E40 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 15, 2020 RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF and loved ones. As the Hemet community Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join DEPUTY WARDEN ROBERT F. BO- grieves his loss, my heart is with wife Karen, me in commending Aiden Carrizzo for his ac- LOGNA his mother Diana, and grandparents Tom and complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- Sally. Steve’s legacy will be felt for years to ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the HON. LEE M. ZELDIN come, and his memory will live on in the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. OF NEW YORK hearts of the lives he touched. f f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERSONAL EXPLANATION Wednesday, January 15, 2020 PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. ZELDIN. Madam Speaker, I rise today HON. JOE CUNNINGHAM to recognize the service of Deputy Warden of HON. JIM COSTA OF SOUTH CAROLINA the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office’s Correc- OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions Division, Robert F. Bologna, as he cul- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, January 15, 2020 minates 28 years serving our community with Wednesday, January 15, 2020 Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Madam Speaker, on the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office. Beginning his civil service career with the Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, regrettably, I January 13, 2020, I was absent from the Sheriff’s Office in January of 1992 as a Cor- was unable to attend the votes series for Jan- House chamber. Accordingly, I was unable to rection Officer, Officer Bologna went above uary 13, 2020. Had I been present, I would vote on two legislative measures on the floor. Had I been present and voting, I would have and beyond the call of duty, quickly rising have voted YEA on H.R. 4335—8–K Trading voted as follows: Aye on Roll Call No. 14: through the ranks thanks to his unparalleled Gap Act of 2019, and YEA on H.R. 2398— H.R. 4335, On Motion to Suspend the Rules skill set and leadership. Veteran HOUSE Act of 2020. and Pass, as Amended, 8–K Trading Gap Act Promoted to Deputy Warden in 2016, he f of 2019, and Aye on Roll Call No. 15: H.R. commanded correctional facilities in Yaphank IN RECOGNITION OF TALLADEGA 2398, On Motion to Suspend the Rules and and Riverhead, responsible for several hun- COUNTY DEPUTY CHRIS ROGERS Pass, as Amended, Veteran HOUSE Act of dred law enforcement officers, the safety of AND THREE BRAVE CITIZENS: 2020. thousands of individuals in the custody of the MICHAEL OAKES, RONNIE f Sheriff and the safety and security of commu- RAGLAND AND PAUL WRIGHT nities across Long Island. CONGRATULATING CONGRES- From his time as a United States Navy Op- SIONAL AWARD RECIPIENT erations Specialist in the Persian Gulf to his HON. MIKE ROGERS OF ALABAMA ANNELIESE MABIE time serving in the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Of- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fice, Deputy Warden has never hesitated to HON. ABIGAIL DAVIS SPANBERGER put the safety of his fellow Long Islanders Wednesday, January 15, 2020 OF VIRGINIA above his own. Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Madam Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On behalf of our entire community and na- I rise to recognize Talladega County Deputy tion, I thank Deputy Warden Bologna for his Chris Rogers and three other brave individ- Wednesday, January 15, 2020 service and wish him the best in his well- uals, Michael Oakes, Ronnie Ragland and Ms. SPANBERGER. Madam Speaker, Cen- earned retirement. Paul Wright, who helped save Sylacauga Po- tral Virginia is home to some of the most com- f lice Officer Blake McGhee’s life. munity-centered and service-minded students On November 14, 2019, McGhee had an in the country, and today I am fortunate to rec- HONORING STEPHEN THOMAS automobile accident with a log truck and was ognize one of these students as a recipient of COVINGTON pinned in his duty SUV which had caught on the Congressional Award. fire. Chris Rogers and three passersby—all Anneliese Mabie, a constituent of mine from HON. RAUL RUIZ strangers to McGhee—worked bravely to re- Locust Grove, earned this national recognition OF CALIFORNIA move McGhee despite ammunition dis- for her work in community service, personal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES charging in the back of the vehicle due to the development, physical fitness, and exploration Wednesday, January 15, 2020 flames. McGhee suffered internal injuries and of the world around her. broken bones. Anneliese’s community service centered on Mr. RUIZ. Madam Speaker, I rise to honor Because of the work of these four individ- volunteering for Four County Players, a com- my constituent, Stephen Thomas Covington, uals, McGhee’s life