ISSN 2230 ! 7052 Newsletter of the $WIU4#NNInvertebrate Conservation & Information Network of South Asia (ICINSA) No. 21, April 2014 Photo: Aniruddha & Vishal Vishal Aniruddha & Photo: Contents Pages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`'%,"*4"5';*a'"9)'.%$,'4+"8*(#-,L"b;*&'/$L"U*>7+*"?$*>%,7" ;5#82.'7-2#$'/B<&L'#'67#0"#4"#0'G """## """## """# """## """## """## """ """## """## """## """#"""""""""""""""""""""@PH"WQ 6'/&/2+"/0"47%"(/47"7&#"-"'#*%".43*#",""8$*(%$"B^%#'>/#4%$*C"^*,'/=*(#'>*%E"/)"F)>'*)"6*>*("D$%%.0&*8%-"5%".,"#"$$" ')"N/&*#-$L"U*7*$*,74$*";5#1"#0"#J.'67)#J"#D"#*':.'55')#1"1"#1I':2#'67#!"#@"#1,267% """## """## """# """## """## ########W@HW\ N4->'%,"/)"47%"b'*)4"c//>"N#'>%$L"9&$4%5".$%5%$&'.B[*3$'='-,L"@RA\E B!$*=7)'>*%C":%#7'&'>*%E#;5#J"1"#4%%M'6#+,'(-'M'-L,5)# *"#4'5'/,'6('-#'67#H%%L,'#@2/I'6'L, """## """## """# """## """## """## """ """## """## """## """######################WG N'27V)2"$%=/$>,"/0"c7'#",=/$#'/)"04&53$42-('.%-:%,('"BN4/&'=de*L"@SR\E"')"D'$-#*_-$"0/$%,4">'.','/)L"D*('&":*>-L" F)>'*";5#J"#9'.'2:'62 """## """## """# """## """## """## """ """## """## """## """## """# """### ########WI N'27V)2"/0"c7'#",#'>%$";4*3%-,4('.$4%$'2-%.B?/=/=eL"@AQQE"')"?%%=7'"c'&>&'0%"N*)=4-*$+L"c%,4%$)"b7*4,L"M%$*&* ;5#J"#9'.'2:'62#'67##+"#*<-'.2#9-2/,6'Bugs R A!, No. 21 " April 2014 ### """## """# """## """## """## """ """## """## """## """### ########WR1 A preliminary survey of Dung beetles in Jnana Bharathi Campus of Bangalore University 1*P. Deepak, 2M. Charles, 3R. Shariff, 4M. Jayashankar and 5S.N. Karimbumkara 1,2&3Department of Zoology, Bangalore University, Bangalore 560 056 4Research Associate, Division of Entomology and Nematology, IIHR, Bangalore 560 089 5Senior Research Associate, ATREE, Royal Enclave Sriramapura, Jakkur Post, Bangalore 560 064 E-mail: *1 [email protected] (corresponding author), [email protected], [email protected] Dung beetles play an important role in the nutrient cycle Tiniocellus spinipes, Caccobius torcornis and and the soil structure by feeding on dung and returning Gymnopleurus miliaris, out of which two were dwellers, the nutrients in dung to the soil. These usually two were rollers and rest were tunnelers. Addionally coprophagous and rarely necrophagous beetles belong to other beetles associated with animal excrement collected the family Scarabaeidae and Sub- family Scarabaeinae of belong to family Histeridae (3 unidenfied species) and order Coleoptera and are categorized into tunnelers family Scarinae (1 Clivina sp.) were recorded. (paracoprids), dwellers (endocoprids), or rollers (telecoprids) (Figure 1) (Haler and Mahews 1966; The present work is a head start to record the diversity of Hanski and Cambefort 1991). Tunnelers consume the dung beetles in the Jnana Bharathi campus carried as a dung pat and burrow into the soil beneath the pat; rapid diversity survey, serving as an impetus for further dwellers consume the manure pat and deposit eggs in detailed studies. the manure, or in the soil near the surface; Rollers tend to break the pat into brood balls that are rolled to a References suitable site and buried. Dung beetles are considered as Bertone, M., W. Stringham., M. Green., J. Washburn, S. economically important insects as they are widely used in Poore, M. & Hucks, M. (2006). Dung Beetles of Central pasture ecosystem to improve the soil quality (Bertone et and Eastern North Carolina Cale Pastures. NC State al., 2006) and are also considered to be acve biological University. hp://www.cals.ncsu.edu/entomology/ control agents of gastrointesnal parasites of grazing guidetoncdungbeetles.pdf accessed on 17/11/2013. livestock (Thomas, 2001). Haler, G. and E.G. Mahews (1966). The natural history of dung beetles of the sub family Scarabaeinae A pilot survey was undertaken to assess the species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Folia