No joke - Your health: LOCAL Raiders sign Ask Dr. Gott Suicide looks more like struggle Jeff George ..............Page 3 ......................................Page 1 .............Page 6 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Tomorrow: Sunny 7 58551 69301 0 TUESDAY Aug. 29, 2006 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 16 pages, Volume 148 Number 142 email: [email protected] INS working locally to nab illegal lawbreakers By BEN BROWN been committing crimes in the coun- cers deal with illegal immigrants Immigration officers can. They successful. Taylor said it is not The Daily Journal ty. who commit crimes, specifically also have the authority to start the uncommon for illegal immigrants to Officers from Immigration “They deal with people who are gang-crime. process by which illegal immigrants reenter the United States after being Customs Enforcement, the enforce- known and documented gang mem- Taylor said UPD officers do not are deported back to their home deported and that those who are ment branch of Immigration and bers,” said Ukiah Police Capt. Trent go out looking for illegal immigrants countries. Taylor said immigration involved in gang activity often return Naturalization Services, have been Taylor. because it is outside their jurisdiction officers focus on illegal immigrants to the city they were arrested in. working with Ukiah city and Taylor said a group of immigra- and local police to not have the who are on parole for other crimes. “That happens pretty frequently,” Mendocino County law enforcement tion officers come to the county authority to question a person’s However, deporting suspects back Taylor said. to arrest illegal immigrants who have every few months to help UPD offi- immigration status. to their home countries is not always See NAB, Page 16 Board adds WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! $900K to county Sheriff’s budget the department is carrying a 4 Reserve $70K percent vacancy rate. for themselves “I’m not asking for any extravagance,” Broin said By KATIE MINTZ addressing the Board. “To not The Daily Journal meet the status quo would be Editor’s note: The follow- disastrous for the Sheriff’s ing is a summary of Monday’s Office and for public safety.” county budget hearing. Following the decision, Readers will find more details Broin, who was disappointed in a story coming on with the shortfall, said he Wednesday. would continue at his attempt The Mendocino County to build a healthy Sheriff’s Board of Supervisors Office, even if it meant com- approved modifications to the ing before the Board again to 2006/2007 fiscal year budget ask for more money. Monday after nearly eight Other areas receiving addi- hours of discussion about how tional funding were the an additional $2,024,346 in District Attorney’s Office, available funds beyond what bringing its budget to the level was appropriated in the pro- of the year prior, and the Chief posed $202 million budget Executive, Auditor and approved in late June should Treasurer/Tax Collector be spent. offices for covering staffing The final budget hearings transition expenses. Also, a ended with a 4-1 vote, substantial portion of the Supervisor Michael Delbar additional money was dedi- dissenting. The budget directs cated to decreasing county an additional $900,000 to be debts and increasing the gen- added to the Sheriff’s budget eral reserve. as well as an additional Isaac Eckel/The Daily Journal The Department of Public Hopland Elementary School Principal Jeanne Yttreness welcomes back students and parents on $70,000 for Board travel and Health, represented by the first day of school on Monday. support staff expenses to be Assistant Director of Public discussed at a later date. Health Dan Taylor and Health Sheriff-Coroner Kevin and Human Services Agency Broin had requested $1.4 mil- Interim Director Ana lion beyond his proposed bud- Mahoney, pledged to find get to provide enough funding approximately $215,000 with- Hopland celebrates to keep the number of patrol in its own budget to fund a deputies at status quo, though By JAMES ARENS See BUDGET, Page 16 The Daily Journal The parents offer a hug and a kiss goodbye, and a teacher says Suicide call “Hello there” while a few of the kids have teary eyes. These were the sights and looks more like a sounds on Monday for kids on their first day back at the Hopland School after the flood- struggle for a gun ing it experienced in January. The kindergarten through sixth By BEN BROWN Leggett at the time of the inci- grade elementary school caters The Daily Journal dent. to about 140 kids and has a very Originally called in as a At 5 a.m. Saturday, sher- strong bond with the communi- suicide early Saturday morn- iff’s deputies responded to