www.BookOfLinks.com THE BIG PICTURE GROSS ANATOMY www.BookOfLinks.com Notice Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required. The authors and the publisher of this work have checked with sources believed to be reliable in their efforts to provide information that is complete and generally in accord with the standards accepted at the time of publication. However, in view of the possibility of human error or changes in medical sciences, neither the authors nor the publisher nor any other party who has been involved in the preparation or publication of this work warrants that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete, and they disclaim all responsibility for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from use of the information contained in this work. Readers are encouraged to confirm the infor- mation contained herein with other sources. For example and in particular, readers are advised to check the product information sheet included in the package of each drug they plan to administer to be certain that the information contained in this work is accurate and that changes have not been made in the recommended dose or in the contraindications for administration. This recommendation is of particular importance in connection with new or infrequently used drugs. www.BookOfLinks.com THE BIG PICTURE GROSS ANATOMY David A. Morton, PhD Associate Professor Anatomy Director Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy University of Utah School of Medicine Salt Lake City, Utah K. Bo Foreman, PhD, PT Assistant Professor Anatomy Director University of Utah College of Health Salt Lake City, Utah Kurt H. Albertine, PhD Professor of Pediatrics, Medicine, and Neurobiology and Anatomy Associate Dean of Faculty Administration Editor-In-Chief, The Anatomical Record University of Utah School of Medicine Salt Lake City, Utah New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto www.BookOfLinks.com BCME856HN /MN '72N 0E.K8?;N [email protected] A0 N >?N F956HGN F2G2EJ21 N L02CHN .GN C2F@9HH21N IA12EN H62N )A9H21N &H.H2GN BCMF956HN 0HN B3N ABN C.FHN B3N H79GN CI/?90.H8BAN @.MN /2N E2CFB1I021N BFN 19GHF9/IH21N 9AN .AMN 3BE@N BFN /MN .AMN @2.AGN BFN GHBF21N 9AN .N 1.H./.G2N BFN F2HF92J.>N GMGH2@N K9H6BIHN H62N CF9BEN KE8HH2AN C2F@8GG8BAN B3N H62N CI/>9G62F N &!N N 0-07-178534-5 '62N @.H2F9.>N 9AN H78GN 2BB=N .>GBN .CC2.FGN 8AN H62N CF9AHN J2EG9BAN B3N H69GN H9H>2N &!N N >>N [email protected]=GN .F2N [email protected]=GN B3N H629FN F2GC20H9J2N BKA2FG N %.H62EN H6.AN CIHN .N [email protected]=N GM@/B?N .42EN 2J2EMN B00IFF2A02N B3N .N [email protected]=21N A.@2N K2N IG2N A.@2GN 9AN .AN 218HBF9.>N 3.G68BAN BA?MN .A1N HBN H62N /2A239HN B3N H62N [email protected]=N BKA2EN K9H6N ABN 8AH2AH9BAN B3N 9A3E8A52@2AHN B3N H62N [email protected]= N +62F2N GI06N 12G95A.H9BAGN .CC2.FN 9AN H69GN /BB=N H62MN 6.J2N /22AN CE8AH21N K8H6N 9A8H8.>N 0.CG N 0E.K9?:N 2BB=GN .F2N .J.9>./>2N .HN GC209.>N DI.AH9HMN 18G0BIAHGN HBN IG2N .GN CE2@9I@GN .A1N G.>2GN CFB@BH8BAGN BFN 3BFN IG2N 9AN 0BFCBF.H2N HF.9A9A5NCFB5F.@G N 'BN 0BAH.0HN .N F2CF2G2AH.H9J2N C>2.G2N [email protected]>N IGN .HN /I?=G.>[email protected]>? 