A True L I S 1 the LORDS Spiritual and Temporal: As alfo a LIST of the Knights and Commiffioners of Shires, Citizens and Burgeffes, choien to ferve in the Parliament of Great'Britain, fummoned to meet at Wejlminfler the Twenty fifth of November, 1710. according to the Returns made into the Office of the Clerk of the Crown in Her Majefty’s High Court of Chancery. ■ ^ Note: Thofe which have this Mark, * before them, were not Members of the laft Parliament. Arthur Herbert, Earl of Tor- Borough of Portpigham, alias Borough Harwich. /Ecdttjampronfiifrk, 9 Borougn tt/Andover. Borough of Chippenham. ^Unr, 2. ARCHBISHOPS Sir James Long Bar. rington. Weftlow. Kendrick Edisbury Efq-, Sir Juftinian Ifham Bar. The Rt. Hm. John Smith Ejq-, Sir Roger Moftyn Bar. and BISHOPS. ♦Jofeph Afh Efq-, f A Lift of the PEER S Richard Lomley, Earl of Scar Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Hedges Kt. Thomas Frankland Efq-, Thomas Cartwright Efq-, Wiii'iam Guidott Ffq-, Town of Flint. Borough of Malmesbury. borough. Dr. Thomas Tennifon, Lord Arthur Maynwaring E/y; City of Peterborough. <g)taffo?t)Q?lre, 10. S/r John Conway Bar. Note;*- Thofe marked George Booth, Earl of War- Archbifhop of Canterbury. Borough of Grampound. ®louceflerflfirc, 8. *Hon. John Fitz-Williams Efq Thomas Farrington EJq-, John Berkley Efqi The Hon. Henry Pagett Efq-, Jofeph Addifon Efqj thm *are under Age. rington. Dr. John Sharp, Lord Archbi- Rt. Hon. Thomas Coke Efq\ ♦ ♦Charles Parker Efq-, ©lamojaan, 2. Matthew Ducie Moreton Efqi ♦William Ward Jun. Ejq-, Borough of Crick lade. Richard Newport, E. of Brad- fhop of York. Vice-Chamberlain. Town of Northampton. City of Litchfield. Edmund Dunch Efq-, Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Manfell ford. Dr. Henry Compton, Lord Bi James Graggs £/?; City of Gloucefter. ♦William Wykes Efq-, D U K E S, &c. Thomas Webb Efq-, ♦Richard Dyot Efq-, ♦Samuel Robinlon Elq-, Margam, Bui-. Frederick Zuleftein, Earl of fhop of London. Borough of Eaftlow. The f/ow.George Montagu Efq\ John Cotes Efq/ T Aureoce Hyde, £. of Ro Dr. Nathanael Crew, Lord Bi- ♦John Blaoch Efq-, Borough of Great-Bedwin. Town of Cardiffe. Rochford. * Sir Henry Seymour Bar. Town of Brackley. Borough of Stafford. I / chefter. Lord Prejident of floop of Durham, and Lord Borough of Cirencefter. Rt. Hon. Charles Lord Bruce. *S/r Edward Stradling Bar. Arnold Jooft vanKeppel, Earl Thomas Smith Efy-, Hon. William Egerton Ejq-, Walter Chetwynd Efq-, A the Council. Crew. Allen Ba'thurit Efq-, Sir Edward Seymour Bar. of Albemarle. Borough.of Penryn. Hon. Cha. Egerton Efq-, Thomas Foley EJq-, John Holies, D. of Newcaftle, Sir Jonathan Trelawny Bar. Charles Coxe Ejyi Borough of Lurgerfhall. 1. ■ ♦Thomas Coventrye, E.of Co- Samuel Trefufis Ef f, Borough of Higham-Ferrars. Borough of Newcaftle under * Lord Privy SeaL Lord Bijhop of Winchefter. Borough of Tewkesbury. John Weob Efqj Richard Vaughan Efq-, ventrye. Alexander Pendarves Efif; 1 Haw. Thomas Wentworth E/^; , " Line. ' Tho. Howard, D. of Norfolk; Dr. William Lloyd, Lord Bijhop ♦Will. Bromley, of Upton, E/2; ♦Thomas Pearce Efq-, Edward Ruflell, E. of Orford. Borough efTregony. ♦Rowland Cotton Efqj Earl-Mar foal, arid Heredita- of Worcefter. Henry Ireton £J<JT Borough of Old Sarum. 