Eurasian Journal of Forest Science ISSN: 2147 - 7493 Copyrights Eurasscience Journals Editor in Chief Hüseyin Barış TECİMEN University of Istanbul, Faculty of Forestry, Soil Science and Ecology Dept. İstanbul, Türkiye Journal Cover Design Mert EKŞİ Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry Department of Landscape Techniques Bahçeköy-Istanbul, Turkey Technical Advisory Osman Yalçın YILMAZ Surveying and Cadastre Department of Forestry Faculty of Istanbul University, 34473, Bahçeköy, Istanbul-Türkiye Cover Page Bolu forests, Turkey 2019 Ufuk COŞGUN Contact H. Barış TECİMEN Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Faculty of Forestry, Soil Science and Ecology Dept. İstanbul, Turkey [email protected] Journal Web Page http://dergipark.gov.tr/ejejfs Eurasian Journal of Forest Science Eurasian Journal of Forest Science is published 3 times per year in the electronic media. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. In submitting the manuscript, the authors certify that: They are authorized by their coauthors to enter into these arrangements. The work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review or thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication has been approved by all the authors and by the responsible authorities tacitly or explicitly of the institutes where the work has been carried out. They secure the right to reproduce any material that has already been published or copyrighted elsewhere. The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. The conditions are granted by the editorial management of the journal within our privacy principals. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science is a member of ULAKBIM DergiPark and is listed in the TR-DİZİN of TUBITAK and indexed in Index Copernicus. ISSN: 2147 - 7493 Issue 7, Number 3, 2019 Eurasian Journal of Forest Science Editorial Board Ali Kavgacı, Southwest Anatolia Forest Research Institute-Antalya, Turkey Nadir Ayrilmis, Department of Wood Mechanics and Technology, Forestry Faculty, Istanbul University, Turkey Andraz Carni, Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Türker Dündar, Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry Wood Mechanics and Technology Dept. Bahçeköy-Istanbul, Turkey Mert Ekşi, Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry Department of Landscape Techniques Bahçeköy- Istanbul, Turkey Nadir Erbilgin, University of Alberta Earth Science Building Department of Renewable Resources, Canada Xianjun Jiang, College of Resourses & Environment,Southwest University, China. Taner Okan, Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry Forestry Economics Dept. Bahçeköy - İstanbul, Turkey Orhan Sevgi, Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry Soil Science and Ecology Dept. Bahçeköy - Istanbul, Turkey Raj Singh, Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, India Atsushi Yoshimoto, Dept. of Mathematical Analysis and Statistical Inference Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan Rasoul Yousefpour, Chair of Forestry Economics and Forest Planning, University of Freiburg, Tennenbacherstr. 4, 79106 Freiburg, Germany, Germany Alan L. Wright, Soil and Water Sciences, Indian River Res. Ed. Center, Institute of Food and Agriculture, University of Florida, USA. Contents Articles Pages Epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Beldibi and Babadağ forests (Zonguldak, Turkey) 205-219 Mevlüt ALATAŞ [1] , Tülay EZER [2] , Nevzat BATAN [3] Determination of Distribution, Emergence Period, Population Fluctuation and Infestation Rate of 220-224 Cherry Fruit Fly (Rhagoletis cerasi L.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Cherry Orchards of Mardin Province Mehmet KAPLAN [1] A Faunistic Study on the Geometrid Moths (Lepidoptera) of Maden (Elazığ) District 225-236 Erdem SEVEN [1] , Abdullah ÇAKIR [2] A new locality record of a rare fungus Cercopemyces rickenii (Agaricales: Tricholomataceae) in 237-242 Ukraine Мaryna Sukhomlyn [1] , Vasyl Heluta [2] , Yulia Kulsha [3] , Ilgaz Akata [4] , Vitaliy Sapsay [5] Seasonal Changes in Fat and Fatty Acid Profiles of the Sakarya Chub (Squalius pursakensis) from 243-251 the Melen River Basin Tugba İnan [1] , Deniz Ayas [2] , Şerife Gülsün Kırankaya [3] Changes in physical and hydraulic properties of a clay soil due to the irrigation of tomatoes with 252-268 recycled wastewater Azize DOĞAN DEMİR [1] , Üstün ŞAHİN [2] Contribution to the flora of Murmansk Region (Russia): a new species of Veronica (Plantaginaceae) 269-276 Ilona Blinova [1] The Antioxidant potential of ethanolic extract of edible mushroom Lycoperdon molle Pers. 277-283 (Agaricomycetes) Celal BAL [1] , Hasan AKGÜL [2] , Mustafa SEVİNDİK [3] Investigation of Myxomycetes