1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 1497 M. La Follette, Jr., formerly a Senator from him to be as good .a legislator as any SENATE the State of Wisconsin. lawyer could be. I suggest the absence of a quorum. I served with him both on the Finance MoNDAY, MARCH 2, 1953 The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk Committee and on the Education and Labor Committee, and so I came to know Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis C. Vaeth, pastor, will call the roll. The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the him intimately as a person and in con­ St. Bernardine's Church, Baltimore, Md., nection with many legislative problems. offered the following prayer: following Senators answered .to their names: He believed strongly in the principles of 0 Divine Legislator, from whoni all Aiken Goldwater McCart hy his father and adhered to those prin­ holy desir~s. right counsels, and just Anderson Gore McClellan ciples faithfully, with due regard, of Barrett Green Millikin works do proceed, bless these loyal Sen­ Bennett Griswold Monroney course, to changing conditions. He was ators of the United States with that per­ Bricker Hayden Morse brought up in a school which believed in fect peace which the world cannot give, Bridges Hendrickson Mundt greater Government intervention in Bush Hennings Murray neither can it take away-that positive Butler, Md. Hickenlooper Neely various matters, with respect to which peace perpetuated by a consecrated con­ Butler, Nebr. Hill P ayne he went somewhat further than I, but scientiousness of loyalty and devotion to Byrd Holland Potter his abiding interest was -always the wel­ Capehart Humphrey Purtell God, to our Nation, and to our people Carlson Hunt Robertson . fare of the people. He was never adem­ and their fellow Senators. Enlighten Case Ives Russell agog. He was always sincere, and the their minds and strengthen their wills Chavez Jackson Saltonstall soul of honor itself. He had an able Clements Jenner Schoeppel that they may direct their hearts to obey Cooper Johnson, Colo. Smathers mind and could present the most effec­ Thy commandments and thus, being Cordon Johnson, Tex. Smith, Maine tive arguments and reasons for his views; freed from the fear of both domestic and Daniel Johnston, S. C. Smit h , N. J. The spee<;hes he made had a marked ef­ foreign enemies, may satisfactorily serve Dirksen Kefauver Sparkman feet on many Senators, although he was Douglas Kennedy St ennis their God, their Nation, and their people Duff Kilgore Symington not of their party. in peace, in justice, and in truth. Bless Dworshak Knowland Taft When I came here he was one of that them with the courage of their honest Eastland Kuchel Thye group, which I joined, which was funda­ Ellender Langer Tobey and sincere convictions and convince Ferguson Long Watkins' mentally opposed to our entry into the them Of their unselfish courage.that they Frear Malone Welker Second World War until we ·were ac­ may realize in serving the Nation and Fulbright Man sfield Wiley tually attacked, and he and I attended George Maybank Young its people they are truly serving Thee, Gillette McCarran many meetings with Senators Johnson, the· omniscient lawgiver and loving of California, Borah, Vandenberg, and Father of all nations and all men. Re­ Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce others who were concerned to maintain ward their self-sacrificing service with that the Senator from Maryland [Mr. American neutrality as long as that · that satisfying serenity of soul, promised BEALL], the Senator from Vermont [Mr. could be accomplished. He was with the by Thee to faithful servants-"Well done, FLANDERS], and the Senator from Dela­ rest of us in the battle against the Lend­ thou good and faithful servant, enter ware [Mr. WILLIAMS] are necessarily Lease Act, which was practically the into the joy of thy Lord"-and so poeti­ absent. turning point in the final decision to cally paraphrased by Father Abrams I also announce that the Senator from take part in the war. Ryan: _ Pennsylvania [Mr. MARTIN] is absent on I remember well our joint work on the official business: Hill-Burton Act in the Education and "Better than grandeur, better than gold, Mr. CLEMENTS. I announce that Labor Committee, and I knew that he the Senators from North Carolina [Mr. Than ranks and titles a thousand fold, was not an e~tremist on Federal welfare Is a healthy body and a mind at ease HoEY and Mr. SMITH] and the Senator measures, but was willing to protect the And simple pleasures that always please, from Oklahoma EMr. KERR] are absent rights of the States and to adjust Federal A heart that can feel for another's woes on official business. aid to the necessities of particular com­ With sympathy large enough to enfold The