0B@ N '69GN 9GN .N 0BCME856H21N KBF=N .A1N '62N 0F.K9>:N [email protected] A0 N 0E.K 9>:N .A1N 9HGN >902AGBFGN F2G2FJ2N .?>N F956HGN 9AN .A1N HBN H62N KBF= N )G2N B3N H69GN KBE=N 8GN GI/<20HN HBN H62G2N H2F@G N L02CHN .GN C2F@8HH21N IA12FN H62N BCME856HN 0HN B3N .A1N H72N F956HN HBN GHBE2N .A1N E2HE82J2N BA2N 0BCMN B3N H62N KBF=N MBIN @.MN ABHN 120B@C9?2N 19G.GG2@/>2N F2J2FG2N 2A59A22FN F2CFB1I02N @B193MN 0E2.H2N 12F9J.H9J2N KBF=GN /.G21N ICBAN HF.AG@9HN 19GHF9/IH2N [email protected] G2>>N CI/>9G7N BFN GI/>902AG2N H72N KBF=N BFN .AMN C.FHN B3N 9HN K8H7BIHN 0E.K9>>GN CF9BFN 0BAG2AH N -BIN @.MN IG2N H62N KBE=N 3BEN MBIEN BKAN ABA0B@@2F09.>N .A1N C2FGBA.>N IG2N .AMN BH62EN IG2N B3N H62N KBE=N 9GN GHE90H>MN CFB69/8H21 N -BIEN E856HN HBN IG2N H62N KBF=N @.MN /2N [email protected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email protected] E2GI?H9A5N H62F23FB@ N 0F.K9?:N 6.GN ABN E2GCBAG9/9?9HMN 3BFN H62N 0BAH2AHN B3N .AMN [email protected] .002GG21N H6EBI56N H62N KBE= N )A12EN ABN [email protected] G6.??N 0E.K9?:N .A1BFN 8HGN >902AGBFGN /2N ?9./>2N 3BFN .AMN 9A19E20HN 9A0912AH.>N GC208.>N CIA8H8J2N 0BAG2DI2AH9.>N BEN G9@9?.EN [email protected] H6.HN F2GI?HN 3EB@N H62N IG2N B3N BFN 9A./8>8HMN HBN IG2N H62N KBE=N 2J2AN 93N .AMN B3N H62@N 6.GN /22AN .1J8G21N B3N H62N CBGG8/9>9HMN B3N GI06N [email protected] N '69GN >[email protected] B3N >9./9?9HMN G6.>>N .CC?MN HBN .AMN 0>.8@N BFN 0.IG2N K6.HGB2J2EN K72H62EN GI06N 0>.8@N BFN 0.IG2N .F9G2GN 8AN 0BAHF.0HN HBEHN BFN BH62EK9G2N www.BookOfLinks.com DEDICATION To Jared, Ireland, Gabriel, Max, and Jack; and their cousins Lia, Sophia, Joshua, Cayden, Ethan, Nathan, Kelsey, Robert, Stefani, Ella, Reid, Roman, Marcus, Jared, Hannah, Tanner, Liam, Maia, Riley, Sydney, Luke, Cole, Desiree, Celeste, Connlan, Isabelle, Nathan, Simon, Thomas, Alexandre, Lyla, Logan and Andilynn. I could not ask for a better family. —David A. Morton To my devoted family: my wife, Cindy, and our two daughters Hannah and Kaia. —K. Bo Foreman To Erik, Kristin, and Laura. Thank you for your patience with and understanding of my efforts to contribute to biomedical education and research. —Kurt H. Albertine www.BookOfLinks.com This page intentionally left blank www.BookOfLinks.com CONTENTS - www.BookOfLinks.com Preface . xi CHAPTER 5 Superior and Posterior Mediastina ..63 Divisions of the Mediastina 64 Acknowledgments . xii Sympathetic Trunk and Associated Branches 66 About the Authors . xiv Azygos Veins, Thoracic Duct, and Thoracic Aorta 68 Esophagus 70 SECTION 1: BACK Superior Mediastinum 72 Study Questions 74 CHAPTER 1 Back ...............................3 Answers 76 Skin of the Back 4 Superficial Back Muscles 6 Deep Back Muscles 8 SECTION 3: ABDOMEN, PELVIS, AND PERINEUM Vertebral Column 10 Spinal Meninges 12 CHAPTER 6 Overview of the Abdomen, Spinal Cord 14 Pelvis, and Perineum ...............79 Spinal Roots, Spinal Nerves, and Rami 16 Osteologic Overview 80 Study Questions 20 Gut Tube 82 Answers 21 CHAPTER 7 Anterior Abdominal Wall ..........85 Partitioning of the Abdominal Region 86 SECTION 2: THORAX Superficial Layers of the Anterior Abdominal Wall 86 CHAPTER 2 Anterior