Skaneateles Loop the Lake Attractions and Sites Water Access & Land Protection Recreation In the 1700’s, the Finger Lakes region was almost completely covered with forest. The original for- The Skaneateles Lake Watershed is an enormous ests were mainly sugar maple, beech, hemlock, black cherry, white ash, and red and white oaks. By recreational resource for swimming, fishing, and the 1800’s, newly established agricultural communities cut and cleared much of the virgin forests, boating. drastically changing the landscape. Today, no virgin timber stands remain in the watershed. The present forests consist of second-growth stands of the original species, with chestnut and American Swimming elm missing as a result of disease. The forested areas of the watershed provide many water quality benefits, including storm water retention and erosion control. A current threat to these forests is the Clift Park 5 1 2 introduction of invasive tree pests. If transported into the area, these insects could cause the death 2 of many trees, and devastate local forests. Since many tree pests lay their eggs on or live inside trees, W. Genesee Street, Skaneateles 3 4 visitors should, by law, avoid transporting any firewood (as it has the potential to spread the insects This popular park features a public swimming and result in new infestations). area, park benches, a gazebo, and great view of the lake! For a small fee paid to the lifeguard, anyone Bahar Nature Preserve Skaneateles Lake Watershed Land can enjoy the lake’s cool, clean water. 14 Appletree Point Rd. , (FL#14) Protection Plan Fishing Moravia, NY 13118 City of Syracuse, NY Bahar Nature Preserve was established in 1998 In 1994, a cooperative program was developed Skaneateles is a deep cold-water lake, with the by the Finger Lakes Land Trust from land once by the City of Syracuse with farmers with- exception of warmer, shallow bottom areas (close owned by nature-lover Hu Bahar. Bear Swamp in the Skaneateles Lake watershed to reduce to shore) at the north and south ends of the lake. 6 Creek runs through this 51-acre preserve which the of risk pathogens, nutrients, pesticides, The lake includes yellow perch, chain pickerel, features a dramatic forest and gorge landscape. & sediments from agricultural operations thus helping preserve the water quality of small-mouth and large-mouth bass, rock bass, 29 Bear Swamp Forest 19 Skaneateles Lake. From 2005-2009, the City pumpkinseed and bluegill. Important cold-wa- Route 41A, Moravia, NY 13118 ter species include land-locked salmon, rainbow purchased conservation easements covering 28 Once cleared for settlements, the forest is now and lake trout. In addition to wild populations, 858 acres of ecologically-sensitive land in the recovering through reforestation efforts by the lake is also stocked yearly with rainbow trout watershed. Each perpetual, conservation ease- the NYS Department of Conservation. The ment limited property development rights and and salmon. 7 state manages approximately 3,200 acres of included provisions to protect water quality. Boating land in Bear Swamp forest, which is pop- Farming and forestry are allowed to contin- 27 ular with hikers, bikers, and Nordic ski- ue on these privately owned lands. As both boating and fishing are popular activi- ers. Bear Swamp is also part of the Audubon Finger Lakes Land Trust Southern Skaneateles Forest Important Bird Area, ties on the Lake, they require lake stewardship. 202 East Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 Aquatic invasive species, such as Zebra Mus- and provides habitat to red-shouldered hawks, pine siskins and migratory songbirds. (607) 275-9487 • www.fllt.org sels, Eurasian Water Milfoil and a number of 8 other harmful animals and weeds, can wreak By working cooperatively with landowners havoc on a lake when they are introduced from 9 and local communities, the Finger Lakes another location. Boaters and fishermen should 10 Land Trust has protected more than 21,500 take precautions to thoroughly inspect their vessel acres of the region’s undeveloped lakeshore, rugged gorges, rolling forest, and scenic and equipment before and after leaving the lake, 11 to remove any plant fragments, seeds, mud, bilge farmland. The Land Trust owns and man- water or mussels, and dispose of them on land. ages a network of over 30 nature preserves Bait fish, live wells, and other water that could that are open to the public and holds per- carry microscopic “hitch hikers” should never be petual conservation easements on over 135 dumped in or shared between waterways. properties that remain in private ownership. The Land Trust focuses on protecting crit- 3 Skaneateles Community Dock ical habitat for fish and wildlife, conserving The watershed boundary is marked by a pur- lands that are important for water quality, The Community Dock is available from mid- ple line on the map. The land inside this wa- connecting existing conservation lands, and May – mid-October, dawn to 10pm. tershed boundary drains to Skaneateles Lake. keeping prime farmland in agriculture. The Mid-Lakes Navigation Cruises The land outside the boundary belongs to organization also provides programs to ed- ucate local governments, landowners, and 4 11 Jordan St., Skaneateles, NY 13152 other watersheds and drains to neighboring waterways, such as Otisco and Owasco Lakes 13 12 local residents about conservation and the (315) 685-8500 • www.midlakesnav.com and Nine Mile Creek. 