a ty. So while the kids were happy Above, children ing, a shooting incident in 911 call from Richter report- about being back at their famil- and parents who Leggett turned out to be a ing that Linder had committed iar school, the community was walked or drove to domestic violence incident suicide. When they arrived at also very happy to have their school cheer the during which Darrell Linder, the Drive Thru Tree Road school back so it decided to do Hopland Fire 46, of Leggett was shot in the address deputies found Linder something special. Department as head. still alive and suffering from a The lucky students that took they lead the Linder is believed to have gunshot wound to the head. the bus their first day of class school buses into been shot by Tara Richter, 46, Linder was transported by were escorted by the Hopland the parking lot on of Leggett. Mendocino ambulance to the Jerold Fire Department with sirens the first day. At left, County Sheriff’s Capt. Kurt Phelps Community Hospital wailing and horns honking. children and par- Smallcomb said it seems pos- in Garberville and airlifted “I want to ride in the fire ents were happy to sible that Linder and Richter from there to a hospital in truck too, this is so cool. Ah be back in the were struggling for control of Redding. He is listed in stable man, wow!” was one child’s repaired school. the firearm, a .38 caliber condition. reaction, echoed by many of the Construction handgun, during which Linder No arrests have been made children that got rides from their crews worked dili- sustained a single gunshot in this case and the incident is parents to school and who wait- gently throughout wound to the head. still under investigation. ed for their friends to get off the the summer to “It looks like he was the Sheriff’s detectives will fol- buses. open the school on aggressor and she was defend- low up and forward the case There was also a flag-raising time. ing herself,” Smallcomb said. to the Mendocino County ceremony to start the day off, Richter and Linder have District Attorney’s Office for had a long relationship and review. See SCHOOL, Page 16 were living together at 65375 Ben Brown can be reached Drive Thru Tree Road in at [email protected] BESTBEST PRICEPRICE EVEREVER *in stock pkgs. only. 509 S. State St. • Ukiah on Doughboy Pools 462-7305 Shop till You Drop or... Come in & Get the BEST PRICE TODAY! 2 – TUESDAY, AUG. 29, 2006 DAILY DIGEST Editor: K.C. Meadows, 468-3526 The Ukiah Daily Journal [email protected] The world briefly FUNERAL NOTICES [\ Don Hays and wife Lucille, brother George Allen, ersole Mortuary. Interment EDNA RUTH KERWOOD grandchildren Nic- her children; Jacqueline will be in Ukiah Prosecutors won’t charge John Karr A memorial service for ole, Melissa and Travis Mitchell, Lynn Crab- Cemetery. Following ser- Edna Ruth Kerwood of Humphrey, Kyle, tree, Allen Crabtree and vices a reception will BOULDER, Colo. (AP) — Prosecutors abruptly dropped Ukiah will be held on Wyatt and Dustin Wilson, Barbara Crabtree, be held at the Coyote their case against John Mark Karr in the slaying of JonBenet Wednesday, August 30, Cody Jennings, her grandchildren: Sherine Valley Reservation Ramsey, saying DNA tests failed to put him at the crime scene 2006 at 1 pm at the family James Kerwood, Dennis Brown, Eric Enri- Gymnasium. despite his repeated insistence he killed the 6-year-old beauty home at 2070 Old and Carrie Kerwood, quez, Jesse Crabtree, queen. River Road in Ukiah. Ruth Justin Tate, Ashley Scott, Denise Brown, Christi- HERBERT JAMES In court papers, prosecutors suggested he had a twisted fas- passed away at Angela Stoddard na Tooley, Darlene (HERB) MILLIGAN JR. cination with the little girl and confessed to a crime he didn’t her home on Saturday, and Tina Sweet. Six great- Crabtree, Michael Tooley, Herbert James (Herb) commit. August 26, 2006 sur- grandchildren also Dianne Rabano, Angelo Milligan Jr. passed Karr, 41, will be kept in jail in Boulder until he can be sent rounded by her family. survive. She was preceded Crabtree, Roxee away August 24, 2006 at to Sonoma County to face child pornography charges dating to Born February 7, 1941 in death by her Crabtree and Leanne home after a long 2001, authorities said. Earlier in the day, the sheriff’s depart- in Martin, Oklahoma she parents William Hays and Bettega. Dorothy also battle with an illness. ment announced Karr had been released. has resided in the Bonnie Humphrey, had 29 great grandchildren Herb was born Dec. 6, The move came just a week and a half after the schoolteacher Ukiah area for the past 50 her brothers Joe, Mel, Bill and numerous 1960 at Wilmington, was arrested in Thailand and put on a plane to the U.S.
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