Government of the Republic of South Sudan South Sudan Development Plan 2011-2013 Realising freedom, equality, justice, peace and prosperity for all Juba, August 2011 0 Contents 0.1 Table of abbreviations and acronyms v 0.2 Foreword xi 0.3 Acknowledgments xii 0.4 Executive summary xiii 0.4.1 Context: conflict, poverty and economic vulnerability xiii 0.4.2 The development challenge xiii 0.4.3 Development objectives xiv 0.4.4 Governance – institutional strengthening and improving transparency and accountability xvi 0.4.5 Economic development – rural development supported by infrastructure improvements xvii 0.4.6 Social and human development – investing in people xviii 0.4.7 Conflict prevention and security – deepening peace and improving security xix 0.4.8 Cross-cutting issues xx 0.4.9 Government resources and their allocation to support development priorities xx 0.4.10 Donor resources xxi 0.4.11 Implementation xxii 0.4.12 Monitoring and Evaluation xxiii 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE SOUTH SUDAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1 1.1 Purpose of the South Sudan Development Plan 1 1.2 The development planning process and approach 1 1.3 Coverage of the South Sudan Development Plan 2 1.4 Cross-cutting issues integral to the national development priorities 3 2 BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT 4 2.1 Historical context 4 2.2 Analysis of conflict 6 2.2.1 Causes of conflict 6 2.2.2 Consequences of conflict 8 2.2.3 Peace-building in South Sudan 8 2.2.4 Recommendations for SSDP 11 2.3 Poverty and human development 12 2.3.1 Demographic context 13 2.3.2 Vulnerability 16 2.3.3 Social development 17 2.3.4 Correlations between poverty and other social indicators 19 2.3.5 Recommendations for SSDP 23 2.4 Macroeconomic overview 24 2.4.1 South Sudan’s economy 24 2.4.2 Government revenue 27 2.4.3 Government spending 28 2.4.4 Macroeconomic management challenges 29 2.4.5 The way forward: macroeconomic objectives and policy for South Sudan 33 i 3 SOUTH SUDAN DEVELOPMENT VISION, OBJECTIVES AND PRIORITIES 41 3.1 Overarching objective of SSDP 41 3.2 Objectives for core components of SSDP 2011-14 41 3.3 Monitoring the priority programmes 44 4 PILLARS POLICY, PLANS AND PROGRAMMES 47 4.1 Governance 48 4.1.1 Summary of pillar and sector objectives and five priority programme areas 48 4.1.2 Background 49 4.1.3 Major achievements 51 4.1.4 Challenges 51 4.1.5 Pillar objective 53 4.1.6 Sector objectives 53 4.1.7 Priority areas 56 4.1.8 Agency outcome objectives and targets 58 4.1.9 Pillar actions to improve service delivery 60 4.1.10 Cross-cutting issues 62 4.2 Economic development 66 4.2.1 Summary of pillar and sector objectives and five priority programme areas 66 4.2.2 Background 66 4.2.3 Major achievements 68 4.2.4 Pillar objective 72 4.2.5 Cross-cutting issues 86 4.3 Social and human development 88 4.3.1 Summary of pillar and sector objectives and five priority programme areas 88 4.3.2 Pillar context 88 4.3.3 Pillar objective 90 4.3.4 Pillar actions to improve service delivery 102 4.3.5 Cross-cutting issues 102 4.4 Conflict prevention and security 105 4.4.1 Summary of pillar and sector objectives and five priority programme areas 105 4.4.2 Pillar objective 111 4.4.3 Agency outcome objectives and targets 116 4.4.4 Cross-cutting issues 118 5 SOUTH SUDAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN RESOURCE ALLOCATION 120 5.1 Annual planning and budget process 121 5.2 SSDP fiscal framework 2011-2013 121 5.2.1 Oil revenue 122 5.2.2 Non-resource revenue 123 5.2.3 Fiscal sustainability 124 5.2.4 Recurrent and development budget 130 5.3 Budget discipline & PFM reform 134 5.4 Aid financing - donor resources 135 ii 6 IMPLEMENTATION 137 6.1 External finance and aid strategy 137 6.1.1 Managing aid in support of SSDP 137 6.1.2 Creating the conditions for effective aid 137 6.1.3 Benchmarks for aid delivery 138 6.1.4 Mechanisms for aid coordination 139 6.1.5 Priorities for aid in support of SSDP 140 6.1.6 The way forward 141 6.2 Institutional capacity and capacity-building plan 141 6.2.1 The Goal of the Medium-Term Capacity Development Strategy 141 6.2.2 Capacity development priorities 2011-2013 142 6.2.3 Ensuring coherence and enabling effective partnerships on capacity development 142 6.2.4 Implementing MTCDS 143 6.3 Service delivery 143 6.4 Risks and mitigation 144 7 MONITORING AND EVALUATION 146 7.1 Key objectives and principles 146 7.2 Responsibilities 146 7.3 Key outputs 147 8 ANNEXES 150 8.1 Pillar matrices 152 8.1.1 Governance 153 8.1.2 Economic development 180 8.1.3 Social and human development 207 8.1.4 Conflict prevention and security 240 8.2 Future steps to stregthening national development planning 257 8.3 Statistical next steps 259 8.3.1 Governance sector indicators 260 8.3.2 Economic development indicators 269 8.3.3 Human and social development indicators 276 8.3.4 Conflict prevention and