Corporate Citi zen ship Report 2011 ur vision is to be the best financial services company serving the Olong-term needs of individual Canadians. At Investors Group: • We relate to our diverse clients through comprehensive planning . • In all of our endeavours we are diligent in our efforts . • We respect each other and the communities we serve by being people who care . Table of contents Corporate profile 2 Our Consultants President’s message 3 Helping Nova Scotia’s children start the school year off right 24 Our clients “Hair raising” event supports The Investors Group Charitable Giving Program 6 cancer-stricken children 26 1 1 Our corporate partnerships Lindsay office leaves no team member 0 Working to improve young behind at Easter Food Drive 27 2 Canadians’ financial literacy 10 t A client dinner helps surpass r Long-standing partnership renewed a fundraising goal 28 o to benefit coaches and athletes 11 Keeping the wheels turning p Engaging volunteers through social media 12 for children with disabilities 29 e R Investors Group honoured with two Making strides to understand dementia 30 major corporate citizenship awards 13 p Going door to door to stamp out hunger 31 i Our award recipients h s Debbie Mealia receives 2011 Herbert H. Carnegie Our employees n Community Service Award 16 Employees in Action 34 e z Murray Kilfoyle – President’s Lifetime Volunteer i Achievement Award recipient 18 Our community partners t i Employee Volunteer Award recipients 20 Partners in the community 2011 40 C e t a r o p r o C Corporate profile Investors Group is a national leader in delivering personalized Investors Group is committed financial solutions to nearly one million Canadians through a network of approximately 4,600 Consultants located to making a contribution throughout Canada. In addition to an exclusive family of mutual funds and other investment vehicles, Investors Group to the many communities offers a wide range of insurance, securities, mortgage and across Canada in which we banking services. Investors Group is a member of the IGM Financial Inc. (TSX: IGM) group of companies and has operate by supporting local $57.7 billion in mutual fund assets under management. and national activities, Investors Group is committed to making a contribution to the many communities across Canada in which we operate events and organizations. by supporting local and national activities, events and organizations. In doing so, we hope to help our communities In doing so, we hope to help be more dynamic and interesting places to live and work. our communities be more Investors Group is a founding member of Imagine Canada and is committed to donating at least one per cent of our dynamic and interesting average annual pre-tax income to charitable and other places to live and work. non-profit organizations. In 2011, this amounted to more than $6.6 million, with more than 2,800 donations going to over 1,700 organizations. For 15 years Investors Group has partnered with Volunteer Canada and is a founding member of the Corporate Council on Volunteering, a CEO-led initiative to encourage employer supported volunteering across Canada. 2 President’s message Investors Group marked its 85 th year in Canada during 2011, we have given them an opportunity to manage their charitable signifying a long and rich history of growth as a company, giving and turn it into a lasting legacy. while contributing to the communities where our people live, Corporately, Investors Group has developed long associations work and make a difference to those around them. with organizations like Imagine Canada, Volunteer Canada, Over the years, we have developed a unique culture where Food Banks Canada, Free The Children, the Canadian community leadership and volunteerism are fostered by the Foundation for Economic Education, AthletesCAN and the Consultants and employees who join our company. Our Coaching Association of Canada to help in their efforts to Community Investment Program and Employees in Action support community needs. initiative support our people in their volunteer and charitable In recognition of our longstanding commitment to good endeavours and give us an opportunity to acknowledge their corporate citizenship, in 2011, Investors Group became the first efforts in a meaningful way. company to receive Imagine Canada and Volunteer Canada’s We continued to recognize our outstanding Consultant and Corporate Community Involvement Award and the first company employee volunteers in 2011 through the presentation of to receive a Red Cross Power of Humanity Award in the newly- awards in their honour. Consultant Debbie Mealia of Sechelt, established Corporate Organization of the Year category. British Columbia received the Herbert H. Carnegie We are very proud that our efforts and particularly those Community Service Award for her many contributions to her of our Consultants and employees have been