14 region’s unique natural resources. “Loop the Lake on the water! Choose a lunch High Vista Nature Preserve or dinner cruise for a great meal with your boat 24 Vincent Hill Road, Homer, NY 13077 ride. To try a sample of local scenery, take a 29 Skaneateles Sailing Club www.fllt.org 50-mintue sightseeing cruise. Or for a true 15 The Finger Lakes Land Trust owns this around-the-lake experience hop aboard the SSC is a member owned and operated organiza- 139-acre property of forest and wetland. famous US Mailboat and help deliver the mail tion dedicated to promoting the sport of sailing This steep hillside above Skaneateles Lake to cottagers along the way!” safely, to encourage racing and seamanship skills, 16 is open to hikers. A small parking area is and to protect the purity and natural beauty of uphill of the trailhead. 6 NYS DEC Boat Launch Skaneateles Lake. Along with being enthusiastic sailors, our members are expected to volunteer 26 Skaneateles Marina / Launch time to maintain the club and assist with sailing 8 1938 West Lake Road, Skaneateles, NY 13152 and social events. For more detailed information, please visit our website at skansailclub.com. (315) 685-5095 • www.skaneatelesmarina.com 17 Boat rentals, marine sales & service, fuel, ship store, 25 5 miles south of village on Rte. 41A in Mandana. Finger Lake Vistas 21 24 23 9 Skaneateles Public Boat Launch It wasn’t until 1881 that the first cottage was 22 built on the lake by Captain George Knapp Carpenter’s Falls Collins, a Civil War Veteran. Collins stat- ed that many people who came to see his cot- 12 Appletree Point Rd., (FL#14) tage ridiculed him for doing something so “fool 18 Moravia, NY 13118 hardy.” Many remarked that summer cottages 19 Carpenter’s Falls is 90 ft. high and is the would never amount to anything. Since then, location where Bear Swamp Creek plunges much of the shoreline of the lake has been 67 ft. over a bedrock precipice down a ravine developed for cottages and second homes. Over into a deep, round pool. It is near the west the past few decades, the rate of development shore of Skaneateles Lake. The bedrock of has increased due to the lake’s proximity to urban the Skaneateles Lake Watershed consists of sed- centers, such as the cities of Auburn and Syracuse, imentary rock deposited over 360 million years and the availability of good highways. Although 20 ago. Eventually the sediments were compressed much of the shoreline is developed already, 26 The Hinchcliff Family Preserve and hardened to form the various rock forma- development pressure on the land currently used tions we see exposed in the gorges and gullies for agriculture has increased as people are build- The Finger Lakes Land Trust’s 206- throughout the region. ing on lands that offer a lake view. When Collins acre Hinchcliff Family Preserve peers wrote about Spafford, he noted the beauty of the over the eastern shore of Skaneateles ©Finger Lakes Land Trust ©Finger Lakes Land 20 Grout Brook views one could see from the road leading from Lake offering impressive vistas, diverse the Village of Scott to the Village of Skaneateles habitats, and a unique window onto the on what is now Route 41. human history and changing natural Glen Haven Hotel Launch landscape of the property. 21 Although much of the forested land has matured, and in some areas obscures the view of the lake, 27 Central New York Land Trust there are still many stretches of road on Route 41 that provide breathtaking views. The vista Col- Central New York Land Trust, founded in 1972, seeks to preserve and protect natural areas in order to provide lins described still exists on Route 41, and is also our communities clean water, clean air, wildlife habitat and a chance to connect with the land. With preserves known as a spectacular spot from which to enjoy a in Skaneateles and Spafford watershed protection is central to our mission. Snow Creek Ravine, Ripley Hill and Skaneateles Lake sunset. High Hickory Wildlife Sanctuary protect portions of important tributaries to Skaneateles Lake. In total we have Cortland / Onondaga County Line over 47 preserves protecting water quality and habitat throughout Central New York. Central New York Land 25 Rest-Stop Trust is a nonprofit organization supported by membership donations and grants.
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