THARPE ON AIR TOP NEWS BREAK What is the top news story Dr. Charles Doren Tharpe, THE MIAMI I this semester? Read one dean of administration, will s opinion on page 4, when appear today on tbe HUR­ Dave Kraslow, Hurricane RICANE OF THE AIR show managing editor gives you his with Jack Masla, 6 p. m. over ideas on the subject A fare­ well column by the editor can WBAY 1490 on the dial. HURRICA also be found on page 4. VOL. XXI UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA, MAY 16, 1947 No. 28 Heinzel, Flynn Named To Head Publications Graduating Seniors To Mock Faculty TUITION RAISED TO $200 Hurricane Editorship Close Race; Semester tuition has been set at $200 and becomes effective for the Dimmig, Rabin Business Managers When They Stage Class Skit May 29 fall semester. The fee this term was Following three weeks of wrangling between the publications By JOYCE CORTLAND $175. board and the student senate, Cliff Heinzel and Mary Flynn were "Anything goes'' will be the rule SENIOR CAPS AND GOWNS The administration stated the in­ when the 1947 graduating class pre­ Commencement invitations and crease has been necessitated by elected to head the Hurricane and Ibis, respectively. sents its skit mocking members of caps and gowns will be available increased cost in maintenance, the faculty at the first annual senior for graduating seniors next Wed­ materials, and higher salaries. Of­ The two new business managers for the fall semester — Syd class stunt show Thursday, May 29, nesday and Thursday, announced ficials expressed the opinion that at 8 p. m. in the North Campus Dr. William P. Dismukes. Dimmig working with the Hurricane and Sam Rabin on the Ibis theater, Margaret Blue, senior class The distribution point will be no further increase will be made president, announced. had no trouble receiving a vote of confidence at the first meetings. Room 943, Main Campus and unless costs continue to rise. All In Fan someone will be on duty from Trouble began when three well qualified men submitted applicat- We're out by then, so we can at 8:30 to noon and from 1 to 4 pjn. last tell the things we've had to grin and bear all these years,'' she Hurricane Editor Ibis Editor said. Dr. William P. Dismukes, Construction Started chairman of commencement, assured the class members that whatever Student Activity Book they do, it wiH not make, any dif­ On University Roads ference in their grades and no To Be Discontinued diplomas will be deferred. Profes­ The road to higher education will sors, who want to know of their The student activity book, often be a smoother one when the paving idiosyncracies, and all students are termed the biggest bargain at the of University drive and Campo invited. school, will be discontinued in the Santo is completed in approximate­ The senior skit of the "Class fall, along with the activities' fee. ly two months. Classics'' series will also be pre­ Arrangements as to how students Construction is already under sented with Janice Greenfield in will be admitted to football games way for widening both University charge. Other seniors will get a have not been completed, according drive and Campo Santo to 30 feet chance to display their talent in to vice-president Jay F. W. Pearson. University drive will be paved several variety acts and musical Although details have not been from Bird road to Blue road, be­ numbers. M books will be given arranged, the administration stated yond the University buildings, dir­ out to seniors as final souvenirs of that students will be admitted free college days. Afterwards, a recep - ectly in front of the artificial lake # to minor sports events and all other site. Packed limestones will be the tion and dance will be held for affairs for which the activity book base of the paving, with an asphalt seniors, their dates, and their par­ has been used. ents at San Sebastian. and sand covering. Pointing out that the University Campo Santo, the road of Uni­ Today is the last day seniors will has long planned such a move, Dr. have to attend classes, and whether versity drive leading to the park­ Pearson explained that many stu­ CLIFF HEINZEL MARY FLYNN or not they must take final exams ing lanes, will. also be paved with dents have objected to the fee on the same material, which has been is up to their individual professors. the grounds that they were paying specially compounded to deal with ions jor the top positions oj the newspaper and only one student Senior Week To Start for something which they never the problems of heat and increased Senior week begins Friday, May used. Discontinuance of the fee and traffic. applied jor the editorship oj the yearbook 23 with a dinner dance at Richmond activity book will also do away wilh starting at 7 p. m. The graduates a large amount of detail and book- These new roads will last