Boyce, P.C. Two of Hotta's Bornean

Boyce, P.C. Two of Hotta's Bornean

IVNUNOI ANESNW )VMVUVS AHJ :s(l0t '3uo2X rg a:rog) paaru0r2anH.s1uaa j'-'r '(8002 asor:adsB8;ur pup JSJaArp aql PUE 'qL90Z,EL1oz,ardog 19 Fuo2x :qB00Z ,Bsodz , ':uo,\\ Lo1z,9OOZ rp :600Z,"rjo" 4 ,r,r'og; *r1_, ,lrfir..";:ir"p"" ,',ttro*n --o7 it11r''J,oil.tuvc'lJS',rog snuaS asorrads pun a3re1 ,uor3a; r.\ill€ JLII JoJ,{lqerou eLIl ur .\ou LlrrpasrJ proJe Jqr JoJ suonepuno3 '-96r ,q1 pi"t 1io^ ,,nr.o11 .eg6r 1-6r 'q'u996]'p'vE96r,e,oH) sa'ads' jaaou :-;i: .eraua' fu'srxa,Furqrrrr_.rrr' duzru Burqsrlqnd pun Furqt.r:sap qrr,tr d11edl:ur.rc{ -:-rrtTsrP'qsr13ug ut dlureur p"qrt1q.d,sraded3ot,r_ rrir* ::if JLUoJtno .s,006I i rL rrrp,_,rs plag _Jo eqJ dlrua aqr alurs >lJo^\pTJy pat'lar_pro;e :Slrads puu 's.rea.,t .,,:,]]:11::lr::or:* 0f .ra.,.o ro; orurosJo a€ar€rv aqr;o .{pnrs .j;i . """,ffi "#l ;,,3# *tr;ir,",l'# +;H il lkti"ft G NOIIfNCIOUJNI ElloH nJnst rJ,{, s z 1 7 a B a 7 aat r z q.t 7 g, avatety :,n day -dursappJpuJLUELIrr^\pJluas"rorr"ou"t'JJt::::r:;::;';;:;; '-t 7' 1 wa' s t o X PUP S l l l o l zz r r t t tZ-,S' Fu rr sa.ralur tsoru -pirJJUr _' aq-l yo' o^t Fu, 'sar:ads srqlo ,{uuu l Jo uor.rJJI JLIr u, pr, c00Z .u,^d.ou>l JoJJr lnrr, ,"1-j aJurs >JJo^\plerC dlaralduo:ur' p"ui#rr r_o, I pue 'pJtraiiolal uaeq tou peli'Exet s,plloH luuul lunruual -lrLu aLIrJo uJnl Jqr .suoDfJIToJ ;o l Tlrun ordl Jo JUo tuou unaouT E-\El lalou snoJJurnu Furpnl:ur ,suorltallo: l -llnsJJ luetgrufrs ui pa pue s;ea.,{ 0p ta.r.o Jo:} >JJo^\plag ,uorlrpedxE :grrads_aer#V ,r_,g ,q, srr-\\ oaurog drlsra_rrun'oio,ty rq,;o rrnO"r" Lrrog irrnstrJ,{ Aq yq_96 Bul.rnp ,rr,.rg pup >Jp,{\EJpS ur >JJo^d.plarC lr"rrsgY a:dog .J Jetacl Iq Q f r f f of Trr (EVgortrofcorv,\Is 'f IH)s : flvirf vuv) \ I ]. I O 7' O IWVSIH'., g NVIINUO S.YIJOH CO O,4A.J T\TO OF IJOTTA'S BORNEAN SCHISMATOCILOTT]S Despite rhe lasting impact of Hotta's colrections and subsequenr :_:* dark green longitudinai r r-:r:. lications on the raxonomy of Bornean Araceae, many of his nex. sF---_:: inflation of the latter ciur:r- :l were long known from only the type coliection. The dearth of addii:c:_r in the lower 2r5 (corrrsp r .--- collections was in part a result of the woody foci of fieldwork in Bor:.: narrowly acuminate in r-i. :=: over the past 40 years, and also in no small measure a reflection of th. ,:- male anthesis, externall-, -, , ten resrricred distribution of many of the mesophytic herbaceous planrs -:. nal venation, inrernallr- ::-: Borneo. - appearance. Spadit mri -':. , - : hou rglass-shaped : r'. - since 2003 the author ./i has been focussing fieldwork on the Arac-,- lower halF. 1.5 cm lon-': -. and as a resuit has located new popr,rlations of most of Hotta's aroid specir. 