Thursday, April 19, Ul4 8efflttb Sf.rite,I, Vel.XLVI No. 39 Chaitra 30, 1906 (Lb) LOK SABHA DEBATES (Fourteeatll lelaloa) 1...· (Vol. XLVII contains Nos. 31 to 4O) WK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI hk,,... ,.oo (ORIGINAL ENGLISH PI.OCEBDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISH VBRSION AND ORIGINAL HINDI PltOCBBDINGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VBltSION WILL DB TB.BATID AS AUTBOlUTATIVE AND NOT THE TltANSLATIONTHEREOF.J CONTENTS Sixth Series, Vol. XLVII. 14th Session, 1984/1906 (Sata) No. 39, Thursday: ,4prI119, 1984/Challra JO, 1906 (Saka) COLUMNS OBITUARyf'REFBltENCE: 1-3 Oral Answers to questions : ·Starred Questions Nos. 740, 741. 744, 74S and 749 to 752 3-30 Writt~n Answers to Quest ions : Starred Questions Nos. 742, 743. 746, 748 and 753 to 759 30-48 Unstarred Questions Nos. 8171 to 8343 48-273 Papers laid on the Table 274-276 Estimates Committee 79th Report and Minutes and 68th Report. 277-278 Revised figures of Foodgrains Production Rao Birendra Singh 278-283 Calling Atte'1tion to Matter of Urgent Public Importance Reported malpractices and aJlesed ill-treatment by doctors towards patients in various hospitals particularly in Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi. Shri Hiralal R. Parmar 283---284 Shri B. Shankaranand 2R4--287 Shri Ram La) Rahi 287-298 . Shri JaipaJ Singh Kashyap 298-305 Shri Rajnath Sonkar Shastri 305-318 Shrimati Krishna Sahi 318-325 Matters Under Rule 377 (i) . Need for discussion on the policy of suga r priem •• Shri Krishan Pratap Singh 326 (ii) Need to provide departmental transport to the postal department in Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh to enable prompt delivery of mail. Shri Ram pyare Panika 326-327 (iii) Need for Central assistance to West Bengal Government for early completion of Teesta barrage irrigation project. Shri Subodh Sen 327-328 (iv) Need to announce Government's policy rfllardina the status of Urdu. Shri Chitta Basu 328 (v) Need. to protect innocent tribal people. Shri Laxman Karma 328-329 Finance Bill Motion to Consider Sbri Ram Singh Yadav 329-337 Shri Bhogendra lh. 337-344 ~; Prof. SaifuddiD Soz 345-352 :~ ::.~'~ Shri V. S. Vijayaraahavan 352-355 ----------------------------~---------------------------*The Sign + marked alainst the name of a Member indicates that tho question was actually laked OD tbe floor of the HoUle by tbat Member. ( ii ) Committee on Private Members' Bi1Js and ResolutioD$ Seventy .. Fiftb Report Workina Journalists and other Newspaper Bmployees (Conditions of Senice) and Miscellaneous Provisions (Amendment) Bill (Amendment of Section 2 and 3) by Shri Ram Nagina Milhra-Introduced. 355-356 Reservation of Vacancies in Posts and Services (For Scheduled Cut. and Scheduled Tribes) Bill Motion to CODlider- Shri Sunder Singh 356 -362 Sbri R. N. Rakesh 362-369 Shri Zavier Arakal 369-373 Shri Jalpal Singh 373-377 Shri Ram Pyare Panik. 