Eastern Illinois University The Keep April 2001 4-20-2001 Daily Eastern News: April 20, 2001 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2001_apr Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: April 20, 2001" (2001). April. 15. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2001_apr/15 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2001 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in April by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Daily Friday Vol. 85 No. 143 April 20, 2001 Eastern News www.thedailyeasternnews.com “Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.” News Verge Sports Housing director candidate Triad block party will feature Eastern baseball team hosts stresses need for organization. Turtle Triumph, Last Resorts Tennessee Tech this weekend. and Hit Gone Bad. Story on Page 3A Story on Page 1B Story on Page 8A CAA approves VPBA candidate sees key subcommittee issue in communication By Patrick Guinane Staff writer Jeff Cooley interviewed for the for initiative position of vice president for busi- ness affairs Thursday, hoping to secure a permanent position in the job he currently holds. ‘Speaking Across the Curriculum’ Cooley has been an Eastern employee for 18 years, working as would set requirement for at least an administrator in the business department. Cooley is also certified three courses for all departments as a public accountant, fraud exam- iner and internal auditor. By Joshua Niziolkiewicz initions yet,” said Wohlstein, a While acknowledging that com- Staff writer sociology professor. munication is one of the key issues Jeffrey Lynch, dean of the on campus right now, Cooley also The Council on Academic College of Arts and Humanities, mentioned chargebacks as a major Affairs unanimously approved a said his college has already started concern of faculty. motion Thursday to create a sub- some investigation of the cost fac- Cooley linked Eastern’s budget, committee to investigate whether a tor. which was decentralized in recent “Speaking Across the Curriculum” “It’s much more complex than years, to the need for chargebacks. initiative needs to be implemented we thought,” said Lynch. “It He referred to them as a “necessary throughout Eastern. involves space and human evil.” The business department is The initiative, proposed by the resources; there is going to be a trying to analyze the fees and find Committee of Assessment and price tag, and we don’t want the ways to eliminate or lower them. Student Learning, would require College of Arts and Humanities Cooley cited a privatized office every department to include a paying for it.” supply delivery system as one way speaking requirement in at least Lynch added that he didn’t the fees have already been lowered. three different courses. oppose the plan, but said more One problem is that capital Kate Mitchell / Assoc. photo editor Christie Roszkowski, chair of financial information was needed. improvement projects, even those the assessment committee, attend- Nancy Marlow, marketing pro- as small as painting an office, are Jeff Cooley, interim vice president for business affairs, interviews for the per- ed the CAA to answer questions fessor and CAA member, said not funded by the budget. In order manent position Thursday afternoon in the Effingham room of the Martin Luther about the proposed requirement. some of the assessment require- to facilitate such projects, the indi- King Jr. University Union. Roszkowski said the formal ments proposed by the committee vidual department has to be responsive as possible. moving forward. However, he’s also proposal should be looked at as a may already be present among charged. Eastern’s lack of information very excited about steps the busi- sample, not as if it is the only many departments. As for communication problems, technicians is one issue the faculty ness department is undertaking to method of implementing this poli- “Some things may already be a concern discussed in the two pre- addressed during the interview. simplify and automate business cy. happening that we can incorporate vious interviews, Cooley said, “We Cooley said Eastern’s budget situa- processes, including a electronic “We wanted to include (the into the plan (without spending),” need to establish better communica- tion means “we’re in survival mode timecard program for faculty and plan) to lend substance,” said Marlow. tion links on this campus.” to a certain extent.” Budget con- staff that is being developed. Roszkowski said. “This is some- Shonk said the first thing the Trust may be the problem. straints, combined with high The interview process continues thing that can be worked on.” subcommittee needs to do is to see “I think there’s that element of salaries and a competitive job mar- on Monday, when Harry Schuckel, Tim Shonk, English