in Selcen Mountain (Turkey) and its close environs 284-292 Murat ZÜMRE [1] , Hayri BABA [2] , Mustafa SEVİNDİK [3] In vitro Study on Antioxidant, Antibacterial and DNA Interaction Activities of Extracts from Arbutus 293-300 andrachne L. Ceren Baskan [1] , Dudu Duygu Kılıç [2] , Belgin Sırıken [3] , Güler Tanrikulu [4] , Ömer Ertürk [5] Investigation of Çanakkale urban cemeteries within the scope of landscape planning criteria 301-310 Yavuz ALKAN [1] Seven years of arboreal pollen monitoring in the İğneada waterlogged forests (NW Turkey) 311-320 Nurgül Karlıoğlu Kılıç [1] Growth and yield models for uneven-aged forest stands managed under a selection system in northern 321-333 Iran Siavash Kalbi [1] , Asghar Fallah [2] , Shaban Shataee [3] , Pete Bettinger [4] , Rassoul Yousefpour [5] 10.31195/ejejfs.528448 Eurasian Journal of Forest Science 2019 7(3): 205-219 http://dergipark.gov.tr/ejejfs Epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Beldibi and Babadağ forests (Zonguldak, Turkey) Mevlüt ALATAŞ1* Tülay EZER², Nevzat BATAN³ 1*Munzur University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Bioengineering, 62000, Tunceli, Turkey, ²Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 51100, Niğde, TURKEY, ³Karadeniz Technical University, Maçka Vocational School, 61750, Trabzon, TURKEY, Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract In this study, epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Beldibi and Babadağ forests has been studied in northwest Turkey (Zonguldak). A total of 55 sample plots were studied. Phytosociological data, obtained from sampe plots, were classified according to the Barun Balnquet method. And also sample plots were ordinated with Detrended Correspondance Analysis (DCA) and classified with two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). The results indicated that three bryosociological unit were determined from the forests. These; Neckeretum crispae, Anomodonto viticulosi-Leucodontetum sciuroidis and, Orthotricho straminei-Pterigynandretum filiformis. Amanog them Neckeretum crispae was reported for the first time from Turkey. Key Words: Bryophyte, Epiphyte, Vegetation, Zonguldak, Turkey Introduction Bryophytes are a conspicuous and ecologically significant component of mountain forests, and grows on various substrates such as soil, rocks, living and dead trunks, branches. Nevertheless, studies of bryophyte communities from Turkey are lacking, although several studies on bryo-sociology have been carried out with successfully in Turkey as well as bryofloristic studies (Alataş et al. 2017; Alataş and Uyar 2017; Ezer 2017; Can Gözcü et al. 2018; Alataş 2018; Alataş et al. 2019). No study to classify the bryophyte vegetation of the Beldibi and Babadağ forests were made until now. The aim of this study was to reveal the epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Beldibi and Babadağ forests using DCA and TWINSPAN multivariate analysis techniques as well as Braun-Blanquet method in nortwest Turkey. Neckeretum crispae which was reported for the first time from Turkey with the present paper, brings the total to 47 the number of epiphytic bryophyte syntaxa known from Turkey. Even so, further studies on this topic will be needed to determine and real composition and structure of the Turkish bryophyte vegetation. Material and Methods Study area Beldibi and Babadağ forests (Zonguldak, Devrek), located in A2 grid-square according to the Henderson (1961), are located in Euxine zone of Euro-Siberian phytogeographic region (Anşin 1983). The study area, situated in the Western Black Sea Region, is located within the borders of Zonguldak province. There are Karabük district to the east of the study area, Ereğli district to the west, Zonguldak to the north, Bolu and Düzce provinces to the South (Fig. 1). Since the mountains in Zonguldak are 205 Eurasian Journal of Forest Science – Epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Beldibi by Alataş et al. 2019 parallel to the coast, the climate from the coast to the inner part shows significant changes. Depending on these climate changes, different vegetation types such as Oceanic, Mediterranean and Sub- Mediterranean are seen from the north to the south of the area (Güvenç et al. 2009). The average precipitation is 902 mm and the average annual temperature is 13.9 ºC in the study area. The hottest month of the year is July and the coldest month is January (URL,1). The annual precipitation regime of the study area is KSII. This situation indicates that the study area has a oceanic climate and it is located in a transitional zone of the sub-mediterranean bioclimatic region (Akman 2011). The Black Sea
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