0.5 mm diam. Dn. br:--..: Two -:- of the most interesting scbisxtatagror.rls ciescribeci by Hotta, et.,.:_, s, diameter of the fresh cr.:, : and.l. garnoandra, are detailed here. Borh were included in the mosr recer: along the spathe/spadir, ,::.,:, taxonomic revision of scbismarag/attis (Hay & yuzammi,2000), but at rh.: flar-ropped, ,a, I mrr. -.,-. time were known only from the type collections. mm long. composcc (: -: . -: dull cream agrng ro i::< :: -, scbismatoglottis erecta M. Horta, Mem. colr. Sci. univ. Kyoto, Se:. distally 1 cm diam.. iFi,:--- : 8,32 (1965) 233, fig.5, yuzammi, A-F; Hay & Telopea 9(1): 87 _ E! connecrive rhick and :-.- .' - (2000). Type: Malaysia, Bintulr-r ('4't"; Division, Binturu, Tatau, vaile,v o: across rhe rop ber*..- :-.: .. : Sungai Keyan, Ulu Sungai Kakus, 9 Nov 1953, h[. Hirano {z M. Hotta Lt-, boid. dull cream: ,', (KYO, holo). Piate VII. l a '.:. - ims; pollen reieased i:: .::,r,:. - reddish grecn. ;a. ).' - - - Erect to climbing herb to c.z. 30 cm tall. Stetn erect to decumbe nt, ca, -> mm diam., often rooting at the nodes, with internodes to 1.5 cm long, epi- Disrribrrtion: Encrr.- - )- geal, pleionanthic, glossy reddish brown, less often glossy medium gr..rr. through the Kanou:: .-..- : - I eaue' many rogerher, each module with ca.6 leaves; peilole to 10-i4 cm Belaga. long, slender, sub-rerete and very shaliowly canalicurate, green to reddish- brown, sheathing only at the exrreme base, the wings of tf,e rheurh extend- Habirar: Terresrriai r: :' : ed into a persistent, linear-lanceolate iigular portion to 4 cm long; /amina in perhumid densr ri'::=: erect, oblong-lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, margins somewhat crispulate, 10-15 cm long x 2-3.5 cm wide, rather thinly leathery, adaxially glossy Nores: The erecr Jn.- -:. - - bright medium green, -: abaxially paler green with mid-rib and all veins immediately disrin.rr.. : darker green, the base acute and somewhat = decurrent, the apex acute and and by having pair.- -- ---, rather abruptiy acuminate for ca. 2 cm; midrib abaxially proo,ir,r..rr, adaxi- mosr closely aliied r, ally grooved, with ca, ' B primary \aterarveins on each side^, alternating with sharing che somcu :r*: - = - -- lesser interprimaries and divergi ng at crt.60o; secondary venation ablxially sparhe and clavar. ,--:..: - t rather inconspicuous, - adaxially more or less obscure, arising from the mid- in the smaller inflorts--.:--=. :. rib; tertiary venarion obscure. Inflorescence soritary; pedunci ca. 5 cm long, interstice, the conn.,:..: :. : slender, glossy reddish brown, apically curved bringing the inflorescence to theca, and in lacki:. :,-,-: subhorizontal to noddin g. Spatbe ca. 5 cm rong; loir lparbe subcylindric, ca' 2 cm iong, glossy medium green ro reddish brown, with conspicuous THE SARAWAK MUSEUM TOURNAL 1VNUNOI )VMVUVS AHJ IMNMIIIIM '\INESN'^I {Si'IT dsiu saJod eql punoru srulJ PesI€J Surllei ui PUP':r":r-: @ 'f,--::-'-:;ulntr ElJr{t urou parroolS dlsnonltdsuof PUP PesI€J lou slllfeuuol eql alrJJts snonlldsuoJ ssel 'slllsld JaFJel JJtll"J 'a:ualsa.royul Jall€rus :; tm ppata 's urou SJaJJIP ll|flqI s/1p1301pa6/c,1Js 'euoz el?ur al?