2©ontgomerp, 2. f Edward Villiers, E. of Jeiley. The Rt. Hon. Francis Lord Vif- ifioirbumberlanl), ♦William Burflem Efq-, ry Marjhal of England. Dr. Thomas Spratt, Lord Bi- ♦Thomas Pitt Efq-, Edward Vaughan Efq-, ; Henry d’Auverquerque, Earl comt Ryalton. ^erefojDffifre, 8. Borough of Tam worth, John Sherfield, Duke of Buck- of Grantham. fltop of Rochefter. John Trevanion Ejq-, Rt. Hon. Algernoon £. of Hert- ♦William Harvey Jun. Efq-, Town of Montgomery*; Rt. Hon. James Lord Vif count ford. Jofeph Girdler Efqj Serjeant at Borough of Wootton Bauet. ingham and Normanby,Lora: John Campbell, E. of Green- Dr. Gilbert Burnet, Lord Bi- Borough of Boifmey. Scudamore. John Pugh Efq-, fhop of Sarum. Thomas Forfter Jun. Efq. Law. *Rt.Hon. Henry St. John Efq-, Steward of the fhteen's Hou- wich, (and D. of ArgyleJ Hon. Francis Robartes E/^j John Prife Efq-, ♦Samuel Bracebridge Efq-, Jbo/d. Dr. Humphrey Humphreys, Town of Newcaftle upon Tyne- one of Her Majejly's Principal Thomas Wharton, £. of Whar- John Manley Ejq-, City of Hereford. 16. IPemtoofte, 3. Charles Talbor, D- of Shrewl- ton. Lord Bijhop of Hereford. Borough of St. Ives. *-ir William Blacker Bar. Secretaries of State. *John Barlow Efq-, The HAM. James Brydges Efq\ ♦William Wrightfon Efq-, Sir Thomas Hanmer Bar. ♦Richard Goddard Efq-, bury, Lord Chamberlain of John Powlet, £ar/Powlet. Dr. John Hough, Lord Bifhop ♦John Hopkins Ejq-, Thomas Foley Efq-, Town of Pembroke, the Queen's Houjhold. Sidney Godolphin, Earl of Go- of Litchfield and Coventry. John Praed Efq-, Borough of Morpeth. Sir Robert Davers Bar. Borough of Marleborough. Sir Arthur Owen Bar. Borough of Lempfter. Sir Richard Sandtord Bar. Borough of Iplwich. Rt. Hon. Charles Lord Bruce. \ Charles Seymour, Duke of So- dolphin. Dr. John Moore, Lord Bijhop Borough e/Foway. Edward Harley Efq-, Town of Havertord-W< merfet. Hugh Cholmley, £. of Cholm- of Ely. *Rf. H. Geo. Haye, L. Duplin. *Rt.Hon. Chriftopher Lord Vif- Sir William Barker Bar. Hon. Robert Bruce Efq-, John Laugharne E/f; ♦Edward Bangham Efq-, count Caftle-Gomcr. Charles Ffiz-Roy, Duke of ley. Dr. Richard Cumberland, Lord Hemy Vincent fun. Efq-, William Churchill Efqj KIlo?cenecff)fte, 9. Borough of Weobly. Town of Berwick upon Tweed. Borough of Dunwich. Cleveland bouthampton. George Keith, £. Marefchal. Bijhop 0/Peterborough. Borough of St. Germans. John Birch Ejq-, Serj. at Law. Sir John Packington Bar. ISaDno?, a *Hon. William Kerr EfqK ♦George Downing Efq-, Charles Lenos,D.o/Richmond. John Erskine, Earl of Mar. Dr. Edward Fowler, Lord Bi- Edward Eliot Efq-, *Henry Cornwall Efq-, ♦Samuel Pycts Efqj Charles Fitz-Roy, Duke of jhop of Gloucefter. Jonathan Hutchinfon Ejq-, ♦Richird RichardfbnEfqj Ser- Thomas Harley Efq-, Alexander Montgomery, £. of John Knight Efq-, City of Worcefter. Town of New-Radnor, Grafton. Eglingtcn. Dr. William Talbot, Lord Bt- Borough of St. Michael, I^mfojtiQrfire, 6. jPottlnafeamflftre, 8. jeant at Law. Samuel Swift Efq-, James Butler, D. o/Ormond. fhop of Oxford. Ralph Freman Jun. Ejq-, Borough of Orford. The Rt-How.Robert HarlejfJ Alexander Home, £. of Home. ♦ Abraham Blackmore Ejq-, *Rt. Hon. Scroop L Vifc. Howe, Thomas Wylde Efqj Henry Someriet, D. o/Beautort. Dr. John Evans, Lord Bijhop Thomas Halfey Efq-, *Sir Edward Turner Kt. Thomas Hay, £. of Ktnoul. " Richard Bellafis Ejq-, William Levinz, Efqi Borough of Droitwich. George Fitz-Roy,D«£e 0/'Nor- oj Bangor. Borough t>f St. Albans. Clement Corrance Ejq-, Hugh