Entomologica Mexicana richness of dung beetles in the forest ecosystem of Jnana 12-14: 312. Bharathi campus of Bangalore University (JBBU) and to Hanski, I. and Y. Cambefort (1991). Dung Beetle Ecology. update the exisng scienfic data on dung beetles of Princeton, Princeton University Press, 481p. Bangalore region (Veena Kumari 1984, Vennila and Seena, N. K. and D.R. Priyadarsanan (2010). Dung Rajagopal 1999, Seena and Priyadarsanan 2010). beetles of Karnataka (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), Occasional Paper, Zoological Survey of Surveys were carried out during September to November India (In Press). 2012 during the early hours of the day. A randomized Thomas, M.L. (2001). Dung beetle benefits in the pasture walk through the study area was undertaken and on ecosystem. www.ara.org/ara-pub/PDF/ spong a fresh dung pat, it was inspected for existence dungbeetle.pdf accessed on 17/11/2013. of any type of beetles. Adult beetles on the ground, in Vennila, S. and D. Rajagopal (1999). Opmum sampling and around dung/ animal excrement were handpicked effort for study of tropical ground beetles (Carabidae: and transferred into vials containing 70% alcohol. Coleoptera) using piall traps. Current Science, 77: Collected individuals were transferred to Insect 281-283. taxonomy lab, ATREE for taxonomic evaluaon and the Veena Kumari, K. (1984). Studies on dung beetle specimens are pinned for future references. communies with special reference to the biology and ethology of some coprise dung beetles Total of twenty four specimens belonging to (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Ph.D. thesis, Scarabaeidae, three of Histeridae and one belonging to UAS, Bangalore, India pp. 235. Carabidae were collected during this pilot survey (Table 1). Nine species of dung beetles belonging to sub-family Scarabaeinae, viz., Gymnopleurus gemmatus, Tibiodrepanus setosus, Catharsius pithecius, Onisphilemon, Onthophagusuni fasciatus, O. pygmaeus, Bugs R Al, No. 21 - April 2014 2 Figure1- Cross section through dung pat depicting the three types of dung beetles (From Bertone et al., 2006) Cross section through dung pat depicting three nesting types: Tunnelers I-A. Phanaeus vindex tunnel with single, soil-coated brood ball in single chamber; B. Onthophagus species tunnel with multiple brood masses; C. Copris minutus multiple brood balls; D. beetle excavating new tunnel (note subsurface soil is pushed through the dung pat crust) Dwellers II-A. Aphodius pseudolividus eggs are laid singly or in groups inside dung pat; B. Aphodius erraticus bury dung under pat with eggs laid beside brood masses. Rollers III-A. Canthon pilularius adult carving out dung into a ball; B. ball rolled a distance Table 1. List of beetles collected from the survey area Sl. No. Type of Dung Species No. of individuals Guild Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae 1 Human faeces Gymnopleurus gemmatus Roller 2 Human faeces Tibiodrepanus setosus 1 Dweller 3 Cattle dung Catharsius pithecius 1 Tunneler 4 Cattle dung Onitis philemon 1 Tunneler 5 Cattle dung Onitis philemon 1 Tunneler 6 Dog faeces & Goat droppings Onthophagus unifasciatus 1 Tunneler 7 Dog faeces & Goat droppings Onthophagus pygmaeus 2 Tunneler 8 Cattle dung Tiniocellus spinipes 2 Dweller 9 Cattle dung Caccobius torticornis 2 Tunneler 10 Cattle dung Gymnopleurus miliaris 7 Roller 11 Cattle dung Onthophagus pygmaeus 2 Tunneler Coleoptera:Histeridae 12 Cattle dung Unidentified.1 2 13 Cattle dung Unidentified.2 3 14 Cattle dung Unidentified.3 2 Coleoptera:Scaritinae 15 Cattle dung Clivina sp. 4 Bugs R Al, No. 21 - April 2014 3 ,,N"H,!"&*$E,*#,!"#"$%&'#(' '()*(+&',&-('.:1&/,IJII ,>M*C"*V)"$4`,R"%"8$1*%1E4"`,M%*E4C*%1%1B,#$*5,K%E14 TT.P.,<"2E",4%E,(.,S4C kGG.GB2N'.#1<-M%5#GO#g672')#*>D.GN()#8%I#J.2&G-%)#9G.('L'#e[[#[m? 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