from 5 (Cohtinued on page eight) work, he added. to 12 years, estimates William T. At their first meeting, the publications board recommended Mcllwain, Coral Gables city man­ ager. Heinzel as editor of the Hurricane and David Kraslow for the Plans are still pending for the editorship of the Ibis. When the Senate met, it was disclosed that widening of Granada boulevard. At the last meeting of the Coral Gables Kraslow had applied for the Hurricane, but that the board of pub­ City Commission a tie vote tem lications felt that he would do a better job on the Ibis. The senate, porarily halted plans on this pro­ mmmaaaaamssSmSSm ject. The question, however, will aftr* hearing this testimony, turned down the board's recom­ SBammmW __ ¥** be brought up again for vote at the next meeting. mendations and sent Kraslow's name back as their recommendation for editor of the newspaper. Drom Co-eds Flee Following two other publication board meetings, at which the Weekend Invaders applicants were asked to appear, another vote was taken. Heinzel again won a vote oj confidence and Mary Flynn, a late entry into Another infringement on personal freedoms confronted the United Na­ the race jor yearbook editor, was also recommended. At the second tions security council this week, meeting of the senate, both Heinzel and Flynn received unanimous wilh the report of coeds occupying Santander dormitory fleeing in mor­ votes of confidence. tal terror before a racous horde of invaders. All the newly elected publications heads have had varied ex­ The intruders upon the peace of perience in journalism. Heinzel is the present news editor of the the girl's dormitory were described in livid terms by refugees at their Hurricane and president of the Forth Estate club, honorary Miami Beach haven. Asked to journalistic fraternity. Dimmig, the present Hurricane advertising identify their tormentors, the manager has had experience as staff member of the Miami Herald frightened freshmen described a deluge of silvery insects making a and publicity director for Alpha Kappa Psi. honorary business surprise appearance at the dormi­ fraternity. Following positions as Music editor and the present tory Sunday night, and sweeping all before them in the rush. I Fine Arts editor of the Ibis, Mary Flynn is well qualified for the Flit gun defense forces were post of Ibis editor. Miss Flynn is a member of Kappa Kappa rallied by housemother, Mrs. Mary Fields, and the invasion repelled. Gamma sorority. Rabin, the new Ibis business manager, is presi­ Investigation of a large number dent and founder of the Advertising club, advertising manager for of the dead revealed the scourage Flotsam, and former advertising layout man for prominent con­ to be termites, although refugees insisted other units were involved. cerns. Rabin is a member of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. By Monday, many occupants had returned,to the residence, although Applications for the various positions were: For Hurricane several displaced students remained editor — Cliff Heinzel, David Kraslow, and Don Cuddy: for Ibis PLAYING RIGHT INTO HER HANDS: Ray Browning, director of opera­ in voluntary exile. Mrs. Fields, early this week, editor: Mary Flynn, Gladys Xovack, and Joyce Edwards: for tions for Greyhound Skyways, is landing an S-51 helicopter in tbe palm cautioned women residents who had Hurricane business manager — Sydney Dimmig; for Ibis business of his wifes hand. A demonstration of the maneuverability of an "egg- retqfened to refrain from callin; beater will be given Thursday when it wiB land on the old campus. men at the University "termites." manager — Sam Rabin. Page Two THE MIAMI HURRICANE MAY 16, 1947 Cafe To Seat Ibis liusiness Manager 'Cane Business Manager Iron Arrow, Nu Kappa Tau Tap i 22 In Annual Honors Assembly 500 Students Outstanding students and student groups were tapped at the honors assembly in the lecture hall last Now that the temporary build­ Drnmu Group Will Friday. ings north of the Main Campus have reached an advanced stage of Stage Play Tonight Those who were named to Iron econstruction, Navy veterans can Arrow, highest men's honorary, The South .Campus Players, a were initiated Tuesday night at recognize a standard Navy chow newly formed dramatic group, will hall in the nearest building. And a dinner held at San Sebastian. present a :" rce comedy, Boy Meets that's just what it's going to be, a They are: James Demos, Frank Girl tonight and tomorrow night, cafeteria that will seat 500. Howard, Charles Franklin, Harvey at 8:30. Latest plans rail for a fifth build­ James, David Kraslow, Gordon Bella and Samuel Spewack's play, ing in addition to the four already Pred, Elliott Segherman, Jack Tret- successfully produced as a movie a started.
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