recognized community including Debbie’s tireless efforts to create in this way. affordable housing for people with developmental disabilities. This report acknowledges the good works of many of these We also presented the President’s Lifetime Volunteer dedicated volunteers and I would like to thank them for Achievement Award to Murray Kilfoyle, Senior Vice-President, being people who care . Finance for his decades-long commitment to community sports programs, the arts, tourism and health care in Winnipeg. The spirit of community is also evident in our clients, and Murray J. Taylor through the Investors Group Charitable Giving Program, President and Chief Executive Officer 3 en providing Canadians and eir families with personal financial utions for 85 years. For many ents, their financial plans include ving back to the community ough acts of philanthropy. It takes t one person with vision, passion, d courage to set the wheels of ogress in motion. But it takes the mGmitmiventi anndg effo rtb of maancy tok as part of a comprehensive financial plan stain the things that matter most d give meaning to our lives. That’s at inspires us to dedicate not only nding, but also our most powerful d valuable resource – our people improve the quality of life where Making a difference from coast to coast e live and work. Each year, vestors Group recognizes our tstanding volunteers through e presentation of several stinguished awards. The Herbert Carnegie Community Service ward and biennial Community Enduring partnerships, thriving communities dership Award recognize Consultants d Field Directors, respectively, who monstrate outstanding long-term mmunity service and business cellence. We also honour our mployee volunteers for their tireless dication to community service ough the President’s Lifetime lunteer Achievement Award and Building the spirit of community vestors Group Employee Volunteer ward. For Investors Group, our long ritage of grassroots involvement, rporate funding, and project initiation many of our people has created a ong corporate culture of caring for rH comomunnitieos. Wue hraiven a lgong hoistoury tstanding community volunteers ttracting people who are ambitious people who care for those they e, which translates into a deep est in community needs. When combine these characteristics, end up with a strong sustainable s on corporate citizenship. ployees in Action (EIA) gives stors Group employees greater ortunities to take part in workplace community activities and provides eased recognition for employees are active in their community. er the direction of the EIA steering mittee, these groups have worked nhance existing initiatives and add ral new ones. This has led to eased engagement in volunteer ities by employees throughout the pany. Investors Group provides ncial assistance to non-profit groups organizations in which our ployees, Consultants, retirees /or their immediate families are ved as active volunteers and ors. We recognize the essential ribution our people can make eir communities, and our grams aim to encourage and port this contribution through the ting of financial assistance. As the es in this corporate citizenship ort have shown, we support many rent community needs in many ePrenat waryst. Wnhaet isr cosm mion is thte he community 2011 preciation of the people whose lives enriched by these volunteer and ritable efforts. At Investors Group have been providing Canadians d their families with personal ncial solutions for 85 years. many clients their financial plans many clients, their financial plans ude giving back to the community ough acts of philanthropy. It takes one person with vision, passion, d courage to set the wheels of gress in motion. But it takes the mmitment and effort of many to tain the things that matter most d give meaning to our lives. That’s at inspires us to dedicate not only ding, but also our most powerful d valuable resource – our people o improving the quality of life where live and work. Each year, Investors oup recognizes our outstanding unteers through the presentation everal distinguished awards. e Herbert H. Carnegie Community vice Award and Community a dership Award recognize c F nsultants and Field Directors, t s o pectively, who demonstrate p r o A O e G f f standing long-term community m r i t vice and business excellence. p s n a o h I i also honour our employee n n n v a i unteers for their tireless dedication u y l a v a i ommunity service through the n l e c n n sident’s Lifetime Volunteer s f l r t i i c t hievement Award and the quarterly g h n e o n estors Group Employee Volunteer i r a r a o c s t ard. For Investors Group, our long n b s p c l G tage of grassroots involvement, , y i l t a porate funding, and project a . p r h i l ation by many of our people has o c e e s u ated a strong corporate culture l i o a r k p aring for our communities.
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