ ~p "m s i°e ° e -4" v P # ,I °o B* • t WF, STWqlDqDID CEI AMIC, SlIIDIDILY COMIDA Y IDn-i tluuees Vau-ie/ies iJf tonne ,;nn-e Clays!* So when you come to us for clay, be ready with the specifics! We can supply you with a clay which will suit your most exacting needs. WESTWOOD CERAMIC SUPPLY CO. 14400 LOMITAS AVE.. CITY OF INDUSTRY. CALIF. 91"744 THROWING ON THE Decorating POTTER'S Throwing Potter's Pottery on the Wheel with Clay, NH£F'L Potter's Projects Slip & Glaze Wheel edited by by Thomas Sellers Thomas Sellers by F. Carlton Ball This beautifully illustrated book ex- A complete manual on how to use The projects in this handbook pro- the potter's wheel. Covers all basic vide step-by-step instruction on a plores many easy methods of deco- rating pottery with clay, slip and steps from wedging clay to making wide variety of special throwing specific shapes. Clearly describes techniques, with each project demon- glaze. Those who lack skill and confidence in drawing and painting every detail using step-by-step photo strated by an accomplished crafts- technique. Includes section on selec- man. Bells, bird houses and feeders, will find special pleasure in discov- ering the easily executed decorating tion of the proper wheel and acces- musical instruments, teapots, and a text in many you'll techniques devised by this master sory tools. Used as animals are just a few items colleges and schools. 80 pages $4.00 find presented. 64 pages $2.00 craftsman. 64 pages $3.00 Ceramic Copper Underglaze Enameling Projects Decoration edited by by Jo Rebert Thomas Sellers by Marc Bellaire and Jean O'Hara An outstanding selection of projects This complete handbook has all the Recognized as the best in basic in- for the classroom, home and studio. answers on materials, tools and tech- struction, this elaborate handbook Each project introduces a different niques. You'll like the startling vari- has over 200 photographs. Includes method of working in clay. Foun- ety of new designs Marc Bellaire fundamentals and helpful, illustrated tains, planters, jewelry, bottles, creates before your eyes. Step-by- how-to-do-its on jewelry. Twenty- bowls and many other unique items step projects are profusely illus- one different projects are complete- are presented complete with photos trated. 37 projects in all -- 286 lively ly described. Highly recommended instruction that is illustrations. A practical guide for by leading enamelists and teachers and step-by-step 64 pages $2.00 easy to follow. 64 pages $2.00 the beginner. 64 pages $3.00 everywhere. BOOK DEPARTMENT Box 4548, Columbus, Ohio 43212 Please send me the following: [] Ceramic Projects @ $2.00 [] Potter's Wheel Projects @ $2.00 [] Underglaze Decoration @ $3.00 Brush with [] Decorating Pottery Enameling @ $2.00 Decoration Clay, Slip & Glaze @ $3.00 [] Copper for Ceramics Throwing on the -1 Brush Decoration for by blare Bellaire Potter's Wheel @ $4.00 Ceramics @ $3.00 I enclose ~ Check [] Money Order (Ohio residents add 4% sales tax) A fascinating book on the use and care of brushes. Shows how to make many designs for decorating ceram- Name ics using just three basic brushes -- the watercolor, liner and square Address shader. Designs and sketches shown in this exciting book will offer many decorating ideas. Excellent choice for City State___--__ Zip beginners. 64 pages $3.00 February 1972 3 EQUI] GLORY HOI FURNACE MODEL GH. This glass blowing equipment is designed espe- cially for today's glass blower--ideally suited for small groups of designer craftsmen, studio arti. sans, schools, and universities, working with the age old art of hand blown glassware and art forms. This equipment is highly efficient -- designed for constant use and long life. Zircon firebrick is used in the glass melting tank to eliminate con- tamination and to provide years of service. The design also incorporates easy replacement fea- tures. With the Alpine Glass Tank Melting Furnace, the Glory Hole Furnace, and the Glass Lehr, you have the basic equipment complete for glass blowing. For more information about this equipment, write to the company for specification sheets and prices. WRITE TODAY Dept. B A. D. Alpine," 353 CORAL CIR CL EL SEGUNDO, CALIF. 902, AREA CODE 1213) 322-2430 / 772-2SS7 / 772.2 NOW AVAILABLE! GLAZE MONTHLY PROJECTS Volume 20, Number 2 February 1972 Letters to the Editor ................................ 7 A FORMULARY Suggestions from Our Readers ....................... 9 OF LEADLESS GLAZES Itinerary ............................................ 11 Strawberry Fields Pottery by Joseph Sanders .......... 15 BY Throwing and Using the Hollow Ring by Lukman Glasgow ............................ 18 RICHARD Some Glaze Faults and Their Correction, Part 2 by Richard Behrens ............................. 22 BEHRENS Master Craftsmen Exhibition ......................... 24 Potters everywhere will be pleased to hear that the Richard Behrens handbook on glaze formulation is now available. This Putting Bubbles in Glass by Harriette Anderson ........ 