^?ll PUP :*:$dn Jt"ururnfE .{lrdntqe pu" pJtEUUr 'ruels al"Suoia t?q^Nauros aqr f:--'n:.Op '(qe.Sua1 u"lu"uII€X) uoslo:rg 28 JauSog /4flWt 'S'or PaIII€ ,41aso1: -;:m ,raLllu€ .readde rqSrur tr eqt Jo pua ql"r uo saJod pa.rrzd Sur,teq i-] :nrr 'xrpuaddz ue 3ur1tz1 ui 'qleaqs ruln8ll srl dg 'eAIlJUIlsIP dlarerpe:--:n eJE ppafi vL1o1\o1atustryS' sulats Suiqulrl: dlarerurrp Pu€ lJeJe JIII :sr::l{ 'lF fii l! lltl rl lu oez-\t '; asueP Plurnqr): ; - sde,ro.1e 's1ueg .ralr.r daals Uo seLUlleruos ':rrdqdoqlll Jo IeIJIsJJJeI :]EIIC:Ij 'zFe1;g ot arueq] 'utszq 8uelag aq] olui sdallz,L Fuog pue lL4Aou"X aqr q8noru: peqsJarEra. IV aqr uJo{ PelnqIJlsIP '>lP^\pJES o} lIUePug :uollnqlJlsrc 'et€ulllaP '3uo1 tu: t'Z 'tlJ'uaa.r8 qsIPPr-: lrup'areloa)JnaJaairapn'{u|'luasqe xryuafia ls8ur-rls uI Pes"a]al ua11od'.swt: sa,to{'.weatt '.Ploc. Li -r pasrpJ dq pa.raproq'raqtue ellrJo PUa qlea le pa.rrud IInP 1M'; - -uroqJ {1lun1q 'sso.l:e tulu (l'0 'tts'satod aql uaaaleg dor aqr ssolfE l:llrlmmjL "r'n-L i pallauu"r{l dldaap puE r€laql aqt a^oqp asre.r {1rq8l]s pup >llrql e^Dlauuol JS ". lllrr, aql qrrll ar"lunJl 'pap,,to.r: tuawltlr ipapuno.r d1p:rdu ''IrJ"lP ru: 1 dllzrsrp irt i ll '( '8uoi ru: L'I 'pJ'pro,Loqo auzz fitnlq[ alaut iuxotq >IJEP o] 3ui3e urea.rr IInP ''runlp u- 9'0 'l2J sepoultu?]s J€uLunlol 'paprto;:3o pasoduro:r '3uo1 ruu * -1 g 'as 'prouo:,qo aJlls,tarul aflfi\t lurear: 1.iep ''uetp ruur I 'ru 'paddot-l g mqp,.W siltrlI I rr 1.| ---,; ,atetrdns ,slDsrd -- aqtJo rq8iaq eqt ]noqE 'uonuupe xrpedsTaqreds aqr Suop UMmfim; 'l$illliiLi'0lllll;t'l - i :"::* rd.oJ p ot peuguol sepoururEls .rellrrsrdtarur qs3{ eq} Jo JslaurelP jil@rul l all-;il * lr- l':qj ' -i'- 'uelp !flmHritpllrls uln : -*- i. eqi Z/I tnoqz 'alrssas 'a1r1-uolng pu84s iuaa;8 rq8uq 'drq turu E'0 lri :-. - - i-r al.::-: '(qsa;;)'rrrelp Iuur 1 'at'ptoroqo '.PeP^\ort r1t1v{ i3uo1 tu: g'1 Jltq,o1 ,rulwilTilTl,I\* ;lil- ; ar{l ur aqteds aqt ot Jlpup" 'prouo: auoz nmog[ alaun! ipadeqs-sselSlnoq 'arue:eadds ssel Jo a.rou '3uo1 LL.) € 'ttJ'aqleds uPtll Jsuoqs qfnlu x(PL'dS ,{11eu:arur B liiJl.illllr- tr '; ].' : ur ,dsea.r8, lellntauros 'uJ?eJl dr.rlp or uaa:8 aled 'uorlzua,t 1zu -rpnrlSuol lr>lJpp qrrm uaarS-a,Lr1o aied dsso18 dlleu.rarxa 'slsaqluz aieru *,l01il Jll,ll,,,: iL aq] ur al?uILUnlP ,{lmouuu S;il0rilLiJ r.; .1, t- di: : Jo IJSUo lp snofnptf dqsag Jeqt"J 'Japurerua; puz dlrdn.rqE uatlt'(xrpedsSo Juoz JIEur or SurpuodseJr$) 9lZ Ja^'\oi aql uI f,qr'rlirr -i I :r - prosdrila '3uo1 tu: t 'pr qt{fi1 istsaqlue eleureJ 3ur;np rarl"i aql Jo uoIl"FuI tdn;qt aqr dq quII rqr urog Prl"Iluslal;IP 'sule,r' purpnrr8uol uaa;8 1rup *ffir.l -li;'-'.:^r. EI^O8 f Ugrgd (/O OF HOTTA S BORNEAN .'CH IS N AT AG LOTT I \ orher specimens seen: sarawak, sri Aman Drvision: Lubok Antu, Batanr ca, 2 cm long, green. n:i::-rx _ Ai, Nanga Sumpa, 0I' 12' 07 .6"; Il2" 02' 5I.2" ,27 July 2004, p.C, 80.,.

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