work by early 1949. Programming: visual, 12.8 kw aural. Total cost $218,- Philco Corp. Is Principal 50 -65% commercial. 520, first year operating cost 585,000. Chicago- Zenith Radio Corp., Chan- revenue unknown. Programming: 120 In nel 2 (54 -60 mc), power 15 kw visual, hours per month air time, 25 field, 15 12 ASK TV One Application 7.5 kw aural. To be same as earlier studio, 80 film. Applicant, permittee of WTZR dropped by Zenith in Jan. 1947. WRPA (FM) Syracuse, has purchased To use most equipment now employed WSYR that city for $1,200,000, subject TWELVE new applications for WRNL and WRNL-FM Richmond, by experimental video outlet W9X2V to FCC approval. Chicago. Zenith has operated video commercial television stations - Va., and identified in ownership stations since 1938. New costs above representing total initial plant in- with the News -Leader and Times - present investment $33,000, monthly operating cost and revenue unknown. BILL PROPOSES RADIO vestment of $2,300,000 -were ac- Dispatch, requests Channel 3 (60- Zenith hopes to make TV portray cepted for filing last week by FCC. 66 mc) there. The AM, FM and everyday life and plans to use more AS RAIL SAFETY AID All but one of the applicants TV trio would be housed together high -grade film than others to date. Reputation of its FM outlet WEFM LEGISLATION the Inter- presently is identified with broad- in new half -million dollar radio Chicago cited regarding no advertising, granting cast operations of one type or an- center under way. WRNL -FM is fine music. state Commerce Commission au- Houston, Tex. -Shamrock Broadcast- thority to require railroads to in- other. now being constructed. Large ing Co., Channel 7 (174 -180 mc), power ground floor theatre studio is in- 30.4 kw visual, 15.2 kw aural. Total cost stall radio and telephone communi- Philco Corp., owner of television $231,670, first year operating cost $90; cation systems to "promote safety station WPTZ Philadelphia and ap- cluded in plans along with a second 000, revenue $25,000. Programming: 70% studio two stories high. commercial. Shamrock principal and of employes and travelers" was in- plicant at Al- president in Glenn H. McCarthy, oil troduced last week by Sen. Edwin lentown, Pa., Shamrock Broadcasting Co., producer. KXYZ purchase entails about VIDEO $875,000. C. Johnson (D- Col.), a member of is half - owner which seeks FCC consent for pur- Indianapolis - Indiana Broadcasting the Senate Interstate Commerce PARADE of newly form- chase of KXYZ and KXYZ -FM Corp. (WIBC), Channel 12 (204 -210 mc), power 27.8 kw visual, 13.9 kw aural. Committee. On air: 19 ed Atlantic Houston, Tex., seeks Channel 7 Total cost $218,170, monthly operating Johnson's bill, S -2162, is City Televis- (174 -180 mc) in that city. Station cost $10,000, Pro- Sen. Licensed: 7. revenue unknown. in the ion Co., one of would be in $12,000,000 Shamrock gramming: total monthly air time 126 similar to one introduced CP's: 81. hours, 35 hours field, 35 studio and 56 three new ap- Hotel under construction there by House last year by Rep. Charles A. Pending: 126 film. (R- chairman of plicants f o r same interests. Firm would con- Richmond, Va. - Richmond Radio Wolverton N.J.), Corp. (WRNL), Channel 3 (60 -66 mc), Commerce 8 tinue video alone if not ap- the House Interstate Channel transfer power 16.9 kw visual, 8.48 kw aural. of the bill, (180 -186 mc) at Atlantic City, sole proved. Total cost $250,000, first year operating Committee. Under terms facility there. Philco radio relay cost $75,000, revenue $25,000. Program- the ICC is authorized to investigate WHEC Inc., licensee WHEC ming: 65% commercial; 28 hours air the matter and then order installa- link would tie proposed station (AM) Rochester, N. Y., has filed time per week, 60% film, 10% studio, with WPTZ. Other new applicants: 10% network, 20% field. tion of any system it deems neces- for Channel 2, WIBC Indianapolis, Rochester, N. Y. -WHEC Inc. (WHEC), sary in the public interest. Mid Atlantic Broadcasting Co., li- owner, Indiana Broadcasting Corp., Channel 2 (54 -60 mc), power 22.4 kw visual, 11.2 kw aural. Total cost If a system is ordered which re- censee WMID (AM) there, and requests Channel 12 (204 -210 mc) $243.665, first year operating cost Atlantic City World Inc., publisher while WGR Broadcasting Corp., $48,000, revenue 550,000. Programming: quires a radio wave band, station 70% commercial; to draw on vast East- Daily World. Earlier fourth appli- licensee WGR Buffalo, requests permit, or license, the bill states man Kodak Co. educational film li- "it shall be the duty of the cation filed by Neptune Broadcast- Channel 9. brary. that ing Co., WFPG (AM) owner. St. Louis -Thomas Patrick Inc. FCC to grant