security indicators 286 8.4 State consultation outputs 292 8.4.1 Central Equatoria state 292 8.4.2 Eastern Equatoria state 294 8.4.3 Jonglei state 299 8.4.4 Lakes state 302 8.4.5 Northern Bar el Ghazel state 306 8.4.6 Unity state 310 8.4.7 Upper Nile state 313 8.4.8 Warrap state 316 8.4.9 Western Bar el Ghazel state 319 8.4.10 Western Equatoria state 322 iii 8.5 SSDP conference summary 325 8.5.1 Emerging issues from the Conference 326 8.5.2 South Sudan Development Plan Overview 326 8.5.3 Vision & Priorities of the SSDP 326 8.5.4 Governance Pillar 327 8.5.5 Economic Development Pillar 328 8.5.6 Conflict Prevention and Security Pillar 331 8.5.7 The Social and Human Development Pillar 333 8.5.8 The Aid Strategy for the SSDP 336 8.5.9 The Southern Sudan Development Plan Medium Term Capacity Development Strategy 337 8.5.10 Return, Reinsertion and Early Reintegration in South Sudan 337 8.5.11 Summary and Conclusion 339 8.5.12 Appendences 340 8.6 Aid strategy 359 8.6.1 Progress in implementing the 2006 Aid Strategy 359 8.6.2 Objective 360 8.6.3 Partnership Principles 361 8.6.4 Mechanisms for aid coordination 362 8.6.5 Benchmarks for aid delivery 365 8.6.6 Design of aid operations 370 8.6.7 Implementing the Aid Strategy 372 8.6.8 Indicators for monitoring donor performance 374 8.6.9 Aid and the budget cycle 375 8.7 Capacity-building Plan 377 8.7.1 Context 377 8.7.2 Objective and scope of MTCDS 377 8.7.3 Implementation arrangements 379 8.7.4 An operational framework for capacity development in South Sudan 380 8.7.5 Identifying and addressing capacity development priorities at sectoral level 381 8.7.6 Cross-Government Capacity Development Priorities 387 8.7.7 Core Principles for Implementation 392 8.7.8 Risks, Challenges and Constraints 393 8.7.9 A Coordination Framework on Capacity Development: Enabling Coherence, Unity of Effort and Effective Partnership 394 8.7.10 Core Principles and Commitments 394 8.7.11 Towards a Long-Term National Capacity Development Strategy 398 8.8 Millennium Development Goal Indicators 399 8.9 Oil Model 401 8.9.1 Oil production and revenue forecasts 401 8.9.2 Oil Wealth and Petroleum Income 404 8.10 South Sudan Development Plan Organisational Chart 406 8.11 SSDP Government Working Group Structure 406 8.12 Bibliography and references 411 iv 0.1 Table of abbreviations and acronyms1 AED Academy for Educational Development AES Alternative Education System AES Alternative Education System/Accelerated Leaning Programme AfDB African Development Bank AIR Apparent Intake Rate ALP Accelerated Learning Programme ANC Ante-Natal Clinic ARV Anti-Retroviral ART Anti-Retroviral Therapy AU African Union BCC Behaviour Change Communication BCG Bacille Calmette-Guérin BoSS Bank of South[ern] Sudan BPPA Bulk Power Purchase Agreement BSF Basic Services Fund BSWG Budget Sector Working Group CBS Central Bank of Sudan CES Central Equatoria State CES County Education Centre CFSAN Crop and Food Supply Assessment CGS Community Girls School CHH Child-Headed Household CLFQ Census and Long Form Questionnaire CLMIS Crop and Livestock Market Information System CLTS Community-Led Total Sanitation CoM Council of Ministers COMESA Community of Eastern and Southern Africa CPA Comprehensive Peace Agreement CPI Consumer Price Index CP-S Conflict Prevention and Security CSC Civil Service Commission CSSAC Community Security and Small Arms Control DBST Double-Bitumen Surface Treatment DDR Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration DG Director- General DP Development Partner DPT Diphtheria-Polio-Tetanus DPTS Development Plan Technical Secretariat DTIS Diagnostic Trade Integration Study EAC East African Community EC European Commission ECD Early Childhood Development EE Eastern Equatoria EES Eastern Equatoria State EIA Environmental Impact Assessment/Administration/Energy Information Assessment EITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative EJC Employee Justice Chamber 1 Many government institutions change their names at independence on 9 July 2011. Institutions that existed under CPA are ‘Southern Sudan’; those after independence are ’South Sudan’. v EMIS Education Management Information System ERDF European Regional Development Fund ESIA Environmental Sensitivity Impact Assessment ESI Estimated Sustainable Income ESSP Education Sector Strategic Plan EU European Union EWS Early Warning System FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation FDI Foreign Direct Investment FHH Female Headed Household FMIS Financial Management Information System FS Food Security FSTS Food Security Technical Secretariat FY Fiscal Year GATC Government Accountancy Training Centre GBV Gender- Based Violence GDP Gross Domestic Product GER Gross Enrolment Rate GF Governance Forum GIS Geographic Information System GIZIS Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German international
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