Thoracic Wall .............25 Deep Layers of the Anterior Abdominal Wall 88 Surface Anatomy 26 Vascular Supply and Innervation of the The Breast 28 Anterior Abdominal Wall 90 Thoracic Muscles 30 Inguinal Canal 92 Thoracic Skeleton 32 Scrotum and Spermatic Cord 94 Vessels and Lymphatics of the Thoracic Wall 34 CHAPTER 8 Serous Membranes of the Diaphragm 36 Abdominal Cavity .................97 Peritoneum 98 CHAPTER 3 Lungs ............................41 Pleura 42 CHAPTER 9 Foregut ..........................101 Anatomy of the Lung 44 Big Picture 102 Hilum of the Lung 46 Liver and Gallbladder 104 Respiration 48 Pancreas and Spleen 106 Vascular Supply of the Foregut 108 CHAPTER 4 Heart .............................51 Pericardium 52 CHAPTER 10 Midgut and Hindgut ..............111 Overview of the Heart 52 Midgut 112 Coronary Circulation 54 Hindgut 114 Chambers of the Heart 56 Innervation of the Midgut and Hindgut 116 Innervation of the Heart 58 Portal System 118 Circulatory Pathway Through the Heart 60 www.BookOfLinks.com viii Contents CHAPTER 11 Posterior Abdominal Wall..........121 CN V: Trigeminal Nerve 196 Muscles 122 CN VII: Facial Nerve 198 Vessels of the Posterior Abdominal Wall 124 CN VIII: Vestibulocochlear Nerve 198 Somatic Nerves of the Posterior CN IX: Glossopharyngeal Nerve 200 Abdominal Wall 126 CN X: Vagus Nerve 202 Autonomics of the Posterior Abdominal CN XI: Spinal Accessory Nerve 204 Wall 128 CN XII: Hypoglossal Nerve 204 Adrenal Glands, Kidneys, and Ureters 132 Autonomic Innervation of the Head 206 CHAPTER 12 Pelvis and Perineum ..............135 CHAPTER 18 Orbit ............................211 Pelvic Floor 136 Orbital Region 212 Perineum 138 The Eye 214 Pelvic Vasculature 140 Extraocular Muscle Movement 216 Pelvic Innervation 142 Innervation of the Orbit 220 Rectum and Anal Canal 144 Vascular Supply of the Orbit 222 Ureters and Urinary Bladder 146 CHAPTER 19 Ear ..............................225 CHAPTER 13 Male Reproductive System .........149 The Ear 226 Male Reproductive System 150 Male Sex Act 154 CHAPTER 20 Superficial Face ..................231 Cutaneous Innervation and Vasculature CHAPTER 14 Female Reproductive System ......157 of the Face 232 Female Reproductive System 158 Muscles and Innervation of the Face 234 Study Questions 162 Parotid Gland 236 Answers 165 CHAPTER 21 Infratemporal Fossa ...............239 Overview of the Infratemporal Fossa 240 SECTION 4: HEAD Temporomandibular Joint 240 Innervation and Vascular Supply of the CHAPTER 15 Scalp, Skull, and Meninges ........169 Infratemporal Fossa 242 Anatomy of the Scalp 170 Skull 172 CHAPTER 22 Pterygopalatine Fossa .............245 Cranial Fossae 174 Overview of the Pterygopalatine Fossa 246 Meninges 176 CHAPTER 23 Nasal Cavity .....................249 CHAPTER 16 Brain ............................181 Overview of the Nasal Cavity 250 Anatomy of the Brain 182 Paranasal Sinuses 254 Ventricular System of the Brain 184 CHAPTER 24 Oral Cavity ......................257 Blood Supply to the Brain 186 Overview of the Oral Cavity 258 CHAPTER 17 Cranial Nerves .................
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