the necessary wave FCC last week also granted peti- (KWK), Channel 9 (186 -192 mc), power band, station permit or license to Zenith Radio Corp., proponent of tion of Yankee Network Inc. to 29.6 kw visual, 15.6 kw aural. Total cost subscription -type wired "phone $253,200, first year operating cost 5180,- enable such carrier to comply with dismiss without prejudice its tele- 000, revenue $100,000. said order." vision" telecasting, filed for new vision application for Hartford, St. Louis- Star -Times Publishing Co. (KXOK), Channel 4 (66 -72 mc). power Penalty for violation would be commercial video station on Chan- Yankee reasoned that it felt 7.11 Conn. 14.22 kw visual, kw aural. Pro- each and every nel 2 (54 -60 mc) at Chicago. public interest would be served gramming: 50% commercial; 121 hours $100 plus $100 for 20 minutes air time per month, 45:30 day it continues. Zenith gave up its commercial TV better in applying instead at field, 15:35 studio, and 60:15 film. outlet WTZR Chicago in January Bridgeport, Conn. The regional Syracuse, N. Y. -Radio Projects Inc.. Channel 5 (76 -82 mc), power 25.6 kw 1947 because it did not consider it AM network operator stated it "practical" to continue at that proposed to file for Channel 10 The Most time. New request amounts to rein- (192 -198 mc) at Bridgeport and BLACKBURN - HAMILTON Complete statement of that station. assumed the request would be con- Rural Radio Star -Times Publishing Co., pub- solidated in hearing with the other OPENS DALLAS OFFICE Study lisher of the St. Louis Star -Times pending Hartford applications. Ever Prepared! and licensee KXOK and KXOK- Last week's applicants and facil- FM that city, and Thomas Patrick ities requested: Inc., operator of KWK and KWK- FM St. Louis, have filed for Chan- Atlantic City- Atlantic City Television Co., Channel 8 (180 -186 mc), power 1.0 nel 4 (66 -72 mc) and Channel 9 kw visual and aural. Total cost $185,500, (186 -192 mc) respectively. monthly operating cost $11,000, revenue unknown. Radio relay link to WPTZ Radio Projects Inc., which has Philadelphia, included in total cost, to be $36,000. Programming: 6% commer- application pending for purchase cial; 129 hours on air per month, with of WSYR Syracuse, seeks Chan- 25.8 hours studio, 64.5 field and 38.7 film. Applicant is owned 50% each by nel 5 (76 -82 mc) in that city. Philco Corp. and Claridge Hotel Inc. Whether transfer were granted or Philco to furnish technical coopera- Mr. Jackson Mr. Wilson not applicant would proceed with tion, Claridge Hotel to provide roof and building space. AN OFFICE of Blackburn- Hamil- TV. Officers of applicant: John McShain, Claridge president, president; R. B. ton Co., the firm's third branch, Richmond Radio Corp., licensee Loveman, vice president and general has been opened in Dallas, with manager Philco Television Broadcast- ing Corp., WPTZ licensee, vice presi- Clarence E. Wilson and Phil Jack- dent; Anthony P. Miller, Claridge vice son, both widely known throughout president, treasurer; Charles F. Stein - ruck Jr., Philco secretary, secretary; the Southwest, as resident man- CANADA'S John F. O'Neill, Claridge treasurer, di- agers. rector; Matthew H. McCloskey Jr., Claridge director, director; Philip Dech- The co- managers, both natives Ask For FREE Copy! ert, Philco assistant secretary, direc- of Oklahoma, have been associated tor; David B. Smith, Philco vice presi- There has never been a rural FOURTH dent in charge of engineering, direc- in business almost constantly since radio study like this one. Has tor. No stock in applicant has been their graduation from Cumberland complete BMB Reports; Tele- MAR K ET issued. Subscription agreement effec- will in tive for two years. U. They act as brokers the phone Coincidental Studies; Atlantic City -Mid Atlantic Broad- purchase and sale of stations, han - and an unprecedented study of casting Co. (WMID), Channel 8 (180- dling transactions within a 400 - 186 mc), power I.0 kw visual, 0.5 kw audience commercial mail. Will WINNIPEG aural. Total cost $74,612.75, monthly op- mile radius of Dallas. Until recent- be invaluable to you in planning erating cost $2,000, revenue unknown. ly when they sold their interest to rural coverage in 1948. Write /VIM UST" BUY Programming: 70% commercial; 28 hours per week air time. J. Stanley O'Neil, Mr. Wilson and for your copy or see Avery - Atlantic City- Atlantic City World Mr. Jackson were owners and op- Knodel, Inc., our national Inc.. Channel 8 (180 -186 mc), power 1.0 kW visual, 0.5 kw aural. Total cost erators of KTMC McAlester, Okla. representatives. $132.405, first year operating cost of the Dallas office is $60.000, revenue unknown.
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