EXHIBIT_lL '· Number '·. '· PSJ000~1i-0003 CORRESPONt>ENCE LOG ' 14A Mike Carlson 12/6/2017 Built similar dock w/ similar exposure 1971. Removed/stored in winter. Still there. 148 Mary Elford 11/24/2017 Lived on property and never saw whales in cove where dock is propsed No harm to environment 14( Doug Thompson 11/22/2017 See staff report 140 Bob Elford 11/21/2017 Lived on property for 18 yrs. Boated his entire life. Never saw whales in cove where dock is proposed. 14E Michelle Borsz 10/31/2017 Construction noise. Destruction of habitat of forage fish and salmon 14F Whitney Neugebauer 10/30/2017 Critical area for endangered SRKW and chinook salmon. Habitat for forage fish and eelgrass. Precedence for docks in this area: Supports UW appeal 14G Shirley Reuscher 10/17/2017 No docks No more construction of any kind 14H Ross Lockwood 10/4/2017 Ill-conceived Represents a threat to scenic beauty of the area and natural environment If project results in removal of native vegetation, reseeding is not sufficient Risk of discharge of pollutants into the protected False Bay due to maintenance activity, informal fueling, accidents or weather events Current will sweep concentrated brine into False Ba,y Substantial visual impact, altering shoreline in this area 141 Dr. Megan Dethier 10/2/2017 See staff report 14J Jane Wentworth 9/22/2017 Will occupy publically-owned tidelands, cutting off public's access Threat to False Bay through noise, potential fuel and chemical spills, bottom-land shading, changing water dynamics and siltation of the bottom under and around dock Precedent for more docks in the area Rocks within cove haul-outs that dock might be considered harassment What is impact of brine 14K Francine Shaw 9/22/2017 Responded to comments from Drew Harvell that his letter is not consistent with the four eelgrass surveys 14L Charles & Eleanor Nolan 9/21/2017 Dock totally against character of habitat 14M Albert Shepard 9/20/2017 Detrimental effects of the marine habitat and ecology Loss of spectacular uninterrupted rocky shoreline 14N Billie Swalla 9/20/2017 See staff report 140 Kimbal Sundberg 9/20/2017 Dock should be reduced in scope and size and confined to Honeywell's private owned tidelands Ovesight of proposed mitigation measures Damaged boats/docks leaking fuel and oil, wind and waves even in spring/summer, inexperienced/reckless boaters and the rocks and shoals 14P Kendall Scott 9/20/2017 Threat to what makes the island so special 14Q Tom Schultz 9/20/2017 Light penetration info probably overstated No data talking about shading of sunlight by vessel hulls 14R Janice Riley 9/20/2017 Precedent How to ensure monitoring of mitigation measures Will Orea Dreams be held liable for environmental damage 145 Dr. Dianna Padilla 9/20/2017 Construction of the dock, trenching Stony Brook University for the desalinization facility, hyper saline effluent, presence of the dock, boater activity will impact this protected habitat as well as the species that use the habitat Impacts of hardened structures on eelgrass and other essential species Effluent from desalinization plant will result in thermal pollution and hyper saline stress on organisms, especially animals Eelgrass survey timing Other fauna impacted, whales swim through the pocket bay into False Bay; haul outs for seals Continued sedimentation of the pocket bay will eventually require dredging 14T Ruth MacGinitie 9/20/2017 Disturb movement of marine mammals and fish Sea mammals will alter their movement during construction due to noise Scar on beautiful wild shoreline 14U Marc Kwiatkowski 9/20/2017 Large structure, aesthetically displeasing Boat traffic will disturb seals, oyster catchers, heron 14V Kathryn Loring 9/20/2017 Need for dock of this size not explained. No analysis of how boats and the dock will be protected during storms. No analysis of dock components that do not transmit light. Brine discharge. Scouring by boat traffic. Alternatives to the dock not discussed. 14W Tamara Kay Dean 9/20/2017 Protect False Bay 14X Shaun Hubbard 9/20/2017 No doubt significant negative impacts from dock and desal. Mitigation in place for construction but not after. Who monitors if the measures are used? 14Y Francine Shaw 9/20/2017 Clarification 14Z Francine Shaw 9/20/2017 Prentiss concerns 14AA Mike Lisitza 9/20/2017 Concerns regarding indirect impact to NOAA SRKW and other listed species. Precedent for future docks on the west side on San Juan Island. 1488 Kyle Loring 9/20/2017 Mitigation measures apply to Friends of the San Juans construction phase, not impacts later. No analysis of impacts to possible nearby seal haul-outs; navigation; aesthetic impacts of lighted structure; cumulative impacts of only dock in 15-20 mile stretch; feasible alternatives; impacts of attaching buoy to rocks; impacts of seawater intake and brine discharge; energy use for RO 14CC Katy Barsamian 9/20/2017 An EIS should be required. False Bay Marine Preserve will be threatened. 