28 new CM handbook is much more than a collection of glaze recipes . the projects include a commentary on raw materials, CeramActivities ..................................... 33 suggestions as to possible uses for the recipes, and interesting background information. who like to experiment in glaze making, this handbook Answers to Questions ................................ 35 For those will be invaluable. GLAZE PROJECTS is e very readable text, and the informal treatment of the subject matter is an aid to New Books ......................................... 42 understanding more about the nature of glazes and glaze making. This exciting new handbook was compiled using a selection of Index to Advertisers .................................. 42 articles by Mr. Behrens that appeared in Ceramics Monthly and a group of projects the author prepared specifically for this book. Included is a unique glossary of materials which the potter will On Our Cover find to be on excellent reference source. The first book of its kind, GLAZE PROJECTS provides an author- Our cover photograph shows a close-up view of Pat Oakley's itative and convenient source of information for the potter on coil-constructed planter, pictured on page 17. Joseph Sanders' the formulation and application of a variety of landless glazes feature story on Pat and Sid Oakley, describing their "dream" in all firing ranges. Price: only $3 a copy. location, Strawberry Fields, starts on page 15 of this issue. USE THE COUPON Editor: THOMAS SFA.LERS BELOW TO ORDER Assistant Editor: Fvagcss SAW-Z~R Art Director: ROBERT L. CREAOFAi YOUR COPY OF Circulation Manager: MARY RUSHLEY Advertising Manager: CONNZE BSLCHER GLAZE PROJECTS Publisher: SPENCER L. DAVIS per copy Advisers and Special Contributors: F. Carlton Ball, Richard only $3.00 Behrens, Kathe Berl, Edris Eckhardt, Zena Hoist, John Kenny, Karl Martz, Ken Smith, Helen Worrall, Don Wood. F I N N U m m m m m Western Advertising Representative: Joseph Mervish Associates, CERAMICS MONTHLY Book Department I 4721 Laurel Canyon, Suite 211, North Hollywood, California 91607. Telephone: TR 7-7556, Area Code 213. Please send me __ _ copies of GLAZE PROJECTS by Copyright 1972 Professional Publications, Inc. Richard Behrens ~ $3.00 Ceramics Monthly February 1972, Vol. 20 -- No. 2. Published monthly except July and August by Professlonal Publications, Inc. -- S. L. Davis, Pres., P. S. Emery, See.; at 1609 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43212. 1 1 Correspondence concerning subscriptions, renewals, and change of address should be addressed to the Circulation Department, Ceramics Monthly, Box 4548, Columbus, Ohio 43212. Second Class postage paid at Athens, Address Ohio, U.S.A. Subscriptions: One year $6; Two years $10; Three years $14. Copyright 1972. At] rights reserved. State 7ip_ . The articles in each issue of Ceramics Monthly are indexed in the Art City ..... Index and The Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. Microfilm Oh;o residents add 12c per copy sales tax. =1 Microfilms, 313 I copies are available to subscribers from University N. First St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Manuscripts and illustrations dealing I enclose [] Check [] Money Order with ceramic art activities are welcome and will be considered for publi- cation. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced and range from G00 L We Pay Postage m Money-Back Guarantee | I to 2000 wordJ. Send manuscripts and correspondence about them to the Editor, Ceramics Monthly, Box 4548. Columbus, Ohio 43212. .J February 1972 5 ALABAMA, Hazel Green 35750 Hozelhurst Ceramics Box 124 ARIZONA, Phoenix 85018 Ceramic Time 1229 N. 32nd St. CALIFORNIA, Berkeley 94706 Leslie Ceramics Supply Co. 1212 San Pablo Ave. CALIFORNIA, Carte Madera 94925 Matin Ceramics 55-A Tamol Vista Blvd. CALIFORNIA, Davenport 95017 Big Creek Pottery Swonfon Rd. CALIFORNIA, Fresno 93728 Potter's Studio 842 N. Fulton CALIFORNIA Imperial Beach 92032 Way-Craft 394 Delaware St. CALIFORNIA Irvine 92664 U.C.I. University Bookstore 4211 W. Campus Dr. CALIFORNIA Laguno Beach 92651 McKee, Mike 344 Ocean Av. CALIFORNIA Los Gatas 95030 Mud In Your Eye 50 Unlverslty CALIFORNIA Modesto 95351 House of Soville 2025 Yosemite Blvd. CALIFORNIA Monterey 93940 Peninsula Po:ters 221 Hoffman Ave. CALIFORNIA Palo Alto 94306 Peninsula Scientific 2185 Park Blvd. CALIFORNIA Pasadena 91101 Robert Weiss Co. 527 S. Fairaaks CALIFORNIA Sacramento 95815 Larry Carnes 537 Blackwood St. CALIFORNIA San Diego 92107 Orion Crafts 1951 AbboH St. MODEL"C" CALIFORNIA San Francisco 94107 Ceramics & Crafts Supply Co. 490 5th St. CALIFORNIA San Luis Obispo 93401 ~J~tot¢.. ~ co~n:~c~L-to ~v~ ~_E~.~ o~ o-22.o ~:~:~. Alberta's Ceramic Studio ~ ~l~, BLE ~-~ -T[-E EE=~-r. ~ ~Dr=~'c" ~ ALL ~-EL 1493 Hicj uera CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara 93104 Benwi;t's Art Supply 1303 State St. WI-UE=LS, Rr=E.~RDLE.SS O~ I:~:~-E. ~ OU~.~::~J AT N~I~O~:'~-~E Dr=N-- CALIFORNIA Santo Clara 95050 LL~rED "V~-(m=. LEI:r O1~ WI~E I:C~ A EREE mE~J4URE.
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