Campbell, E.o/Lowdon Borough 0/New port. Town of Nottingham. Edward Foley Efq-, thumberland. Dr. William Nicolfon, Leri William Grimftohe Ejq-, Borough of Aldborough. David Carnegie,£. o/Northesk. Sir Nicholas Morice Bar. ♦ [ohn Flumtree Efq-, Edward Jeffreyes Efq-, SCOTLAND, (4, Charles Beauclair, Duke of George Hamilton, £.o/'Orkney. John Gape Efq-, Sir Henry Johnfon Kt. Bijhop of Carlifle. George Counenay Efq-, Robert Sacheverell Efq-, Borough of Evetham. St. Albans. Dr. George Hooper, Lord Bi- ♦ William Jonnfon Efq-, Archibald Primrofe, £. 0/Role- Borough of St. Mawes. Borough of Hertford, Borough of Eaft-Retford. Sir Edward Goodere Bar. Shire of Aberdeen. • Charles Pawlet, D.o/'Bolton. berry. Charles Csefar Ejq-, Borough of Sudbury. jhop of Bath and Welta _ - R.H. Sir Richard Onflow Bar. ♦ Thomas White Efq-, John Rudge Efy, Sir Alexander Gumming Meinhardt Schonberg, Duke Archibald Campbel, £. e/Iflay. Dr. William Wake, Lord Bi- Richard Gulfton EJq-, ♦John Mead Efq-, John Tredenham £% ♦ Thomas Weftby E(q-, Borough of Bewdley. Kt. ♦ Robert Echlin Efq-, 4 Schonberg. jhop of Lincoln. Borough of Kellington. ♦ Anthony Lechmere Efq-, Shirs of Air. Thomas Osoorne, D. of Leeds. VISCOUNTS. ^tmrfngtiojnTbfre, 4. Town of Newark upon Trent. of Eye. Dr. John Tyler, Lord Bijhop Sir William Cory ton Bar. ‘John Montgomery Efqm John Prooey Efqi dec. Sir Thomas Willoughby Bar. Sir Jofeph Jekylill Kt. Chief WriOthelley Rufl'el, D. of Bed- Price Devereux, Vifcount He- of Llandaff. Samuel Rolle Ejq^ gogfclfifre, 30. BUrgh oj Irving, ford. John Pocklington Efqi ♦Richard Newdigate Efq-, Juflice of Chefter. reford. Dr. Offspring Blackall, Leri 6 Rt- Hon. Henry Lord Vifcount ♦Charles Oliphant EJq-, William Cavendilh, Duke of CumbtrlanD, . Borough of Huntingdon. ©iron, 9. ♦Thomas Maynard Efq-, Henry Brown, Vifcomt Mon- Bijhop of Exeter. Edward Wortley Efq-, Down. Shire of Argyle. Devonfhire. Sir William Dawes Bar. Lord [ames Lowther Efq-, Borough of St. Edmondsbu-ry. tacute. Gilfrid Lawfon Ejq-, Francis Page Efqi Sir Robert Jenkinfon Bar. *Sir Arthur Kay Bar. Sir James Campbell Bar. - John Churchill, Duke of Marl- Bijhop of Chefter. Francis Ckrke Ejq-, Jofeph Weld Efq-, Serj. at Law. Laurence Fienes, Vifcount Say City of Carlilie. ♦ City of York. Shire of Bamff. 1 a borough. Dr. Charles Trimnell, Lord Bi- Univerfity of Oxon. Aubrie Porter Efqj Sir William Robinlbn Bar. Alexander Abercromby £J| and Sele. Thomas Stanwix Efq-, tot, lo. John Manners, D. of Rutland. Tbomas Bellafyfe, Vifcount jhop of Norwich. Sir William Whitlocke Kt. §&urrep, 14. Hon. Robert Ben ion Efqj Burgh of Bamff, Q-c. 1 John Montagu, D. o/Montagu. Sir James Mountague Kt. Falconberg. Dr. William Fleetwood, Lord Sir Chomley Deering Bar. William Bromley Ejq-, SPEA- *Sir Francis Vincent Bar. Town of Kingfton upon Hull. ♦Alexander Reid Efqj George Augultus, prii.eeEletto- Borough of Cockermouth. Charles Townfhend, Vifcomt Bijhop of St. Afaph. ♦Percival Hart Ejq-, KER. *Hon. Heneage Finch Efq-, Sir William St. Quincin Bar. Shire of Berwick. ral of Hanover, D. of Cam- Nicholas LechmereE/^j Townfhend. Dr. Thomas Maningham, Lord City of Canterbury. City of Oxon, Borough of Southwark. \Villiam MaifterE/^; George Baillie Efqj bridge. James Stanhope Efq^ John Hardrefs Efq-,. Thomas Thynne,l^o»wf Wey- Bijhop of Chichelter.
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