Senator from New York [Mr. munities and particular situations. He All men, as brothers, is better than LEHMAN] is absent because of illness. was a believer in sound finance, the bal­ gold.'' The Senator from Waslltington [Mr. ancing of the budget, and a stable cur..: May the peace, blessing, strength, and MAGNUSON] and the Senator from Rhode rency. He was intensely interested in Island [Mr. PASTORE] are absent by leave social security, and I worked with him wisdom of God abide with you always. of the Senate on official business. Amen. on many amendments to that law. The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is I remember working with him on a present. subcommittee on the taxation of cooper­ THE JOURNAL Mr. TAFT. Mr. President, I rise to ative and mutual fire liability insurance On request of Mr. TAFT, and by unani­ express my great distress because of the companies. He was an ardent believer mous consent, the reading of the Journal death of former Senator Robert M. La in ·the cooperative movement and felt of the proceedings of Friday, February Follette, Jr., and to say a few words in that I did not have sufficient sympathy 27, 1953, was dispensed with. · appreciation of his character and his with it, although I thought I was quite outstanding public and legislative friendly and agreed finally to a settle­ service. ment of the problem which left the mu­ LEAVE OF ABSENCE I first met Bob La Follette when I tual insurance companies in almost 'too On request of Mr. CLEMENTS, and by came to the Senate in 1939. He was favorable a situation. unanimous consent, Mr. MAGNUSON and then a veteran Senator, having been first Many have referred to the work which elected in 1925, 14 years before that time. he did in connection with the reorgani­ Mr. PASTORE were excused from sessions He practically ·lived his entire life as a of the Senate for the next few days, zation of the Senate. He knew more Senator. Because of a serious illness, he about the Senate than any other Sen­ while attending to official committee was not able to graduate from the Uni­ ator, and had very definite ideas on how business in New York City. versity of Wisconsin, although his out­ our work could be improved. I do not standing merit was recognized later by think he agreed with all the provisions the conferring upon him of an honorary MEMORIAL ADDRESSES ON THE of the La Follette-Monroney Act, but he degree by that university. Instead of certainly is entitled to credit for most LATE ROBERT M. LA FOLLETTE, returning to college, he became secre­ of them and for modernization of the JR., FORMER SENATOR FROM tary to his father in Washington and Senate organization. WISCONSIN · was thoroughly familiar with the prac­ In 1946-, Bob La Follette suffered the Mr. TAFT. · Mr. President, I call at­ tices and procedure of the Senate long kind of fate that is likely to meet any tention to the unanimous-consent order before he became a Senator. When his· of us who depend on elective office, in for today, which reads as follows: father died he was elected to succeed part at least because he felt and ex­ Ordered, That on Monday, March 2, 1953, him, and served continuously for 22 pressed such a strong sense of loyalty immediately following the approval of the years. Although he was not a lawyer, to his progressive associates in Wiscon­ Journal, it be in order for Senators to de­ he had a complete grasp of legal prin­ sin. He never let his defeat affect his live:J; addresses on the life, character, and ciples, and particularly of parliamentary good humor or his interest in public public service of the late Honorable Robert law, and his outstanding ability enabled matters. He became interested in othP-r ' 1498 CONGRESSIONAL RECOR!?- SENATE March 2 work, and stayed away from the Senate, He was always considerate of what we I served for a number of years with largely, I think, because he did not like call the underprivileged, but I never Bob La Follette, Jr., as a member of the the idea of any former Senator lobbyipg, knew of his trying to capitalize on his Committee on Finance and as a member or even being accused of lobbying. Dur­ sympathy for them in the political field. of the Committee on Foreign Relations. ing these 6 years I have missed very His last and perhaps his most im­ Bob La Follette became a member of the mueh the personal association with him. portant work was done on the Legisla­ Committee on Foreign Relations in 1929, Today I pay tribute to a man of out­ tive Reorganization Act of 1946. As as I recall. I had been a member of the standing character, a public servant de­ those of us who were here then will re­ committee for perhaps 1 year or more voted to his public employers, an out­ call, the bill came up late in the session.
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