378-383 Shri Ram Vilas Paswan 383-393 Shri Chandra Pal Shailaoi 393--398 Dr. V. Kulandaivelu 398-401 Shri A. R. Mallu 401-409 Sbri Ajit Bag 409-·412 Discussion on reported Economic Crisis in Languale .News Agencies leading to strike and lockout in "Samlchar Bharati" and strike notice by workers of "Hindustan Samachar". Shri Mohammad Asrar Ahmed 412-416 Shri Krishan Pratap Singh 416-419 Shri Jai Pal Singh Kuhyap 419-425 Shri D. P. Yadav 425-427 Shri Ram Lal Rahi 427-432 Shri Chandra Pal Shailaoi 432-437 Prof. Rup Chand Pal 437-440 Acharya Bhagwan Dev 440~447 Sbri J. S. Patil 447-- 450 Shri Ramavatar Shastri 450-454 Shri O. M. Banatwalla 454-458 Prof. Sairuddin Soz 458-461 Shri Satyanarayan Jatiya 461-463 Shri Veerondra .ratil 463- 474 LOK SABHA DEBATES 2 LOK SABHA Assembly during J947·52 and 1952·66. respectively. He was also a Minister in the State Government during 1952·66 holding important portfolios. « Thursday, April 19, 1984 I Chaitra 30,' 1906 A veteran freedom fighter, he took active (Saka) part in the freedom movement and was imprisoned on several oocasions. A widely travelled person, Shri Shah led the Indian Delegation to International The L!1't: Sabha m!t at Ele'l811 of the Clock Labour Organisation Conference at Geneva in 1952. (MR. SPBAlCBR I" the Chair) An emineot social worker and Trade OBITUARY REFERENCBS Unionist he was associated with s.:veral educational and social organisations, besides MR. SPBAKER: Hon. Membors, I a Dumber of Trade Unions. He was a trustee have to inform the House of the sad demise of Janambhoomi Group of Newspapers. of two of our former colleagues, namely. Sarvashri Yogesh Chandra Murmu and Shri ShantHal Harjivan Shah passed Shantilal Harjivan Shah. away at Bombay on Sth April, 1984 at the age of 86 years. Shri Yogesh Chandra Murmu was a Member of the Fifth Lok Sabha during We tleeply mourn the loss of these ]973·77 representing Rajmabal Constituen~y friends and I am sure, the House will join of Bihar. me in conveying our condolences to tho bereaved familie9. An agriculturist by profession. Shri Murmu took keen interest in social work The House may stand in silence for a and was associated .with several social short while to express its sorrow. organisations including Zila Parishad. He took special interest in the uplift of The Members then stood in silence lor a backward classes. 'hort while. Shri Yogesh Chandra Murmu passed PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: away on 30th March 1984 at Patn8 at tbe Shantilal Shah died on the 5th of April and age of 44 ,.ears. I had already drawn attention to that. How is it that no obituary reference was made Shri Shantilal Harjivan Shah was a earlier? Propriety demands that it should be Member of the Fourth Lok Sabha during done without delay. He died on the 5tb 1967·70 representing Bombay-North-West April and we are making a reference today. Constituency of Maharashtra. He had also It should b": avoided in the future. been a Member of the Constituent Assembly (LesisJativc ). MR. SPEAKER: The onl, problem was that the confirmation did not come. We Barlier, he was a Member of Bombay also take measures to cut sh~rt tbese (later Maharashtra) Lelislative Council and delays. Oral A,1I.swer'; APRiL 19,. 1984 Oral A.lIlWers PROF. MADHU DANDAVATB: (c) whether medical colleges are sending 'The news appeared in all the papers of any progless reports to the Ministry of Maharashtra. Health and regarding the utilisation of mobile clinics; and SHRI SATlSH AGARWAL: The confirmation comes from the State (d) if so, how many medical colleges Government? There should be a standing have sent reports of utilization of mobile instruction by a circular to alJ the State clinics ? GO\'ernments that they should immedia1ely convey such information. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY MR. SPEAKER : After the first WELFARE (KUMARI KUMUDBEN incident, the circular is there and information M. JOSHI) : (a) Yes, Sir. is gathered. Then tbe confirmation has to .ome. We ~ill do it. It looks rather clumsy. (b) Yes., Sir. ~ ,(T1If"",,, q'f~: f 6 f~ (c) and (d) 53 Medical Colleges have lff;;r~c ClfiT q'ifi~ I been furnishing quarterly progress reports. ..n ~T'I'l1fCfT~ !in,,,,: p..ft f~q~\Sfil ~r pvn ~: ~fXf~ $lf, ~T ctlT aftf,,~ar'ft gOn aT if6T \ifGl"fCfi Uqr~ f~;:rr if" ~~~ ~ff'ir EaT greT ~ , q& ;r~a' tf~~ If'{ tTtt it, \1if~T Cfilf tcrq~ lf~ aT (JJ=iiu'l' ilTa ~ I it \ifA;rr :qr~ ~ if~l an~ I \jfGf ifrt 01i~;r JT 'fiT ijGf garT I fCll ~Tar)f'(~~" arrtJi 1ifi'ifi\Wf ~'i~tr.l it' arra'~ aril' a'ctl fiifla'ifT ~rfllT ~T~ ~~r~ ;r @~ ctl) ~ aiR fCifiif -fCfiif srr;:a-T it ~ ~CfiTlf ~T IT~ ar"~ ifi"if GT fT~ ijlTT ~T \ift:ffiT ~trij' sr~nfqa- ~( ~ ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ij1=+nfcrcr arlt ~mt ~T'q ~ ~? Progress Report of Mobile Clinics from Medical Colle." ",Tt, ,~~ ~. ;fmr : 7TarT- f~;:~ ~~ctl~ ~Tif 1977 it ~~ gf *740. SHRIMATI KRISHNA SAHI : ar'~ ~~ 4f6~W ~r?;\jf CfiT tT~ sihnq f~lfT Will the Minister of HEALTH AND fTlI'T ~ I ~i ~;jf it l:Sfi"f~fT ~Cffiq~~ FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: 1.29 ~ ai"~ ;:rT;:r-=tCfi~'I' 3.50 wT'" ~ "IT I ~ srTtrTJf \if) f~ln qzn ~ \;~T fl.:ot{ (a) whether it is a ract that over 300 mobile clinics have been supplied to the ~T fipzrr tflI'T arf{. lf~ tfm tTlfT fiti' 49 medical colleges all over the country under ~f6iifi'~ £tlr~\if ~« Of:;m cr~~ the reorientation of me iical education srTVT'J 'fiT 9- scheme; ~'J~Tite ctl~ q ~ ar1~ ~ 4'fWl!f)~ Cfil~\SfT ita) f-mi arr ~T ~: ifT~ ~ ~ (b) whether the receipt of mobile ~ aH~ {'rt~'Titrzif· ~ srr«TJf ~if ~T ~~ clinics have been acknowledged by all the medical colleges; ctiT~\jf • lf~ sihrrq ftff~ 81'~~ aftt Oral Answers CHAITRA 30, 1906 (SAKA) Ora/ Answers SI1~1fU 3Tf'lffT~ ii ~T~ fi{~Cfi~ ~ f~r~ ~ arrrt f~rrTi 'l~1 flf~T ~ I rJf~'l" UJ;J)f~~r~qrr srrvTlf CfTJ ~~T q~~T ~ I ij- ar1~ -.rr ~l:~T't) CllT f~~T iJlfT ~ fef): (f~ f~q)i ~. I ~q trCfi f~q-)i ~1 f;ncr'l" ~, oar a~ qa-r 9f~1 <=r~HiT ~ filfi ~~tflT fitia'ir ~~: aro?:fW ~~lI', ""'Tar P'fT l!f~~~if g3fT ~ I R~T~ ~ fim~ sr~ ~ arl"{ ~~ 01' ~~ ctft arf'ilifRf,{ \ififtfT ifTcfT if ~1" "{~a-1" t, \=I')~ 1i~1 'I1T.~ ~ fCfi'i fqi[H: lti' ftr~qif cti') ~~Jif it ~'.Cfff t t=rcrA ifi Mt{ ifi if'R'mT I~ Cf~ CfiT arm~if ff'1:Tar \iRaT cp) f:;j(fiiflffi'T ~fir~ \3"~~ ~1 ~) ~T ~ I \31") ~~« Zl'r ~if' -~re~ ~ \3"ifcpT cr~t ifi1iT ~ 8TR \if) + *741· ~T q-)~, ~Tf "T~ .•ltnl : ~ 'd';rit ~T~~ ~t ~1 \ifTff ~ 1fT aiR ';ri ~jq ~ : artT't W1 ctel: ~ ~T aT \3"iJCfiT ~rCfHr ifi"') ~fcr'fT ,,~ ~ '{ef~ Cf~ "{Q:ff rr~ ~, aiR iflIT ~ liit ~~ ifoR ifi''l" IitfT ~eU etft Cf;1tT 1fT ilgo ~ I ~~ it Cf;~it R; : 1l1J(1" If~)~lf ij- \ifTrr..-r ~~ ~ f~ fqr~ 'liT {~ qr\jf''ir if; cr~iJ fat;o;r')' uf~ ~r~cr (ifi) CftrT ~~ir ~ ~~ it; ~({T;:r it; ~tt ~'{iifiT't it 8TT~ fecr CflT ~ ar"~ iSflfT ~TlfTvr cfifrrl ifi arrGfcrr if i:fiJfT Cfl~it Gf)T f.,vtq af~T it If)if"P~;:wr crif ~~ ~ lfT ~TcrT it 1fT fCf)~T ~; ~ ? i!flfTf~ q~')' lf6)~lf it if'oT~r fct; f\if~r 3fFfffi("f 3T"~ ~r~lJft «re~ ~rrT fq~'t ~)arr~ ,_fifc cfif ~T ~~lfR1 ~~~ ~ I ~fcFi;:r crf~f~~fa lf~ ~ fctr ~ ~)irr~ ·~r~ ~~Rrl if t=t ~1 \ifm ~, ~'tt it ~T 't~ ~ I (iT) CflfT ifiTlI'~ if; ~~Tif atiT SIT"'- CftTT 1i~T lf~)~lf il'6'T ij'CP6- ~ fGf) ~~it il'R: flr~T ~~ ~ f~zr it'll fCflql iJlfT ~; 8fl't it \jifCJ)) CflfT srfiJ~~'f f1:r~r ~, fGf~T,{ ~ 'ill'T f<:tfri srrccr I~ ~ ? artT't ~'l.
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