professor how much is already being done. trust lacking in some areas on cam- ket, have contributed to the school’s the vice president for budget, plan- and CAA member, was concerned “We maybe just need a way of pus,” Cooley said. inability to hire new technicians. ning and information technology at about the financial burden the plan assessing what’s already being The problem may have Negotiation is part of the vice Monclair State University visits would impose on each department. done,” said Shonk. stemmed from previous administra- president for business affairs job, Eastern. “Given our budget, I’m not sure In other CAA business, the tors. However, he doesn’t see it as and Cooley is up to the task. He has David Simpson, the vice presi- this is the best thing to be spending council unanimously approved an unsurmountable obstacle. worked with the university’s chief dent for business and community money on,” said Shonk. “If 25 stu- (with Shonk abstaining on both “A lot of people just don’t know faculty contract negotiator and says relations at the University of the dents are in a class, and each stu- votes) two revisions to the Creative Jeff Cooley,” he said. he’s comfortable with the contracts South, in Sewanee, Tenn., inter- dent was required to give just one Writing minor. Weather and climate control in and the procedures used in disputes. views on Wednesday. He is the final 10- minute speech a semester, it A new course, Creative Writing: campus buildings had been a recent Cooley also has experience candidate of the five. would take up at least two weeks of Non-Fiction, will focus exclusively issue. Cooley joked, “Today’s a negotiating for Eastern. He has pre- Once the interviews are com- classes.” on the essay form of writing. beautiful day.” viously testified before the state leg- plete, the search committee will CAA chair Ron Wohlstein Also, two 4000-level classes are But climate control isn’t as easy islature on behalf of the university. convene to deliberate and then send shared Shonk’s financial concern. now required to receive the minor. as flipping a switch. It’s actually a Cooley conceded that he current- forth its recommendation to Eastern “Looking at this from a finan- Previously, only one 4000-level labor-intensive process, he said, and ly acts in a more of a caretaker role, President Carol Surles, who will cial sense, we don’t have clear def- course was required. the university has tried to be as keeping the university afloat and make the final decision. Peacefest canceled because of scheduling mistake By Jamie Moore booking mistake at Campus the Campus Pond, missing each other ered by Campus Scheduling. fall’s event to contact EARTH. Staff writer Scheduling, it was forced to cancel. by a few hours, Lempa said. EARTH discussed postponing “We all feel terrible about the situ- Campus Scheduling made an hon- Wanda Kay Robinson, Campus Peacefest until next weekend, but ation. We’ve been planning this for Peacefest, a spring tradition on est mistake by double-booking Scheduling office systems assistant, with finals approaching and other four to five months and not to see it Eastern’s campus and scheduled for Campus Pond, said Chris Lempa, said EARTH did not get the spot activities going on around campus, happen is a shame,” Lempa said. Sunday at the Campus Pond, has vice-president of EARTH. because the event form was not turned the group decided against it. “Again, it was an honest mistake by been canceled this year, although a The other function was a fundrais- in before Epsilon Sigma Alpha turned “We’ve had people come up to us campus scheduling. The lady who similar event is being scheduled for ing event by Epsilon Sigma Alpha, a in its own. EARTH had asked for and try to reschedule the event for us,” scheduled us even sent us an apology the fall semester. service sorority, for St. Jude Campus Pond when it was available, Lempa said. “It just won’t work.” e-mail.” The celebration, held in honor of Children’s Hospital from 1 to 3 p.m. but by the time the group turned the Next fall’s event will be along the Students who wish to schedule a Earth Day by Eastern’s EARTH EARTH had the pond scheduled event form back in, Epsilon Sigma same format as Peacefest. Various facility should have papers and per- organization, usually features multi- from noon to 7 p.m. Alpha had all its papers prepared. bands, vendors and RSOs will still be mits signed and turned in to decrease ple bands, vendors and RSO tables. The two groups went into Campus Robinson was not aware of when present. Lempa encourages anyone the risk of not getting their requested However, this year, because of a Scheduling on the same day to reserve the double-booking had been discov- interested in participating in next room, Robinson said.
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