14DD Sharon Grace 9/20/2017 Environmental review is required for proposed dock and RO. An EIS should be required. Proposed dock will impact threatened and endangered species. Boats will impact the environment. Likely to degrade False Bay Preserve. 14EE Laura Derevensky 9/20/2017 4 basic principles: a precedent setting development such as this should not occur without an EIS; the proposal has failed to demonstrate need; lacks sufficient protections for the marine and terrestrial environment; proponent wants to use excess resources to the detriment of other stakeholders. 14FF William Cowles 9/20/2017 The proposal threatens the unspoiled beauty of the island as well as the whales 14GG Yasmin J vonDassow 9/19/2017 Noise, water pollution, sedimentation. Too close to False Bay Marine Preserve. 14HH Michelangelo vonDassow 9/19/2017 No enforcement mechanisms for mitigation measures. Failed to address potential economic impacts should dock harm whales. Too close to False Bay Marine Preserve. 1411 Craig Staude 9/19/2017 Too close to UW-owned tidelands. Impacts from fuel, paints, solvents, bilges. Navigation hazards. Brine impacts. Cleaning of RO system. 14JJ Bill Lewis 9/19/2017 Not in character with natural surroundings. Not a good place to put a dock due to storms. 14KK Julie Blakeslee 9/19/2017 See staff report University of Washington 14LL Tom R Schultz 9/19/2017 Proximity to haul-out areas for pinnipeds; strong wind storms; discharges from boats; other alternatives. 14MM Eleanor Hartmann 9/19/2017 All development harms the shoreline, near shore, intertidal, and estuarine environments. Brine discharges. 14NN Tom Bosworth 9/19/2017 Visual impact of dock on unblemished shoreline 1400 Martha Scott 9/18/2017 Dock will add noise, lights, activity, and disturbance degrading the quality of False Bay; moorage available at commercial marinas; weather unsuitable; only dock in the area; impacts to False Bay; impacts to whales and salmon. 14PP Kathleen Foley 9/18/2017 Fuel and chemical spills; impacts to eelgrass; no demonstrated need. 14QQ Jim and Camille Uhlir 9/18/2017 Current application deficient in required surveys; community dock when community is merely the current ownership; request EIS. 14RR Mike Prentiss 9/18/2017 Infringe on publicly owned tideland; aesthetically detrimental; precedent for more docks. 1455 M Patricia Morse 9/17/2017 Whales; haul-outs; storms; RO waste water 14TI Steve Ulvi 9/17/2017 Eyesore for boaters and kayakers; impacts of storms; unwise potential precedent. 14UU Richard Strathmann 9/17/2017 Impact on killers whales, eelgrass, and other organisms; litter and toxic materials associated with boats. 14W Michelle M Shober 9/17/2017 Use of alternatives; no development of west side. 14WW Gretchen Allison 9/17/2017 Impact to the access and experience the public now enjoys; public docks ava ilable; impacts to threatened and endangered species; impacts of brine discharge. 14XX James Uhlir 9/17/2017 Copy of Allison letter 14YY Mike Lisitza 9/14/2017 Questions to county about how we NOAA reviewed the application materials. 14ZZ Julie Thompson 9/14/17 Response to Mike Lisitza's questions 14AAA Walter MacGinitie 9/14/2017 Whales; brine discharge 14888 Deborah Strasser 9/10/2017 Potential damage to False Bay 14CCC Dr. Drew Harvell 9/7/2017 Impact to eelgrass from disruption of Cornell University currents, brine discharge, increased siltation, potential spillage from boats 14DDD Chris Morgan 9/6/2017 Weather impacts on dock; aesthetic impacts of dock and increased on- water activity 14EEE Nancy Morgan 9/5/2017 Impacts on False Bay; potential fuel or chemical spills; changes to water dynamics and siltation; RO system impacts 14FFF Mary Karen Ryan 9/4/2017 Affect the health of the area organisms that affect the health of whales and salmon 14GGG Steve Porten 9/3/2017 Visual impact affect the ecology 14HHH Charles Greene 8/30/2017 Ongoing effects of underwater noise Cornell University on SRKW; impact to nearshore habitat, esp. eelgrass beds and rocky outcrops; storms and associated risk of fuel spills 14111 Bob Fritzen 5/30/17 Bottom contour map is misleading DOE Julie Thompson From: Mike Carlson <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2017 9:49 AM To: Julie Thompson Subject: FW: Honeywell Dock Dear Julie, I am writing to offer my perspective and support for the proposed Honeywell private dock. In the 60s and 70s our family lived on Waldron Island. In 1971 we built the present dock with a ramp and floats at the South end of Mail Bay. The reason I bring up our dock as an example is because our dock is very similar in size and exposure to the proposed Honeywell dock and float system. Like our Mail Bay dock, the Honeywell floats will be removed and stored during the winter.
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