was saved. munity theater in my district. She ensured the who passed away on December 21, 2019. Madam Speaker, please join me in recog- productions ran smoothly by serving as a Steve was an incredible activist who sought to nizing Chris Rogers, Michael Oakes, Ronnie spotlight operator, sound board operator, as- better our community from the ground up. Ragland and Paul Wright for their selfless and sistant stage manager, and stage manager. With his creativity, innovation, and entrepre- brave acts to save the life of Blake McGhee. Anneliese has demonstrated an ability to set neurship, Steve worked to fulfill his vision to f goals, make a strategy, and see it through to positively impact the community of Hemet. the end. As the owner of the Downtown Deli & Cof- HONORING AIDEN CARRIZZO Madam Speaker, I congratulate Anneliese fee Company, Steve sought to rebuild Hemet’s on her accomplishments. I look forward to historic Downtown District. Since the Down- HON. SAM GRAVES seeing how she will continue contributing to town Deli opened its doors in 2014, it quickly OF MISSOURI our Seventh District communities in the future. became a local favorite and neighborhood IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f landmark, as well as one ofmy favorite lunch spots. With Steve’s passion for his community Wednesday, January 15, 2020 PERSONAL EXPLANATION and his excellence in his craft, he fostered a Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, warm and welcoming atmosphere that cele- I proudly pause to recognize Aiden Carrizzo. HON. BRIAN K. FITZPATRICK brated Hemet’s history and culture. Aiden is a very special young man who has OF PENNSYLVANIA Steve’s presence in the community tran- exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES scended the Downtown Deli. As a board mem- and leadership by taking an active part in the ber of the City of Hemet’s Traffic Commission, Boy Scouts of America, Troop 314, and earn- Wednesday, January 15, 2020 Steve served as a local leader committed to ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. Mr. FITZPATRICK. Madam Speaker, on Fri- uplifting Hemet. He constantly gave of himself Aiden has been very active with his troop, day January 10, 2020 I missed votes in the to better the lives of his neighbors as he participating in many scout activities. Over the House of Representatives to attend funeral worked with numerous local community initia- many years Aiden has been involved with services for my brother Former Congressman tives, such as the Ramona Bowl and Tinsel scouting, he has not only earned numerous Michael G. Fitzpatrick. Had I been present, I Triathlon and the restoration of Hemet’s His- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- would have voted NAY on Roll Call No. 09; toric Theater. ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Aiden NAY on Roll Call No. 10; YEA on Roll Call No. A devoted family man, Steve was known for has contributed to his community through his 11; YEA on Roll Call No. 12; and YEA on Roll his passion, honesty, and loyalty by friends Eagle Scout project. Call No. 13. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:40 Jan 16, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15JA8.004 E15JAPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS January 15, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E41 INTRODUCTION OF THE PRO- IN HONOR OF THE LIFE OF LILIJA HONORING AVERY DOGGETT MOTING NATIONAL SERVICE AND GRUMULAITIS REDUCING UNEMPLOYMENT ACT HON. SAM GRAVES HON. KEVIN BRADY OF MISSOURI HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS Wednesday, January 15, 2020 OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I proudly pause to recognize Avery Doggett. Wednesday, January 15, 2020 Avery is a very special young man who has Wednesday, January 15, 2020 Mr. BRADY. Madam Speaker, today I rise to exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today honor the remarkable life of Lilija Grumulaitis and leadership by taking an active part in the to introduce the Promoting National Service and recognize her unwavering dedication to Boy Scouts of America, Troop 314, and earn- ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. and Reducing Unemployment Act to address her community and causes closest to her Avery has been very active with his troop, one of the greatest workforce tragedies result- heart. ing from today’s economy—our unemployed participating in many scout activities. Over the Although a devoted American, Lilija was not young people—and to spur economic growth many years Avery has been involved with and to alleviate strain on state and local gov- born in the United States. Born on February scouting, he has not only earned numerous ernments. This tragedy is not only harming our 15, 1938 in Marijampole, Lithuania, Lilija mi- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- ily, peers, and community.
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